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Temptation from Within

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How long can a man resist the temptation of the flesh?
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The sun was hot as a furnace today. I cautiously exited my vehicle and closed the door, thinking about having a cold glass of water. Shielding my eyes from the blazing midday sun, I briskly walked up to the quaint restaurant and entered with a pleasured sigh.

I paused for a few seconds for my eyes to become adjusted to the interior lights, and then sauntered to a vacant seat near a huge window. The dwelling was certainly beautiful, with pictures of customers smiling and dining, to several celebratory birthdays and graduation photos.

Today, like every Thursday, I waited for my eccentric mother-in-law to arrive for our weekly lunch date. Our meeting location wasn't always the same as previous ones, because my mother-in-law likes to be mysterious.

A waitress came and took my order, then swiftly returned with my hot drink. As I tentatively sipped on the tea, a priest walked in with a newspaper under his arm and sat at the empty table across from me. The same waitress immediately brought him a cup of coffee and he thanked her with a warm smile. He was a regular customer, I thought to myself.

Slowly, he opened the newspaper and read for a moment, then glanced at me and smiled. He reached for the cup and brought it to his lips, thus sipping from the burning liquid. I then returned the gesture and quickly glanced away, sighing as a childhood memory surfaced.


When I was a teenager, my mother enrolled me in a boarding school in Sussex. When I questioned her about her decision, she claimed that it was for the best.

"The best for whom, Mother?" I demanded, "because from where I'm sitting, all I can see is a woman who is giving her only child away!" I declared with rage, as tears filled my eyes. She studied me with her cold gaze, but she never responded.

A wearied, but kind Caucasian woman, calmly took my hand and escorted me to a majestic library, and left me there, while the Head Mistress and my mother discussed my schooling.

At the end of their meeting, my mother stepped into the library, kissed my forehead, and left. I never saw her again.

As the years progressed, I grew resilient. However, I rebelled a lot. On my eighteenth birthday, I was given consent to spend the Christmas holidays with my roommate's family, in Brussels. During my stay with them, I'd lost my virginity to their nineteen-year-old neighbor after I'd attended a pool party and binged on several marijuana brownies.

When my roommate and I returned to Sussex, I quickly took off to our counselor's office, Father David, to present him with a book, but he wasn't there. I was then informed by his secretary about his sudden illness. With a heavy heart, I went to my room and unpacked my suitcase. The poor soul would be sorely missed.

Usually, on a Thursday, he would perform a special assembly, with the swiftness of a sloth, which always resulted in the students falling asleep, and him making a joke about his lullaby sermon.

Father David's alternate was sent in a few days later, to join the school board. I had overheard that the alternate originated from Spain, but came to Sussex to further his education in Modern Science when he was in his late teenage years.

On the day of his arrival, I was in the Head Mistress' office; as usual, getting an earful. There was a rapid knock on the office door, and, as she gave a curt order, in walked the devil himself. This gorgeous man was towering, with raven hair. He appeared to be between the ages of twenty-six and twenty-nine years old.

He came into the office wearing a black, short-sleeved shirt and matching tailored pants. His shirt stretched across his muscular form, attracting awareness to his toned biceps. His name was Father Mateo Callista, and I remembered that his eyes were of the palest gray. I continued to stare at him, trying to memorize his features, until I heard my name being called.

Reluctantly taking my eyes off him, I answered softly, "Yes, Head Mistress?"

"Excuse yourself, Amaris, and I will be calling upon you after my meeting."

"Yes, Headmistress," I responded and leaped out of her office.

As time went by, most of the young women had grown to trust him enough to divulge their school problems as well as home adversities.

I, on the other hand, didn't give a flying fuck about confiding anything to anyone. What I was interested in was giving him an erection, as he gave his sermon at assembly.

So, in the second month of his visit, I decided on my intentions. I planned the event down to the very letter. As everyone gathered in the hall, I made a late entrance just to be noticed by him.

En route to my seat, I glanced at his solemn expression and smirked, then took my usual position, which was facing the podium.

Seating me there was the Head Mistress' idea, she claimed that it was to keep an eye on me. As if her pointless stares could stop me from doing what I was about to do!

As Father Mateo began his morning prayer, he asked everyone to close their eyes and bow their heads. This included staff as well as the pupils.

I did neither. What I did do, was gradually pull the hem of my skirt above my knees, until I knew for certain that he could see between my legs. You see, I wasn't wearing any panties that day, and I knew for certain that he was looking at me in astonishment because I was also staring at him in fascination.


I heard someone clearing their throat and I briefly came out of the memory. Glancing up, I noticed a waitress standing at my table, "I'm sorry, but did you say something?"

"Yes, ma'am. Do you need a refill of tea?"

"I'd love a refill, thank you," then she proceeded to fill up the cup, and I once again noticed the handsome priest staring at me. Turning away from him, I gazed out of the window and reminisced.


When I glanced around, I noticed that everyone had obeyed his request. Rather than heed his command, I slightly opened my legs, seductively lubricated my fingers, and set them on my clit, briskly rubbing the nub until he launched into a coughing fit.

Snickering, I cautiously went on with my wicked deed, until I climaxed silently. Closing my legs, I slowly licked my slippery fingers, straightened my uniform, then gazed at his flushed face. Also noticeable was the growth of his erection. Mission accomplished, I thought.

When the assembly was over, he walked over to me and declared with outrage, "What is wrong with you, Miss Lopez? Do you want me to escort you to the Head Mistress' office? Don't you ever do that disgusting act again? Do you understand me? Otherwise, there'll be unequivocal consequences."

I scoffed at his warning and stormed out. For months after that first occurrence, I conspired to tease Father Mateo. And each time, he would either groan lowly or gently grab my arm and whisper, "You're playing with fire, Amaris," then he'd walk away mumbling to himself.

However, his warnings never stopped me from my continued mischief.

Then on the eve of my graduation, I lay awake, pumped up about tomorrow's events. As usual, my mother never called or shipped me a congratulatory gift. Sighing in frustration, I kicked off the bed sheet and screamed into the pillow. Abruptly, my bedroom door opened, and I assumed that it was my roommate returning from the washroom, but then I remembered that she had left for the weekend and would be returning tomorrow morning.

As the intruder entered my gloomy room, I got off the bed cautiously and then stood my ground. When the figure came into focus, I realized that it was the man of the cloth, Father Mateo!

Placing a finger to his lips, he tentatively reached out his trembling hands and cupped my warm face. "You have been tempting me for months, Amaris, and now I'm here to redeem those propositions."

When his mouth was an inch away from mine, I closed my eyes and moaned as he licked my lips. Tilting my head, his lips then latched onto mine seductively. We remained kissing heatedly for a few seconds, seeking each other's tongue until I felt his knees pushed between my thighs, slowly rubbing against my pussy. I wrapped my hands around his neck and gave him what he desired. When I opened my quivering legs, he groaned as I thrust salaciously on his warm thigh, and we deepened our kiss.

Unexpectedly, he halted and then whispered, "If you want me to stop and leave, Princess, then I will."

With desire dripping from my words, I replied, "You can leave when we are satisfied, Father."

"Mmm, please, remove your clothing for me, Princess," he whispered with a devilish smirk."

Quickly, I peeled off my t-shirt and curtly, he stopped me midway, "Strip slowly, Princess. There will be no rushing tonight."

Tossing the material at him, he caught it with a grin, then flung it back to me. Striding forward, he lightly shoved me onto the bed and gazed at my small breast as they bounced.

As the full moon illuminated my room and shone upon my body, I spread my legs, and he murmured in awe, "You have a magnificent-looking pussy, Amaris." Gracefully, he knelt before me and held onto my legs firmly, then he kissed my puffy vagina lips and continued, "mmm, and it's so wet," before he leisurely dragged his tongue repeatedly along my moist folds.

At that specific moment, I clutched the bed sheet and shouted Jesus' name, while he stimulated and swirled his tongue on my throbbing clit. My legs shuddered when he applied more pressure. I attempted to shove his head away, however, my orgasm was nearing and I craved release.

Consequently, I spread my legs, crunched forward, and tugged his head nearer to me, whilst I jerked and climaxed on his tongue.

"Yes Father, just like that, slurp up my juices, you deviant animal."

When he stood and gazed at me, I concluded that Father Mateo knew his way around a woman's body. Without breaking eye contact, he removed his pants and boxers, apart from his shirt and collar tab.

When I saw the girth of his penis, I gaped, then exclaimed, "Holy Mother of God! You are blessed down there as well!"

I did a sharp sign of the cross when he grinned and dragged me to the rim of the bed. He twisted my body onto my side and brought one of his knees between my legs then placed both of his hands on either side of my head. He lubricated his penis with my nectar and slowly penetrated me in one fluid thrust.

"Argghh. Dear God, I've missed being inside of a woman," he grunted in agony whilst he threw his head back in bliss.

"My pussy feels amazing, doesn't it, Father?" Inquired with a wicked smirk.

"Yes, you little temptation, it feels so warm and snug," he replied in delight, while he continuously slammed into me.

"Then fuck my pussy harder, Father. Fuck me as if your life depended on it," I declared to him abruptly.

With one hand on my hip and the other squeezing my breast, he pummelled into my pussy with a vengeance, thrusting harder each time. He began groaning and breathing rapidly into my ear, then he whispered, "Oh God, I'm coming, Princess."

"So am I, Father," as we both bucked our hips and climaxed loudly.

Hearing his delightful moan and panting, caused my body to convulse and wriggle with elation.

Throughout the time that he had spent with me, Father Mateo, fucked me numerous times before departing around one AM.

The following day, I awoke with soreness throughout my body as I prepared for my graduation. I ached all over, nevertheless, I relished the pain tremendously. Father Mateo had twisted and turned my body into several sexual positions known to man. He was insatiable.

At around two PM, I scurried to the washroom and entered the stall hurriedly to pee. I pulled down my panty and sighed in relief, then wiped away Father Mateo's creamy cum, which was still trickling from my sore pussy. I quickly cleaned myself and washed my hands.

When I turned around, Father Mateo was entering the washroom, with a passion-filled gaze. He locked the door, sauntered toward me, and kissed my forehead before he unbuckled his belt and led us into the stall that I had just vacated.

He left the door open, put down the toilet lid, and sat. When he extracted his rigid penis, I removed my panty in haste and then watched as he held his raging erection for me to sink upon.

I gazed at his penis in delight before I straddled his thighs. I closed my eyes then slowly impaled myself and moaned.

"Fuck," I exclaimed with a wince.

Firmly grasping my hips, he briskly rocked my body back and forth, whilst thrusting vigorously.

"Jesus, Princess, ride me, I'm coming, arrggh, arrgghgh," he shouted in ecstasy as his penis thumped and pumped his cum in me.

Bucking my hips, I shuddered and cried out in delight when he stood and slammed his penis into me, giving me all of his cum. I placed my head on his shoulder until my breathing returned to ordinary, then we both cleaned up and he whispered in my ear, "I'll see you later, Princess," then he left and I made my way to the auditorium.


That was ten years ago, and today, I was sitting across from the man who always left me yearning for more of him. Slowly, I stood and walked out of the restaurant. On my way to the carpark, I stumbled into my mother-in-law.

"Amaris! Where are you off to, Dear?"

Shit, for a moment I forgot about our lunch date.

"Claire, darling, I'm just going to the car to retrieve my phone. I had forgotten it on the seat," I confessed to her.

"That answers my question as to why you weren't answering my calls. Be quick Dear, we have much to talk about," then she went into the establishment and sat.

The cool breeze blew wildly helping to cool the heat, as my yellow sundress billowed in a silent rhythm. When I reached the car, I opened the door and reached for my phone, just as I felt my dress lift again. However, it wasn't the wind, but Mateo, he had followed me outside.

"Hello, Princess. Did you miss me?" he asked, then looked around before taking out his penis. Pulling my panty to the side, he impaled himself into my dripping folds and sighed.

"I always miss you, Mateo," I replied with a moan while we thrust and met each other's movements for about five minutes.

Gripping my dress, he unleashed a powerful groan and emptied his seed into my fertile womb.

Breathing erratically, he gently pulled out of my vagina and requested, "I don't want you to tidy yourself, Amaris. Let's return to my mother with my seed gliding from your filled vagina."

Chuckling, we kissed passionately, whilst he caressed my pregnant belly. I grabbed my phone and locked the door, then he clasped my hand and led us back inside the restaurant.

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Will527Will527over 1 year ago

Hot story, well written. Loved it!

QuilinkQuilinkover 1 year agoAuthor

Hey MikeOrMikey, thank you for reading my story 🍭

QuilinkQuilinkover 1 year agoAuthor

My Dear Anonymous reader, "It's 'overuse,' not 'over use,' and '2000-words' not '2000 words', which puts your comment below the required number of words for me to give a shit." 🙂

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The over use of adjectives reminds me of trying really hard to fill a 2000 words essay for school.

MikeOrMikeyMikeOrMikeyover 1 year ago

That. Was. Hot! 5 Stars.

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