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The Beach House Ch. 01


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Levi was in heaven as he thought of all the things he could do to her. "Cool beans," he smiled, feeling his cock growing out of control. "Anything your legs right?" he said in a low voice, thinking of feeling up her ass, her wonderful thighs and best of all, her juicy tits.

She returned his smile and nodded yes, hoping she'd live through this. He was a horny guy that should be out chasing women, but for some odd reason he wanted her.

"Why aren't you out going after women you it with, instead of me?" Stella asked, looking into his eyes, trying to figure this out. Sure it made her feel good having him flirting with her all the time, but he needed to find a woman that he could screw to death.

"I don't want just any woman," he paused, stood up and walked around the table to her. He pulled her up, into his arms hugging her with one arm, while the other slowly eased under her thin blouse. "I want you," Levi whispered in her ear. His hand moved over her excited breast and nipple, gently caressing them, while he kissed her ear. His cock grew faster and harder than it had ever been before and it was for his sexy Mom. "I love you," he whispered, enjoying the warm, smooth flesh of her breast against his fingers.

Stella was helpless in his arms and knew that she'd be lucky to hold out even for a few days. She hadn't been loved in so long. Levi's loving hand was tormenting her breast and she needed more, but he was her baby, her son.

"You need someone you can make love to, not me," she said pulling from him and quickly sat back down to finish her coffee and cigarette, hoping she could resist, but with Levi being such a flirt, holding back might turn out to be a lost cause.

"I've already told you...I want you,"


"I'm sorry, but we only have one room left. The room does have a king-size bed," the young motel clerk said, wondering why the couple wanted two rooms.

Stella just stood, wondering if she could stand sleeping with Levi or not. She already wanted him in the worst way and didn't know if this would be a good idea. "Ok, we need to rest," she replied watching the clerk turn and to do a few things. "Just because we're sharing a room, doesn't mean you can do anything and I mean it," Stella whispered to Levi in a stern voice, hoping this wasn't a mistake. She wanted Levi someday soon, but she wanted to be special and not in some 'bug infested' motel room.

Levi just smiled and couldn't resist hugging her. "I know. You told me already," he said running his hands over her ass, feeling her body tense up. 'Poor Mom is so horny!' he laughed to himself and couldn't wait to get to the beach. After some drinks, a little sweet talk and a rubdown, she'd be all his. 'I'm going to love you so good, you'll forget you're even married,' he thought, enjoying the tight jeans and Mom's tight ass under them, wondering how good she'd be in bed.

"I just want you to remember our rules," she whispered as his hands moved over her body, giving her amazing feelings that were quickly driving her crazy with need.

"I will," he smiled, squeezing her butt. He couldn't wait to get her. He'd been dreaming of her since he found out what men and women did together. He knew it was a taboo thing to think of, but he couldn't help it. Mom turned him on like no other girl ever had and he wanted her.

Stella squeezed him and whispered, "Thank you baby."

"Well, here you go. Here's your key. The room is around back. You'll have complete privacy and if you need anything, just push 'O' on your phone," the clerk said watching the sexy, older woman hugging the young kid and he couldn't help but smile. 'I bet she's going to fuck you to death!' he thought giving Levi a wink and a big smile.

She turned to the clerk and took the key from him. "We will, and thank you very much." Stella said, seeing that Levi and the clerk were smiling at each other. She had a feeling that the smile between them was about her. 'You little shit!' she thought, giving Levi a playful slap on his arm.

"Let's go you shit." Stella said with a laugh, praying she'd make it through the night without screwing him.

Levi opened the door, sat down the two bags and jumped on the bed. "This is pretty nice. Come and lay with me, I want to ask you something," he said reaching out for his mom. He pulled her across the bed and he made sure to lie against her side, letting her feel his stiff cock on her hip.

"I was wondering about something. You said I could do anything I wanted, know. Does that include kissing you?" he asked in a voice that sounded like a little boy asking for a cookie. He wanted everything he could get from this sexy woman, but he also did not want her changing her mind, so he was covering every base.

Stella looked up at him and smiled. "What kind of kissing?" she asked turning on her side to face him. She knew it was very likely to be the kind every young man wanted. His tongue down her throat as far as he could get it.

"This kind,," he smiled, sliding his hand over her stomach, under her blouse and to her large, right breast, gently caressing it as his lips moved to hers. He slowly kissed her, while teasing her nipple and carefully pulling the gold ring. He could swear she moaned and he moved closer, pressing his swollen cock against her.

"Oh Lord," Stella moaned in a soft voice, hoping it wouldn't be in this dirty room. She wanted it to be special. "I liked that," she whispered enjoying his kiss. His skilled hand under her blouse driving her crazy with need for his large cock that was pressing against her lonely pussy.

"Is that the only kind you want?" she asked kissing Levi, pushing her hips closer. She needed to feel him. This was the first time in so long that a man wanted her and it felt so good to know how excited he was for her.

He was dead and gone to heaven as she pushed so close and kissed him back. His Mom had to be so horny by now and he hoped that she'd give up and let him love her soon. "Maybe a few like this too," he whispered moving his hand from her breast and down to her great ass. He opened his mouth, carefully slid his tongue onto hers.

'Oh my God!' he thought enjoying her warm mouth as his hand grabbed her ass, pulling her into his stiff and needy cock. Feelings rushed over him that he could have never imagined. His head was spinning, his cock felt as it was close to exploding; all for his gorgeous Mom.

Stella was helpless as Levi continued his slow and careful seduction of her. She loved every second of it, too. 'I bet girls line up to fuck you,' she thought as his hard cock pressed against her already excited pussy. He kissed her with so much love and tenderness, Stella wanted to cry. No man, not even his father every wasted time kissing her. They were only after her tantalizing breasts and great body. No one ever took the time to actually please her, just themselves.

"Oh shit," she moaned sitting up on the bed, wondering how she was going to survive this. "I think all kissing will be ok, but that's it for right now. You're killing me," Stella said with a laugh, as she stood up to get her purse for a well needed cigarette. "How maybe girls have you been with?" she asked sitting in a worn out chair that smelled like it had been pissed on a few hundred times.

Levi sat up, reached for a smoke of his own and started counting in his mind. "I think it's been twenty five," he said as a shocked look covered her face and he couldn't help laughing.

"My son's a slut," she smiled at him and had a good idea that she would be number twenty six. "So, when and who was your first conquest?" Stella asked, wondering if he'd screwed anyone she knew, but then she wasn't sure if she wanted to know or not.

He laughed, knowing his next words were going to really piss her off. "Remember that summer I spent with Aunt Rachael?" Levi said as her jaw dropped and he knew she was pissed.

"Don't you dare say that you fucked my sister ," Stella growled, knowing it had been a bad idea to let him stay with her. But his father had insisted on it and Stella ended up spending the entire summer by herself.

He didn't know what to say. Levi thought that he should have told her about someone else, but it was too late now. "I don't know what to say then. It was great. She taught me so many wonderful things and it wasn't just her. I did my share of flirting with her too." Levi said, hoping to ease some of Mom's anger towards her sister.

"She shouldn't have done that to you. She's your Aunt," Stella replied, knowing that her younger sister was going to get an ear full. "Is there anyone else I should know about?" she asked, wondering if he was going to piss her off anymore.

"Well, remember when I broke my leg and you and Dad had to go out of town," he said and just like before, Mom was pissed off.

"My God! You did that college girl too? You were just a baby," Stella growled, thinking of the twenty some year old girl seducing her young son. She thought of his gentle touch, his talent for charming her and his wonderful kissing skills. "Well, I can say that they taught you very well," she laughed, shaking her head.

"Aunt Rachael made sure I did it all good. She said a man that was good in bed, would go very far in life," he smiled as images of that amazing summer with her flooded his mind. "It helped in school too." Levi said watching her giving him that dreadful mother stare. "Remember last year when I was flunking math and then my grade went up to an A?" he smiled and Mom just shook her head at him.

"I guess Miss Jones got some too?" she asked motioning to his cock.

"She loved it," he laughed thinking of the horny woman fucking him half to death and giving him anything he wanted.

"You've screwed all these ladies, so why did you start chasing me around?" Stella asked, wondering if she was just going to be one of his conquests or was he serious about her.

"I've always been crazy about you," he said moving on the floor and between her legs. "Anyone I've been with, I've pretended it was you." Levi said as tears filled his eyes, hoping that this wasn't going to fuck things up with her. "Miss Jones even let me call her your name while we did it," he added feeling the tears running down his face. "Please don't be mad. I want this to be 'our' summer," Levi said. When she hugged him, he knew everything would be fine.

She couldn't do or say anything but hug him. "Did you really call her my name?" Stella asked feeling her own tears starting to run down her face.

"Yes! And it was so awesome! I came so hard; I thought I was going to die," he quickly replied reaching back under her blouse, caressing both her excited breasts. "It was fun calling her Mom, but I'd rather do it for real," Levi said, sitting up on his knees and kissing her deeply and with so much passion, he felt like fainting in her arms.

His words filled her ears and she wanted scream. Stella could see him on her, screwing her with his massive piece of meat, calling her Mom as he loved her long into the night. "Oh God! Give me strength" she moaned as the visions swept through her mind. His kissing and fondling her breasts, wasn't helping her at all. "I can't do it. You're my son, baby. It's bad enough that I'm letting you do all these things to me. I'm not sure if I can go that far," she sniffed as more tears ran down her face, thinking of Levi loving her and how good it would feel.

"It's ok. As long as I can do everything else," he smiled, knowing that he'd be doing a lot of jerking off.

"Anything you want baby, just remember my rule," she smiled and had a great idea. Stella pulled her small blouse off, tossed it on the bed and she loved the look on her handsome sons' face. He looked like a small boy on Christmas Day. "Do you like them?" she asked with a big smile knowing he did.

"Oh fuck yes," he moaned and started sucking her tender nipples. "Oh Mom," Levi whimpered as he carefully sucked each nipple with love and tenderness. "You're so beautiful," he moaned louder, pulling her hips down to his and without thinking, he started grinding against her pussy. "I love you," he moaned going from one breast to the other, savoring her warm flesh, her sweet smell and her soft moans of pleasure.

"Levi," she cried pushing her hips to his, hoping she could stop this before it got out of hand. "My baby," Stella moaned as his big cock rubbed on her lonely pussy. 'I want you so bad!' she screamed to herself and she knew this had to stop. "Wait," she said giving Levi a gentle push back. "I need to catch my breath," she lied, hoping she could get away from him before she committed the worst sin on earth. "I'm not ready for this yet," she whispered giving him a soft kiss. "You go take a shower before we go too far," Stella said. It broke her heart to tell him no, but this wasn't the time or place. She wanted to be special.

He wanted her and thought about going on, but he had all summer and she would be his very soon. "I'm doing this under protest," he smiled standing up and pulling off his shirt. "And, I want you to really think about this," Levi added as he pulled down his jeans, giving his Mom a perfect view of his very, very hard cock. "I want you and I'm not giving up," he said leaning to kiss her, his massive cock rested on her left breast. He felt her suck in a deep breath of air.

She listened to him and watched her handsome son stripping off his clothes. 'Oh my God! It's fucking gorgeous!' Stella moaned to herself as his big cock filled her eyes. "How do you ever get that thing in a girl?" she asked with a lustful voice, hoping that she'd find out whenhe managed too get it in another girl: her.

"Maybe you'll get to find out," he winked and walked away. He knew that Mom loved seeing him, but Aunt Rachael told him that any girl could be teased into bed. That he had to take his time and be slow and he could get any woman he wanted. He didn't think that she meant his own mother, but what the hell.


"I love coming out here." Stella said as Levi walked out on the boat dock. "I'm so glad I didn't listen to your Dad, when he thought I should sell this place," she added as a cool breeze blew off the ocean. She wondered what it would be like making love right here.

Levi moved behind his Mom, hugging her as close as he could get, while gently kissing the back of her neck. "You have to remember that he's not very bright." He and Stella laughed together as they enjoyed the setting sun while holding each other. "He just hates this place because you bug him about coming out here. He'd rather stay in the city and fuck one of his whores.' Levi added, knowing it was the truth.

She stood with Levi behind her, gently kissing her neck, driving her into another state of arousal. She could feel her future lover growing against her ass, knowing everything he said was the truth.

"I know," she said turning to face him, wondering how much longer she could hold out. Levi was the most caring man she'd ever known and was going to be a fantastic lover. "This is going to be 'our' summer," she said leaning to kiss him, feeling her heart racing and her very lonely pussy begging her to give in, but she needed more time. "I didn't want him to come. He can just stay where he is and fuck anyone he likes. We have each other," she smiled running her hands over Levi's chest. She couldn't wait to have her handsome, young son on her.

"You're so pretty," he whispered as the last ray on sun fell across her face, gently lighting her beautiful eyes and soft hair.

Stella just smiled, enjoying his sweet words and hard cock pressing against her body. "Are you trying to get in my panties?" she asked in a soft voice. Of course she knew the answer, but she wanted to hear him say it.

"Well," he replied, reaching to caress her sweet ass through her tight jeans. "I'm hoping to get into something that's nice, warm and very, very wet and delicious." Levi added, watching her face turning a nice shade of pink.

She gave him a playful slap on his arm. "You bad, little boy, I should tell your mother to wash your mouth out with soap." Stella said, knowing her face had to be so red. He was turning her on again. It felt so good to hear him say what he wanted. For some odd reason, Stella loved hearing him say it. "How do you know it's delicious?" she asked, feeling his big hands sliding all over her butt, sending wave after wave of excitement to her brain and pussy.

"A guy just knows things like that and I know damn well that yours will be the best I've ever had," he smiled and couldn't resist kissing her. "I want you so bad," Levi moaned, hugging her as tighter.

Stella couldn't breathe and it wasn't from him hugging her. "I know baby," she whispered, feeling like was she about to explode in his masculine arms. "I want it too, but I need more time. This isn't something we should just jump into. We need to take our time and make sure this is really what we want. It's going to change our lives forever," she said, caressing his face, watching it fill with disappointment. But Stella knew she wasn't going to be able to hold out much longer.

Levi knew she was right, but he was hurting for her. She'd been in his dreams and in his heart for so long. "I know, but it sucks. You're all I've ever wanted and it's so hard waiting for you," he said feeling like he was close to crying. "I love you so much." Levi added, wishing she'd get over her fears and give in.

"I love you too baby," she whispered as his hands roamed her body, making it so hard to resist. "Give me a little time and," she looked into his needy eyes, seeing his love and desire. "I'll be all yours and you can do anything you want," she purred, thinking of his big, hard cock nestled deep in her very, very lonely pussy, giving her everything she'd ever dreamt of from a man.


Levi turned to look at the clock next to his bed and couldn't believe what time it was. His and Mom's teasing and tormenting each other was taking its toll on him. He hadn't slept right in the last two weeks because of his hard cock. "Fuck," he moaned looking down to his stiff cock and knew if Mom didn't give in soon, he'd have to find a girl. "I need a fuckin' drink," he said getting out of bed. He didn't bother putting anything on.

He walked into the kitchen, opened the fridge and pulled out a beer. "That's what I need," he smiled, chugging down half of it without stopping. he noticed the faint glow of a cigarette out on the deck. "Look who else is having trouble sleeping," Levi smiled. Getting the rest of the beer he walked out on the deck with his Mom.

"Hi. Can't you sleep either?" he asked sitting down next to her. He noticed her looking at his very erect cock. "I think he likes you." Levi smiled, putting his right hand behind her while slipping his left hand down her creamy thigh, hoping she wouldn't mind. He needed to touch her so bad.

She had heard him coming from the kitchen and smiled when he sat down. But she quickly saw her baby boy had to be in agony. She wanted him so bad, but the thought of screwing her son wouldn't leave her mind. She'd never wanted anyone as badly as she wanted him, but she couldn't let go. "I think he does too." Stella smiled, feeling his hand creeping around her thigh and she loved it. "I've got something that really likes you just as much," she whispered as his loving fingers moved on her wet panties and towards her freshly shaven pussy.

"Oh really?" he smiled as the feel of her delicate panties tormented him to no end. "And, what might that be?" Levi whispered, leaning to kiss her. When he touched her, she sucked in a massive breath of air. "Is it good?" he whispered, enjoying her warmth and wetness on his fingers. The best thing was that he knew her wetness was all for him.

"You know it is," she panted trying to catch her breath, but her baby boy was fingering her pussy; the very same pussy that he'd come from. "You little shit," she cried out when two fingers slid deep into her wet and willing hole. "Oh mother fucking God! You're in me," Stella screamed enjoying that fact that someone else's fingers besides her own were in her. It felt so good and Stella was sorry that she'd made him wait this long. She began to squeeze his hard shaft., mom love bbc, caughtAccidental Penetrations taboo storiesliterotia"literotica new""literotica loving wives""femdom literotica"mom spanked by dad predicamentasstr drow ogremom son runaway taboo sexstories"literotica futa""celebrity sex"kristenarchivecheatingprom mom taboo sexstoriesfanfic nicole spanking waverly"literotica lactation"rosh21 literotlyricsmaster knocked upgirl humiluated on stage shit herself fartedpussy worship hypnosis audiosissy sex stories uncle frank"literotica revenge""mother and son incest stories"clit numb literotuca"indian sex stories"babysitter takes advantage taboo sex story"literotica tags"Giantess Linda shrinks him she looked between her thighs she says you hushfirefighter wet deep literoticblackreachlietrotica"literotica futa"Indian literorica aunt"free adult video""sex stories xxx"pucchiche kes sex stories marathicunt prick gamahuche girl"kiss x sis""literotica bi"mommy and her sissy boy literotivacervix cock womb literoticacamping gone wrong forced to sit on son lap huge cock forced incest stories"lesbian incest""literotica audio"feeldoeplane ride mom son taboo stories/s/three-generations"literotica non consent""incest sex stories""i'm gonna fill up your pussy" literotica"gangbang stories"Giantess Linda shrinks him she stood up as she pulled him to her crotch with her hand holding him/s/shy-wife-on-holiday-ch-01"my friends hot mom"babysitters prize slyc_williebeach family nudism literotica .comGrowth spurts ch 1,2,3,4 on literotica.comprison gangbang literoricamcstories"mom sex stories""literotic mobile""father daughter sex stories"asstr footpervasstr paradise island"incest"Dharma11 wifelovershubbyhwtrue fuck story of my daughter on my lap while driving"erotic mind control stories"झवुन सोडलीerica_gasca porn stories"SAMANTHABURNETT" storyasstr lek my poes/stories/showstory.php?id=370721"literotica gay"incest open invitation literoticamcstories mother's desire lesbianoldspunkersbakunyuuIndian mother literotica favoritesburningangel