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The Amazon and her Granddaughter Ch. 05

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Familes that fight together, fuck each other.
9.5k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/03/2024
Created 01/10/2024
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The sun was well into the morning sky when Aina awoke. She stretched and hugged the warm blankets against her body; it had been weeks since she'd had the luxury of a bed with soft feathers in the mattress and a comfy pillow against which to lay her head and covers which didn't leave a leg or arm outside no matter how closely they were pulled. If she had been lucky they had a small fire, but often her Grandmom wouldn't permit it as she feared giving themselves away; bounty hunters would be after them by now and woodsman could earn a year's wages by informing on them. There had been several close shaves since they escaped, an inn where they had stopped only to discover a wanted poster on the wall (they had stuck to the woods and wilds since then), and another time when they'd almost stumbled on some men out with hunting dogs, who luckily seemed more interested in chasing down some bears than them.

Slowly she opened her eyes, wanting to get the full benefit of gradually waking up. She was alone in the bed, she vaguely remembered her Grandmom getting up just as dawn was breaking and telling the teen she could stay where she was if she wanted, something Aina had taken full advantage of. Each morning she'd had been waking up cold and aching, to face cold rabbit if she was lucky, a couple of handfuls of berries and some overripe apples if she was not. Then they'd mount the horse and ride through the wilderness, relying on her Grandmom's sense of direction to guide them, only stopping for her Grandmom to pot a hare until dusk. Not that Aina was complaining, the alternative was being married to the revolting Sir Belgrothian -- at least until he and her step-father could find a way for her to have a convenient accident. But there was enough reason, despite the discomfort, the dreary cold and continual danger, that Aina counted the recent weeks as the best time in her life, as every night she'd get under the covers with her Grandmom and the older woman would fuck her until she screamed.

It had been almost disappointing when her Grandmom had announced they should be no more than a day from their destination.

She had vaguely known she had an Aunt, her mama had mentioned her a few times, and that she married a man she'd met on some mercenary adventure and settled down to domesticity, outside Amazonia lands where no males could permanently settle. Hugh seemed to think this was what all Amazons should do, but Aina wondered why any Amazon would want to wed a man and not a sexy, beautiful thrall. But her Grandmom thought it best they head for her daughter's; the ways to the border with Amazonia would be teeming with bounty hunters and Hugh's men and if they were going further into the lands of men, hopefully they'd think they were heading to one of the Port cities, not a market town in a provincial barony.

The teen stretched again and yawned, pushing the blankets away from her naked body and shivering slightly as the chill air woke her up fully. She reached for her pussy and gently rubbed it, she'd not been fucked since yesterday before breakfast, it had been late at night (or very early in the morning) when they'd arrived and Aina had been even more tired than she was horny (which was unusual and showed how exhausted she was). Getting up she padded across the floor and got into her dress, it was peasant's garb and not nearly as comfortable or attractive as her silks, which were in the saddlebags, but it was much warmer as her Grandmom had said when she stole it from the washing line outside a small village hut. She was just pulling it over her head when the bedroom door opened and in walked an attractive dark-haired teen about Aina's age.

"Good morning cousin," the teen said. "I've brought you some warm water."

"Morning," Aina said. They'd been introduced early this morning, but as Aina had been so tired she was almost fainting, it took her a moment to recall the other teen's name, "Sofy." She said and her cousin smiled gratefully as if she was glad Aina had remembered.

She set down the bowl of warm water she'd been carrying and said, "There's some breakfast when you're ready, some blueberry pancakes and sausages and bacon as well."

It sounded delicious and Aina nodded her agreement eagerly, "I'll be through in a minute, after I've washed my hands."

"It seems strange to realise I have a cousin," the other teen was still standing by the door as Aina looked around for her shoes.

"Yes, me as well. I mean I think I knew I had an aunt, but my mama never really talked about her and I hardly ever saw Grandmom, until a few weeks ago."

"Yeah, my Mom has always been very tight-lipped about her family, I gather they weren't happy about her marrying my father," Sofy said, "I didn't even know she was an Amazon until a few months ago. I'd never heard of thralls, I thought all the women were Amazon's"

"Well, I suppose it's mainly the Amazons who travel abroad, thralls tend to be left at home, my Mama only left when my Mom died and she was made to marry my step-father. He thought everyone in Amazonia was an Amazon, I heard him boast he was bedding an Amazon as if he could!"

"You're a thrall, then," Sofy asked and Aina nodded, she certainly wasn't tough enough to be an Amazon, but thralls were the Amazon's women and she was more than happy to be that. Her cousin nodded, "Me too."

"Can I ask a personal question?" Aina said.

"Sure, yes."

"So you and your Mom, are you, you know, a couple?"

"Is my Amazonian Mom giving me her woman's weapon?" giggled Sofy, "Oh yes, we're fucking all the time, this used to be my room, but I've not slept here for months, ever since Mom rescued me from the orcs and we got together."

"Grandmom rescued me as well," said Aina, "From my stepfather."

"She was saying... I was talking to her as I made breakfast, she sounded very brave, were you scared?"

"Terrified, but I knew she'd protect me, what about the orcs?"

"Oh I was sure I was going to be raped and killed, when Mom appeared, she was so strong and tough I think I just fell in love with her. Grandmom..." [it was strange to hear someone else call her that, though what else would Sofy call her?] "...said that you and here were lovers as well."

"Yes, since we escaped. It's kinda wonderful."

"Tell me about it, I can't get enough of Mom's women's weapon," said Sofy and Aina patted the bed for her cousin to sit beside her.

The two teens exchanged stories of how they'd got together with their Amazon lovers and how good the sex was, as well as how frequent -- something neither they nor Katarinka and Tori complained about. They discovered that both the women's weapons were large and thick and that both teens liked it that way. Aina admitted that she loved it when her Grandmom banged her back door and Sofy said she loved it that way as well and luckily so did her Mom. The two of them had so much in common that Aina quickly decided that she and Sofy were going to be the best of friends as well as cousins.

After probably too long a while Sofy stood up and said, "We better go into breakfast, otherwise it'll be too cold."

The two teens walked through to the kitchen. At the table, Tori and her own Mom were arm wrestling, the two of them straining against each other and neither getting anywhere. However, Aina wandering over and kissing her Grandmom on the forehead distracted her long enough for Tori to push her down, though her aunt wasn't unoccupied for long as her own daughter moved behind her to gently massage her shoulders. The two Amazons exchanged looks as slow smiles crossed their faces. Aina gave a little squeak of surprise and delight as her Grandmom's arm wrapped around her and pulled the teen onto her lap. Across the table, Sofy had little time to digest this before her own Mom was patting her own lap and motioning to her daughter to sit on it.

"Looks like I have two sexy granddaughters," Katarinka said as she slid her arm up Aina's front, sliding over the breast as she did so and making the teen shiver in excitement, even if the material of her dress meant there was no flesh to flesh contact.

"You do," grinned Tori. Her hand was moving up the inside of Sofy's thigh. Aina watched it in fascination as it vanished from view and her cousin gave a titter of pleasure, which suggested that the hand was finding its target. Her own lover was cradling her tit through the dress and gently, but very overtly, squeezing it. Aina had known a lot of courting couples, but they kept the courting to the privacy of their own rooms and didn't fondle their girlfriends in front of others. However, she had to admit it was also a little exciting, knowing that Sofy and Tori could see her being played with and that they were, in turn, displaying their passion to her and her Grandmom. The teen leaned back into Katarinka and let out a purr of pleasure to show she was happy with being groped in public. Her Grandmom used her spare hand to brush away the hair covering the side of the teen's neck before kissing it, not making an effort to hide what she was doing.

Opposite her daughter, grinned and did the same, her lips pressing at Sofy's exposed throat, making the teenager blush a little and moan a lot. It turned Aina on, watching it, almost as much as she was turned on by her Grandmom's touch on her. She gave her own groan of excitement as her own breast was squeezed tightly. She felt her Grandmom moving the other hand over her leg, rubbing at the bare skin beneath her dress and moving upwards, replicating what she had just seen her aunt and cousin doing. They seemed to copy in turn as one of Tori's hands was on her daughter's bosom, squeezing the pert mound through the teen's dress, Sofy was smiling widely, her eyes closed as she wriggled on her Mom's lap, obviously enjoying her touch as much as Aina was enjoying Katarinka's.

"Mmmnn," the teen let out a satisfied groan as her Grandmom's hand went under her dress and found the pantyless pussy. With a skill born of much practice, her fingers found the clitoral hood and pressed and rubbed the sensitive bud underneath, sending warm waves of sexual pleasure into Aina's pussy. She quickly found herself getting damp as her Grandmom's fingers continued to run over her clitoris and stimulate it into a state of satisfaction. Moaning she gently rocked back and forth, before letting out a gasp as two of Katarinka's fingers pushed at her slit entrance and drove in.

"Ooohhh, yessss," her cousin let out an equally impassioned sigh and Aina could see her aunt's hand moving under the teen's dress, the older woman playing with her daughter's cunt. Tori could see Aina looking so she briefly moved her hand out, but only long enough so she could pull up her daughter's dress to her stomach, exposing the bald slit. Then she returned, her thumb rubbing at the clit whilst she pumped a couple of fingers in the hole. Sofy gasped and bucked in pleasure, widening her legs as if she wanted to make sure her cousin and Grandmom got a good view.

"Very nice," purred Katarinka into Aina's ear and the teen wasn't sure whether she was talking about the sight of her other granddaughter's twat being fingered or the feel of Aina's wet tunnel walls clamping around her own fingers as she drove them down. Not that it mattered, both were good. Aina shivered and shuddered, opening her legs to allow her Grandmom more space. At the same time, she gently lifted her dress up, matching her cousin's pose and showing her aunt her pussy as it was penetrated. Tori grinned wider and sped up her own fingering, making her daughter gasp out loud.

Shuddering in pleasure Aina kept her dress high, there was something very exciting about exposing her most intimate parts, especially as they were being fingered. She wondered if Sofy felt the same, the other teen's eyes were still closed, but that seemed to be because it made the orgasms she was getting feel more intense than because she was shy or didn't want to look at her cousin's cunt. Her Mom certainly didn't mind, as she was gazing quite openly at the teenage twat in front of her, working her own fingers into her daughter in time with Katarinka. Gradually Katarinka began to speed up, slamming her fingers faster and harder into Aina's dripping fuckhole, making the teen gasp and cry. Tori increased her speed to match her and then overtake her, hammering her own daughter's twat so that the teenager was shivering and quaking, her gasps as loud as Aina's. Katarinka wasn't going to be second for longer and Aina was almost doubled in ecstasy as her Grandmom drove faster and harder, like she and Tori were in competition.

"Yesss, yesss," cried out in Aina as the waves of climactic pleasure started to build, "Oooohhh yessss, yesss!"

Opposite her Sofy was also shrieking in pleasure, "Fuck my pussy, I want it, faster, aaaarrgghh, faster, Goddesssss, Goddesssss!"

Her Grandmom pulled at the cords at the front of her dress, pulling it open so the teen's pert breasts fell out. She gripped one and pulled at the erect nipple, squeezing it between her fingers and adding to the waves of excitement rushing through the teen. To add to her belief that the two Amazons were either competing or copying she saw that Sofy's dress was also down, her tits bouncing up and down as her Mom reached up and started to knead and play with them. "Aaarrrghh," the teen squealed, "Aaarrghhh yesssss."

The cries of the two teenage thralls filled the cabin's kitchen as they were both finger-fucked towards a heavenly climax. "Yessss, yesss, Goddessssss! Aaaaarrghhh, aaaarrrghh, fuuuckkk!"

Their Amazon lovers continued to slam in, hitting the teenager's sweet spots repeatedly and making both of them buck and shudder. Aina gripped the table with one hand, almost scared without the stability of it she'd collapse to the floor in a heap. "Make me cum," she squealed, "Aaaarrrghhh Grandmom, finger my cunt harder."

The older woman's fingers continued to do their work, racing in and out of the soaking hole, pushing Aina up the hill towards the peak of pleasure. She gasped out, again her hand gripping the table so tightly it was a wonder that neither her nails nor the wood splintered. "Yessss, yesssss, yesssss," she screamed, dimly aware that just feet away her cousin was also shrieking in orgasmic bliss, "Yesssss!"

The orgasms hit her like a storm from below, the power of it almost making her take off. "Yesssss," she shrieked as the orgasm tore through her, reducing every bone to jelly and every nerve to flame, "Yessssss!"

Her Grandmom pulled out her finger and a panting Aina collapsed back against her, panting and trying to steady her breathing. She closed her eyes momentarily, hearing the pump of her heart and the gasps of Sofy as she too tried to recover her equilibrium after her multiple climaxes.

"I think you enjoyed that," said Katarinka with a grin.

"Oh Goddess, yes," replied Aina.

"We better have some breakfast before the bacon gets cold," Tori said.

The bacon turned out to be almost frozen it had been left so long and near hard as iron as well; Aina didn't care.


After breakfast, though it was so late it was pretty much indistinguishable from lunch, Tori said she was going to grind some herbs up for some powders she had on order and Katarinka joined her daughter. It left Sofy and Aina alone, though Aina's thoughts that they would spend the afternoon on the couch gossiping and getting to know each other, was swiftly corrected when Sofy announced she had chores to do. With nothing else to do Aina offered to join her, though she'd never dusted a mantelpiece or made a bed in her life - there were servants to do these things. Still, following Sofy's instructions she managed to make a half-passable job of folding her first sheets and almost a good one of stacking the firewood from outside next to the fireplace -- it wasn't what she'd have chosen to spend her afternoon doing, but it was made bearable by her cousin and the two teens continued to discover that they had much in common beyond being Amazon lovers, laughing at the same jokes and liking the same fairy stories and both desperate to one day get to the Amazon lands and to see how thralls lived in a world where they didn't hide.

The two Amazon women appeared before dinner and sat down at the table as the two thralls prepared it (or rather Sofy prepared it and instructed Aina in cutting vegetables and stirring stew). However, as she helped dish it up Aina felt a small measure of satisfaction, there was something rather than enjoyable about making dinner for your woman (as her Grandmom was) and serving it to her. She noticed that Sofy waited for her own Mom to take a bite of the stew and say it was good before she smiled and relaxed as if her Mom's praise was the high point of her meal. The four of them ate up, the food was plainer than Aina would have had if the banquet hall at home (or at least what had once been her home, she wouldn't ever be back there she knew), but somehow that made it tastier and certainly both her Grandmom and aunt cleaned their plates happily, leaving nothing on them apart from a few streaks of gravy.

"We're going to spar outside," Katarinka said when the meal was finished.

"It's a long time since I've practised with anyone," her daughter said, "and this old woman is better than nothing."

"I'll show you old," said Katarinka with a laugh, "Remember there's not a trick you know that I didn't teach you."

"We'll wash, then we'll come and watch you," said Sofy. Aina nodded her agreement, she did enjoy seeing her Grandmom practice her moves -- she looked so strong, graceful at the same time and sexy with it.

The two Amazons nodded their agreement, leaving the cousins to wash the dishes and admit to each other how hot they thought watching their lovers' exercise was, unsurprisingly it was another thing the teens found they had in common. The cleaning up finished they eagerly headed out the back to the stand just next to the herb garden and watched the Amazon's spar on the patch of grass next to the shed. It was getting dark and there was a chill in the air, neither of which were really dissipated by the torches that had been lit and were burning in each corner.

The two women were finishing up as the teens arrived, both clad in boots and metal skirts, but topless, their bare breasts swinging and jiggling as they warmed up. Looking closely Aina could see the tip of the woman's weapon beneath Katarinka's skirt and she felt a wave of lust, remembering the times it had been deep within her, her Grandmom fucking her into orgasm after orgasm -- the finger this morning had been fun, but for choice, Aina would have gone for the thick slab of wooden pleasure any time. The two Amazons picked up their swords, leaving their shields leaning against the fence, and moved to either side of the grass patch.

Sofy Friend slipped her arm through Aina's, "This is exciting isn't it? Who do you think will win?"

Aina had no idea, but she tried to sound knowledgeable and pick up some of the things Katarinka had told her as they were tramping through the woods, "Well your Mom is younger, but Grandmom is more experienced."

Sofy nodded sagely, probably knowing no more about duels than her cousin. "They both have a chance," she said.

"As it's not for real I don't mind who wins," lied Aina.

Her cousin grinned, "Well if you wanted to support Grandmom, I could support Mom, that'd be fair."

"Oh yes," giggled Aina, hugging her cousin closer to get some of her warmth, "That'd be fair."

"Perhaps we should give them some encouragement," giggled Sofy and reached for the lace holding together the front of her dress.

"Good idea," agreed Aina doing the same.

The two teens quickly undid their bodices and got out their tits, jumping up and down and cheering on their lovers as the two older women swung their swords in the warm-up. Both looked towards the thralls, it was too dark for them to see much, but even so, the fact that the teenagers were cheering them on topless was unmistakable. Both women gave a small nod of acknowledgement back and settled into a fighting stance.

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