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The Babysitter Stays for a Week Ch. 01

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Peter's wife goes away, and the sitter takes advantage.
2.3k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/24/2022
Created 07/23/2012
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Peter kissed his wife as she got into the taxi. She yelled out one last goodbye before the cab pulled away.

He now had an entire week of dealing with the kids and no wife to fall back on. Luckily, their family babysitter was going to stay at the house to help out. Peter would have to work late all week, and there was no choice but to ask Kelly to stay and watch the kids while he wasn't there. She was on summer break before she shipped off to college so she was happy to oblige.

Peter was definitely excited about that part of the week. Kelly had been their babysitter for six years now, since she was 13. At this point, she had become a part of the family, but that didn't mean Peter couldn't notice that she had grown into quite an attractive young woman. Her beautiful face, blonde hair, and lithe 19-year-old body made her a feast for the eyes. But it stopped there. Peter never thought about her in that way beyond stealing an occasional glance as she left the room.

As he went back inside he smiled at the sight of his two kids sloppily eating breakfast at the table. "This is going to be an adventure," he thought. He had no idea.

His wife left on a Saturday, and after an uneventful day of watching movies with the kids, Sunday arrived. The phone rang. It was his wife, letting him know that her flight went without a hitch and that she was safely at her London hotel.

"Ok, hun, have a great time. You're going to own that presentation tomorrow. Then make sure you enjoy the rest of your week in London, ok? We'll talk tomorrow. Love you. Bye." Just as Peter hung up the phone, the doorbell rang.

He opened it to see Kelly with all of her bags. "Think you brought enough?" Peter asked sarcastically.

"I know, I know. But I just kept seeing things I don't think I could live without."

Peter helped her carry everything up to the guest bedroom. He laughed, "You only live across town, it's a short trip."

"I didn't feel like having to drive back. Besides, I know how much you need me here!"

"Fair enough," Peter said as he backed out of the room to let her start unpacking her things. He glanced quickly at the bottom of her ass-cheeks, which were just peeking out below her short shorts.

"This is going to be torture." He thought.

That night, after they put the kids down to bed, Peter and Kelly watched some syndicated television before they went to sleep. They talked about her upcoming matriculation to college. She was excited but nervous. "You're going to have a great time. Enjoy every second of it," Peter said. At that moment she lifted up the leg closest to Peter and rested her hands on it. This showed almost all of her unblemished, tan thigh to Peter. He couldn't help but peek at the part of her leg that was just inches from what could only be the tightest and most wonderful pussy he would ever see. He immediately shook those thoughts out of his head.

"Once again, this is your babysitter," he thought to himself. But it was too late. Kelly definitely saw him look at her leg. She smiled and got up.

"Ok, Mr. Hamilton. I'm going to bed. Don't stay up too late." She walked by in front of him, her ass once again directly in his sightline.

"Ok. Sleep well." He said.

A half-hour later, Peter was walking down the hall to his master bedroom. He walked directly by Kelly's guest room when he heard some muffled noises coming from inside. He didn't think much of it, until he realized they were moans. He stopped and couldn't believe what he was hearing. She was masturbating! He had to keep listening. She started to get more and more into it. Her moans were getting a bit louder. Peter slowly lowered his hand to his crotch. "What are you doing? This is not right." The debate continued in his head, but he wasn't strong enough to pull himself away.

"Ooooh yes." She continued. Then he heard something that almost made him come in his pants right there. "Ohh. It's so big, Mr. Hamilton. Put it inside my tight pussy. Yes. Right up... there! Oooooh." She was masturbating to him! Peter unbuttoned his pants and reached in and started stroking his dick right there in the hallway. She was getting a little louder, "Ohhh yes, Mr. Hamilton. Yes, yes, yes!" He was so hot from this that just as she started to come, he came as well, making a mess in his pants. He was so enthralled by the moment, that he let out a little groan of pleasure. Immediately realizing what he had done, he frantically buttoned his pants and continued down the hallway to the bathroom.

He heard Kelly's door open. "Oh hi Kelly."

"Was there something wrong with your bathroom, Mr. Hamilton?" She said with a wry smile. She then looked down and saw the bulge that was still there in his pants. "Ok, well Mr. Hamilton, I'll see you tomorrow."

Peter lay in bed that night thinking about what happened. He decided that this must have been just as embarrassing for her. If she knew he was listening to her, then she knew he heard her and what she was doing.

Peter came downstairs the next morning to find Kelly making breakfast for the kids. All she had on was a tight t-shirt and very short cotton shorts. She was reaching up for a glass on the highest shelf of the cabinet, pulling up her shirt to reveal her midriff. But Peter noticed something else. Her shorts were pulled very low, and he could see enough skin to safely assume she wasn't wearing panties underneath. "Is she doing this all on purpose?" he thought. Before he could think about how to deal with this situation, she bent down right in front of him to get a pan from under the sink. Her ass was in clear view. He immediately got up, taking one more sip of coffee.

"Ok guys. I'm heading to work. Be good to Emily," he said.

"We will!" his kids sang in unison.

"Bye, Mr. Hamilton," Kelly said, somewhat seductively, "I'll see you tonight."

That night, Peter got home late after a long day. His youngest was asleep on the couch and Kelly was sitting on the adjacent chair. Peter plopped down on the far side of the couch, exhausted. He saw that Kelly was wearing a very sexy brown pleated skirt and Ugg boots that came up just above her ankles. Peter gazed upon her sexy tan legs as she watched TV. From his position, he had a great view of the tops of her legs, just as they disappeared under the skirt. He decided that it would be crazy for him to not enjoy the sights, and made sure to get as many glimpses as possible. Then, Kelly slowly uncrossed and crossed her legs in the direction away from Peter. For a split-second he had a perfect view of her white lace panties. Once again he sensed that she knew exactly what she was doing, but he was far too tired to care. She smiled at Peter, then said, "I should really put him to bed." She got up and, facing away from Peter, bent over to pick his son up from the couch. Peter was once again too weak to not look, and as the skirt rode up a bit, he saw the bottom of her panties poking out from under her ass. He was now fully aroused from her constant teasing, and was having a tough time concealing it. He watched Kelly walk out of the room carrying his son as her skirt swayed back and forth.

He put his head in his hands, "Is this really happening to me right now?"

Kelly came back and sat down next to Peter. Once again, they talked about college. And once again, Kelly lifted up her leg, putting one of her Uggs up on the couch, resting her hands on her knee. This time, because she was wearing the skirt, he could see a smidgen of white lace panties. Kelly looked at right at him and turned towards his direction, keeping her leg up on the couch. He now had a good view of the front of her panties. She was moving her leg in such a way that would show him her panties and then immediately close up the view. It was unbelievably hot. He needed to get out of there. But as he was about to get up she started talking. "I wanted to ask you, has it been helpful having me here?" As she was talking she closed her legs up, hiding the sight.

Peter coughed, and just barely pushed out a response, "Yes, of course, Kelly. I wouldn't be able to do this without you."

She started to slowly slide her left hand from her knee down her thigh a bit. "That's good. But I also wanted to ask, do you like having me here?" Her fingers slid a little further up her thigh.

"I'm sorry, Kelly, I'm not sure what you mean." Peter was getting hot.

"What I mean is, do you like having a 19-year-old girl staying with you." Peter swallowed, but was unable to answer her question as her fingers were at the top of her thigh and her legs spread open just a little bit to reveal the white lace panties again. Kelly continued, "Do you ever think about what her 19-year-old pussy looks like?" Her legs spread open more, and her fingers started very carefully slipping under the side of her panties. She gave out a little moan as she began rubbing her pussy. "Do you wonder, mmmhhmm, what her pussy tastes like?"

Peter swallowed, "Yes."

Kelly pulled her fingers out and stood up right in front of Peter. She began playing with the hem of her skirt and slowly pulled it up. "So why don't you take off my panties and see for yourself." He couldn't stop himself as he reached up and started sliding his hands up the backsides of her legs. He wanted to enjoy ever second of this, so he went very slowly. Once his hands reached the bottom of her ass, she moaned a little. "Yes," she said, "I've been wanting this for so long." Peter slid his hands in between her legs from behind and slowly slipped his fingers under her panties, feeling how wet she was. He began to pull them down and she lifted her knees one at a time. Each time, he got a quick teasing glance up her skirt. He thought he saw what he hoped, but wasn't yet sure.

She backed away in her skirt and sat on the coffee table in front of him. She lifter her leg up, keeping her legs together, but slowly opened them up to reveal what he expected: a perfectly shaved pussy. "Do you want to taste my shaved pussy in your mouth?" She asked as she opened her legs even more, keeping her one leg up on the table. She looked so hot in that skirt and Ugg boots. He got down on his knees and started kissing the top of her leg, moving slowly towards her goodness.

Once he got to her shaved pussy she let out a slight moan. He started licking, and could not believe how tight she was or how good she tasted. She started thrusting her crotch at his face. She pulled off her shirt, revealing her perky teenage breasts. She grabbed the back of his head and held it between her legs. "I want your dick inside me. I want your dick inside me right now." Peter pulled away from her wonderful mound and stood up. Kelly unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down along with the boxers as his full erection came into view. "Oh my God," she whispered as she stroked Peter's sizeable dick. She started rubbing her tits on his dick and looked up at him, "Do you want this big dick inside my tight shaved pussy?"

Peter nodded and sat back down on the couch. She got up, hiked up her skirt a little, and straddled over him. He could feel her wetness on his shaft. She put her arms around his neck and he started kissing her amazing 19-year-old breasts. She started rubbing her pussy on his dick, each time getting closer to the head. "I want you to make me come with your cock. I want you to make my young pussy come with your huge cock," she whispered in his ear. She reached her hand down and grabbed the base of his dick. She raised herself up and lowered herself onto his head. He was stunned by how tight she really was. She let out a moan as his tip entered her. She had to go up and down a few times, each time a little more of his dick slipped into her pussy. Each time, she let out more of a moan. After about four tries, he was finally all the way inside her. She started riding him slowly, cooing with pleasure with each thrust. She no longer seemed to be paying any attention to him, and he couldn't care less. From here on out, she was using him for her own enjoyment. He just sat back and went along for the ride. She continued thrusting as her moans turned to squeals. And just as they did the night before, Peter and Kelly came at the same time. This time, he was inside her as it happened. They both sighed, she with pleasure, he with disappointment in himself. He rolled her off of him and slowly walked to his room. He was overwhelmed with shame. He looked back at Kelly, contentedly lying on the couch, still only in her skirt and boots. "Goodnight, Mr. Hamilton," she said with a smile...

To be continued...

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charliebillcharliebillover 8 years ago
Why didn’t my sitters do this?

A really hot teen aged woman seducing and thoroughly fucking him! I have this impregnation fetish so making her pregnant would be the perfect ending of this story with more to come with these two!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

You hurried the ending too much. The basis was very good and you built the story well, but then rushed it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Kelly? Emily?

Which one is it?


FasterFalconFasterFalconover 12 years ago
Wow! Great job!

Really looking forward to the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
No way

No way he would walk away and go to his room if he is human; that would have been a warm up to the main event; she only got off once - who would let a 19 yo cum just once? He might have been ashamed of his behavior - but who would let that stop them. In for a penny, in for a pound. She deserves more from a more experienced partner.

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