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The Big Tits Club Ch. 17-18


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"It hasn't been four hours yet," Sam reasoned. "And it went down twice."

"Yeah, and then all it took was a glance at one of your nubile naked bodies, and it came right back up."

"That's a good thing."

"For having sex, maybe." I shook my head and pulled up my snow pants. "But having an erection seems pretty useless for building a snowman."

Sam shrugged. "Well, if one of the girls wants to make her snowman anatomically correct, we can pull your pants down and use you as a model."

I shot her a look and rolled my eyes.

Sam chuckled and patted my bulge. "C'mon. Once we start walking down to the beach... and if you stop staring at our tits... your blood flow should change and hopefully it'll go down then."

"Walking to the beach I can do. Stop staring at your tits?" I ogled Sam's massive rack that was fully encased in a fleece sweater and yet still on display in the way the fabric hugged her ample curves. "That's gonna be a little harder."

I kept ogling until Sam zipped up her vest and black snow jacket. Zofi was already ready to go, and the three of us exited the master bedroom and joined the others. To be honest, I was pretty tired after doing my level best to satisfy five girls in a single session. I'd never had four ejaculations before (one each for Belle, Sam, Mari, and Naimh - yes, Belle got the last creampie), and if I had my way I'd stay here in the bedroom to take a nap. At the same time, I wanted to make the most of this trip up into the mountains and figured I could catch up on sleep over the next few days at home.

It took us less than ten minutes to tromp down the road to the beach. I carried the big shovel and Naimh brought the foam sled just in case it was useful for snow transport. Zofi had a new digital camera and we took turns taking photos of the beach and background. Well, mostly I took photos of the girls, although they did pull me into a couple of shots. Then we divided into two teams (Sam, Zofi, and Naimh vs me, Belle, and Mari) to build two different snowmen and compare which team had the better one.

Belle had mastered the slow roll to build up a nice, big ball. It took her a while, and it got so big I had to help in the end. Mari went hunting for rocks, sticks, and other things to use for decoration. Meanwhile, the other three girls just started piling snow together and used the shovel to help press-form it. But when I looked over, the base of their snowman looked more like a snow pyramid than a round snowball.

We spent more than a half-hour building our snowmen, maybe even close to an hour. Time flies when you're having fun, and we were having fun. Sam was at least correct that physical exertion (and not staring at the girls' tits) would make my erection go away, so at least I didn't have to worry about calling a doctor.

In the end, Sam's team managed to shave off enough snow around the base of their snowman to make it at least appear roughly rounded, but the middle ball wasn't any better and they more or less ended up with a tapered snow column instead of a snowman. My team, on the other hand, had three neatly-shaped balls of descending thickness stacked quite perfectly. Our snowman wore my beanie and Mari's scarf, and also had three smooth black stones for buttons, two larger gray stones for eyes, and even a roughly conical driftwood nose. Add in two long sticks for arms with fingers at the ends and a long grassy mouth, and we had a clear winner.

"There should be a prize for victory, I think," Belle insisted.

Mari laughed. "Yeah, I think Belle and I should get to keep Matty tonight."

Sam was not amused. "I'm five seconds away from tackling your snowman, ripping its head off, and thrusting its severed skull into the air before smashing it beneath my boots."

I arched an eyebrow. "Snowmen have skulls?"

"How about we get first backrubs tonight?" Belle offered.

Sam rolled her eyes. "Acceptable."

We took a few more photos with the snowmen for posterity and then tromped back to the cabin for lunch. With a thousand carbs in my belly, I started nodding off and wanted to take a nap afterward. But the girls still wanted to go sledding, so we loaded into my van and drove off in search of a hiking trail or picnic area with parking.

Finding a suitable spot took about half an hour, but we found a nice hill that had enough powder to carve a sledding run and wasn't too icy. It had a pretty good incline for first the twenty feet to build up speed, and I made the first turn a little too sharp, so it took a while to bank it properly. Then, I had to reinforce that bank every five minutes. Girls kept sliding and I kept engineering for more than an hour. And in the end we had a pretty solid sledding run with four big turns that lasted close to thirty seconds.

All that time, I never actually rode the sled myself, having spent all my time digging out the run and then modifying it here, shoring it up there, etc. When I finally pronounced the run good enough, I took the sled to the top, sent myself down...

... and promptly blew straight through and over that first banked turn. I was just too heavy. I tried shoring it up again, but in the end I decided to just start myself at that turn and sort of lazily let myself glide down the rest of the run.

By the time we got back to the cabin, I was REALLY tired. The girls told me to take a shower and grab a nap while they figured out dinner. I did so gladly, cleaning up, getting into my pajamas, and falling into bed.

I think I passed out before my head even hit the pillow.


The room was quite dark when my conscious brain stirred to life and I cracked my eyelids open. I'd started my nap with afternoon daylight still coming through the window, but night had since fallen and the only illumination came from the nightlight I had brought and plugged into the wall outlet below the bed's horizon, useful in case anybody needed to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom or something.

Muted sounds of conversation and laughter filtered through the thin walls of the cabin. I had no concept of what time it was or how long I'd been napping, but before I could summon the energy to turn around and check the clock on the nightstand, I became aware of the fact that I wasn't alone in this bed.

Before I could say a word though, she spoke first. "Matty? You awake?"

"Mmm-hmm," I mumbled softly, recognizing Belle's voice. She was tucked beneath the covers in front of me, separated by about two feet.

She slid her hand across the sheets beneath the blanket and took hold of mine, just to hold it. I could hear her smile as she hummed happily, even if I couldn't actually see it in the dimness.

"What time is it?" I asked, yawning.

"After nine. You've been asleep for more than five hours."

"Five hours?" I asked incredulously, although my voice was still weak from lack of energy. I wasn't fully awake yet.

"Mmm-hmm," Belle confirmed. "You missed dinner, but there's lots of leftovers. You'll wanna carb up because Sam's expecting you to give her fireworks tonight."

"In a minute," I muttered with another yawn, squeezing Belle's hand. I closed my eyes again, just... breathing. Sometimes I would take naps and wake up refreshed. Other times, I'd wake up feeling even more tired than I started, and this was one of the latter. I'd get the benefits of the nap later, but for now I felt like falling back asleep.

Belle waited with me patiently, just holding my hand. We didn't cuddle or kiss. I never once felt like pawing her boob. I just enjoyed the way her hand felt in mine, smiling to myself as I teetered the fine line between waking and passing out again.

In the end, though, I woke up. Taking progressively deeper breaths, my brain booted up and I suddenly wondered how Belle had come to be in bed with me. It had never occurred to me to wonder that before. It had just felt so completely natural that I didn't question it, as if she belonged in my bed by my side. But now I asked, "What are you doing in here instead of out there?"

"Oh, I came to check on you about twenty minutes ago. You know, just to make sure you were still breathing after five hours and didn't die from excessive fucking." She giggled cutely.

"Apparently I was still breathing."

"You looked so peaceful I just wanted to watch you sleep, so I stuck around."

"For twenty minutes?"

"I was studying your face in the light."

"Right. I must've been so handsome with my mouth hanging open and drool leaking out."

She giggled again. "You weren't drooling, but you ARE handsome."

"I'm pretty average looking."

"Stop being modest. You're gorgeous to me."

"You're gorgeous to ME."

"Flattery will get you everywhere." She leaned forward and pecked me quickly but didn't try to start anything, settling her head back on the pillow beside me. The two of us just sort of stared at each other for a minute, in no rush to speak, perfectly comfortable in the silence, holding hands and enjoying that simple touch.

I kinda wanted to feel like this all the time.

"Hey, what do you wanna do tomorrow?" I asked quietly.

"Hmm? Tomorrow we're driving home."

"I meant at night after we get home. Or even the day after. Or the day after that."

"What are you getting at?"

"It's winter break. We have no school. The BTC hasn't made specific plans of when we're gonna meet up again."

"Oh, we'll meet up again. Even if you fuck Sam's brains out tonight, she'll want you to do it again a couple of days later. Same goes for everyone else."

"I know, but I didn't mean sex. I just..." I sighed. "I just want to be with you. Like this. Relaxing. Talking."

"Yeah, totally," Belle agreed. "I'll come over in the morning."

I took a deep breath, thought about what I wanted to say, and in the end couldn't think of anything better than, "I was actually hoping that maybe you could spend the night with me tomorrow."

Belle was backlit by the nightlight, so I couldn't see the expression on her face very well, but I could see her hesitance. Before she could answer, I started apologizing, "I'm sorry. It was a stupid idea."

"No, not at all. I was just... a little surprised, that's all."

"So you're not opposed to the idea?"

Belle chuckled. "You just fucked the shit out of all five of us -- well not Zofi, but you know what I mean -- and you've got another threesome coming up within the next couple of hours, and already you're trying to line up tomorrow night's bed partner?"

"What? No. This really isn't about sex. We don't even have to if you don't want to."

Belle snorted. "You think I'm gonna spend the night with you and NOT have sex?"

"Uh, well... I wouldn't want to presume."

"You're such an idiot sometimes."


"Sam's right. You apologize way too much."

I bit my lip rather than say "sorry" again. Instead, I went with, "Habit. I spent years struggling to maintain the boundaries you girls always put on me. Saying sorry became an automatic way to appear unthreatening and make you all feel safe around me."

"I suppose. But we're gonna have to work on that."


Belle sighed, and I let her process for a moment. Finally, she said quietly, "You know why I can't spend the night."

"Your dad would wonder why."


"Would it really be so bad if we told him? If anything, I'm probably the only guy on the planet he wouldn't be upset about you dating."

"Even though we're not dating?"

"Well, we don't have to tell HIM that."

"I..." She paused, gathering her thoughts again. "I have to think about it. Definitely not tomorrow night. But... I'll think about it." She squeezed my hand reassuringly to help me not feel like this was a rejection.

I squeezed her hand back and replied, "That's all I really wanted."

"You still want me to come over in the morning?"

"I'll be happy for you to come over every morning."

"Well, not EVERY morning. I have my own life too. Mari will want to hang out. And it's winter break! What would you normally do during winter breaks?"

I screwed up my face and sighed. "I think I played video games with Alice close to 24/7 last year. Or read comic books. Come to think of it, yeah... the BTC never really got together much during winter breaks in the past, did we?"

Belle chuckled. "Well, nobody was fucking you in past years. I'm pretty sure this year's gonna be different."

I sighed, thinking again of Alice. "I miss her."

"Yeah, we all miss her."

"She should've been here on this trip. She would've had a blast helping me with that sledding run."

"I'm sure she would've."

"I still can't believe everything got so messed up."

"She's still your friend though, right? I mean, she doesn't hold all this against you."

"Well, no. At least, that's what she's told me."

"So call her up as soon as we get back. Ask her to come over and play video games."

I blinked and thought about that. "Huh."

"Maybe that's exactly what you need to get your buddy back. Go back to the basics. Spend some time together doing what you always did best, and not let the sex stuff get in the way."

"Now why didn't I think of that?"

Belle snorted. "Because you're a guy. But don't worry about it; we girls don't hold it against you - until we do hold it against you because it's convenient... or because we just wanna be right and scapegoat you."

I chortled at that, leaned forward, and kissed her sweetly. "Thanks, B."


Right on cue, my stomach gurgled. I glanced down at my belly and then back up to see her eyes twinkling. I smiled and said, "Guess it's time to get up."


The girls all cheered when Belle and I emerged from the bedroom. Naimh clapped her hands to her cheeks and mock shrieked, "It's alive!!!"

Everybody laughed and Sam got up to microwave my plate. We chatted as a group a bit, but I gathered that the conversation had been winding down just before my arrival. It was just past nine-thirty, and everyone had woken up fairly early this morning because of my intense conversation with Sam. So while it wasn't exactly bedtime, the girls decided it was a good time to start their bedtime routines.

After all, nobody expected me, Sam, or Zofi to be falling asleep anytime soon. Given that they'd all be kept awake listening anyway, we might as well get started now. But that didn't stop each of the girls from coming over to kiss me goodnight. Naimh was first, giving me a passionate snog full of moaning and rubbing her chest against mine, but she wished me a good night and sashayed into the bathroom to start brushing her teeth. Belle took her cue from that and gave me a sweet kiss as well while patting my ass.

Mari blushed nervously and didn't even approach me, but I walked over to her, started a soft kiss, and she abruptly flung both arms around my neck, crammed her tongue into my mouth, and tried to drape a leg over my hips before giving up and just Frenching me madly for a minute. Afterwards, Belle and Mari headed up to the loft.

When I looked around, I realized Sam had disappeared. Only Zofi remained, and after staring at the wall clock for a moment, she wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned in for a sweet kiss.

Standing 5'10", Zofi was the only girl I'd ever kissed who was tall enough for me to not have to bend down for. Well, maybe Sam when she'd worn those skyscraper heels for the wedding. The point is, I rather enjoyed not having to strain my neck at all as I wrapped my arms around her lower back and enjoyed the simple act of making out with my fourth girl in a row.

Zofi gave me none of the passion Naimh had displayed, nor the tenderness of Belle, nor the hunger of Mari. The way she kissed me was calm, serene, and almost... chaste. I still couldn't figure her out, but the mystery was seriously starting to intrigue me.

Maybe Sam was right: I was simply obsessing over the one girl on this trip who still wouldn't have sex with me. And as much as I might fantasize about her finally giving in on this final night of our vacation, the way Zofi kissed me seemed a clear indicator that I wouldn't be popping her cherry anytime soon, either. Perhaps sensing my thoughts, she stopped kissing me just then, leaned forward, and pecked my cheek. "We're not there yet, darling," she whispered into my ear.

"I didn't... I wasn't..." I stammered.

She gave me a mysterious smile, checked the clock, and then coyly interlaced her fingers through mine, giving me a feeling not unlike the way we walked around school hand-in-hand. She pecked my cheek and nodded her head, saying, "She's ready now."

I arched an eyebrow but allowed myself to be led by the hand across the living room. By now, Naimh was coming out of the bathroom. She took a peek inside the master bedroom and popped her eyebrows, mouthing the word, 'Wow.'

The redhead then turned to look at Zofi and me coming towards her. She chuckled, shook her head, and stepped into the doorway of the second bedroom. But she didn't go inside; she merely turned around, folded her arms across her chest, and leaned against the doorjamb, clearly intent on watching my reaction.

Zofi pulled me around the doorway and let go of my hand. I stopped dead in my tracks just inside the room, blinked, and grinned. "'Wow' is right," I commented.

"You remember this?" Sam asked coquettishly, posing across the king-size bed on one side, her head propped up her right palm with her left arm draped across her hip and upper thigh. Her body was a lush rollercoaster of curves that made me want to go for a ride right away, but I paused to enjoy the déjà vu feeling her outfit gave me.

The beautiful busty blonde bombshell had re-applied her makeup, now with heavier black mascara and thick eyeliner. She wore a strapless, black lace corset top that lifted and separated her huge breasts so that they almost appeared spherical. Thigh-high lace stockings adorned her legs, topped with a matching garter belt. Black lace panties, transparent enough to reveal her slit, had been put on over the garters for easy removal. The only things missing were the skyscraper heels. It was the lingerie outfit Sam had worn when she'd taken my virginity.

"Take his clothes off, Zofi," Sam stated evenly.

Beside me, wearing her regular pajamas, Zofi first went to the doorway and said quietly, "Good night, Neevie." Then she closed the door. I never glanced back, my eyes remaining riveted to the half-naked platinum blonde on the bed. After the door was shut, I felt Zofi's hands take hold of my shirt and start tugging it by the hem over my head.

My pants went next, along with my boxer shorts, and after I stepped out of them I became the first one completely naked in the room, although I wouldn't be the last. In the meantime, though, I found myself standing there, awaiting instructions. It had been clear from the moment I'd entered that Sam was in charge of this encounter, and I didn't want to ruin any of her plans.

Sam let her eyes rove up and down my nude body, ogling me like a piece of meat. I never considered myself a beefcake or whatever other terms a girl might use to describe the sort of Chippendale-esque examples of perfect male physique, but I did what I could to keep in decent shape. Sam evidently liked what she saw, especially the way my thick column of man meat extended straight towards her like a flower seeking the sun. She grinned, let her gaze move past me, and nodded once.

Zofi pressed herself against my back, reached around with her left hand, and began stroking me. The lissome brunette began kissing the back of my neck as she gave me a handjob, and I moaned while reaching back with one arm to hold her lower back and mold her front against my naked skin, even though she was still wearing her pajamas.

But that only lasted for a minute or so. I think Sam just wanted to be sure I was as hard as I would ever be, especially after the exertion I'd gone through this morning. Satisfied with my erection, she crooked a finger and beckoned for me to join her by the bed. I moved as directed, coming to a stop right at the foot of the bed but not climbing onto it. Then, and only then, did Sam roll over onto all fours, crawl up to me, and draw her silky blonde locks to one side of her head while she bent to take my dick into her mouth.

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