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The Agreement

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Using a guy to get kids doesn’t turn out all that well.
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Authors Note: The idea of this story came to me several months ago. Finally have it in a form that I am happy with. Let me know what you think. I enjoy all the feedback. positive and negative.

Thank you to Bumbling Fool for your suggestions.

All characters are 18 or older. All of my works on this site are copywritten by CurrentParameter and may only be used or reused with permission.


Sarah rolled off Justin and laying on her side gave him a quick kiss. She stared at him for a minute and then said, "It's a shame, I wish this could last."

Justin lay back, looked up at the ceiling, and said, "You know, I have been thinking and might have a solution to our problem."

Sarah looked at him questioning.

He grinned, "Come on, we can discuss it at breakfast, but first I want to shower with you."

She looked leery at him, but after all these years, she knew that she wasn't going to get any further details from him until he was ready. She followed him into the shower.

Sara and Justin had been together since they fell in love with each other in high school. They were now 31 and had completed degrees in accounting and computers, respectively.

They had moved many times from city to city. They knew when to jump just when one of their schemes was about to be discovered. They had managed to stash away a little nest egg overseas. Both of their parents had been divorced multiple times, so neither was interested in the institution of marriage. Frankly, they had cut their parents out of their lives because they were tired of hearing the complaints about their latest spouses.

The only issue in Sarah and Justin's relationship was that he was sterile. Sarah desperately wanted to have children. They had both been tested for fertility, so knew that the issue was on his side. She was hung up on wanting to get pregnant the old fashion way with her man fucking a baby into her. No adoptions, no test tube babies.

After their shower, they sat around the table and ate breakfast. Justin presented his plan.

"So, I had an idea. It will solve two problems; money and babies." Justin said.

Sarah smirked at him. She thought, "Another patented Justin scheme is coming." She then said, "OK, let's hear it."

Justin started, "First, money. I have found a contract in Saudi Arabia for two or three years that overpays for my job skills on a huge project..." Sarah nodded, "...and you know, with these big projects, there are always opportunities to 'divert' some cash."

Sarah smiled, "OK, I like the plan so far."

He continues, "Second, babies, we find a guy that you don't object to and you accidentally" Justin did air quotes, "get pregnant. I don't particularly want to see you with another man, so you stay here in the States. I know when went to the Middle East once on vacation, you didn't like it, so I know you wouldn't want to live there. Once you get pregnant, you marry him, or maybe you don't, but if possible, stay with him. Then he is covering the costs of raising the baby. Hopefully, you can stand him for a little more time and accidentally get pregnant again. Then you have the two kids that you always dreamed of."

Sarah looked at him, "OK, so I am stuck with this loser with the two kids that I want, but I won't be with you."

Justin laughed, "Well, around the time that number two is born, my contract will end. You either divorce hubby, get the kids and child support and we get back together, or abandon him, grab the kids, and meet me somewhere in the world to live the rest of our lives?"

Justin then sits back in his chair, "What do you think?"

Sarah just sits thinking a bit, "And you would be OK with me being with this other guy?"

Justin frowns. "No, but I know you really want kids, and I can't give them to you, so I was going to lose you anyway. I want us to stay together, and if I take this contract, I'll be out of the country anyhow, so it won't be like I'll have to face you with this guy every day. I'm sure it will wear on me, but we will eventually get back together, and we will both have what we want. You, kids, and me, you."

Sarah stood, walked over, and sat in Justin's lap, kissing him. "I love you."

Justin smiled, "And I love you too. So you like my idea?"

She stood, grabbed one of his hands, and said, "How about I drag you back to bed and show you how much I love that idea."


That evening, they sat on the balcony of their apartment, enjoying some wine.

Sarah looked at Justin and asked, "So how do we find my baby's father victim?"

Justin said, "I have been thinking about that. We want someone that might be easy to manipulate. There is a computer conference this week, I'm sure that I can find a couple of candidates of shy computer geeks that you could seduce. After all, I am a computer geek and you seduced me." Justin winked. "Then in order to keep you, he might be willing to forgive some incompatibilities. You would have to be an actress for a time, but with some of our scams, we had to be actors for an extended period of time. This would be the longest."

Sarah pondered, "As long as he was kind, I probably would be OK. You know I have had to be nice to some real assholes."

Justin then said, "I'll keep an eye out and get some names. I was thinking that we could scout some out, maybe find a reason to have dinner with them, and have my 'cousin' who is visiting from out of town join us for dinner. If you are interested, then we can plan the next steps."

Sarah smiled, "Unlike you," she winked at Justin, "These guys probably never thought they would have a chance at someone in my league, so it is just a matter of finding one that I could live with for this. We do want someone who is somewhat good-looking. We will be raising his kids."


The conference started. Justin pulled up the list he had on his tablet. He had done some research. He hacked into the list of registered participants and the list of presenters. Justin and Sarah kept their social media presence as small as possible; you never know if someone might come looking for them. They, however, knew how to use social media to study their victims. They cross-referenced with LinkedIn and other social media sites, to reduce the list of possible targets. They removed those who had a job history going too far into the past as they would be too old, obviously all women, and those who appeared to be married or showing that they might be in a relationship. He pulled some of the remaining men's pictures together and Sarah reviewed the men's backgrounds and pictures to those that she was interested in. Now, just to find those five men.

He found the first one and was about to approach him when his target's phone rang and he heard him say, "Hello, Love." OK, probably has a girlfriend.

It took until the morning of day two when he spotted what looked like another target. This guy was number one on the list of Sarah's picks. He approached him, and based on the registration info he hacked, he would be heading to one of the security seminars in room 1035. Justin approached him and asked if he knew the way to room 1035.

The guy was startled but recovered and said, "Well, I am going there as well. I think it is this way."

The two walked together down the co-corridor and entered the seminar. They sat together and chit-chatted while waiting for the seminar to start. The guy introduced himself as Steve and that he was a security consultant for one of the big computer security firms.

After the presentation, Steve asked the presenter a few follow-up questions. Justin also found the presentation interesting, but of course, he was more interested in exploiting a security flaw than closing one. He followed and asked some questions himself. It was close to lunch, so Justin asked Steve if wanted to join him for lunch and the two of them went off to find the food court.

Over the next hour, Justin was able to get some more details from Steve. He was single. Justin mentioned that he had just broken up with his girlfriend and Steve mentioned that he had a girlfriend in college, but they broke up shortly after graduation. He had been too busy to find a new girlfriend. Based on his LinkedIn profile, Justin guessed that Steve was about 29. They then chatted about the other seminars that they were going to in the afternoon. Justin suggested that they get together for dinner that night and compare notes. Steve said that he was looking forward to it and they exchanged numbers to sort out the place and time later.

Once they split, Justin called Sarah and told her to get ready.

Sarah and Justin had spent time assembling details on all five potentials, so she spent the afternoon studying up on Steve. He was from Boston, so her angle was that she was moving to Boston and it would be so nice to know someone there.

The pictures showed that his hair was a similar brown color to Justin's. Steve was likely around 5'10" and actually had a bit of a handsome face when he smiled.

She then spent the rest of the afternoon getting ready for tonight's performance.


Justin had texted Steve the details for the restaurant. Sarah and Justin waited outside of the restaurant for Steve to appear. They would let him get the seat first and then the two of them would join him.

Steve was sitting at the table reviewing the menu when he heard his name.

"Steve!" said Justin.

Steve looked up to see Justin coming towards him with a pretty blonde in tow.

Justin continued, "Steve, I hope you don't mind, but my cousin Sarah has been in town visiting me, and her plans tonight got canceled."

Now Sarah is 5'5" with shoulder-length blonde hair. She was wearing a summer dress that ended just above the knee with 2-inch heels. Sarah was going for the beautiful side of cute. She didn't want to overwhelm him by wearing something with a lot of cleavage or a dress that was too short. She was the type of woman who turned heads no matter what she wore. Steve stood to greet her and with the heels, she was just a few inches shorter than him.

Sarah shook Steve's hand and said, "It is nice to meet you. So, are you a computer geek like my cousin?"

Steve stared at her and stammered "Uh, yes."

She smiled at him, "Don't worry I like geeks. I'm in accounting, so I'm boring. Not sure which is worse, a boring accountant or a computer geek."

Steve looked up with a glimmer of a smile and said, "I'm sure you aren't boring."

They made some idle conversation while reviewing the menu. Sarah gave Justin a wink at one point while Steve was reviewing the menu items.

Once they had ordered, Justin and Sarah tried to maneuver the conversation to get more information from Steve.

Sarah started by telling Steve, "I'm from Seattle, but came here to LA to visit Steve before I move to Boston next month."

Steve responded with some excitement that he was from Boston.

Over the course of dinner, Steve became much more relaxed around Sarah, and the two of them spent more time talking to each other and ignoring Justin. Justin thought "Plan going well so far."

After dinner, Sarah and Steve shook hands and they had decided that the three of them should get together for dinner again the next night. The second dinner ended with Steve getting a hug.

Justin had an "emergency" and couldn't attend the third dinner, so it was just Steve and Sarah for dinner. That meal ended with a hug, a kiss on Steve's cheek, and a promise from Steve that Sarah could stay in Steve's spare room in his condo while she searched for an apartment once she moved to Boston.

After Sarah came back to Justin and her apartment after dinner, they celebrated with a fucking session that went late into the night.

The next day, Steve was on his flight back to Boston and Sarah started her search for a job. Steve's condo was close to his downtown office, so downtown Boston was the target of the search.

Justin helped her while sorting out the last details of his contract in Saudi Arabia.

Sarah received a couple of interviews and got a position not too far from Steve's condo. All the pieces were falling into place.

During this time, Steve and Sarah chatted on the phone almost every night. At one point over a video call where Sarah was a bit "drunk", she "accidentally" fell forward, and Steve got a great look down Sarah's bra-free top at her C-cup tits. Steve couldn't keep the grin off his face for the rest of the call.

Although their plans were falling into place, Justin and Sarah had a tearful last week together. They did fuck like bunnies but knew that it would be at least six months before Justin could come back for a visit.


Steve met Sarah at the airport. When she saw him, she ran up to him, gave him a big hug and a full-blown kiss on the lips. Sarah kept thanking him for all that he was doing to help her.

Sarah didn't want to push things too fast as she didn't want to scare him off. She spent the next month settling in. She did occasionally give Steve glimpses of her in her underwear.

One night as they were relaxing and watching TV while eating Pizza on the couch, Steve suggested that Sarah didn't need to find an apartment and that she could stay and pay rent for the spare bedroom.

Sarah accepted and nuzzled closer to him.

The first big step was about six weeks in. They both got a little drunk with wine and Steve woke up the next morning with Sarah cuddled up beside him. They were still wearing clothes, but when Steve shifted, pretending to sleep Sarah pulled him closer and sleepily said, "Sarah likes Steve."

Things moved faster after that. Sarah didn't sleep in Steve's room again right away, but there were the good morning and good night kisses, a make-out session after watching romantic movies, and holding hands when they were out and about.

Three weeks later, they went out for a nice dinner, and after a romantic stroll back to the condo, Sarah asked Steve to sit on the couch as she had a surprise for him.

After a few minutes, he heard her say, "Close your eyes."

Steve closed them and waited. He heard movement and then she said, "You can open them."

His jaw dropped. She was standing there in a see-through black teddy. She asked, "Do you like?"

He just stared and Sarah giggled and went over and sat on his lap. She kissed him.

He got over his surprise, pulled her close, and kissed her back. They made out for a few minutes when she stood up, grabbed one of his hands, and pulled him to his bedroom.

As she helped him out of his clothes he stopped, "I don't think I have any condoms."

Sarah said, "Don't worry, I am on the pill." Well, she was taking pills, sugar pills. Justin and Sarah had bought several containers of birth control pills but switched the pills with similar-looking sugar pills.

As Sarah explained to Justin on the phone the next day, "He was so cute. It was almost like he was worried he was going to break me. He didn't last long, which I expected, so I had to fake an orgasm. I didn't want him to think that he wasn't giving me pleasure."

Justin laughed at the other end of the phone, "Don't worry I'll be a little rougher when I come for a visit in five months."

Sarah bit her lip, "I know, I just can't wait to feel your cock again. Just remember to use condoms when you are fucking those hookers over there. We don't want to catch anything."

Sarah and Justin had decided that they wanted to go the route where she would bring the kids with her to wherever Justin was. That way they wouldn't have to worry about divorce and custody battles that could take months. She would just take off with the kids and join Justin.

Five months after she moved in, Sarah had to break the news to Steve, "I don't know what happened, but I'm pregnant."

Steve was in shock for a few days but Sarah kept reassuring him that things would be OK. Two weeks later, at dinner, Steve pulled out a ring and proposed.

Sarah met Steve's parents, and although they were a bit hesitant at first, Sarah won them over. Justin and Sarah had done some research on them, so Sarah already knew which buttons of their hobbies to push to get them on her side.

Sarah pushed for a quick wedding, so she would look nice in a wedding dress before she showed too much. Three months later, they were wed. They wanted the wedding to coincide with Justin's visit from Tokyo so he could be Steve's best man. Justin of course worked in Saudi Arabia, not Tokyo. When the time came for Sarah to Join Justin, they didn't want to make it easy for Steve to find them.

Of course, Sarah and Justin celebrated whenever they could get alone on their own before Sarah and Steve went to Nantucket on their honeymoon and Justin left to go back to work.

In a phone call after the honeymoon, Sarah confessed to Justin, "I'm slowly getting him trained to be better in the sack. He is finally able to get me off, so I'm not faking it as often."

Justin replied, "Stay the course, baby, I have found some cracks in their accounting here and have started to funnel some money. We will have a big nest egg once we are done."

Several months later, baby Justin Henry was born. It was only natural to name their baby boy after the man who introduced them.

Baby Justin was Steve's pride and joy. Sarah felt a bit sad about what they were doing to Steve, but her desire to be a family with Justin overrode everything. Steve was an easy guy to like, so it wasn't much of an acting job she needed to pull off to keep him under her thumb.

Steve used a condom for the first few months as Sarah eventually restarted being on the "pill". This time it was four months before she was pregnant again. Sarah was relieved because she was going to run out of her "pills".

Justin congratulated Sarah on her success. "Steve hasn't been suspicious that you got pregnant again while on the pill?"

Sarah replied, "I don't think so. He did ask the Doctor but the Doctor said that sometimes these things happen and that he would prescribe a different type of pill than the one that I had been on after the baby is born. That seemed to keep him happy."

Justin was quiet for a minute, "You know, you could just take off now?"

Sarah replied, "I know, I miss you so much, but I trust the Doctors here and I want the baby born here so he has an American Passport. I wouldn't want to raise too many red flags having to apply for his citizenship later or if we travel, having one child on a different passport."

Justin paused, "I get it. I just miss you. I'm looking forward to being there in a couple of months. I love fucking you when you are pregnant."

Sarah giggled, "I love fucking you in any state."

Justin came for his once-every-six-month visit and Sarah took a few days off. Justin, Sarah, and toddler Justin went out for walks and when toddler Justin was tired, they retreated to Justin's hotel room, put the toddler down for a nap, and caught up on their fucking. They lay there in bed. Justin rubbed Sarah's belly and said, "Not too long now."

Justin eventually headed back and eventually; baby Laura arrived.


Steve was working a lot of long hours and weekends. Finally, one Saturday, while sitting in his office, he looked out the window, saw the sunshine, and said "Fuck it I am going home and spending some time with my family."

He arrived at their condo. They were still in the same one but were thinking of looking for something bigger with a bedroom for each child in the next month or so.

Laura was crying, so Sarah didn't hear him come in. She was in the bedroom changing Laura when he overheard her saying, "Justin, don't worry. I'll talk Steve into the idea of going on a vacation to the Caribbean with the kids. That will get me the passports so I can leave with the kids and we can finally be that family we always dreamed of."


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