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The Big One

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She got tired of his bragging.
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A lighthearted flash story of a man who becomes insecure with the size of his penis.


I was 25 when Joanie and I got married. She was a tall, very attractive 23 year old and I loved her dearly. Her first copulation was uncomfortable but she was deep and I knew she'd get used to it. After all, most women I'd known learned to enjoy it. She was no exception, so after about a year, we fit together perfectly. She was tight and had the most explosive orgasms, particularly when she rode on top.

I began to tease her, asking how she enjoyed owning the biggest cock in the neighborhood. At first, it merely added to our sex play, but after awhile, she smirked and rolled her eyes whenever I mentioned it.

One Saturday afternoon, I was doing my outside chores and began to get horny. What I badly needed was a little afternoon delight. There were a bunch of Joanie's neighborhood girlfriends sitting around the kitchen table, drinking wine and snickering.

When I fetched a glass of water, the snickering stopped and all eyes gravitated to my crotch, admiring my bulge, maybe a quarter hardon. It was obvious Joanie had been talking to them about my package so I gave them all a big smile and my best 'eat your heart out' grin, then returned to my outside duties.

My quarter hardon turned to semi after the women left. I grabbed Joanie's ass and screwed her right there on the living room rug. After she washed my dick with her cum, I asked her, "Did your friends get turned on from the bulge in my shorts?"

"Might have got them horny," she chuckled, "They left for home early in search of their husbands."

"Too bad they'll never know what a real dick feels like," I lamented smugly, "Now, how about squeezing those incredible pussy muscles and we'll go around again."

She did and we took it to our bedroom for another very pleasurable coupling. Again, I let her know how lucky she was to have the biggest dick in the neighborhood.


It was the next Saturday afternoon when she dragged me into the bedroom, "Honey, I want to give you something very special," she tittered, "Do you trust me?"

"Of course."

"I'm going to tie you down to the bed and have my way with you. OK?"

Sounded great! I nodded and she handcuffed my wrists to the bedposts.

"You know, honey, I do love you dearly... But I'm getting just a little bit tired of you bragging about your dick."

"Well, if you've got it, flaunt it," I chuckled, "You know it's the truth..."

"Maybe... maybe not," she interrrupted, "I've got a few women here who are going to look it over and give me an opinion."

"How are they going to do that by just looking at it?"

"Well... ummm... I might let them play with it a bit too," she smiled.

"Joanie, don't you think this is a bit dangerous. I mean, what if they decide to... well..."

"Don't worry, they'll be very gentle, but I've given them carte blanche to do anything they need to do a proper evaluation."

"But Joanie, what if they decide to play cowgirl and ride?" I asked incredulously.

"It'll be OK this once. That way, we'll both know the truth."

This was surreal, but at the same time, I'd always wondered about some of her friends' pussies. My dick began to rise, "Well, if you're OK with it, then bring 'em on. I'll give them a little fun they'll never forget."

"One more thing, honey, I'll have to blindfold you. It wouldn't do if you recognized them. They must remain anonymous."

"I can live with that... and I won't disappoint them, I promise..." I let out a horse laugh.

After the blindfold was in place, I felt a pair of small hands surround my cock, stroking it. She didn't dally long before crawling up on top of me and steering my cock into her love hole. She was a small woman and not very deep so I guessed it was her friend Melissa.

She bounced and grunted until her juices flowed down my pole, her very tight pussy bringing me with her, clenching her muscles, trying to drain every drop of my essence. Then with a shudder and a sigh, she dismounted.

More whispers and giggles coming from the hallway next to our bedroom. Soon I felt a warm washcloth clean my dick and a mouth cover my cockhead. It wasn't long before I was again fully erect.

The bed sank when she climbed over me. This had to be her fat friend Audrey. She grabbed my dick, poking it into her hole, sinking down on it... And what a big sloppy hole it was too. Her body ground in a circle on top of me, her big clit digging into my pubis. My cock flopped around inside her until she managed to get herself off... but not me.

I was still hard when the washcloth again performed its ministrations and another mouth went down on my raging hardon. Again I felt the mattress shift as she sank down on me. A tit brushed against my mouth and I latched onto an extra long nipple.

This had to be big titted Barbara. She slid back and forth on me, being careful not too disengage her tit from my mouth. Struggling, I tried not to come in that snug hole until her pussy fluttered, then I let fly. I heard a loud 'pussy pop' as she disengaged... Best one so far.

The fourth took a lot longer to get me up even though she had a very talented mouth. Long bony fingers wrapped around my dick and my balls. This had to be her tall skinny friend, Alice. Another sloppy hole, but she came after only a few strokes, leaving me high and dry.

There was giggling at the front door as the women left and I heard the door close.

Joanie came into the bedroom and removed my blindfold, then pulled off her clothes.

"I see the last one didn't get you off," she laughed as she sank down on my meat. God, I loved her pussy, we fit together so nicely.

"Who were they? Melissa, Audrey, Barb, Alice...?"

"Heavens no, none of those, all my friends are happily married."

"Then who? Your mother's friends?"

"No, don't be silly... what would my father say if he found out?"

"OK, now I understand. You hired some hookers..."

"Nope, too expensive, I was going on the cheap... Please, honey, I'm just about there... Please suck on one of my puppies," she whined, intent on shutting me up until she got her satisfaction.

She had a perfect hole; hot, spongy, deep, tight, well muscled. It was the best fuck I'd had that afternoon. I actually felt sorry for the mates of those other women. They would never know anyone like Joanie. At least, I hoped not. We were so perfectly tuned, she never had to tell me when she was ready to come. She used a little body and pussy language and we came together as always.

"Perfect," she exhaled with a big grin, as she unfettered me, "Just fucking perfect."

"You didn't answer my question, Joanie, who were those women?"

"Honey, why don't you just let it go? You don't need to know."

"But I do. What if I run into them someday?"

"That's exactly what I'm worried about. You looked like you were really enjoying yourself... You may decide to do it again if you meet up with one of them," she laughed.

"Not a chance, they can't hold a candle to you, sweetheart," I cajoled.

"OK, promise you won't get mad?" she sighed.

"I promise."

"It was my grandmother's bridge club."

A pail of ice water would have felt better at that moment. I jumped off the bed and stared down at her.

"For chrissakes, those old hags? No wonder I couldn't feel any teeth on my cock..."

"Don't get mad, honey, they were only providing an opinion," she smiled.

"Well, at least they had the thrill of a big cock," I surmised.

"Actually," she giggled, "a couple of them were disappointed. They hoped you would have been a lot larger, at least as big as their deceased husbands."

I was in shock... dethroned, humbled. Never again would I be able to brag mine was cock of the walk. And to be sure, Joanie would never let me forget it either.


She tried to arouse me that night in bed. Nothin' doin', limp as a wet noodle.

The next day was Sunday and her girlfriends came over. I hid in the study and listened to them laughing in the kitchen. Every giggle and titter stabbed at my heart... Surely, they were discussing me.

That night Joanie tried again, more aggressively this time. She took my limp dick in her mouth and sucked like a vacuum... No response.


Monday morning, I walked to work as usual. Every old lady I passed smiled at me, stealing a glance at my crotch... Anyway, I thought they did. By now, the news must have spread all over town. I began to walk down side streets and alleys, trying to avoid meeting anybody.

Joanie was exasperated. She played with my noodle every night, but as usual, there was no reaction, "Honey, please try harder, I need you badly," she whined.

"Doesn't seem to want to stand up," I apologized.

"What's wrong with you? Is your ego that fragile?" she asked.

"Joanie, now that you know I don't have the biggest cock around, are you going to find a bigger one?" I was thoroughly depressed, afraid she thought I owed her one for screwing those old broads.

"I just MIGHT HAVE TO, if I can't get this one up," she replied angrily.

"That's what I thought. Just spare me the humiliation by not doing it while I'm around... OK?"

"Fuck you," she swore and rolled over away from me, the bed shaking with her sobs. I spooned and tried to comfort her, my limp dick in the crack of her ass... How the hell were we going to get past this?


A week later, it was her grandmother's turn to host the bridge club. Since her house was too small for the four tables of sixteen ladies, they used our den. There was no way I could face those women and listen to their taunting laughter so I grabbed my jacket and made my exit through the back door, heading for the neighborhood watering hole.

The place was busy so I sat down at the bar next to an old guy with the biggest nose and ears I'd ever seen, "Hi, you from around here," I tried to make some conversation.

"Yeah, don't get out much anymore," he chuckled, "Wife keeps me pretty busy, y'know."


"Doing what a man is good for," he grinned.

We talked and kidded and drank several beer. When he went to the bathroom for a whiz, I followed. Standing next to him, his thunderous piss hit the back of the urinal as I leaned over to have a look at his dick. His hose was longer than mine when I was hard.

"What's with you? You some kind of a pervert?" he asked as he caught me peeking.

"Uh... no... just curious..."

"Well, don't make a pass at me, fella, I'm not built that way," he scolded as he zipped up and headed back to the bar, "I'd better get going, I still have a duty to perform before bedtime," he said, draining the rest of his glass.

"Let me buy you one for the road," I begged, wanting to know more about his dick.

"OK, one quick one," he consented.

After the beer came, I asked, "Were you born with a big dick?"

"What's wrong, young fella, yours too small for your wife?"

I must have blushed.

"Don't worry about it," he sympathized, "it'll work out."

He tipped his glass up for a sip, his probiscus so big, it dragged in his beer.

The epiphany hit me like a thunderbolt. No, of course he wasn't born with that big schnoz and elephant ears, those appendages grew with age. And if those grew, then ALL appendages grew.


The bridge club was still in session when I crept around to the back deck and laid down on a chaise lounge, waiting. When they all left, I found Joanie in the kitchen, crying.

"You're back," she sobbed, looking surprised.

I grabbed her ass and pulled her into the bedroom. I dropped my drawers, my hard dick pointing to the ceiling.

"Yes, you're back," she reiterated, staring to my dick, shucking her dress, and splaying herself on the bed. I loaded my meat into her delectable love hole.

"Oh, my, you ARE back," she squealed as she felt my hard cock stroke into her welcoming pussy.

"Yeah," I grunted, "And don't EVER worry about the size of it, it'll grow with us."


I can read my man like a book. If he wants to believe his thingy will grow with age, then let him. Right now, he's a thick seven inches and it fills me perfectly... By the time he finds out he has an ordinary cock, I'll have gotten a lot of mileage out of it... Now, please excuse me, I gotta get back to my man...

"YES... YESSSS... fuck me with that big horse cock... Right there... Oh God... I'm gonna die..."


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oldbearswitcholdbearswitchover 6 years ago
OK. Kind of dumb, but original, light hearted, not BTB..I think a five

Thanks Ira

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 7 years ago

You know what was funny about this tale?


Still got four stars

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
that was some of the dumbest shit I've read

not much fun either.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
well now

You implied wife was virgin, or very inexperienced when they first got together. Most natural things fit into Bell curve.

70% fit under curve, 15%above and below curve. According to numerous studies average erect penis-under the curve-is 5 to 6 inches. That means her husband's THICK-guessing that is above curve-7 inch penis is larger than close to 90% of penises. Yet she calls his ORDINARY.

Only explanation for that would be she had been doing extensive research studies of her own.

Serves him right-knew a guy like him one time. Knew his wife also. Innocent Catholic girl when they married. She found out he was running around on her and I took to consoling her in bar one night.

She finally had someone with whom to compare him. Let's just say she no longer calls him Big Daddy Ike as he refers to himself.

Oh and she compares him over and over and over to me.

Being a quarter Cherokee, the rest Scot-Irish she has taken to calling me Totem.

chytownchytownover 8 years ago

For the read.

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