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The AirBnB Ch. 10

Story Info
Bailey and her friend show up and join Trish and Lucy's date.
17.5k words

Part 10 of the 12 part series

Updated 08/20/2023
Created 12/16/2022
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~~~Continued from Chapter 09~~~~~~~

I woke up in the morning to the sound my phone makes when an Airbnb reservation request has come through.

I reached over to my phone to silence the notification, saw it was for 2 months from now for a family of 3, and simply told the app to put a hold on the request until Monday morning.

I rolled over to see Trish cuddled up behind me. Even when she slept, she was beautiful. I kissed her plump lips and she covered her head with her blankets to hide from me and the light.

"What a bitch," I laughed as I pulled myself out of bed, went to the bathroom, and started the shower. I stared at my naked figure in the mirror. I had hickeys and bite marks on my neck, a couple of bruises on my ass, scratches on my legs and back, and my hair was a complete mess.

"What a night..." I murmured to myself with a smile on my face. I blacked out around 2 AM and don't remember much after that. I was drunk and physically drained from all the intense orgasms that were shared among us 5. I don't even remember when I got into bed with Trish or if it was her that got into bed with me.

I looked over and saw her laying on my bed on her back with her arms out wide and her breasts now fully exposed to the air. Biting my lip, I did everything I could to not go and wake her up. She normally wakes up early and goes to bed late. It's no secret that she uses Saturday mornings as a means to catch up on her week's worth of sleep.

I instead closed my bathroom door and stepped into the shower. The warm water felt amazing as it trickled down my head and back. Each stream of hot water rejuvenated my skin and my body. I turned away from the water and ran my hands through my hair as the water flowed through it and then down my chest and back.

I love taking showers. I love how a hard or tiring day can be washed away and any rotten thoughts are washed with it. I love how it feels to cleanse the body after an insane night and how it allows one to reminisce and revisit the previous day's events. I especially enjoy how it almost detoxifies the body of the shit we put in it after a long night of partying.

But I also love how it felt when the water would bounce off my breasts. How the water tickled my nipples and trailed down my body and over my ass and pussy. The more I woke up to this newfound sexual prowess within me, the more I began to appreciate my body and the ways these ladies pleasure it. I always thought you were either born gay or born straight, but I guess I've also heard of boys turning boys and girls turning girls. It probably doesn't matter in the end who you are, as long as you're happy.

I was normally pretty horny when I woke up on Saturday mornings. B.O.B., or my glass dildo, usually had busy mornings and as of the last two weekends so did whoever shared my bed.

Today wasn't an exception to that but instead of acting on this horny feeling, I was absorbing it. I was relishing in the "why" I was horny. Seeing Trish in my bed as my lover, and not my drunk friend who couldn't drive home and had to stay the night, was warming my body and re-energizing my soul.

The feeling my pussy was sending to my brain of feeling pure relief and satisfaction, calmed me internally. The openness to share my partner with multiple people and not have the jealousy to follow it peaked my love for Trish and our relationship. The excitement of these new experiences and the spontaneous nature of how they transact sent chills down my body.

I turned around again and dipped my head under the warm streams of water. My hair falling over my face, the drowning sounds of the shower and the soreness of my muscles being massaged by the shower head fully put my body at peace.

I suddenly felt hands reaching around my body and landing on my tits. They squeezed my breasts fully as they pulled me back into their chest. I felt perky nipples poking my lower back as I whipped my hair to the side and committed to Trish's shower seduction. My eyes closed, and I let my body lie loose to her touch. I wrapped my arms around her hips as far as I could and squeezed her ass. The angle wasn't great but I was able to get two handfuls.

She kissed my neck before biting it and moving up my neck to my ear. I laid my head on her shoulder and she slid her tongue into my ear. Her hands now exploring my nipples and pleasing them teasingly, my moans filled the shower and my legs grew weak.

Abruptly, my legs were spread, and then my pussy lips, as a tongue began its lashing on my desiring cunt. My legs almost immediately buckled as this mystery tongue swirled through my pussy lips, quickly finding the sobbing entrance to my cunt. My pussy was completely sucked into the owner's mouth.

"Holy fuck!" I managed to yell out. The lips were suckling my bean as the hands that were on my tits worked roughly. The tongue in my ear turned into bites on my neck. A knee bent under my ass just as I was losing my footing with each lashing of my clit.

It wasn't moments later that 2 fingers slid into my pussy and one into my ass. The invasiveness caused me to scream out loud and my eyes to open to find Lindsey between my legs. I shuttered as I cocked my head to the side and found Emily behind me.

My head turned and found the doorway to the bedroom and saw Trish sound asleep on my bed. "I thought you girls went home," I softly gasped.

"No car, remember?" Emily whispered in my ear as she tugged on my nipples simultaneously, me arching my back in response.

"Plus, I never got to thank you for last night. I've needed the mind-bending fucking Mistress Trish gave me. Plus, I always had a crush on your pet Lindsey. So, I...well, we...thought what better way to repay you?" Emily continued as her fingers were now rudely twisting my nipples in accompaniment to her tugging them.

My breathing became shallow as I turned my head as far as I could and reached out to Emily's lips with my own. Stepping to my side, impressively without releasing my nipples, Emily placed her head in a more accessible position and met my lips. I grabbed her head with my right hand and Lindsey's with my left.

Emily attacked me like a lioness as I was completely lost in her perfectly puffy lips. Lindsey vacated her two fingers from my pussy and added them to my asshole. I now had 3 fingers in my ass and they were urgently pumping away.

My legs were growing increasingly weak as my weight was primarily supported by Emily's still knee bent under the low of my back.

"Oh fuck...don't stop my pet," I purred between kisses as I felt my orgasm begin to rise. I let go of Emily's head with my hand and supported myself against the wall. My orgasm was peaking when I opened my eyes and saw Trish spread-eagle on my bed with both B.O.B and my dildo working her beautifully pink pussy, eyes fixed on me and the girls.

I needed nothing more as I grabbed Lindsey's head with both hands, falling into Emily's chest, Emily catching me with her arms, as I came violently on Lindsey's tongue.

I immediately slid to the ground once Lindsey removed her fingers and sat there against Emily's chest, who slid down with me, as the water sprayed my face and bounced off my heaving tits.

Lindsey smiled and wiped her face with the water falling from the shower head before turning it off and cuddling up in my lap, resting her head on my tits. My eyes never left Trish's as I watched her get herself off with my toys.

Trish joined us but moments after her orgasm and we all showered in my small 2-person shower. It was difficult, but highly erotic as tits were often pressed together, or asses pressed into the crotch of the girl behind them.

Often two girls would begin making out as the other two would play with them both. This would quickly be stopped as one would start washing her hair or lathering up her body. It then became quite the efficient shower as everyone helped everyone clean themselves.

It was at this moment that I was really happy that Chris convinced me to go with a dual-functioning rain shower head. The water came from high above when the removable shower head was in place, and when you needed the shower head in other parts of the shower, it came apart. But with there being 4 of us in this shower, the water coming from up high meant none of us were cold or fighting for the water.

We all got out one by one, dried off, and took turns drying our hair with the two blow dryers I owned. (One was used when I went out of town but I dug it out of my closet once I got out of the shower.) I lent clothes to everyone except Trish who had brought her clothes earlier yesterday, which was great because her huge tits often would stretch out my shirts.

Trina must have left after I passed out as there was no evidence of her being here, and I highly doubt that she would have ignored what had just happened in the shower if she was here.

Trish and I made the girls breakfast, bacon, and eggs, and we all ate before I gave the two young ladies a ride back to Lindsey's car at The Lazy Turtle.

"Thanks, Mistress for a wonderful night, I'm really happy we came..." Lindsey winked and graciously thanked me as she leaned over the center console and kissed me. She then hopped out of the backseat and opened Emily's door.

Emily waited her turn and then thanked me with her own kiss. "Yes, thank you very much." Emily smiled after beautiful lips left mine and slid out of the car, Lindsey's hand guiding her out and then closing the door.

The two of them began to walk away hand in hand.

"You're very welcome, you sexy bitches!" I yelled out as I opened my passenger window. "Oh and Emily!" I called out.

"Yes?" Emily replied looking over her shoulder before Lindsey nudged her and gave her a 'really?' look. "Er...Yes, Mistress?" Emily corrected herself.

"Don't forget to answer when we call. Plus, not that either of you needs my permission, but IF this," I said pointing back and forth between the two of them, "does want to become more official...you have our blessing." I smiled as I rolled up my window, watched them give each other a quick peck on the lips, and get into Lindsey's car.

"God...damn," I said to myself as I slouched back into my seat.


"Hey Babe!" I answered Bailey's call.

"Hey, gorgeous!! Just wanted to say that my friend is running a bit late...go figure...are you home?" She replied.

My eyes shifted to the radio clock and saw that it was about 11 AM.

"Nope, just dropped off our pets at their car and will be on my way home soon. Trish is there if you wanted to head there now? I am thinking about heading to Walmart on my way back. I haven't been in a week or so and need some of the basics like milk, food, snacks, and most importantly some more wine." I detailed pulling out of the parking lot following behind the two girls in Lindsey's car.

"I may just have to take you up on that. It's so boring here at my parent's house, especially as most of my friends have either moved out of town, are still in college, or have become slutty burnouts." Bailey explained as she seemingly shuffled around her room.

"Hey! You know you are welcome at any time right? Literally, you could show up at 3 AM, sleep on my couch, or more preferably in my bed, any day of the week." I laughed as I started my drive to Walmart.

"AWWW, well fuck, now that I know this I'm definitely coming over more often! Should I bring anything with me?" She asked.

"Just whatever you want to do, clothes if you want to spend the night, a bathing suit in case we hit up Trina's....and anything you feel your friend may want. What was her name again? Sorry, I've got post-orgy fog brain." I chuckled.

"That sounds like the best kind of brain to have!... Her name is Jaime...but most people call her Shay." The name Jaime rang a bell but I wasn't quite sure why. Maybe it was because she told me her name a few days ago. "When will I get to meet this new girl you two sluts seduced yesterday?" Bailey continued.

"Emily? I'm sure by the end of the weekend. You may even get to meet Missy, the client of mine, if things pan out well." I smiled at the thought as I pulled into the parking lot of Walmart.

"She was so fucking hot from what I could see in the photos...I can't wait. OH and Lucy?" Bailey asked softly.

"Yes, love?" I replied, grabbing my purse and keys as I got out of my Jeep.

"Shay is....innocent, innocent. Like, I don't know if she's a virgin or not but I wouldn't be surprised if she was. She's not a prude or shy. She's just very standoffish. She thinks she's not as appealing to other women on account of her fair skin, red hair, and flat features. But I think she's gorge and know that if anyone can help her get out of her shell it's..."

"TRISH!!" We both said simultaneously.

We laughed for a bit before I cut in, "Well...we can, if anything, just make her feel at home. We don't have to fuck every woman with two legs and two breasts. "

"Yea...well, we will see about that..." Bailey purred.

"You going to stay the weekend?" I asked as I walked into Walmart and grabbed a cart.

"I plan on it." She replied.

"Good, I have a question for you but I'll wait til I see you in person. I just got into Walmart and it will probably be a while. I am notorious for taking my time when I shop. I'll let Trish know you'll be on your way here soon." I smiled to myself as I began trudging through the store.

"Sounds good, bye babe!" Bailey chirped on the other side of the line.

"Bye, love," I answered and hung up.

"Hey beautiful, I'm at Walmart right now, do you need anything or can you think of anything we need? Oh, and Bailey is about to be on her way there so make her feel at home would you? 😜" I texted Trish.


"And you betcha! Love ya!" Trish replied in a second text.

Her texts were short and to the point which either meant she was on the phone, was eating, or was watching TV. Either way, I didn't think much of it and continued on my shopping trip.

I got some meat, veggies, fruits, chips, salsa, sodas, water, candy, bread, snack cakes, and a couple of bottles of wine. This Walmart also sold Liquor so I got a bottle of Vodka and a bottle of Teramana for Trish. This led me back to the produce section so I could grab some limes.

As I headed to the checkout line, I could not help but stop at the flowers and buy both Trish and Bailey their bouquet. Roses for Trish and Lilies for Bailey.

I felt my face flush as I put the flowers in the cart. I'm not sure why I felt giddy seeing Bailey again but I also felt romantic buying them both flowers. It made me and Trish's relationship feel more authentic but also felt...sensual buying them for Bailey as well. I decided to get a third bouquet of sunflowers for the guest room downstairs.

I wasn't sure if Shay liked sunflowers or not but it wouldn't hurt sprucing up the room and giving it a little life and color.

I bought my stuff, loaded up the Jeep, and then hopped up into the vehicle. Seeing the clock say 12:24, I realized I had been in there for over an hour. "Holy shit," I said out loud.

I started up the ignition and then headed home.

I pulled up to the stop light that wasn't too far from my house when the gas light lit up the dashboard. Luckily for me, Murphy's gas station on the other side of the intersection was the cheapest in a 6-mile radius.

I pulled through the intersection and turned into the gas station, got out, and began to fill the Jeep.

"LUCY!?! Lucy Brinks?" A soft older voice said from my left.

I shifted my head in the direction of the voice and couldn't make out who it was. Cupping my hand over my brow to block the sun, I could see Mrs. Whitaker, my old High School Volleyball coach.

"Mrs. Whitaker?!?" I yelled out as my old coach stepped closer.

"Lucy Brinks! How are you?" She smiled as she hugged me.

"I'm doing well! I'm actually...Lucy Cavanaugh now." I smiled back as I returned her hug and then stepped away.

"Oh but of course you married! You were always a gorgeous young woman, of course, a strapping young man settled you down." Mrs. Whitaker joked as she placed her hand on her hip.

"Actually, I am divorced. He's in the Marines and the distance plus his post-deployment woes were just too much I'm afraid." I grimaced as I looked at my tennis shoes.

"Aw...I'm sorry dear. Me and my husband separated about a year or so after you graduated so I do know what you're going through. Was it recent?" She pried.

"Yes..and no. It was over a year ago. I've moved on and everything is good now, Mrs. Whitaker.." I smiled as I looked back up at her.

Honestly, for a woman in her late forties at youngest, Mrs. Whitaker looked damn good. She had silver-blonde hair, I'm assuming it was dyed this way, tan skin, piercing green eyes, and an overall athletic body. She was wearing a golfers-plaid button-up shirt and a white tennis skirt with white shoes to match.

Mrs. Whitaker was the high school teacher that all the boys wanted growing up. She was a young and tall P.E. teacher with medium-sized breasts, which she always showed off in a low-cut shirt, an athletic ass, and long muscular legs often stretching out from a skirt a lot like what she was wearing today. Not much has changed I'd say as the years have been kind to her.

"Oh please," Mrs. Whitaker chuckled as she playfully hit my arm, "we're all adults now, call me Shelly".

"I can tell you are still fairly athletic, right? You were always one of my best students and Volleyball players. I often joked with the other teachers that you could be an Olympic Gold Medalist if you wanted." Shelly continued as she slightly leaned against the front end of my Jeep.

"Aww...that's very kind of you. I do work out and try to stay fit, though I'm not going to the gym as much as I'd like." I smiled back, not sure how to exit this awkward encounter. Mrs. Whitaker was always an awesome teacher but it was just weird to see her in public like this after so many years.

"Well, hey! I'm not sure if you've got a good job already or not, or maybe even just want something fun to do on the side, but I could use an assistant coach at the school if you're interested?" Shelly smiled as she moved her hand to block the sun that was now shining on her face. "The pay isn't great, nor the benefits, but you'd only have to help at practice outside of school 3x a week and attend the games each weekend. There is a nice bonus if we win Regionals and an even bigger one if we win State. It's nothing compared to what any of the boys' coaches get, but it's still nice." Shelly offered as she stepped forward to me and out of the sun.

"I'm sure you've got better things to do, but we've got a talented set of girls and I think they need a fresh set of eyes and a younger mentality. You'd fit in perfectly, so what do you say?" She asked firmly.

"IIIII don't know, Mrs. Whitaker." I started before she gave me the look she gave us when we used to act out in practice. "Sorry, Shelly. I'm a realtor, I've got this new relationship I'm in...and I just don't know if I have the time right now. But thanks for asking!"

"Well...here, take my number," Shelly said as she reached into the purse hanging from her shoulder, and pulled out a ripped piece of paper and a pen. "I don't need an answer right away, but maybe you could think about it? Ask your boyfriend what he thinks and then give me a call. I don't need an answer until September."

"Ok...Shelly, well it was nice to see you!" I said taking the paper from her as the gas pump shut itself off as it finished filling up my Jeep.

"You too!" Shelly replied, giving me a brief hug and walking away.

"Whattt theee fuckkk.." I said to myself as I disengaged the gas pump, returned it to its home, and got back in my Jeep.

I stared at the foldup paper in my hand before throwing it in the storage compartment under my radio and driving home.

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