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The Age of Consent


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Ryan watched the girl take the wipes with shaking hands. Her face was such a mess of cum and tears and snot that she could barely see.

"Oh for shit's... give me those." Ryan took the wipes back and cleaned himself. Then he roughly, but thoroughly washed her face. "Now stand up. Show me your hands."

She obeyed silently. Dirt and gravel stuck to her hands, but she wasn't cut. He washed her hands and then her knees, tossing the used wipes into a small trash bag in the back seat.

"Now get in the fucking car."

He waited while she walked around and climbed in the passenger seat. She was crying softly as she clutched her little purse in her lap. He felt a stab of guilt. A goddam virgin. He dated women who cringed in fear of him, then got all wet when he called them degrading names and slapped them around. What was he doing with a fucking virgin? What was she doing with him?

She was his type, yeah, she was absolutely perfect. But women were drawn to him because the nice guys left them wanting. This girl had never even given the nice guys a chance. So what the hell did she want from him?

It didn't matter, he decided. She knew now what he was, and she'd gotten in the car. So fuck it. He'd never felt guilty for hurting a woman who knew what she was getting into, damned if he'd start now.

"Keep your shirt on, but give me your bra."

She obeyed without any hesitation, reaching behind her to work the clasp and slipping the lacy underwire out through her sleeves. She handed it to him and he tossed it at her feet.

He slapped her big tits hard through the barely there material of her shirt, first one then the other. He watched them bounce and jiggle. Then he slapped each one again, harder. She bit her lip, but didn't make a sound.

"They're real," he said, not really surprised.

"Y... yes," she said in a hoarse whisper. She reached a shaking hand towards her bruised throat.

"That wasn't a question. And put your fucking hand down. I'm playing with your fucking utters, dammit."

She lowered her hand to her lap, and Ryan began rapidly slapping her tits. In no time, he had them bouncing around like crazy. She was so young that despite their impressive size, they had no sag at all. He loved the way they moved, as if they were blindly trying to escape his next blow.

"Turn this way."

She scooted around in her seat to face him. He grabbed a nipple between thumb and fingers of each hand and slowly began to pull out from her body. She bit her lip and squeezed her eyes shut, but stayed silent. He pulled her tits out, then up, squeezing tightly, testing their weight.

"God, I love this shirt. I can see everything through it, and it's stretchy too. It's actually helping my grip on your nipples."

Pulling her tits up as far as he could, he began to jerk and twist her nipples. He moved his hands in quick little circles that forced her obscenely stretched tits to jiggle, then bounce more and more violently. She began making a quiet mewling sound under her breath. She was panting rapidly, and her eyes were still shut tightly against the pain.

"Open your eyes, babygirl. Look at me."

Ryan stared into her eyes as he intensified his violent treatment, making her tits stretch and bounce while he squeezed harder on her twisted nipples. Tears were running out of her big eyes and each quick breath brought a quiet little cry from her now.

Ryan realized he had no idea what this girl was thinking. She might be every bit as turned on as he was, or she could be suffering in her own personal hell. There were no moans of pleasure, no dramatic whimpers or cries of pain. She was so damn quiet! The little noises she did make were obviously involuntary. He'd always been able to tell when a woman was getting off on the way he treated her. He didn't always care, but he could tell.

Again he decided that it didn't matter. She could leave any time. They were in the parking lot of her dorm still. She was here, and that made this consensual. He found not knowing how she felt made this all the hotter. Actually, thinking that she might really hate this, that she suffered by choice, but for some unfathomable reason that had nothing to do with sex, had Ryan's cock growing hard again.

Watching her eyes, he let go of one tit long enough to slap her face, hard. But the dim light made reading her impossible. With a reluctant sigh, he began to back out of the parking space.

"Put on your seat belt. And fix your makeup."

Ryan pulled away from the dorm complex and surprised himself by turning left towards Lisa's duplex apartment. He had planned to take the girl to his house for some abusive sex and then let her take the 10:15 bus home. Instead he drove half way across town and found himself knocking on his best friend's door.

"Ryan!" Lisa greeted him. "What's up?"

"Mind if I come in?"

"Um, sure, just writing a paper. I thought you were on a date."

Ryan stepped inside and Lisa shut the door. "Yeah, she's in the car."

"She could have come in with you."


"Never mind. What's going on, Ry?"

"Lisa, I hurt her. I want to hurt her again."

"Okay. Yuck. But it's what you do. Why are you here?"

Ryan paced the floor, trying to organize his jumbled thoughts into coherence.

"Lisa, I can't tell if she likes my shit."

"I thought you had your own little radar for this stuff. At Marco's you were sure she'd be into it."

"I know. I was... but she's so fucking young, and I'm having trouble reading her."

"Um, okay. So ask her."

"I can't do that. I won't."

"You know, I'm not the best person to give advice on kink."

"That's what I mean. It's always been kink with me. I mean it's real, but at the same time, it's not. It's a fine line I don't cross. I think I'm crossing it with her. What if this isn't kink? What if it's just abuse?"

Lisa frowned. "If you think that, take her home. Now."

"I tried. I tried to stop before... before...but she...she was wearing this bright red lipstick and she licked..."

"Okay, yuck. Without details, please."

"I told her to go home. She wouldn't. She... okay, she um... pushed the issue."

"I'm sorry. I'm not following you. Sounds consensual to me."

"Lisa, she's a fucking virgin, and I'm freaking out."

Lisa laughed out loud. "Everyone starts out that way, Ryan."

"This isn't funny. The last time I fucked a virgin was Carly Martin in eighth grade. The first time is ... well shit, it's the first time. It's supposed to be sweet and romantic, right? I don't DO romantic, Lisa."

"Good God, Ryan, don't be such a girl. What the hell has gotten into you? That perfect first time crap is a myth. It is whatever it is. Obviously this girl wants it to be down and dirty and painful. Whatever. As long as it's her choice, let her make it."

"You think?"

"If she tries to walk away, let her go. In fact, insist on it. That's your rule, right?"

"Yeah, but..."

"Ryan. You're not a monster. You're a perv, but you're still one of the good guys. Now, go away. Go finish your date. Fuck her brains out, and never tell me anything about it. Go. I have a paper to write."

Ryan ignored the girl on the drive to his house. Feeling somewhat less evil after talking to Lisa, he spent the drive trying to decide just how hard to push his new girl.

"She's very beautiful," the girl said quietly.

"What? Who?"

"The woman you just visited. I saw you sitting with her at Marco's today too. Is she your girlfriend?"

"Of course not. Lisa's been my friend since we were nine. She's an amazing person. I have way too much respect for her to treat her like garbage. And girlfriends are for treating like garbage. Fuckable garbage. You're my girlfriend, for now."

"Oh. That's cool."

"Shut up. I don't need to hear your opinion."


They spent the rest of the ride in silence. Parking in his drive, Ryan got out of the car. "Come inside," he said.

She followed him into his house and into his bedroom. He switched on the TV.

"Take your skirt and shirt off," he ordered.

She was wearing lacy black boy shorts that matched the bra on the floorboard of his car.

"Get on the bed on your hands and knees." She did as he asked and he poked and pushed her until she was kneeling sideways across the head of the bed. He sat beside her, reclining against the headboard. For several minutes he flipped through the channels on the TV, fondling those lovely big tits.

"Your tits would look a lot better with a few bruises on them. Without any color, they're kinda pale and ugly," he told her. A blatant lie.

"I'm sorry."

"I could help you out. Make them prettier."

"Okay," she whispered. "Thank you."

Ryan sat up cross legged on the bed.

"Keep your eyes opened, and look at me while I hurt you."


He grabbed the fleshy meat of a tit in each hand, digging his fingers in and began to roughly squeeze and milk them. He pinched and pulled and twisted her tender flesh. She stayed silent, but she was biting her lip and fighting back tears.

"God," Ryan moaned. "I could spend hours just hurting your tits. You are so fucking beautiful when you're in pain."

"Thank... thank you," she said in the hoarse whisper she'd used since he'd fucked her throat.

He leaned down and ran his tongue softly over her lips. He dug his fingers into her tits and pulled, as if trying to rip them off her body. She cried out, and when her lips parted he slid his tongue into her mouth, kissing her passionately. Her lips softened against his, but she didn't kiss him back, just sobbed quietly. Ryan found her passive suffering almost overwhelmingly erotic.

Breathlessly, Ryan broke the kiss. "Lie on your back."

He took her panties and gave a little tug at the waistband. She lifted her hips and he slid them down her legs and off. Tossing them aside he ran a hand over her smoothly shaved cunt.

"Was this for me, or do you keep it this way?"

"For you."

"I like it." He pulled her legs apart and cupped her sex with one hand. She was hot and damp, but by no means soaking. She was determined to remain a mystery, it seemed.

He rested his cheek on her thigh and spread her lips open with his hand. He pinched her clit in his fingers and gave it a savage twist. She yelped and bucked her hips. He gave a hard slap to her inner thigh.

"Bad girl!" he scolded.

Again he pinched her clit and pulled, twisting it as hard as the first time. Again she thrust her hips up with a cry of pain. He held her clit tightly, still twisted at least 90 degrees.

"Behave! Settle down," he commanded. "Settle. Down." He continued to tightly pinch her clit at a painful angle until she eased her hips back down to the bed, panting and whimpering. "Hush, now," he murmured. When she was able to stifle her mewling, he let go of her clit, and rubbed it gently with his thumb.

"Now be a good girl." This time when he twisted her clit, she bit her lip and clenched her fists tightly at her side. She flinched, but didn't buck, and she remained silent. Ryan was growing to enjoy her silent suffering, even more than the screams of the women in his past.

"Better," he said releasing her clit. He shifted to lie between her legs. He ran his tongue over her little bud and sucked it into his mouth.

"Oh!" she gasped.

"Hush," he said as he teased her with his lips and tongue. Within moments, she was panting, dripping wet and so hot he thought his face might catch fire. When he bit down hard on her clit, she screamed for the first time, and soaked him with her cum.

Laughing with delight, he sat up and pulled off his t-shirt, using it to wipe his face. Then he stood and stripped off the rest of his clothes. He grabbed a condom from the nightstand and moved back between her quivering thighs.

"Last chance, babygirl. This is going to hurt."

"Please," was all she said.

In one brutal thrust, Ryan was inside the tightest cunt of his life. She wrapped her legs around his hips, and he rode her with a violence that surprised even him. All his worries and guilt were forgotten. Her body belonged to him now, and he used it as if it had been created for this moment.

He wrapped one hand around her throat as he fucked her. He pressed down watching her fight for air, as his cock pounded against her cervix. He begrudged her those few brief moments he was forced to let her suck down painful gulps of air. He loved the way her pussy squeezed him and her eyes pleaded with him while he choked her.

Her legs lost their grip on him, finally, but he wasn't done. Letting go of her throat, he grabbed her hips in both hands and lifted her. He went to his knees, and shoved her down onto his cock, thrusting up into her. It wasn't enough. He gripped her shoulders and held her down so that each thrust up impaled her fully.

With a guttural cry he came at last. Gasping for air himself he shoved her off of him. She lay beside him on his bed, her tits and throat an array of bruises, her thighs and cunt smeared with blood. She was quietly weeping. He peeled off the condom and tossed it on her belly. He stood.

"I'm going to take a shower." This was the part where Ryan kicked her off the bed and sent her to the bus stop. Instead he bent down and kissed her forehead.

"Stay right there," he said. "I'm not through hurting you."

She looked up at him, and for a moment her eyes were black holes devouring his soul.

"I know," she whispered. "You've only just gotten started."

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runespuppyrunespuppyover 4 years ago

Would love to read more of these two!

monkeykinglivesmonkeykinglivesover 6 years ago

This longtime favorite of mine should absolutely have a sequel. Can't wait. I love the moral dilemma and dialog about kink corrupting an innocent, and a dom taking power offered by the sub. And, it's hot. Good writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

This is gold. Love it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
I love it!

Especially the part that we still don't know her name. I wish you'd write more. I need me a Ryan.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
If only

Sad I never met my Ryan

Loved your story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Fantastic writing with a very intriguing plot.

LittleMinxxLittleMinxxabout 11 years ago
Wanting more

This story was fantastic. It had the kink I love combined with first time, which is hard to find. I hope you write more, this definitely needs to be a series!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
in love

I love this story! I love all your stories. It's my perfect kink and idc of it's realistic or not, I just love it! By far my favorite!

BunnylilyBunnylilyover 11 years ago
The title was what it got me intrigued!

I simply loved the title, since it's also the same name of one of my favorite songs ever.

Really interesting story, I'm not into being treated and hurt bad like Ryan loves to do with his "girlfriends" but well, at the same time I was concerned I couldn't help but feel excited too. So it was a good mixture, I suppose.

I can't wait for part 2, it must become a series, please! And please publish a continuation really soon, my pussy couldn't help but pound of fear and curiosity of what is coming next when I read the last sentence!

It was too short, but a really nice reading, I read it super quick! So I definitely need more now!

PallasAthena123PallasAthena123over 11 years ago
Can I Just Say...

...I love how you have taken the same theme/kink in each of your stories and grown with it? Your characters are more or less the same (I think Anya has been the sole deviation), but they have become more in depth, and you're exploring their relationships to themselves, their sexualities, and each other. All while keeping your scenes well-spaced and intensely hot!

They're also incredibly problematic, to be sure, but that's why they are fantasies on an erotica website.

Good work, keep it up!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
What a loser

Not erotic at all. The girl isn't the slightest bit realistic. This is crap.

DonaldHardcastleDonaldHardcastleover 11 years ago

Very interesting story. Well written with good sex and a little mystery.

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