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Taking a Vacation with my Sister Ch. 03

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Raising the stakes.
7.2k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/01/2015
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She was cute, helped no doubt by the fact that she was naked, desperately clutching her panties as she waited for the bathroom. She stood awkwardly, using her right arm to cover her nipples as her legs twisted together and her left hand lazily hanging in front of her hairless pussy. I flashed her a smile which she returned with a slight shrug as she glanced down my body reminding me that I was also naked. I was making no effort to cover myself, my flaccid penis hung lazily between my legs against my balls obscured by my pubes. As her eyes reached my penis I moved my hand to cover myself; she looked up and smiled at me again.

"How is the ass?" she mouthed with a smile.

"Ouch," I mouthed back, "yours?"

She just smiled and shifted her weight uncomfortably as Donna came out of the bathroom and smiled at us as Alan went into the bathroom. She was wearing a vest top and panties set which further highlighted my feeling of exposure as I stood in there room naked. Alan didn't take long, and as he came out Fi headed in, only to be stopped by Donna. "You go first," she said looking at me.

"Bitch," Fi said in a tone that implied a playful humor, but had an underlying indication of anger.

I just looked at her confused as she stepped to the side to let me go first, "Why?"

"Because..." she began before being interrupted by Donna.

"Because your sweet innocent sister has cum dribbling out of her ass and I am enjoying watching her trying desperately to not further embarrass herself," Donna said grinning.

I just looked at Fi who shrugged, her hand still lazily covering her pussy, but her breasts exposed. My eyes were naturally drawn to them as I edged past her and into the bathroom. I cleaned up the lube that was starting to dry, but was as quick as possible. Girls are evil, I thought to myself, maybe evil is a bit strong, cruel maybe. Donna had already knowingly allowed Fi to take a load up the back door and still she was drawing out her opponent's humiliation as long as possible.

When I got out of the bathroom Fi was stood on the balcony as Donna teased her. Fi just took it, not rising to the bait, silently standing on a balcony with nothing on obediently lifting her arms and turning around as and when instructed by Donna. Donna was sat on the bed casually spinning Fi's panties on the end of her finger using the waist band of them. She watched, but only to make sure she was doing as she was told. Fi saw me come out and quickly passed me into the bathroom to clean up, only taking a few minutes; she didn't have anything to get dressed into after all.

Donna continued to play with the panties that she was holding, dangling them on the end of her finger, almost like she was showing Fi exactly what she wasn't wearing. What struck me is how small they were, just a small piece of black material, physically tiny, but losing them was symbolically huge. "You going back to your room then?" Donna asked.

"Naked?!" I exclaimed.

"That was the bet," she replied smiling at me.

I was about to protest, but Fi spoke first, "Fair is fair," she said.

I just looked at her, it was almost 6 am, cleaners would be about at least, and we were about to run 3 floors naked? She just smiled at me with her "Yeah, I know" expression. She knew, and I knew there was no way we were ducking out of this one. Alan handed us our room key and opened the door. We peaked out into the corridor, which was clear, although the auto lights were on so someone has been about within the last 5 minutes. We looked at each other and stepped out into the corridor. "Good luck, see you later," Donna said as the door clicked shut behind us.

We headed down the brightly lit corridor; I could feel my heart pounding as I tip toed down towards the stairs. "Lift or stairs?" I asked.

"Stairs," Fi said. "We can run if anyone is about, lift we are just displayed."

"OK," I replied, somewhat surprised by her clarity of reasoning, but went with it.

She swiped the key card and fell into the room as I pushed her inside and slammed the door louder than I meant to as the adrenaline coursed around my system. "Wow," Fi said, "that could have gone better."

"Yeah," I agreed as Fi put one of the dressing gowns on, "What did he see?"

"Well... a 20 year old naked girl sprinting upstairs followed by her naked brother..." she said smiling.

"Yeah, silly question," I acknowledged, "sorry."

"It's okay" she replied, "the rest were female cleaners, they weren't looking at me."

"How many?" I asked smiling; I had never streaked before, but it really was quite exciting.

"Six or so?" she suggested looking at me, to which I just shrugged. I wasn't counting.

"Oops," I replied shrugging. "How is your..." I began before stopping myself.

"Feels like it has been fucked by an average sized cock," she replied, guessing my question.

"Sorry," I said looking concerned.

"Can't believe you fucking came," she said grinning it me.

"Yeah, sorry," I repeated.

"It's fine," she said hearing my genuine apology. "I did too... can't believe he made me cum with his dick up my ass."

"You were... you know though," I said looking at her, "playing..."

"I still came with a cock up my ass though," she replied smiling at me.

I just smiled at her. "Bed time for a few hours?" I asked.

"Yeah, defo," she replied. "You sleeping naked again?"

"Yeah if you don't mind," I replied.

"Fine by me," she said.

"You?" I asked.

"No, will wear panties," she said, "Will probably be farting cum all night."

"Oh, that is wrong," I said screwing my nose up, not believing she just admitted to that.

She just smiled as she grabbed a clean pair of panties and headed into the bathroom. She came back after a few minutes only wearing panties. I smiled at her as she wandered around the room sorting out her clothes and stuff. Her breasts gently rippled with the shock of each footstep, her mint green panties hugging between her legs as she wandered around in front of me half naked.

I got up and went into the bathroom, I did my teeth and considered having a shower, but it was way too early, or late whichever way you looked at it. When I was finished, Fi was already asleep. I climbed in next to her being careful not to wake her and quickly fell asleep.

I was woken up what felt like 5 minutes later by a female voice, "Maid service," she said loudly from the door as she used her own key card to get in. "No thanks," I replied, "We are okay today."

"Okay sir," she said as I heard the door close and the lock re-engage again. I quickly fell asleep again.

I woke up around 2pm, disorientated by the alcohol from the night before. Fi was laying on my shoulder as I gently stroked her back. We had no covers on and it took me a few moments to realise that Fi was lazily playing with my penis. Her thumb and index finger was gently stroking me, rolling my foreskin around as she lay next to me. I felt myself get hard as I just watched her, she was fast asleep, but there was no way I was moving, not yet anyway.

"Fi," I said moving my shoulder to wake her as I could feel the tension rising in me.

"Yeah?" she replied half asleep, moving her hand away from me and rolling onto her back.

"Half 2," I replied, my eyes taking in the sight of her on her back only wearing her panties.

"Oh," she said looking at me, her eyes diverting down my body as she remembered I was naked, "Oh indeed," she exclaimed when she saw my rock hard penis.

I smiled at her, "Looks like I am already up," I replied.

"It does indeed," she said staring at me for a few seconds.

I willed her to finish me off, but she didn't; she just shifted her weight around and laid on her side, she screwed her face up in disgust as she did so, "What?" I asked.

"Two pairs of panties down," she replied with a wry smile.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yep," she said matter of factly, "It is why I don't really do anal; it is just grim if he cums inside."

"Does it come out.. you know?" I asked, not really wanting to know the answer

"Depends, sometimes,"she replied guessing my question. "Hey, you asked," she added after seeing my reaction as I screwed my face up.

"No wonder you don't like it," I replied.

We got up and just headed to the pool. Donna and Alan appeared about half 3 and sat with us. General teasing and banter continued for most of the afternoon. It was all friendly enough and we gave as good as we got. "What are you doing tonight?" Donna asked Fi.

"Hopefully keeping my panties on," Fi replied with a smile.

"Rematch?" Donna asked with a smile. "We are just heading to the bar to endure the entertainment."

"Yeah, will probably join you if that was an invite?" Fi said.

"Yep, welcome to," Donna said back.

We agreed the time and went upstairs to get ready. I just went with shorts, t-shirt, boxers, and of course socks and trainers. Fi put on a mid-length white skirt which ended about mid-way between her knees and hips with matching white top. She put a black cardigan over the top as the air conditioning could get a bit cool in the bar. She put on socks and some ankle length boots before we headed downstairs. We had some dinner before going into the bar area about 8pm. We got a seat and waited for Donna and Alan to arrive.

At around half 8 the entertainment arrived, which was basically bar games, giant skittles, connect 4, beer pong, jenga and a few others arrived. Fi looked at me and grinned. "What?" I asked.

"Revenge?" she said suggestively and nodding towards the stage.

"Wha..." I began, but then it clicked. "No way, in here? There are like 800 people?"

"More the better," she said.

"Not if you lose..." I said, wondering if she was serious or not, "and will Donna even agree to it?"

"Not sure," she said smiling at me and taking a sip of her drink.

They arrived about 9pm and sat with us. They brought us some drinks over; we were all inclusive so it was just a case of queuing and collecting them from the bar. The entertainment started about half 9, and basically consisted of playing against a member of staff, if you won you got a bottle of bubbly for the adults or a toy for the kids. We just sat and watched, it was actually quite entertaining, and a fair number of people won. The queue to play was about gone by 11pm and it was then that Fi challenged Donna to beer pong.

"Yeah, k," Donna answered looking at her.

"Wanna spice it up?" Fi asked.

"How?" Donna asked, "Money too?"

"Nine cups... nine items..." Fi suggested.

"In here?" Donna exclaimed looking around.

"You chicken?" Fi replied sticking her tongue out.

"No, I just thought you said you wanted to keep your panties on," Donna answered, "Will they even let us?"

"Dunno, one way to find out," Fi said as she stood up.

They both headed over to the DJ booth and talked to the guy for about 10 minutes; we couldn't hear what they were saying, but Donna headed out and Fi came back and sat down.

"Well?" Alan asked.

"It's on," Fi said, "Donna is just putting nine items on, same as me."

Donna came back 10 mins later wearing the same as Fi, only hers was a black skirt and top, with a white cardigan. She nodded to Fi, who nodded back, and then to the DJ. Fi got up and they both stood by the stage. The DJ spoke into the mic, "Ladies and gentlemen, we have a challenge; these two lovely ladies are to play each other. The prize is dignity. They are playing for clothes: nine cups, nine items. Just a warning, it is till they are naked, and the loser sits on this chair and opens their legs. Cameras allowed."

There was a murmur from the crowd and a shuffling of chairs as people moved for a better seat, a few who had kids left, but the rest stayed. I was nervous for her; it had quietened down a bit, but there were easily 500 people in here still.

The DJ continued, "The rules, two throws each, a ball in a cup, she drinks the contents and takes off an item of clothing of her choice. Thrower gets the balls back that land in a cup until they miss, then the other player takes their turn. Two balls in a cup, and the thrower picks what item the other player takes off, thrower only gets one of the balls back. The cups are to be arranged in a diamond formation, only 2 re-racks allowed, and not mid throw. No defense, you must bounce ball off the table first. Girls, you may pick one protected item of underwear which cannot be chosen to come off by the other player."

"Panties," Donna said, her voice shaking over the mic; not sure if it was nerves, or just how the mic made her soft voice sound.

"Yeah, panties," Fi answered, her delicate voice sounding more confident over the PA system, but I could tell by the way she was fiddling with the hem of her skirt she was nervous.

"Okay, both picked panties. Any questions?" the DJ added.

He looked at Fi and Donna who both shook their heads; he then looked at the crowd who were arranged so they could all mainly see. It was an even mix of female and male audience which surprised me.

The game began, and Donna went first, she landed one ball in a cup, but missed with her second and then with the follow up. Fi drank the drink and took off one of her boots. She also got one, and Donna matched her, taking her boot off. The crowd was bustling, murmurs and various conversations were going on. I could only hear snippets, like "Will they go through with it?" and "It is very brave of them..."

Donna had a bit of a run, landing two balls in a cup, and then getting two of the follow ups as well. Fi took her other boot and a sock off as the DJ asked Donna, "Which item?"

The crowd were chanting "skirt, skirt, skirt," which Donna agreed with and Fi took it off throwing it to the side. The crowd cheered as my sister's well-toned legs and sky-blue panties came into view. I kept saying that she wore less around the pool, but somehow, they being panties did change things.

Fi landed another couple as Donna took her other boot and one sock off, but Donna missed both of hers. She cursed and asked for a re-rack, which one of the members of staff did. Fi then landed 2 in one cup but missed the follow up. The crowd again chanted for her skirt. But Fi selected her top, to a few boos. Donna slowly took it off, hesitating as she pulled it over her head, her black bra coming into view as the crowd again cheered.

"Good choice," I muttered.

"Why?" Alan asked.

"Cos her bra isn't protected, 2 balls next round and she is topless," I replied knowing, or hoping I knew how she thought.

"Oh yeah," Alan said, looking at them both. They both looked so cute, the dimmed lights doing their best to highlight them. The occasional camera flashed as someone else took a memento of the game.

There was an air of anticipation amongst the crowd, which had swelled so a fair number were having to stand to see the action. As Fi stood to the side between shots, she stood facing the majority of the crowd, her hands clasped in front of her which covered her panties as best she could. Donna stood more freely, her arms relaxed as she stood on stage. Their mood was playful, teasing comments as each prepared to take their shots, but neither forgot what was on the line, and a quick glance around the room would remind them just how many people would see them.

Donna got another ball next throw which cost Fi her other sock, but Fi's next throw really knocked the fight out of Donna. She had them re-racked and landed two in one cup, although she missed the follow up again, Donna knew what was coming, as did the crowd. The noise was deafening as Donna took off her bra, her breasts momentarily exposed to over 500 people as phones and cameras flashed, capturing the moment as she covered herself. She stood on stage, her arms tucked into her body cupping her breasts as she continuously lit up with camera flashes, which intensified when she eventually dropped her arms exposing herself to literally hundreds of people.

"Oh dear," Alan said as he watched his sister get topless on stage.

She isn't much worse off than Fi," I said, "three each."

"Yeah, but Fi isn't stood there with her tits out," Alan argued.

"If she gets her next two she is," I countered.

Clearly rattled, Donna missed the next two shots by a long way, whereas Fi got both hers. I am not great at lip reading, but I was fairly sure Donna said "Fucking hell," as she took her sock and skirt off. Standing on stage in just her panties, amidst the cheers of the crowd and the commentary from the DJ, she looked nervous; in fact she probably looked a little scared. I knew, and she no doubt knew that it wasn't over till it was over, but the pressure was on her next throw.

She only got one and Fi without hesitation threw off her top and took aim; she had the advantage, and no one was looking at her in her underwear when Donna was stood next to her topless. It was almost like slow motion as the ball bounced on the table and cleanly landed in the final cup. She leapt in the air and cheered as Donna swore again.

The crowd erupted as she took her panties off, sliding them down her legs and just leaving them at her ankles; the number of camera and phone flashes was like someone had turned the lights on as she just stood on stage, her naked body for all too see. Her neatly trimmed pussy and her almost perfect apple sized breasts were the focus of the cameras as she just stood there.

The DJ said, "On the chair."

"Okay..." she said down the mic as she looked at Fi for mercy, who was already dressed again.

None was forthcoming as she sat on the chair, "Clasp your hands behind your back, and open your legs," the DJ said.

She slowly clasped her hands behind her back and gradually opened her legs. The room again lit up with camera flashes, as some went on stage for close ups of her. Her face was bright red as both males and females took pictures of her in her most exposed position. Waves of comments rippled around the room, "Oh my god she is shaved underneath," and "Wow, I would fuck that till my balls fell off," but the most embarrassing was from Fi, "If you zoom in, she is wet, horny bitch."

She sat, obediently for the best part of an hour, having no secrets by the time the last orders bell went and she snapped her legs closed and came back over to us. She downed her drink, and playfully snapped, "Bitch," at Fi.

"Would I have got mercy?" Fi asked her smiling.

"Well, no, but I wouldn't have told them you were wet," she argued.

"Yes you would and don't pretend otherwise," Fi retorted, "You would have loved it."

"Where are my clothes?" she asked.

"In your room," Fi answered grinning.

"Bitch," Donna said again, "Will get you back."

"Hand job race rematch?" Fi suggested.

"No limits," Donna said, "Losers get humiliated?"

"Nothing that will get us arrested," Fi said.

Alan and I just shrugged; I was so horny after watching that and I assumed Alan was as well. I was nervous in case I came again first, but I so wanted to make Donna squirm as I rammed her ass like Alan had destroyed Fi's earlier.

We went back up to Donna and Alan's room, Fi carrying their key and walking as slow as possible. People walking past laughed and pointed as Donna did her best to cover up. When we got to their room they were eager to get straight into it. "Same rules?" Donna asked looking at me.

"Yep, k" Fi said, as I just nodded.

Alan also just nodded in agreement. I was a mix of excited and very nervous, watching a strip game, then the thought of getting a hand job off the naked loser was making me very horny. "Okay, no limits until when?" Donna asked.

"Sun rise?" Fi suggested. Sun rise was around 5 am and it was half 1 am.

"How about tomorrow night?" Donna suggested. "Get rid of some tan lines?" she added looking at Fi and smiling.


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