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Ten Day Cruise Ch. 01


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"That's different."

"No, it isn't. There's no difference at all. Years ago, women couldn't wear long pants in public. Women couldn't vote either. Some things are still unjust, but it's getting better. If women want to be equal, they have to fight for their rights no matter what it is," Mom said.

"Let's go before it's too late," Dad said. "We're on vacation and should be having fun, not trying to resolve the world's problems."

We left the ship and went to the shopping area. Mom and I found cute outfits at one of the straw markets. We bought matching bra tops and wrap-around skirts. Dad and Glen found tee shirts with the port's name on them.

In one of the shops, Dad picked up a bottle of rum. He showed it to Mom. She nodded and told him to get two so they could take one home with them.

"How about us? Can we have a bottle of rum, too?" Glen said as he laughed.

Dad grabbed a bottle and took it to the counter with the two bottles he selected.

"Don't get drunk and sick," Dad said, surprising my brother and me.

"You don't care if we drink?" I said.

"No, not as long as you take it easy and don't drink too much. I would suggest mixing it with cola," Dad said.

I couldn't understand the changes in my parents, but I didn't question them. I decided they must be going through one of those mid-life things I'd read about in my novels. I began to wonder if they were having affairs. In some of the stories I read, husbands and wives cheated on each other because they felt their lives became stale.

We went back to the ship for dinner. Mom and Dad saw Jenny's parents in the dining room, and we sat with them. Glen, Brad, Jenny, and I discussed what we saw ashore. Our parents made plans to go to one of the casinos on the island.

After dinner, Glen and I went back to our room. We had a couple hours before meeting Brad and Jenny for the dance. Brad put the bottle of rum on the table and then sat down.

"I can't believe Dad bought the rum for us," Glen said as he flopped back on his bed.

"I can't believe they said we could drink it. Glen, do you think everything is okay between Mom and Dad?"

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"I don't know. They're acting weird, aren't they?"

"I think they're being cool, Meg. They seem to be having a great time," my brother said. He rolled on his side and propped his head on his hand. "I didn't know Mom was so animated about women's rights."

"I knew she felt men and women should be equal, but I didn't know she thought women should be able to go topless."

"Well, where does the equality start and stop? Like you said, you don't want to go topless, but shouldn't you have the right to do it if you wanted to?"

I shrugged my shoulders. Glen turned the television on and began flipping through the channels. I tried to decide what to wear to the dance. After thinking about it for a few moments, I called Jenny. She told me she was wearing a skirt and a tank top. We talked about our outfits to ensure we didn't wear the same colors.

At a quarter to eight, Glen and I headed to the dance. There was a teen nightclub set up for activities for kids our age. Jenny and Brad met my brother and me outside the room and went in together. We found a table near the dance floor and sat down. A disk jockey began playing rock and roll music. Jenny and I got up and danced together. After a few songs, we went back to the table. When a slow song came on, Brad asked me to dance. I told him I would if Glen danced with Jenny.

The four of us went out and began to dance. The small dance floor was crowded, and we kept bumping into other kids. Brad pulled me close with his hands behind my back. I held him with my arms around his neck. When the song ended, we waited to see what the DJ would play next. When the music began again, it was another slow song.

"I'm going to dance with Jenny this time," Brad said. He took his sister in his arms and began to move.

Glen came over to me and looked into my eyes. I smiled and nodded. He put his arms around me as he would a girlfriend. I felt myself stiffen, but I put my arms around his neck. Glen pulled me close, closer than Brad did, and began moving. I relaxed and started to follow his lead. It surprised me when I found out how well my brother danced. He guided me around the floor as if I were floating on air. I rested my head against his shoulder and let Glen lead.

The song ended, and a fast song began. Glen stepped away from me and started to dance. Grinning, I danced with him. Jenny and Brad joined us, and we all danced together.

The dance ended at eleven o'clock. We were having a great time and didn't want the night to end. Jenny suggested we take a walk on the deck. The four of us went up to the main level and walked around. We could see the lights of the port on one side of the ship and the stars in the sky on the other. Jenny stopped to gaze at the water while Brad stood beside her. Glen and I stood a few feet away, talking about how much fun we had at the dance.

"I didn't know you could dance," I said. "You were great."

"Thanks, you're fun to dance with, too," Glen said. "I don't know why, but I find dancing easy."

"Brad's okay, but you're better."

Glen chuckled and said, "Yeah, that's what Jenny said."

"Do you like her?"

"I think she's nice. She told me she had a boyfriend. Jenny made it sound like she wouldn't mess around."

"That's cool. I don't think people should fool around if they go with someone. How about you and Karen?" I said.

"We're not going steady or anything. Karen dates other guys." I knew Karen dated other boys, but I didn't know if Glen knew.

"What do you guys want to do now?" Jenny said. "We could play cards or something if you want to."

"Cards sound like fun," Glen said. "Where do you want to go?"

"We can play in our room," Brad said. "My dad bought us a bottle of rum today."

"Really? Our dad bought us one, too," Glen said. "Have your parents done it before?"

"Yeah, we can drink once in a while. We have to make sure we don't get loaded," Jenny said. "Our parents let us have wine with dinner at home."

We went to Brad and Jenny's room. On the way, we bought cans of Coke. Brad went to get a bucket of ice while Jenny pushed the two beds together. Brad and Glen mixed drinks for us. We all tasted them. It was only the second time I had alcohol.

"This is good," I said. "I've never had rum before. In fact, this is only the second time I've had booze. The first time was at a sleepover. The girl made orange juice and vodka for everyone. We only had one because she didn't want her parents to miss the booze."

"I've had a beer before," Glen said.

Jenny dealt the cards. We started playing crazy eights. After a few games, Brad made us another drink. I noticed I was feeling funny from the booze but didn't say anything.

"This is good rum." Brad held up the bottle. "It's one-fifty-one."

"What does one-fifty-one mean?" I asked.

"It means it's strong," Jenny said as she laughed. "I'm already feeling it."

"Alcohol is rated by its proof. If it were pure alcohol, it would be two hundred proof. Most booze is around eighty proof, and some are one hundred proof. This is about seventy-five percent alcohol," Brad said.

"Like I said, it's strong," Jenny said. "We better watch out, or we'll get drunk."

We finished our second drink. Brad poured us Cokes without booze. We continued to play cards for a little while longer.

"Want to play strip poker?" Jenny said. "This is getting boring."

"I'll play," Brad said.

I looked at my brother. He shrugged and said, "I'll play if Meg wants to."

Why did he leave it up to me? I thought to myself. Glen knew I didn't want to get naked, but I didn't want to be a prude either. I had drunk enough rum to remove some of my reservations and found myself shrugging my shoulders.

"Okay, here are the rules. The lowest hand has to take something off. If you don't, you're out of the game. The last one wearing clothes is the winner," Jenny said. "Socks count as one piece of clothing."

I did a quick inventory of what I wore. I had four items. All of us had removed our shoes when we got on the bed.

"Does everyone know how to play five-card draw?" Jenny asked as she shuffled the cards.

"I do," Glen said. I shook my head.

"Okay, here's how it works," Brad said. He went on to explain the game to me. We played a few practice hands before we started to play in earnest.

Brad lost the first hand. He removed his shirt, and we all laughed. I lost the next hand and found myself sitting in my bra, skirt, and panties. After a few hands, Jenny and I were down to our undies. Brad and Glen still had their pants on. Glen lost the next hand. Jenny and I began taunting him to take off his pants.

By this time, the rum had me feeling no pain. I giggled far more than usual, finding the slightest thing funny. Jenny was also laughing out of control.

Jenny lost the next hand and unceremoniously removed her bra. Laughing, she shook her shoulders so her boobs jiggled. Jenny's breasts weren't as large as mine were, but they still wiggled.

Glen dealt the next hand. Jenny asked for three cards and made a face when she looked at them. In the end, Jenny was naked and out of the game. She sat on the bed with her legs closed and watched her brother lose the next two hands. I lost my bra, and then Glen lost the next hand. He tossed his cards on the bed and said, "Meg is the winner."

"Wait a minute, you have to take off your underwear, Glen," Jenny said.

My brother groaned. He shucked his white briefs and sat there naked. I looked at his crotch and blushed. He shifted around while Jenny grinned.

"Nice cock, Glen. I think you're bigger than Brad," Jenny said. "Size doesn't matter. It's the motion of the ocean, not the size of the ship, that counts."

We all laughed and dressed. Glen and I told our friends goodnight and headed to our stateroom. On the way, we were silent.

"Are you okay?" I said when Glen and I were in our room.

"Yeah, I'm embarrassed, but I'm okay," Glen said.

"I didn't feel as embarrassed as I thought I would when I lost my bra," I said.

My brother's face turned red, and he looked away.

"What's the matter?" I said.

"Um, nothing. Just forget it, Meg." Glen sat on his bed with his back to me.

Sitting beside my brother, I said, "Something's wrong with you. Tell me what it is. What did I do wrong?"

"You didn't do anything wrong, Meg. Just forget it, okay?"

I stayed on the bed with my brother. He didn't look at me or say anything. I began to worry he was mad at me.

"Why are you mad at me? Please tell me what I did wrong, Glen."

"I got excited when I saw your boobs! There, are you satisfied now?"

I sat in shock for a moment. Then, I thought about what Glen said and began to chuckle.

"Thank you, that's nice to hear," I said because I didn't know what else to say.

"I'm your brother. I shouldn't have gotten turned on when I saw you."

"Maybe it was Jenny's boobs or her, um, pussy. Did seeing her turn you on?"

"Yes, but when you took off your bra, I felt like my heart was going to explode. I'm just a sick fucking pervert."

I didn't know if I should feel upset with my brother or delighted by what he said. I felt delighted. I wanted boys to think I was sexy, even if the boy was my brother. Then I thought about how I felt when Glen exposed his penis. I smiled.

Putting my arms around Glen, I said, "I'll take it as a compliment. Did you really like seeing my boobs?" Glen nodded but didn't look at me. "I liked seeing you too, you know. I haven't seen very many penises, but yours is the nicest one I have seen so far."

Glen started to laugh, and so did I. He finally turned around and looked at me. We continued to laugh and held our sides.

"I never thought we'd be telling each other we liked looking at the other's privates," Glen said.

"Remember what Mom said. Boobs aren't really privates," I said, and then we laughed again.

"Well, if your privates are as nice as the rest of you, I'm sure they're great."

I got off my brother's bed. I grabbed my nightshirt and went to the head to change. When I returned, Glen was in bed. I went over to his bed, kissed his cheek, and climbed into my bed.

"This is starting to be fun, Glen. I hope you're having a good time," I said. "Goodnight."

"I'm having fun, Meg. Goodnight," Glen said.

Day 3 -- Crossing the line

The next morning, Glen and I met our parents for breakfast. When Mom asked about our night, Glen and I laughed.

"We went to the dance, got buzzed, and played strip poker with Jenny and Brad," I said with as straight a face as I could muster.

"Who won the card game?" Mom said.

"I did, Mom. I beat everyone, but not by much," I said.

"The dance was a blast," Glen said.

"Yeah, it was. Did you know Glen is a great dancer?" I said.

"No, but maybe he'll dance with me one of these nights. Dad and I enjoyed ourselves last night, too. We went to one of the casinos with Jenny and Brad's parents. We gambled and saw a show before calling it a night," Mom said.

"From the looks of you two, you didn't drink too much last night," Dad said. "I can't say the same for your mom and me. We partied pretty hard."

"Do you have hangovers?" Glen said.

"No, but I don't think I'll want anything else to drink for a while," Mom said. "I can't wait to go out and get some sun today."

The ship sounded its horn and began to pull away from the pier. We went out on deck to watch the captain pull away. There were a lot of people standing onshore and waving as we left.

Mom and Dad told my brother and me they would rest in their room for a while and then go to the pool. Glen and I headed for the arcade. Jenny and Brad were waiting there for us.

We spent a couple hours playing the different games. At one point, Jenny and I sat at a table drinking soda while our brothers tried to fight off invading aliens.

"Brad and I didn't piss you or your brother off last night, did we?" Jenny said.

"No, I had fun, and so did Glen," I said.

"Your brother is really cute when he's naked."

"I think Brad is too." Jenny and I laughed.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Jenny said. "You have to promise never to tell anyone."

"Sure, who would I tell anyway?"

"Brad and I have kind of fooled around before."


"Yeah, we started doing things the first time we came on one of these cruises. One night, he just got into bed and started kissing me."

"Oh my God, did you scream at him?"

Jenny smiled and said, "No, I kissed him back."

"Wow, I don't think I know anyone who kisses their brother," I said, realizing how stupid it sounded after I said it.

"If you want to know the truth, he's better than any boy I've ever been with. I don't have to worry about him shooting his mouth off about having sex with me."

"You've had sex with your brother?" I hoped my face didn't show how shocked I was.

Jenny nodded her head. When she said, "I'd like to have sex with your brother," I felt like I wanted to pound her. Then I realized I felt jealous.

"Want to know what we've done?" Jenny asked.

I did want to know, but I didn't want to tell Jenny. Instead of saying anything, I shrugged my shoulders. Jenny smiled and moved closer.

"We used to just kiss and touch, but last year I gave him a blowjob, and he went down on me. I love it when Brad licks my snatch. This year, just before we came on this trip, we fucked for the first time."

Not knowing what to say, I nodded. Jenny went on, telling me the joys of giving and receiving oral sex. From what she said, she liked intercourse, but it seemed Jenny liked the other things just as much.

I had read many pages about oral sex but could never really get a grip on how it would feel to have someone licking me down there. It was also hard for me to visualize having a penis in my mouth. I knew it wasn't just something authors put in their stories, but it was still a foreign concept.

"The best part is when he shoots his stuff in my mouth. I love the yummy taste and the way it feels," Jenny said. I felt my stomach churn when I realized she was talking about her brother's semen.

"It sounds yucky!"

"Oh, but it isn't yucky at all, Megan. I have a couple of girlfriends who don't do it, but I do, and I love it. You wouldn't believe the look on a boy's face when you let him cum in your mouth. The second best is to let him do it on your boobs," Jenny said with the sound of pride in her voice.

Glen and Brad came over and sat down with Jenny and me. They talked about their games, telling Jenny and me who won.

While they talked, I couldn't help watching Jenny and her brother. I began to notice little things I had missed before. When Jenny spoke to Brad, she would put her hand on his arm. When he said something to her, he grinned.

We decided to go to the pool. Glen and I went to change, agreeing to meet our friends poolside. As we walked to our stateroom, my mind reeled with what Jenny told me. I kept glancing at Glen and wondering if he ever thought about having sex with me. I'd never thought about my brother, but things were changing.

I decided to wear my new skimpy bikini. I put it on and came out of the head. Glen looked at me, and a big smile formed on his face. In the past, I would have said something to him because of the look on his face. This time, I modeled my suit for my brother. Glen didn't take his eyes off me as I turned around slowly.

"Do you like my new bikini?" I asked, knowing the answer.

"You look so hot, Meg."

Hot? Did my brother just tell me I looked hot? Maybe I was getting a little over the top. I didn't want to give my brother any ideas.

"Thanks, you look good in your Speedo too. But then you always have," I said. I snapped my mouth shut. Did I really say that?

"Thanks, Meg." Glen grinned but didn't blush.

Then, it dawned on me that Glen and Brad may have had a conversation like Jenny and I had. I wondered if my brother knew Brad and Jenny had sex with each other. The thought thrilled and scared me at the same time.

Jenny and Brad were waiting by the pool when Glen and I arrived. We sat on the lounges they saved for us. Jenny was topless and coated with sunscreen. I glanced around, noticing more naked people than the day before. Feeling giddy, I gave our bottle of sunscreen to my brother. Sitting on the lounge, I turned my back to Glen. He began applying the lotion to my back and shoulders. Reaching behind me, I untied the top of my suit. I felt Glen's hand stop moving as I removed the top half of my bikini. I took a deep breath, feeling good about overcoming my fears.

Glen's hand began moving again. Even though he was only touching my back, it felt different with my top off. I felt Glen's hand leave my back. Looking back, I smiled at my brother.

"I finished your back," Glen choked out with a broken voice.

I stretched out on my stomach and asked Glen to do my legs. He spread the lotion on my legs until they were covered. Sitting up, I took the sunscreen from Glen. I watched his face as I poured some into my hand and applied it to my chest. Teasingly, I rubbed the sunscreen on my breasts.

"Want me to do your back?"

My brother nodded and turned around. I covered his back and then told him to lie down so I could do his legs. While rubbing his thighs, my fingers came close to his crotch. I finished putting sunscreen on Glen and stretched out on my back. When I glanced at Jenny, she winked at me.

We sunned for about a half-hour. The sun heated us, so we decided to swim. I saw my parents coming and waved at them. Dad looked shocked, and Mom laughed when they saw me topless. I waited for them to walk over before chatting with Mom and Dad. They told us they would be nearby and left. Jenny, Brad, Glen, and I jumped into the water.

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