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The Big Tits Club Pt. 02 Ch. 05-06


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"You didn't need to do that," Eva muttered while narrowing her eyes at me. "I'm used to guys flirting with me and didn't ask to be rescued."

I frowned and momentarily glanced at Naimh before returning my attention to Eva. "I'm... sorry. Did you want that guy to keep flirting with you? I didn't mean to... uh... what's the female version of 'cockblocking'?"

"You didn't 'clam jam' me," Eva drawled with a smirk. "I didn't want him flirting with me or anything. But it's not like... I mean... I didn't need you to step in. I can take care of myself, yeah?"

"Sure, sure."

Eva's eyes narrowed. "Should I expect you to keep getting jealous every time a cute guy stops to talk to me?"

I blinked. "I'm sorry. I'm not jealous. 'Jealousy' implies ownership, and I don't own you."

"Perhaps 'envious' instead?"

I held up both hands defensively. "You're welcome to flirt with whomever you want and it's not my place to get jealous or envious." I arched an eyebrow. "My apologies if I overstepped. Force of habit from taking care of The BTC girls. You had the same kind of tone in your voice that they've had in the past when they needed a lifeline, and I just sort of reacted on instinct."

"It's alright," Eva said with a shrug and a dismissive wave as she turned to pointedly look away from me. Adopting her bored air once more, she muttered, "Better safe than sorry, I know."

"Tzeitel," Naimh suggested. "We need to teach you about 'Tzeitel'."

Eva frowned and glanced back at us, looking confused. "What?"

"It's code for: I don't like this guy that's hitting on me so please come rescue me," Naimh explained. "The BTC girls taught it to me back in high school. We all liked to flirt with guys but only up to a point. So if any of us heard one of the girls say 'Tzeitel', we'd know to drop everything and go rescue her."

"Ahhh... from Fiddler on the Roof," Eva remarked. "For the daughter getting betrothed to the old butcher."

"Exactly," Naimh confirmed.

Eva glanced at me. "Did you have to do a lot of 'Tzeitel' rescues back in high school?"

I shrugged. "Not many. Like Neevie said: most of them liked to get attention from the guys; for practice, if nothing else. They also learned how to handle themselves and only called in a 'Tzeitel' if they really had to. And the same goes for you. You said you can handle yourself and I'll respect that. You're not my girlfriend and I don't have the right to be jealous of you. You really are welcome to flirt with whomever you want. But at the same time there are advantages to having a guy friend as backup. Know that I'm here if you need me, just in case."

"Good to know." Eva gave a thoughtful nod and shifted in her seat. "Let me get out of your way. You two looked like you were in the middle of a moment. And after all..." Eva then effected a Yiddish accent as she finished, "... What would you do with two?"

"The same as I do with one," I said in the same Yiddish accent without thinking, just to complete the quote. But my eyes immediately bugged out once I realized the implication, and I started to apologize for my presumption, "I-I didn't mean--"

Eva merely smirked at my discomfort and took a big swig from her drink...

... only to realize it was empty, leaving her to frown at the betraying red Solo cup.

"Better idea," Naimh declared, holding out her own empty cup. "Refills?"

Thankful for the save, I smiled and nodded. "Let's go."


Sam rejoined us at the bar while we were getting refills by way of grabbing my neck and planting a boner-inducing kiss on my lips. Charlie wasn't bartending anymore - it was a different guy whose name we never got - but the four of us collected our drinks and returned back outside. I scanned the area for any sign of Belle or Lily but didn't spot either one of them. And when Sam took note of my distracted state, she asked, "Hey... what's wrong?"

"Matty's worried about Lily," Naimh explained helpfully.

"Lily?" Sam looked confused.

"She and Matty got into a super-intense makeout session earlier," Naimh continued, "but then she freaked out and ran off. Belle went after her."

"Oh, I saw them inside the house right before we got refills," Sam stated. "They'd pulled a couple of dining table chairs into a corner and had their heads together. They're fine."

"Oh..." I frowned and looked back toward the house, considering whether I should go find them.

But Sam tugged on my hand and repeated, "They're fine. C'mon, boyfriend. Come dance with me."

There wasn't a DJ, exactly. Really, a college student with his laptop hooked up to the sound system was playing MP3s back-to-back at a table next to the big speakers on the elevated deck overlooking the pool area. A dozen young adults were bouncing and gyrating to the thudding bass beat on a rectangular patch of concrete between the pool and the fence next to the inflatable palm trees and the bounce house, and my busty blonde girlfriend pulled me that way while Naimh and Eva followed with us.

The four of us joined in the periphery of the dance floor, with Sam turning to face me and shimmy in her LBD in such a way that would've given me a boner had I not already been sporting one from her earlier welcome-back kiss. Her eyes were aflame and her striking smile utterly enraptured me. My gorgeous girlfriend had my full and undivided attention, and she took full advantage by raising her arms above her head, biting her lip sexily, and undulating her curvaceous body with the hypnotizing grace of an underwater sea nymph.

After the next verse, Sam turned around to shake her booty at me and then backed up to nestle her bubble butt against my crotch while I wrapped my arms around my lover and nibbled on her neck. She hummed happily and reached back with both arms to hold me close, and for a moment we moved like we were the only two people in the world.

But we weren't the only two people in the world. Naimh sashayed to the beat right in front of us, grinning while patiently waiting her turn. But Sam crooked a finger at her co-girlfriend with a "come hither" expression, so the Irish redhead went thither and scooted in close to Sam.

The two gorgeous girls synchronized their movements so that they writhed together face-to-face. A moment later, Naimh tilted her head to the side while Sam tilted her head the other way on the same wavelength, and the ambient noise surrounding us picked up a few decibels when their lips touched together ever so briefly. I extended my arms a bit to reach out and grasp my redheaded girlfriend's hips. And when she felt my touch, Naimh tilted her head to me so we could kiss while continuing to sandwich Sam between us.

Feeling the rush of sexual endorphins flooding my brain while the pheromones of the two aroused females with me flooded my sense of smell, I lost myself to the rhythm of the music for a few minutes while the three of us thumped and writhed on the dance floor. It was only when the current song ended and began to crossfade into the next that I remembered we had another girl with us, and I looked up in search of Eva.

To my surprise, the typically reticent girl remained nearby, almost idly swaying to the music. She neither approached us nor backed away, merely keeping herself within orbit at the periphery of the dance floor.

Following my gaze, Naimh also looked over at Eva and then smiled, her expression clearly asking, 'Wanna come join in?'

For about half a second, I thought Eva actually started to consider it. But just as she started to shake her head and wave Naimh off, a whirling dervish of energy raced onto the dance floor and slammed into my back.

"We're dancing!!!" Belle squealed enthusiastically as she hooked her arms over my shoulders and tried to wrap her legs around my waist. But Sam was still tucked up against my chest and Belle's feet slipped, so she wound up dangling down my back with her short little legs flailing in the air.

Sam laughed and slipped away from me, turning around just as Belle let go of me and dropped to the ground. "Welcome back, little one. Everything cool now?"

"Bonzer," Belle replied with an attempt at a mellow Aussie drawl and a wink for Sam, already bouncing to the beat. "C'mon, Lil. Dance with us."

Lily looked up at me with a rather shy smile. She was groovin' a bit, feeling the flow of the music. And she approached me with a cool patience that stood in stark contrast to Belle's earlier impulsiveness.

/ Man, it's a hot one / Like seven inches from the midday sun / Well, I hear you whisper and the words melt everyone / But you stay so cool...

Rob Thomas sang from the speakers as the Latin rhythms of Santana's guitar made everybody's hips sway. I turned to face Lily and we started dancing together, although separate. There was a bit of a push-and-pull, one of us stepping forward while the other backed up to maintain distance. And all the while we kept grooving.

/ And if you said, "This life ain't good enough" / I would give my world to lift you up / I could change my life to better suit your mood / Because you're so smooth...

Lily gave me a shy smile, still trying to read me. I did my best to project an air of quiet confidence and reassurance, the same kind of look I'd always given The BTC girls for as long as I'd known them. There was still suspicion in Lily's eyes, though, and I could tell she was still nervous. And the song that happened to be playing about being 'so smooth' wasn't likely to assuage her fears.

/ And it's just like the ocean under the moon / It's the same as the emotion that I get from you / You got the kind of lovin' that can be so smooth / Give me your heart, make it real, or else forget about it...

I could sense Lily's yearning for something real. She was attracted to me - that was clear - but everything about my entire situation with three other girlfriends completely threw her off. I realized then and there that the two of us really needed to sit down and talk sooner than later. So it was with that in mind that I abruptly stepped forward and took Lily by the hand, walking away from the dance floor.

Belle, Sam, and Naimh all gasped in surprise while Lily herself just looked shellshocked. I gave her a reassuring smile full of warmth but without a hint of arousal. I wanted to make absolutely clear that I wasn't spiriting her away to an upstairs bedroom to have my way with her or anything like that. I just wanted to talk. And after taking a moment to regard my expression, she relaxed and made it clear she would go with me.

A quick survey of the backyard proved there would be no privacy nearby. Pockets of people were everywhere within sight, so I led Lily by the hand into the house and started looking around there. Likewise, though, every room was occupied, and I didn't want to take her upstairs for fear of how such an act might appear.

So instead I led Lily out the front door. By now, pretty much everyone who was coming to the party had already arrived and the two parking valets were just hanging out by the key cabinet smoking cigarettes. The evening air away from the crowd was cool, and strong winds blowing up the cliffside chilled us quickly now that we were no longer dancing. I could see that native Hawaiian Lily was getting goosebumps on her bare skin. So I led her by the hand straight into the sea of cars and worked my way over to Sam's Escalade. As expected, it was unlocked, and I opened the rear passenger door before gesturing Lily inside.

Once I closed the door behind us we were well-shielded from the cold winds, and the soundproofing of the luxury SUV surrounded us in silence. I paused for a moment to collect my thoughts, but before I could say anything, Lily sighed rather mournfully, looked out in the vague direction of the parking valets and remarked, "Those two guys probably think you brought me out here for a makeout session."

I momentarily glanced over my shoulder out the side window and noted the two guys chatting with each other paying us no mind before returning my attention to the pretty girl in the car with me. Arching an eyebrow, I asked, "Does that bother you? I'm not here to ruin your reputation or anything."

"What? No. Most everybody out there is a total stranger. And if I was worried about my reputation I probably shouldn't have made out with you on the couch earlier anyway."


"Besides... I rather like the idea of people thinking I'm pretty enough for a guy like you to want to make out with me."

I raised both eyebrows. "A guy like me?"

Lily's eyes shimmered in the dim illumination that filtered into the cabin from the outside streetlamps. "Handsome. Tall. Sam and Neevie's boyfriend. A guy who's dating two absolute goddesses like them but still leads me by the hand out to a car in the parking lot for a potential makeout session? It's kind of a trip."

Lily was panting softly, and I found myself recalling my conversation with Naimh about Skylar checking me out even though I was already taken due to her 'primordial programming'.

"Then again," Lily continued with a dejected sigh, "those guys don't actually know we're NOT making out in here right now."

"Is that what you really want?"

"Of course," she replied immediately before catching herself and taking a deep breath, exhaling slowly before adding much more softly, "...and maybe a little bit not..."

I gave her a serious look and stated gently, "And that's why we're currently 'not'."

She paled and suddenly became quite interested in her cuticles, mumbling, "Am I not pretty enough for you?"

"You know that's not the reason."

"Do I?"

I didn't like the way Lily kept her gaze downward, so I reached forward and gently raised two fingertips beneath her chin. With only a little bit of pressure, she let me tilt her face upwards and stared back at me with large, luminous eyes full of the same teenage nervousness I'd recognized the night she'd put my hand on her boob while watching Dawson's Creek. And she squeaked just a little bit as I dipped my mouth to hers and gave her a gentle kiss.

Lily tensed for the briefest of moments as I kissed her, but then she immediately flowed back into me and reached up to hold my upper arms. It wasn't quite the same pent-up passion I'd felt earlier in the evening, but rather a more nervous... searching passion. Lily kissed me the way Belle did when she was in the mood for me to slowly lower her to the bed and make love to her. So when I kissed her a little harder, she didn't abruptly jerk back or pull away...

... but nor did she actually try to take my clothes off or otherwise take any action to get my big dick shoved up her twat. Instead, Lily simply kissed me and kissed me and kept on kissing me until we both started to run out of air and the initial rush of lustful ardor started to wane on its own. And a few minutes later, our mouths separated so that we still held each other in our arms and Lily pitched forward to rest her forehead against my shoulder while panting for breath.

"Thank you," I said softly. "That was really nice."

"It really was..." she breathed.

I smirked and added lightly, "I especially loved the part where you didn't jerk out of my lap and stomp away."

Lily giggled and clutched my arms a little tighter before pulling back to look up at me with a sheepish expression on her face. "Sorry about that. I don't want you to feel like I was upset with you or anything; I wasn't. I just... I..."

"You freaked out a little bit?"

"Little bit."

I rubbed her back gently and asked in an equally gentle voice, "Would you like to tell me why?"

She stared up at me with that same nervous expression from before, but only for a moment. She started fiddling with her cuticles again and cutely bit her lip, looking for all the world like she needed a hug.

I was already holding her, but tightened my grip so that she once again brought her forehead down on my shoulder and wrapped her arms around my torso. And I concentrated on silently reassuring her that she was in a safe place with me.

"This is all Belle's fault," Lily muttered out of the blue.

I froze in place, not expecting that statement. I leaned back a bit and looked down at Lily while she raised her gaze to meet my eyes.

"With any other guy in any other place, none of this would've ever happened," she murmured. "I would've taken one look at the cute guy who was already dating a girl and said, 'Nope. No way. He's taken.' There are plenty of fish in the sea and I'm not the type to go after another girl's guy. So a guy dating three girls would be SUPER taken. And that would be that."

With raised eyebrows, I nodded slowly. "Understandable."

"But then there was Belle - my new 'bestie' - egging me on saying shit like, 'Isn't he so handsome? He's got a really big dick. Don't you just wanna kiss him? You can, you know. He's a really good kisser. He's an even better lover. It would be soooo hot to watch him just grabbing your wrists and pinning them to the mattress while he claims your mouth and then slams every last inch of that fat sausage straight down into you."

I coughed and then leaned back in my seat, turning to face forward. "Yeah, uh... well... that definitely sounds like something Belle would say."

"She's a self-professed voyeur. Says she gets off watching you pound the other girls."

"This is true."

"Sam and Neevie too. They aren't like... as aggressive as Belle about it or anything. But I've asked if they'd mind you and me hooking up and both of them told me to go for it if I was interested."

"And you're interested."

Lily nodded slowly. "But I get the feeling you're not interested in me."

"Oh I'm interested alright."

"No you're not."

I reached out to caress her leg, insisting, "Yes, I am."

"Then why are we still talking right now? Why haven't you made a single move to try and get my clothes off or even slide your hand down to grab my ass?"

I blinked, pulled my hand back into my own lap, and gave Lily an honest look. "Because that's not what I do."

She frowned. "Huh?"

I shrugged and then smiled. "I'm the guy that never makes the first move. Last night, all those stories about The BTC girls teasing me? Sam dry-humping herself to orgasm and shoving her boobs into my face and me still not reaching up to grab them? Neevie getting frustrated and having to grab my hand and put it onto her ass? My relationships with the girls have always been predicated on letting each of them set their own boundaries and trusting I would never cross them without their express permission. I want you to trust that I'll never push you beyond your comfort zone either. But please don't take that to mean that I'm not attracted to you."

Lily knitted her eyebrows together and gawked at me in confusion. "You are unlike every other guy I've ever met. Most all of the buggahs on da'island were all roamin' hands tryin'ta see how fah dey could get b'foh I slap'em."

"Well, as you said: I'm not like the buggahs you knew back on the island."

Lily smiled. "No, you're not."

"I thought you knew," I told her sincerely. "Nobody in The BTC has to do anything they're not comfortable doing, remember? I figured Belle would've made clear to you by now that I'd never take advantage of you."

"Not exactly." Lily frowned. "Belle pretty much just eggs me on telling me to yank your pants down and see whether or not I could fit you all in my mouth."

I arched an eyebrow. "Is that what she told you after you walked away earlier?"

"Well... no." Lily sighed. She stared off into the middle distance in the vague direction of the house party and shook her head slowly. "That was more about me trying to make up my mind whether or not I even wanted to start something up with you."

"Because I've got three other girlfriends?"

She nodded.

I sighed. "I've tried to be upfront with you from the beginning. I'm not looking for any additional romantic complications beyond the ones I'm already dealing with."

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