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Taming Feminists to 1950s Housewife

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1950s Feminists are accused of being Reds.
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How am I supposed to feel about Senator Jenna Kennington? I was a successful lawyer when I met her. One of the few women to have gotten through law school. I could have just kept my head down and went on with my life. But here was this glamorous Hollywood actress with a social conscience. She knew how to tug my heart strings. Made me feel I had a duty to help all my oppressed sisters.

Well here we are now. I remember walking into Court, strong and confident, my womanliness hidden away behind my smart grey suits. Now me, a lawyer, I'm dressed like a cheap stripper whore. Forced to dance for the thrills and pleasure of the Misogynist bastards who did this to me. She manipulated and used me for her Feminist subversive treason. Lured me in good. Yes I do resent Jenna for leading me down this path, costing me everything, reducing me to a dancing slavegirl. And yeah I do take some schadenfreude in seeing the little Red hellraiser in the same straits. I like how naked she is. Seeing every curve in her body. No bigshot Senator anymore. Strong Feminist Senator reduced to a toy, a soft plaything for Men.

I always followed her, I was her loyal lapdog. I'm glad, that now in our slavery she has to serve me. I layback and the Senator submissively applies makeup to my face. She makes me more enjoyable for Men's pleasure. Thats whats become of this great Feminist. I look up at the lights trying to hold back a smile. But I can tell by her frowning, that she can feel my joy at her debasement. I might be a slave myself, but I love the feeling of having this arrogant bitch bend to my will. Shes the lowest ranking slave-dancer and all the other girls take pleasure in bossing her around. She used to be such hot shit and now shes the slave of slaves.

I was feeling generous when I woke up this morning, I was pleased she hadn't had any accidents after spending the night tied, and was going to untie her legs from their painfully strained position. When the Commie bitch started mouthing off to me with her Red Propaganda. She had the nerve to badmouth my distinguished husband. She went on and on about his crimes against women. She had the audacity to address me, his wife, as her fellow woman and oppressed sister.

Look at this pathetic bitch. Tied up in those ridiculous polka dot panties and stockings. Totally powerless and humiliated. And she still goes on with her Feminist bullshit. I'd admire her spunk, but its hard to admire a cunt after you've seen her crawl like a dog. Shes at my mercy just to use the bathroom.

I was sure to tape up her smart Red mouth. I had enough of her silly rants. I pressed the masking tape hard against her lips. I wanted it to be extra painful, when the tape was finally ripped off. She looked at me with puppy dog eyes. The strong Communist bitch was gone. She just wanted mercy. But she wouldn't find any from me. I wanted her to know I was not her sister, we had nothing in common. I was a Patriotic American, proud to be a housewife. And I would go out of my way to show loyalty to my country by making this Red's stay in our household a living hell. I want her to fear and hate me, even more than my husband.

Womyn's Herstory 238 The Founding Mothers

The Red Scare is the hardest part of Herstory for me. It brings me shame to be reminded of all the humiliations our poor gender suffered under the Old Patriarchy. Truly Men are merciless beasts. I'm thankful to live under a Feminist Matriarchy in which the cruelty of Males has been removed. I will never forget the horrors Males subjected us to, while they held the power.

Our Founding Mothers struggled against Patriarchy during the worst of times. Senator Jenna Kennington was an early champion of our movement. She spoke out on the floor of the Senate against Male Rule. For this she was accused of being a Communist and sentenced to forced domestication. It pains me to read about how our Founding Mother suffered such humiliation. I can't believe the 1st President of the Feminist Republic was reduced to being a traditionalist 1950s housewife. But this should only give me more courage to struggle on, when my comrades and sisters endure the same treatment. Woman's spirit of resistance is unbreakable. Even after such debasement, Jenna still went on to accomplish great things for Feminism.

When Jenna disobeyed her Patriarch she would be sent to the Box as punishment. Tied up in her underwear. I was shocked the 1st time I saw the photo. I had always seen Matriarch Kennington as a strong Feminist leader. But there she was helpless tied up in her underwear. Her head down in defeat. Her eyes are closed, she looks utterly exhausted. The rope cruelly cuts into her skin. A broken, weak, helpless woman. I'm thankful that this class helped me see beyond the Misogynist propaganda. And instead of seeing a defeated victim, I now once again see a woman of courage.

I am confident that Feminism will someday prevail in the Great Gender Civil Wars, and we shall never forgive nor forget the terrors our early leaders were subject to. Men will pay for every tear they ever caused womyn.

Matriarch Kennington will be avenged!

A Slave Story

The Congresswoman had always been a great inspiration to me. Totally at the mercy of Master's whims, I had been deeply moved to see a strong, intelligent woman on the television. Against the hostile shouts of the rest of Congress, she had bravely called for the repeal of the anti-feminist laws. I saw Master's face turn red with rage.

"God damn Commie scum" he kept repeating as he tore into the armrest. IT was an especially hard night for me.

I was utterly heartbroken when I saw the Congresswoman brought in as another common slavegirl. A sister in the harem. I never imagined such a powerful woman could suffer this fate. It broke any hope I had for Women's Liberation. I had never seen her like this before. She had always looked so proper and professional in her smart pantsuits. But here she was totally exposed. In stockings and high-cut white panties. I had this vision of Communists as Man-Women beasts. It was shocking to see her as just another soft round woman.

Still despite her reduction, I wanted to take the opportunity to talk to my fallen heroine. This was a big mistake and strictly against Master's rules. He was just itching for a chance to break my image of the Congresswoman.

He had both of us gagged and tied together. Here she was, the Radical Congresswoman who had stood up to Patriarchy. A helpless slave sister. I could feel the weight of her body on top of me. Every bead of sweat dripping from her soft skin. The friction of her warm skin against mine. Every fold of her flesh. I tingled at the warmth flowing from her crotch. This level of intimacy with a woman I had once so admired. I could feel her on top of me, twisting and turning in her bonds. I pitied her, and yet I couldn't hide my disappointment. There wasn't going to be any Feminist salvation. These Reds were just as weak and feminine as the rest of us. She was just another woman, for Master to hurt.


Part of my maidly duties includes whipping Communists. I can't say I don't enjoy it. Of all my domestic chores, taking out the Red Trash is my favorite. After a long hard day of doing whatever Master wants, it feels good to finally have some power of my own. I love the way she squirms. These Commie skanks think they are so far above us regular good ol' American gals. Lording it over us. I used to see her using all her big words in her movies. Going to Paris or Rome, on some serious melodrama. And then a woman, elected to Congress, imagine that. Always the same speal on and on about how we women are no different than men.

Seeing her before me, she seems to be as much woman and any other broad. Soft and weak. These Feminists bleed like the rest of us. I love whipping her traitorous ass red. I wonder how she feels knowing her sister women takes more pleasure in it than the Patriarch. Oh how she cries out and begs. Seeing that tough Commie bitch, squeal and whimper like a little girl. In her lacy corset and stockings, shes nothing like those tough Red Army snipers I see in the movies. Shes no Russian, shes an all-American broad under her loud Feminist rants. I love the way her soft feminine buttocks shake as I slap 'em.

She thinks shes better than a little ol' housemaid like me. Ms.Big Hollywood Actress, Ms.Congresswoman. But now shes totally at my mercy. I don't need her to save me, she needs me to show pity to her. Underneath her pantsuits, it turns out shes just another girly. Oh God I love hurting her.


The Soviet Feminist Republic holds massed protest rallies demonstrating against the American Patriarchy's imprisonment and degradation of political prisoner and Feminist Congresswoman Jeanne Kennington. The Women's Republic is founded on the revolutionary overthrow of Male Rule.

Two Soviet colonels are sent on a daring rescue mission to break Feminist political prisoners out of prison. They have fallen into a trap. All Feminist POWs have already been relocated to housewife slavery. Now the Red Army special forces team are themselves imprisoned.

The harem of enslaved Feminist activists awakes from their sleep at the foot of their Master's bed to drowsily bat their eyes open to a shocking site. There would be Soviet liberators are the newest addition to the harem sisterhood. These tough, strong Soviet military women who had served as snipers in the subzero winters of the Eastern Front are now reduced to soft little kittens. Let this be a lesson to all American subversives, that you tough Strong Soviet Amazons, are just weak little women underneath like the reset of em. They are mockingly forced to give their new Master a military salute and then begin their new duties.


It had started as an innocent Girls Night of gossip, giggling and makeovers. But then the President of the Young Lady Patriots, brought up the ticklish subject of how she never saw Brenda in home economics class. The other girls started chiming in that they never saw her in any of their domestic homemaking classes either.

Don't you want to know how to take care of baby and please your man? they teased

Brenda thought this could be a good educational opportunity to raise her roommates Gender Consciousness and teach them about Feminism.

"I believe there is more to life than being a baby-making machine and doing whatever a man says" she answered defiantly

All her roommates suddenly got a sinister look.

Ooooh I see whats going on said the Young Patriot, "we have a god damned Red living with us girls!"

The roommates all gasped in shock. But then they started getting curious. Communists were rather mysterious creatures they knew only from the movies. Fierce man-hating Amazons. They wanted to get a look at this she-devil superheroine underneath.

"Stop, please what are you doing?" Brenda shouted as her sisters tore off her clothing stripping her to bra and panties.

Her unmentionables were a bit of an anti-climax for her tormentors. They were expecting something a little more exotic from a mysterious Red Amazon. She just had on a plain black bra and high-hip panties like any other coed.

Still as good American would-be housewives, they needed to teach this uppity commie shrew a lesson she would never forget. They tied her down and gave her a good Red, White and Blue ass-spanking. Her asscheeks would be as Red as her Feminist Politics.

The Red Amazon disappointed again, when she cried out, sobbed, begged whimpered like a weak little girl instead of being a tough Soviet soldier. This only seemed to incite further cruelty from her fellow women.

When it was all over, the Young Patriots knew they had totally broken the spirit of this Feminist subversive, when she was willing to join in and spank her beloved fellow women. So much for Feminist Sisterhood.

I expect to see you in Childcare 101 tomorrow, the Young Patriot taunted as she left the defeated Red with her soar red butt.


It was my 1st day doing household chores for the Senator's household. Mrs.McCarthy just insisted that I was doing every little thing wrong. She seems to take pleasure in the fact that she is a fellow woman giving me such hell as if that proves the Feminist Sisterhood is all a lie. Sometimes she can be worse than the Senator. She made me lick the floor clean with my tongue, which was just the most frightful horror.

How I hate her! When I tried to give her lip, she had me tied to the child's chair like a little kid and she gave me the most frightful whipping on my little tushie. I just couldn't stand it. I didn't want to yell out in pain like a little girl. But the pain was more strong than my dignity. I hate giving her the satisfaction. She thinks it proves her and their whole ideology right. Well, we'll see. I'm going to keep Feminist Rebellion alive in this house anyway I can. I just can't endure being tied up like an animal, like a piece of butcher meat. I know they are trying to break me. And perhaps they are making progress.

The ideology of the Feminist Seperatist Republic was laid out in the Memoirs if its' 1st President- Jenna Kennington. The daughter of an influential Suffragette leader, Jenna became a famous Hollywood starlet. She was one of the few prominent actresses who attempted to use her celebrity to support Women's Rights. She was elected as a Congresswoman running on the Feminist Party ticket.

The New Patriarchy Laws identified the Feminist Party and all allied movements as Communist Fronts and outlawed. During this period Congresswoman Kennington went underground with the Feminist Resistance. She was captured and put on trial before House on Un-American Activities HUAC. After serving a brief prison sentence, it was decided that the best way to rehabilitate her would be to force her to serve as an all-American housewife. Unlike many of her comrades however, she remained true to her Feminism throughout her slavery and was eventually able to escape to the Queendom of the Amazons. Armed with Amazonian and Soviet support she was eventually able to return and launch the Great Feminist Rebellion. She was proclaimed First Matriarch of the Womanist Seperatist Republic thus launching the first wave of Gender Civil Wars.

Her diaries were written sneakily during her period of enslavement. They were smuggled out through underground Feminist networks and published in segments. Later published in full in the Amazon Queendom, it would become the Manifesto of the Feminist Revolution.

Diary of a Communist

I don't want to give in like so many of my sisters. I have to maintain my dignity and integrity no matter what ridiculous things these Men do to me. In some ways I wish I was still in prison. This whole idea of making us Feminists into housewives to discredit the movement, it is just horrible. We are forced to be the toy pets of our worst enemies. I can't stand the constant photographs, the repeated attempts to humiliate me. When they photographed me in my underwear to show the world my new place as a houseslave, I just hung my head in shame. I hid my face in my hands, and tried to hide from the world. I have to remember who I am. I'm a world-famous actress and a Congresswoman, not a mere fucktoy. I have to stay strong. Mother endure the same torments as a Suffragette and she came through. Half the human race can't be kept in bondage forever. Someday.

I have to keep writing. It is dangerous to have all these Feminist ideas in writing. It would earn me terrible punishments. And yet its the only way to remind myself that I'm still a political agent and not merely a pleasure-slave for Him. I have to keep the Feminist torch burning even as a household slave.


The obedient housewife beams with pride at the new flowered housedress that her kind husband is allowing her as a privilege. Even after all these years she still winces in embarrassment as being seen in public in a dress that leaves her panties so exposed. She had gotten swept up in the Suffragette Movement as a teenager, full of youthful idealism about the Women's Right to Vote.

When the Anti-Suffrage law was passed she was imprisoned and then forced to become the housewife of a Patriarch leader. She had bristled under the humiliation of being a mere pet to her worst enemy. The man who had destroyed all her political dreams and ambitions. A Man who regarded her sex as mere furniture. She told herself that she was just living to fight another day. She simply couldn't endure constant beatings over trivial matters just to satisfy her Suffragette pride. And so she had slowly earned privileges.

After the constant forced nudity, it had come as a great gift to even be allowed lingerie and nightgowns. She beamed at her pretty pearls that showed she was a cherished pet of her Husband. Now she had an actual dress, marking her full recovery into womanhood from her Suffragette punishment. Despite her radical past, she couldn't help look her nose down on the budding upcoming generation of young Feminists around her, who were willing to risk the same punishments. It had taken so many years for her to simply being allowed the privilege of wearing clothing again, and these young hotheads were so eager to throw it away. Well so much the worse for them, as Top Bitch she could use a new slave to help with chores around the house.


Dancing in your underwear every night for horny men, had its drawbacks, but the Burlesque Dancer had enjoyed the liberation of the Nightlife. While 99% of women were stuck in the kitchen, she was out in the world supporting herself in the only job available to girls. She was financially independent and used her sexuality to gain power. She was an artist and entertainer. But then the Theocrats Morality Police had raided the Burlesque House, and detained all the dancers. She was forced to become the very suburban docile housewife she hated. To add to her humiliation, she was forced to wear her burlesque stripper outfit even while doing her housework chores, which was meant to remind her of her sinful past, but just made her look ridiculous.


The House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) held special hearing on Red influences on the American Womanist Party. Eventually the entire Women's Rights racket was determined to be a KGB Front.

The Womanist Party Presidential candidate was arrested and in accord with her egalitarian ideology kept in prison with men. The patriotic criminal thugs were not above roughing up the Feminist Red bitch. The tabloids had a field day with the Womanist leader, and the American people were desperate for more sensationalism.

HUAC organized a photo-op for the Presidential Candidate. The public was eager to know what kind of unmentionables Commie broads wore under their masculine pantsuits. It came as somewhat of a letdown to see, that the Womanist Party Chair wore high-cut plain white panties just like a regular American housewife. Still it was titillating to see the Red Feminist traitor with her hands huddled over her knockers, trembling in fear in nothing but her undies. And Womanist dreams of Equality would never again be taken seriously after their leader had been publicly humiliated in such a manner.


During the War, Bonnie had been made manager of the arms industrial plant and held important leadership responsibilities in the Home Front. After the War, she became quite uppity about her place in the Peace, and started getting ideas in her head, that she could be more than a secretary or housewife. Agitators like her were not alone, and there was a risk of a resurgent Feminist Movement.

Uncle Sam couldn't have all his GI heroes coming home to bitchy cunts stealing their jobs and giving them lip. A new Law was passed drastically changing the role of women in the workplace. Now they would provide sexual entertainment for the returning GIs. Instead of industrial overalls, women would work the offices in their panties.


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