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Taylor Made Dreams

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Very special woman fulfills his dreams.
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He had climbed the stairs many times before, but this time it was different. He was going to spend the night. In his arms, he carried a small overnight bag and a cardboard box. John knocked awkwardly on the door. There was silence. He was about to try to knock again, when he heard footsteps and the door opened. Long brown hair and a sweet smile welcomed him.

"Hi beautiful."

"Welcome. Come on in, stranger. It's good to see you," replied Taylor in a soft, sexy voice. John entered the foyer that led immediately to the kitchen. She planted a gentle kiss on his cheek as he passed her.

"May I put the box on the counter?" he asked.

"Oh, sure." Taylor peered into the box and inquired as she pulled out a brown paper bag, "What do you have here?" Her brow ferruled. "Oh, muffins and fruit," she remarked. "One would think you intended to spend the night," she said in a stern tone.

John froze. Taylor could see the effect of her words. Disappointment painted his face. He turned his back to her and leaned against the counter. Quickly she put her arms on his shoulders and softly hugged him. "Of course you're staying the night. We've been planning this for..." Taylor paused and bit her lip. "It's just... It's just... that I wish I was going with you, that's all." She nuzzled her head into his back and then wrapped her arms around his stomach and hugged him again. She could feel him soften, relax, and his tension melt away. Everything was going to be all right.

Lady interrupted the hug. The sand colored pit bull pushed her nose between them and uttered her notice me growl. The lovers laughed and the hug was broken." Oh, I hadn't forgotten you," John said as he reached into the box and pulled out a piece of smoked rawhide. The dog politely sat and firmly tugged the offering from John's hand. Then she padded over to her blanket at the end of the living room sofa and lay down to enjoy her treat.

John continued to unpack the box. The chocolates he left on the counter. The steaks, potatoes, wine, and desert Taylor put in the fridge and then placed the empty carton outside on the porch. When she returned to the kitchen, John was still standing by the counter but with a silly smile on his face and a small white package in his hands. "...And this is for you." He pushed the box towards her.

Taylor's long, delicate fingers quickly slipped the ribbon from the present and she opened the lid to reveal a pale white and purple orchid. "Oh! Oh, its beautiful!" Her words poured out in an excited jumble as she held the flower first one-way and then the other. "It's perfect!" The orchid, mounted in moss and greens, sat in a small plastic watering dish. John was pleased that his gift had been such a success. "Oh, It's..." Taylor seemed at a loss for words as she carefully placed the flower by her purse at the end of the counter.

"The plant store lady said it would last for weeks, if you just added a little water daily to the dish. She put the instructions in the bottom of the box," explained John. Taylor moved silently towards him. She kissed him, delicately at first and then with increased passion. John responded. His hands wandered down her back to cup her buttocks. Taylor could feel his excitement grow.

Taylor knew just when to stop. "How about some wine and chocolates?" she whispered, as she tenderly stroked his cheek and brushed her fingers across his lips. Taylor poured each of them a glass of white wine. It was too hot to forsake the air-conditioned comfort of the house so the couple curled up together with their drinks on the love seat in the living room bay window. John enjoyed the view of the vineyards and the lake below. He also enjoyed the view of Taylor. Her long brown hair fell over her shoulders. She wore a round-necked sun top that revealed hints of cleavage and matched her shorts. Her perfume enticed him. Sipping wine, they talked about the weather, politics, ex-spouses, her garden, and John's trip. While they talked, Taylor's hand softly rubbed his upper thigh. John encouraged, traced random patterns with his fingers along Taylor's cheek, neck and her breastbone. By the second glass of wine, all conversation subsided replaced by touching and kissing.

"Come," was all Taylor said as she took the lead. She escorted John first to the kitchen to refill their wine glasses and then to the bedroom. Lady temporarily stopped gnawing on her rawhide and looked up to survey the situation. Assured that everything was all right, she returned to chewing. As Taylor closed the bedroom door behind them, she said with a sultry voice, "The massage oil is warmed. I can't wait to give you an all over massage."

John noticed that the room was ready. He just smiled, disrobed, and placed his clothes on the chair by the bed. He plumped the pillows and stretched out, propped up by his elbows. Taylor had stripped down to her lace panties. She stood at the base of the bed with her hands on her hips. Her beautiful, full breasts thrust out. Slowly she removed the last vestige of her clothing. She knew he liked to watch. Taylor observed the lust in his eyes and the fact that John's penis was beginning to stir. She smiled, tossed her panties aside, grabbed the oil and a towel, and climbed onto the bed. John reached out to her, but she brushed his hands away. "Oh no Mister, the massage first. Roll over onto your stomach."

John dutifully followed her instructions. "May I give you a back rub latter?" asked John as he felt her oiled hands begin to move across his back.

"Mmmm, that's sounds like a wonderful idea," she purred. "But, only if you're a really good boy," she cautioned while she straddled him. Taylor began the massage by spreading the oil on his shoulders and back. Her thumbs traced circles around each vertebra. Taylor kneaded his shoulder muscles while pushing her pussy against his buttocks. John enjoyed the sensuous feeling created by Taylor's hands and her pussy.

"Oh, Taylor, you feel so good...that feels so good" Those words and soft sighs were John's mantra for the next few minutes. Taylor was encouraged. She closed her eyes and made random, teasing patterns with her hands on his back. She felt her own erotic desires rising. Her wetness grew. She ground against him. Her cream soon covered his buttocks.

Taylor turned around to rub John's legs. She sat in the small of his back and her pussy continued to rub against his buttocks. With long sensual strokes, she began to massage his calves and feet. John moved his hands back to explore Taylor's pelvis and ass. His fingers found her exposed, sopping wetness. He gently rubbed her mons and clit with the fingers and thumb of one hand, while the fingers of the other hand traced patterns along pussy lips and over her anus. Taylor felt the heat and tension building in her stomach and she began to move to the beat of John's fingers. She thrust her hands between John's legs, found his hard dick, and began stroke. John's body stiffened. She drove her pussy into his hands. Waves of pleasure erupted within her. Taylor screamed and the lovers climaxed together.

They lay on the bed panting. It took a while before either could move. Taylor stirred first. She grabbed the towel and began to clean up both of them. After recharging their wine glasses, Taylor slid onto the bed beside John. Her face still reflected the glow of recent sex and her musky scent filled John's nostrils as she kissed him softly on the lips. They lay on their sides silently sipping their wines and tracing lazy patterns on each other's bodies with their fingers. They communicated just through looks, touches, and smiles. John was the first to break the silence with, "I've looked forward to this for a long, long, time. It's like a dream come true."

"Me too," was all Taylor could whisper, but her soft hazel eyes said more. They drifted back into soundless conversation. The silence was broken when suddenly John's cold wine glass brushed against one of her nipples. "Oh!" she started. "Ohhh...mmm..." The wine glass continued to press against the hardening brownness. "Mmmhhaaa..." Taylor moaned and closed her eyes.

"That looks too good not to suck," John quipped as he reached over and placed his wine glass on the bedside table. Taylor's glass joined his and she lay back on the bed. John lips engulfed her nipples. Taylor writhed as he sucked and fondled her breasts. Warm sensations flowed through her body, as his hands roamed over her stomach, tugged at her pubic hair, and his tongue teased her neck and ear lobes. Her excitement grew. She felt like she was on fire when his lips and tongue tickled the skin of the valley of her breasts, her navel, and her mons. Taylor's pelvis involuntarily arched when John's fingers rubbed her pussylips.

Her wetness enticed John's fingers to explore her clit and gently penetrate. Then John was between her legs. His tongue was searching and probing. Taylor guided his head making sure his mouth found all her pleasure spots. John's tongue made her quiver all over. His hands and fingers seemed to be everywhere. Taylor was literally floating in pleasure. Her tension built. Her back arched. Her mouth and screamed, "...that's it! Oooohh fuuuck, don't stop! God that feels good! ... Ohhhh!" Wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure flooded over Taylor. After what seemed like an eternity, John gradually stopped lapping and rose to his knees. He looked down on his quivering and smiling lover. "Oh God, John, you make me feel so good," she managed between pants. Taylor reached up and drew John towards her. She kissed him tenderly. They hugged and snuggled together; reveling in the pleasure, they had just shared.

A series of barks and a scratching at the bedroom door disturbed the couple. A quick look at the clock told Taylor that it was almost 5 PM and Lady was indicating it was dinnertime. They had fallen asleep. "Come on lazy bones," said Taylor to John. "We'll have a quick shower and I'll feed Lady and take her for a walk while you start dinner."

John finished preparing the steaks and looked out the kitchen window. He could see Taylor and Lady playing in the field below the house. He was enjoying this interlude of domesticity in his life. The memories of how he and Taylor first met flooded back to him.

An Internet Bulletin Board had provided their introduction. John had called her contact number. He still remembered the first time he had heard her sultry voice on the phone. He recalled too, the pleasant getting to know you exchange and her excited animation when he asked her if she liked wine and chocolate. Her reply was a gush of words filled with real excitement. That surprised and intrigued him. The phone call led to a blind date. They had agreed to meet at her house and Lady was the chaperone. That was six months ago. Since then, they had been seeing each other on a regular basis. For John, it was love and lust at first sight. He had foresworn all others and dated only her. However, for Taylor it as not that simple, she had other needs and obligations.

By the time dinner was ready the sun had dropped behinds the hills to the west of the house. They ate leisurely on the porch in the growing coolness. Two bottles of wine mellowed them. After cleaning up the kitchen, they walked through the adjacent vineyards, where they delighted in the sunset and Lady chasing the Quail. Darkness fell as they returned home. Taylor lit the candles in the living room and bedroom and changed into something more comfortable. John, in the meantime, poured a glass of brandy for each of them and put some jazz on the living room stereo.

Taylor entered the room. The soft candlelight accented her beauty. She looked magnificent the simple satin, burgundy robe. It gapped slightly to reveal her breasts as she sat beside him and reached for her brandy. She sipped the golden liquid, savored its warmth on her tongue, and enjoyed John's gazed on her breasts. Taylor maneuvered her couch position and her robe so that her legs and thighs were exposed to John's view. A well-placed thumb on the robe's lapel revealed even more of her nakedness beneath the satin material. Her manipulations had the desired effect. John was aroused.

Taylor was now in command. She felt the warm buzz not only from the liquor but also from the aphrodisiac of power. Her horniness was growing. It matched the bulge in John's jeans. A single gulp finished her drink. Then she planted a deep kiss on John's lips. Their tongues shared the brandy taste while Taylor kneaded his chest with her hands and began to undo his shirt buttons. She broke the kiss and uttered in a sultry tone, "Come on sweetie, we need to finish this in the bedroom." Rising, she pulled him with her. "Fetch me another drink on the way, won't you?" It was not a question, but a command. "Hurry..." she said in a fading husky voice. She punctuated her final words with the visual of the satin robe slipping down to her buttocks as she walked into the candlelit bedroom.

John entered the bedroom to find Taylor kneeling naked on the bed. She reached for her glass, while he quickly placed his glass on the nightstand and began to strip. Within seconds, he stood naked before her. She smiled and finished her brandy except for a small dribble, which she pored over, his rampant cock. "...And now to make dreams come true..." Taylor whispered as she let the glass fall softly to the floor. She closed her eyes and swallowed is dick. John moaned.

Taylor loved giving blowjobs. She loved the feel of a hard penis on her tongue and against the roof of her mouth. She loved too the taste and feel of cum when it spurted down her throat. However, what Taylor loved most of all was the control this simple sex act gave her. The way a man reacted when she stroked, manipulated, or squeezed his cock excited her. She savored the writhing of a man when she cupped his balls, ran her tongue around his glans, or ran her fingernails over his anus. Cock sucking made her wet with power. She particularly enjoyed blowing John. He was not like the others. She liked him and when she treated his cock like a lollypop, he would shudder, quiver, and coo like a little boy. Tonight was no different. Taylor worked her magic and to her delight, John exploded in her mouth.

John's penis slipped from her lips as Taylor lay back on the bed. She spread her legs and drew John down on top of her. She kissed him deeply enjoying the fact that John could now taste his own cum. Taylor hugged him and rubbed his back. She reveled in the feel of his still hard cock as it pushed against her pussy. She felt her need building in her pelvis. "I want you...I want you inside," she panted in his ear. John answered Taylor's request almost immediately. His penis found her open wetness. Taylor arched, pushed against him, and moaned with pleasure as he filled her. They moved slowly together, each enjoying the tender union. Their passion rose and they came together. They cuddled. Words welled up in the back of Taylor's throat. She choked them back fearful that they would break the mood. Taylor closed her eyes and delighted in the feel of John's lips as he kissed her forehead. Physically totally satisfied and exhausted, she snuggled into his embrace.

The early morning found the lovers curled up like spoons upon the bed. Since they had forgotten to close the bedroom door, Lady had joined them too. The sunlight woke John first. He nibbled at her neck and began to fondle her breasts. Taylor stirred, opened her eyes, looked at the clock, and cursed softly. It was just before six. They had overslept. There would be no time for lovemaking declared Taylor to a disappointed John. She had to pick her son up at 7:30 and drive him to work. The twenty year old had lost his license and once a mother always a mother she explained to John as they entered the shower together. The shower had become the goodbye ritual for each of their encounters but this one seemed to have added significance. They gently soaped and touched one another. Perhaps it was the knowledge that they would not see each other for three weeks or perhaps it was something more.

Taylor and John shared coffee and the muffins and fruit for breakfast. Time passed quickly and there was little conversation. All too soon, John had to depart. Taylor stood on the porch with Lady and watched John load his bike. As he put on his helmet, Lady bolted down the stairs and skidded to a halt at his feet. Her heavy head slapped against his leg and her nose nuzzled his inner thigh. There was a low, deep-throated growl. John stopped and looked down into the dog's emotionless, yellow eyes. He slowly and cautiously reached down and rubbed behind her ears. Then he softly said, "I'll be back. You look after her." The dog seemed to understand. Lady turned and bounded up the stairs and led her mistress into the house. For a second, John just stared at the closed door. Then he swung his leg over the bike and lowered himself onto the seat, he could feel the empty satisfaction already beginning to build within him. John turned the key and pushed the starter button. It was going to be a long, lonely ride.

Taylor stood at her kitchen counter. Through the window, she watched the bike begin to creep down the driveway. She looked at the orchid, took a deep breath, and moved her hand cautiously towards the envelope leaning against her purse. Deliberately she opened it and read the hand written card. "Taylor, thank you for your gentle kindness and understanding. You bring me great joy and pleasure. You make my dreams come true! See you soon...Hugs and kisses always, John." Again, she glanced out the window. The bike was gone. She whispered softly and sadly to herself, "...My name is Cheryl." A melancholy smile slipped cross her face as she thumbed through the series of bills, which had remained inside the envelope. Folding them neatly, she pushed them into her purse. Everyone paid the price when Taylor made dreams.

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