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The Amazon and her Granddaughter Ch. 06

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The bounty hunters catch up with the Amazons.
10.3k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/03/2024
Created 01/10/2024
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He moved slowly, silently, one hand on his sword hilt, the weapon still in its padded scabbard, the other he held out slightly to make sure he was balanced as he crept -- the last thing he wanted was to avoid stepping on a branch only to stumble and alert his prey. Telric had been a bounty hunter twenty years, after a brief and not very successful career as a cooper's apprentice. He'd been partnered with Admart for twelve of those, the most successful twelve as well. In that time they'd tracked debtors, murderers, deserters, errant husbands, equally errant wives, runaway children, a drunk priestess (that was a story he'd tell his grandchildren) and dozens of common thieves, cutpurses and footpads. They'd never tracked an Amazon before and for Admart, Telric was sure it was as much the novelty and challenge which motivated him as the money.

For Telric it was the money, and as Amazons had a reputation as being dangerous, the money was good. Admart was back with the horses half a mile away, a small patch of trees next to the road which had good grazing and a spot under a tree where he could happily read a book whilst he waited for his illiterate partner to return. Perhaps their differing motivations and personalities were why they made a great team, if they seldom met outside their work, within it they fitted like a hand in a perfectly tailored glove. Admart was the smart one, the charmer who could interrogate anyone from a town guard to a local whore so skilfully they didn't know they were giving out clue after and who could then tie the disparate facts into a whole map. It was he who'd tracked the Amazon and her granddaughter this far, taking small clues along the way from innkeepers and foresters who'd glanced at the travelling women. It was him who'd realised that it wasn't a random direction that the Amazon was going and that she was heading to somewhere and that probably also meant someone. In each town he looked for clues, gently probing the locals to get some idea if there was a destination here.

And in the last town, it had been a reclusive Mom and daughter, who lived outside the walls. Telric could never work out how his partner had pulled together the threads of the woman being from elsewhere, not having had a man since her husband died sixteen years together and them vanishing for a period after an orc-raid and both Mom and daughter becoming even more reclusive after that,  only coming into town rarely to sell potions. But he had and he'd confidently told Telric that the woman was an Amazon and that was where Katarinka and the granddaughter had gone.

This was where Telric skills came in. Experience, and the fact they were still alive, had taught both men you didn't rush in and hope that the target was both there and unprepared to resist, plus there was little more embarrassing than smashing down the door to a farmhouse and discovering it wasn't your target (and Telric had done that several times in his early years). You needed to do your reconnaissance and be careful about not being spotted. If Admart was brains and charm, Telric was sharp-eyed and cunning like a fox; he could creep through the undergrowth as silently as a field mouse and see signs of passing that even a hawk would miss. He moved swiftly and stealthily towards the building.

The rays of from the sun were quickly vanishing leaving the woods gloomy if not yet dark and through the trees he could see the spark of a lamp being lit through a window. The house was occupied at least, but he needed to be sure it was the right one before he went back to his partner. He slowed down, his eyes darting around to find a suitable place to hunker down, his dark cloak around him and all his face masked apart from his eyes, so there be no glint of light on his skin to give him away.

Finding a spot, which allowed him to blend against a tree whilst still offering a perfect view of the door and the yard he settled down. There was a chill in the air, winter might be over, but it was hard to say that spring had yet come. The cloak was chosen for its darkness less its warmth, the bounty hunter pulled it around himself anyway, shivering and thinking that Admart had probably got a fire going. If he was lucky Katarinka would be out to check on the chickens before she retired, if not he'd be here all night and hope she'd come out after breakfast; though he was resigned to the fact she might stay inside for days and eventually he'd have to take more direct action to see if she was in.

The door opened and out came a woman. For a moment, in the darkness, he thought it might be his target -- she was certainly an Amazon, wearing armour which covered her breasts and a metallic skirt over her thighs and holding her sword with an easy casualness, despite its size and weight. But after a second he could tell she was too young, though she had a resemblance to the woman in the picture. Still, it was promising and suggested Admart had been right about the woman who lived here being an Amazon.

The Amazon had a lit taper in her spare hand and used it to light some straw in the braziers around the yard, lighting it up, so that Telric could see her even better and fully confirm she wasn't Katarinka. The woman practised a few swings and Telric, who knew a fair number of things about sword-fighting himself was impressed with the speed and dexterity with which she moved, she wouldn't be easy to take down, he decided.

A few moments later the door opened again and two young women came out, Telric guessed they were eighteen or nineteen, perhaps twenty. Unlike the Amazon they were in normal attire, both of them wearing dresses with low-cut bodices which clung tightly to their slender waists. The Amazon paused to say something to them and they both giggled, before taking hold of each other's hands and wandering over to stand near the gate to the paddock, waiting as the older woman finished lighting up.

Then his patience was rewarded, the door opened for a final time and another woman clad in Amazon armour came out. She was perhaps marginally taller than the first one and he would have guessed her age in her mid to late forties, though he knew he was out over a dozen years as she was sixty past. He had found his target, who was certainly Katarinka, sometimes called the Brewer of Witches or the Dragon Slayer.

The two teens broke from each other, the one with the darker longer hair, moving towards the first woman, whilst her friend, shorter shoulder-length hair and what looked like a lighter brown (perhaps a dark blonde, it was difficult to be sure in the fading light) walked, or more accurately, sashayed towards Katarinka. The two teens and the older women embraced and not in a friendly or familial way, the Amazon's gripping around the teen's slender waists and drawing them close against them as their heads dipped down. Telric was too far away to literally hear, but his imagination made up the sounds of passionate kissing. Of course, he had known that Amazons weren't into men, that and them being fearsome warriors were the facts even the most ignorant peasant knew, but it was still a surprise to see it being enacted in front of him, quiet sexy as well and whilst most of him stayed as still as a statue, one particular part of his anatomy stiffened.

The kiss wasn't just a quick one either, the four women remaining together for what seemed like half the evening, making out passionately, squeezing against each other, hands sliding from waists to ass, gripping the pert teenage bottoms under their dresses as the teen's hands slipped up the naked backs of the women, only stopping when they came to metal bra armour. Katarinka was sliding her leg up between the shorter-haired woman's, the teen seeming to shiver and shudder as the older woman's knee rubbed at her pussy. Her head fell back and Telric was sure he could hear her moans and groans of pleasure, gradually getting louder as Katarinka masturbated her.

The other couple were still making out passionately, the older of the pair undoing the younger's bodice and pulling it down enough that the teen's pert breasts sprang out. Damn, they were a nice pair, thought Telric as they seemed to give a pale glow as the firelight danced a few feet away. He only had a moment or two to admire them before the older Amazon moved her mouth from the teen's and onto the tits. He had to force himself not to give a half-growl as he watched the older woman suckle and lick at them, swallowing them as deep into her mouth as was possible. The teen was giggling and gasping pleasurably, her sounds mixed with her friend's (who he now thought was Aina, the granddaughter who'd been kidnapped, though he didn't think it looked too involuntary to him -- not that it should matter, the money was the same).

He returned to concentrating on Katarinka and Aina, it should be disgusting to watch a grandmother making out with her granddaughter, against all the laws of Gods and the laws that men put in to appease them, but it wasn't. Instead, it was damnably sexy (possibly literally so, depending on whether the Gods were as harsh as some of the Priests said they were); he licked his lips and gave a quick and not very truthful prayer, before continuing to watch as the teen shuddered and shivered, uttering little, delightful, cries. Katarinka was undoing the teen's front as well, her hands slipping under the material to squeeze the teen's bosoms and make her gasp even louder and more passionately. The dress continued to be pushed back and away, off her shoulders and down to her waist. Aina's skin seemed flawless and he had near-perfect eyesight, so that meant it probably was. The teen was groaning loudly as even as Katarinka stopped moving her knee between her legs she was slurping and licking at the young woman's bosoms, giving them the same delightful treatment as the younger Amazon was giving her 'friend' (or daughter perhaps, there was a family resemblance and there seemed to be too big an age gap for sisters). Telric made a mental note to ask Admart, when he returned to his partner, what the Amazons felt about in-family sex, there being little doubt in his mind that Katarinka and Aina were definitely grandmother/granddaughter lovers and that the other pair was almost certainly even more closely related. He couldn't remember if the other man had said anything about it as they rode, to be truth Admart was much more interested in other cultures and their histories, Telric normally concerned himself with more practical subjects, such as how they fought.

In front of him, the two teens were almost back to back, slowly being pushed together by their more forceful Amazon lovers, in both cases their dresses were down to their waists, exposing their lovely, firm titties, so much better than his own wife's and almost as good as a whore he'd fucked a few nights before. The older women were kissing the teens again, their mouths pushing down on the teen's open ones, the younger woman obviously reciprocating eagerly, their own hands running all over their older lovers' backs. Katarinka broke from, who Telric was sure was, Aina and there was a brief exchange of words between them, which Telric couldn't hear, but which seemed to make the teen happy as a large smile spread across her face. She got down on her knees, the other teen quickly following her as the older women undid their iron skirts and exposed what lay beneath.

For a second, despite his keen eyesight, Telric thought they were real cocks. They were certainly shaped like them and the wood was flesh-coloured, at least in this light, though he suspected in daylight they'd have looked paler than the Amazon's actual skin. He vaguely remembered Admart saying something about how Amazon's got their strength, the woman's weapon he'd called it and whilst he'd suggested it was a phallic symbol as he'd not got into any detail Telric had assumed it was a necklace or some other feminine ornament the women carried. Still, if their strength related to the weapon's size both women would be damn difficult to beat in a fight; he didn't think he was small himself, but the two wooden weapons were larger than he was and whilst he'd sure they'd fit in a hole, it would be a tighter fit than many men would enjoy.

The teens certainly seemed to be enjoying them like they were real, both the young women slipping their mouths around the fake phalluses and dipping their heads down them enthusiastically. It was hard to tell, at the distance, how far they were going in, but from the way the teenager's heads were bobbing Telric guessed they were giving them a good throating. Not just a quick few seconds either, but a proper mouth-wash, going on for so long the bounty hunter began to wonder if the girls were witches, not needing to breathe, before he shook his head and cursed himself silently for his superstition; no magic, just really good cock-suckers.

The cocks might not be real, but the two Amazons seemed to be enjoying them as if they were, grinning at each other and holding the back of their lover's head, pushing her in and speaking what sounded like words of encouragement, though Telric was too far to properly decipher them. The two teens bounced back and forth, eagerly taking the cocks in their mouths, their naked tits jiggling as they reached down under their dresses, their arms moving vigorously and making it obvious that they were pleasuring themselves as they sucked.

The torches burnt brightly, illuminating the tableau, allowing Telric's sharp eyes to take it all in, like they were doing a live show just for him. It was an act of willpower not to reach for his own cock and jerk it furiously as he watched the four sexy women in front of him. Only the fact that he wouldn't stand a chance against two Amazons stopped him. The sex show continued as the older women pulled back the weapons and the younger ones stood up, moving in to kiss the Amazon passionately. Katarinka and her friend (daughter?) were pushing at the teens' dressing, removing them fully so that the two younger teens were totally naked apart from their moccasins. Their nude bodies pressed at the older women, embracing them tightly as the older women's hands, in turn, massaged and played with the teenager's tight ass cheeks.

After a few moments they broke, there was a brief exchange of words between Katarinka and the other Amazon, as Aina and the other teen smiled and giggled, reaching out to take each other's hand. Then still naked the two teens walked to the edge of the paddock as the two Amazons picked up their swords and shields and moved into a fighting stance.

Watching the fight wasn't more interesting than watching what had proceeded it, but it was possibly more important, as there was a strong chance Telric might find himself crossing swords with the women and seeing their styles might give an edge that'd keep him alive. Both were fast and skilful, swinging and parrying, thrusting (and stopping just inches away from the jugular or heart, which was more difficult than it looked). It confirmed what he had heard about the skills of the Amazons and when he got back to Admart he'd tell his partner that this was a job which was better divided four or even five ways, rather than just between them when they'd never live to collect.

Aina and the other teen were watching the fight as closely, though it looked like their interest was less professional and more sexual, as they kept giggling and whispering to each other as they rubbed at both their own and the other's pussy as they followed the movements of the older women. The Amazons continued their fight, ignoring the masturbating teens, (which was hard for Telric and he was further away and must have been worse for the Amazons next to them who'd be able to hear the moans and groans as the two teens pleasured themselves). The older women danced in the torchlight, their skin seemingly red, from the flames or exertion or both. It was hard, even for a professional such as Telric, to tell who was best, one attacked and then the other, or else they both dropped back waiting for an opening or feinted so what looked like a parry turned into a swing. They were both good, however, and energetic, going at the fight for longer and with greater energy than many men Telric had known.

Eventually, they both stepped back, lowering their weapons and speaking together, both smiling as they turned to the teens who were giggling coquettishly as the older women looked them over. The Amazons both took off their metal bras, exposing their tits, larger than the teens but also tighter and rounder than many women of their ages could manage, especially Katarinka who would not see sixty again. The two teens looked at the older women lustfully, Aina saying something to the other one, who nodded and smiled widely. They advanced sexily towards the Amazons, swinging their hips so their titties jiggled under the torchlight. Interestingly Aina wasn't going towards Katarinka but the other Amazon and the teen who'd been sucking the middle-aged Amazon was moving towards Katarinka.

The two new couples kissed hard and passionately, their hands moving over each other bodies, rubbing and exploring, hugging and embracing, pulling each other close. The steel skirts the Amazons were wearing fell to the ground with a metallic clank as the teens undid them, leaving the older women almost as naked as the teens, though the older woman had their strap-ons and all four kept on their shoes (or calve length boots in the Amazon's case). For a few more minutes the two couples continued making out before they separated. As Telric watched the two teens walked over to a bit of fresh grassy lawn and lay down beside each other. They kissed and took hold of each other's hands, as they spread their legs open. The two Amazons held their women's weapons as they dropped first to their knees and then carried on down, guiding the wooden phalluses into the teenage twats.

Both young women gasped and groaned passionately as they were penetrated. Neither was new to this as they wrapped their arms and legs around the older women, encouraging them in and down. Not that either of the Amazons looked like she needed either help or encouragement as they speared the teenage pussy, driving their weapons into the teenage sheaths.

Even across the yard, Telric could hear the shrieks and squeals of enjoyment from Aria and the other teen as they were fucked. The two young women were writhing and rolling as they were driven from above, their hands clawing at their older lover's back and their legs clamping around them. The Amazons were going in hard and deep, pounding away frenetically, with a speed and power Telric was unsure he could match, and even if he could, not for so long.  He couldn't actually feel the ground quaking, but he also imagined it was doing, such as the pounding that was happening in front of him. In the trees above him an owl tweeted, its woo-hoos merging with the cries and gasps from the teenagers.

The older women carried on fucking the two younger ones for longer than Telric, thought possible. He was sure he'd have collapsed exhausted by now (and he wasn't a starved peasant, but a fit and strong bounty hunter) and if he hadn't he'd have cum, especially fucking one of the sexy beauties in front of him. It was impressive how the older women continued, they were panting a bit, but not enough that it looked like they were out of the race, nor enough that they were slowing noticeably. The teens were screaming and shrieking louder, shuddering and rocking, as it looked like they were driven to orgasm.

The Amazons exchanged a few words which Telric couldn't hear, before levering themselves up and onto their knees. For a moment, as the two teens also started to sit up, the bounty hunter thought the 'show' was over and they were going to go inside, but instead, the young women were positioning themselves on their hands and knees, wiggling their asses at their Amazon lovers. The two older women looked down, admiring the view, before taking the wooden cocks in their hands and guiding them towards a waiting orifice. Telric, from his position, couldn't tell which they'd entered or even if the Amazons had both gone for the same target. He could tell that the older women were starting slower than before and both the teens were rocking in excited pleasure, their cries louder, even if their words still remained indecipherable.

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