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The Adventure Vacation with Mom

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Mom and son take a vacation but end night one awkwardly.
2.3k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 01/29/2022
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It was a bright sunny day and my mom was just loading her bags into the trunk of her car. I could see from my window that she was clearly much more excited about this trip than I was. My name is Robert, but people call me Bobby and mom is Sarah. We live alone and mom provides more than an adequate existence for us. I am 19 years old and as she puts it "struggling to find my way" after high school. I have short brown hair and a few extra pounds but not too shabby. I guess I am pretty damn average to be honest.

Mom is fairly average as well I think- 46 if I recall correctly, brown hair that falls past her shoulders and is often in a pony tail or something she calls a messy bun. Her boobs are on the bigger side- I checked out a bra once (ok, maybe a few times) and it was a size 38DD. She has a few pounds she wants to lose but she looks good. Doesn't ever date but seems happy still. She works for a law firm in town as an office manager and must do alright because we aren't rich, but we have a nice house and never seemed to struggle for money. Dad is long gone- he died when I was two and it has been just us ever since. We live in a medium house in a regular neighborhood.

Which brings us to today and the loading of luggage in the car. I really wasn't wild about this trip but mom really wanted to go. She found an adventure vacation package where we will fly into the Bahamas and then spend a week on small boats, jet skis and other things in the warmth and sunshine. Sounded fine and I am sure it will be fun but I would just as soon hang out here with some of my buddies. I grabbed my backpack and my duffle bag and headed down to the car.

"Hey! You about ready?" Mom asked with her typical enthusiasm.

"Yea Mom. I am good to go." I replied with a smile as I tossed my bags in the car and she went to lockup the house.

We piled into the car and headed to the airport. The flight from Orlando to the Bahamas is short so we should be in paradise soon enough. As we were driving and chatting about all things traffic and vacation related I realized Mom looked really happy, and sounded even more chipper than usual.

"You excited for the trip?" I asked, trying to see if that is what made her seem so happy.

"Hell yea!" she exclaimed "Aren't you? A week of fun in the sun on a tropical island! Sounds amazing to me."

"Yea I am. I've never driven a boat before so a little nervous maybe." I told her.

"You'll be fine. We will get training, but a lot of the activities are kind of wind us up and send us on our own type things. So we can work through it together." Mom told me with her trademark smile and assuring tone.

We continued our banal chatter as we parked the car, rode the shuttle and made it the TSA line for screening. I went through the line first and had no issues but Mom got flagged for something. I was already through the line and they took her behind this half assed little curtain to pat her down. A female TSA agent came up and I could see they were talking and then she ran her fingers under Mom's breasts, between them, and up and down her leg. It was strangely erotic- then I snapped out of it cause that's my mom and we both high tailed it to the plane.

"Bit of a bumpy landing huh?" she said to me as we were pulling into the gate at the Nassau Airport. Like she had to tell me, I got lost in her jiggling boobs the whole time. It isn't unusual for me to notice her in a bikini or in some short shorts, but I certainly don't perv on her regularly.

"Yea but we made it!" I said with a smile.

"There is a smile! Good lets keep that going." she said as she pinched my arm.

We unloaded from the plane and got our bags relatively quickly. We were to meet the shuttle to the resort but we weren't sure how many other people would be on the van ride. It was full- all 13 seats including the driver had a butt in them. I wedged into a corner and Mom sat next to me, with a cute young woman sitting next to her to fill our three seat row. I kinda wished it was me that was crammed up next to the pretty blonde but the ride wasn't that long and soon we were dropping our bags in our room.

"Look at this place." Mom exclaimed as she whipped the curtains open to see a view of the ocean from our room 11 stories up. It was a beautiful place and I felt stupid for not wanting to come after all.

"Yea Mom. It's amazing. Cant wait to get started on some adventures!" I told her with a smile.

"I think I want to grab a quick shower and then maybe an early dinner while we decide what is on deck for us tomorrow?" she offered as she grabbed her bathroom bag and headed toward the bathroom. "Pick whichever bed you prefer..." she trailed off as she entered the bathroom.

"Ok." I told her as the door closed and I flopped on the bed more in line with the TV. I heard the shower running and her trademark humming for about 20 minutes and then just humming while she did her hair and got dressed, until the door opened. There came my Mom wearing a small black cotton dress that barely came down to her mid-thigh and showed an ample amount of cleavage. Her makeup was light and her hair was left down but certainly I could tell she spent time styling it.

"Ready to go?" she asked as she looked at me, looking at her.

"Yea I am. You look nice." I told her and was met with a smile that radiated across her face.

We went down to the lobby and found directions to the seafood restaurant on property and grabbed a brochure about the activities we could embark on.

"Hiking on a deserted island?! Oh lets do that!" she said pointing to a brochure as she grabbed a fork full of Mahi Mahi covered with a delicious black pepper cream sauce.

"That might be fun." I said looking at the description.


"That would be fun." I said as it was clear Mom wanted to hike tomorrow. We finished our dinner and enjoyed some casual conversation and then checked in with the adventure desk for tomorrow.

"We would like to go hiking tomorrow, if it's available." Mom stated when asked if we needed help.

"Sure thing Mrs. Harris. There is no one else scheduled for that event tomorrow so it should be a fun trip, just the two of you." we were told by the nice lady working the booking desk. "Be at dock number 4 tomorrow at 9:30AM to get the boat over to the island and they will give you more details on the trip. Bring closed toe shoes and comfortable clothing. You can also bring something to swim in if you want- there are several swimming holes along the various trails. Lunch will be provided and you will be back here before dinner. Any other questions?" she offered.

"No thanks. That all sounds great" Mom chirped and off we went back to our room.

"I'm pretty tired." she moaned as she playfully laid down on her bed, with a flop. Her dress rode up ever so slightly and I thought I noticed a hint of her red panties showing before she pulled her dress down to where it was.

"Yea me too. And someone wants to spend tomorrow hiking around, so we better get some rest." I said teasing her about the next days activities.

"It'll be fun!" she said with a smile and a giggle "And we need to make sure we bring swim stuff. Sounds amazing."

"I don't know if I will swim, but we can see." I said trying to get out of the swimming part of the day.

"Don't be silly, please bring some swim trunks and an open mind tomorrow. It'll be fun." she pleaded with me. I agreed, knowing when I have lost the argument.

"I want to grab a shower and then get ready for bed. Even with an early dinner it got late." I said looking at my watch noticing it was already almost 8:30.

"Can I pee and change first?" she asked and headed to the bathroom without waiting for the answer. A few minutes later Mom reappeared from the bathroom in her normal spaghetti strap shirt and shorts she slept in. "There you go. All yours." she said with a smile as she grabbed her book and laid on her bed.

I grabbed my bathroom kit and closed the door behind me to find quite a shock- a pair of obviously wet red thong panties on the floor. It was not a usual occurrence to find Mom's panties around. Not that we were some kind of prudish group, but we had separate bathrooms and weren't routinely undressed in front of each other so I was surprised to see these. Plus I could see they were very moist still. Without really thinking about it I reached down and picked them up. They were in fact, very wet in the crotch. These were the same panties I saw a hint of when her dress rode up. My cock started to stiffen as I felt the soft, silky and wet material that moments before was pressed tightly to my own mothers vulva. I had, as a young man explored my Mom's panties a few times so this wasn't my first but it was my first time touching a pair of hers for several years.

Just like it was yesterday I brought them up to my face and inhaled the sweet scent of her pussy. At the same time I slipped my pants and boxers off to free my now very hard 5 inch long cock. It sprang forth and I started stroking it while inhaling the scent. I had a moment of clarity and worried that Mom might wonder what I was doing and perhaps hear me if the water of the shower never turned on. I stopped stroking briefly and turned the shower water on to mask the sounds of my pleasure, all the while not moving the deep red panties from my face. I started stroking again and got really into the moment. I had my back to the bathroom door and was almost ready to cum when the door opened and I heard my Mom's voice.

"Oh no, sorry!" she cried out fumbling to close the door.

I dropped the panties instantly and turned out of habit and without thinking. There I was, clad only in my T-shirt, shorts and boxers in a pile on the floor, cock rapidly shrinking from sheer embarrassment. "What are you doing!?" I said, loudly, looking at my Mom. I could see her eyes look me in the eyes, then we simultaneously dropped our eyes to the panties on the floor, and then our eyes met again.

"I'm sorry!" she said as she slammed the door and ran out.

I didn't know what do next. I decided, in my 19 year old wisdom, to get in the shower and pretend it didn't happen. Ignoring a problem will certainly make it go away right? I jumped in the shower, finished my nightly ready for bed routine and slowly opened the door to the bathroom hoping Mom would be fast asleep by now.

"Hey, I'm really sorry..." she said, dashing my hopes of never discussing this situation. "I realized I dropped my panties and thought I could sneak in and grab them while you showered. I heard the water and the door happened to be unlocked so I thought..." she trailed off. "No reason to be ashamed. Its totally natural and normal, ya know, what you were doing in there. We all do it." she was talking so fast and it seemed so scattered. All I could think was "yea right, totally normal to jerk off smelling your Mom's dirty panties." but all that came out was "Sorry mom. I thought I locked the door, and I am really sorry you saw me..." I trailed off.

"No you are fine. I'm not mad, and we can forget this happened. I am good if you are good." she said with a smile.

"Ok. I'm going to go to bed." I said meekly as I dropped my clothes at my suitcase and got in bed wearing my basketball shorts and T-shirt. "Good night Mom." as I quickly turned around and tried to sleep.

"Good night babe." she said as I heard her get up. "I love you." as I heard her walk toward the bathroom. I peaked and she was going back to the scene of the crime to grab her panties. She tossed them near her suitcase and I heard her climb into bed and click the light off.

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Dying to read more.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

This is an excellent story,

I gave you a 5- (4.6 = 92%)!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Random read, not my usual but it was good. Traveling with my family, my sister's never dressed in front of me and always had their own room together. Over the years, I had a few peeks at my mom, skinny dipping late at night with dad, or at the bungalow shower, a boob flash occasionally on a beach. For me, the panty was a pair from my two older sisters but somehow they went missing. They were replaced by three new ones I found tucked under my pillow WTF, when my sisters were back at school with a short understanding note to just place them in the hamper.

bare5747bare5747over 2 years ago

its so exciting to smell someone's wet panties, smell like pussy but to get caught by your mother jerking off and then for her to say its okay everyone does it is fantastic. Just her way of telling you she masturbates too. Dying to read more.

Merlin_the_MagicianMerlin_the_Magicianover 2 years ago

I would have enjoyed having a whole weeks worth of story telling. It’s always interesting to know how people handle a mom and son adventure.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

i never understood the thrill of smell someones used panties...

fisheronefisheroneover 2 years ago

It has my interest now I hope follow up chapter soon

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Characters identified, setting established - of sorts, the brief and most mild back story given.

Oh yes, and sleep . . .

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