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The Breeder Ch. 01

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He is brought to another world to help repopulate it.
2.2k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/10/2019
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I wake up with the worst hangover, except I haven't drank since I had left college and I am now nearing my thirties. Something was definitely wrong here. I know it is cold, and I know I am naked. I'm lying down on a soft bed, probably the softest I've ever laid down on and I wonder if I'm dreaming.

But no dreams are this real. I try to open my eyes and I see nothing but a blur. I can see a light. It is bright and I see movement.

"Hel-hello," says a figure who comes up to me. I try to focus on it and I realize that it is a she, and she is looking right at my naked body. Alright, I'm very awake now. I am about to ask her where the hell I am but she starts to talk first.

"You must be confused. Can you hear me? Nod if you can."

I nod.

"Good, that's great. Are you feeling any pain?"

I nod again and move my hand to my head to indicate that.

"I see. That's should go away in a while."

"Where am I?"

"There's no easy way to say this're not on Earth anymore."

"I'm not what?"

I wonder again if I'm dreaming or if this some kind of joke. But the bigger question then becomes who would do this to me. Let me explain. I don't have many friends.

After leaving college with a degree that would require me a long, long time to pay back, I searched for a job that would help me to shorten that time.

And so I ended up in database management, which was me sitting in front of a computer half of the day as part of a bare-bones IT department where nobody bothered about us unless something went wrong.

I was not a social person to begin with and my job certainly didn't help. At the end of the day, I just went back home and sat in front of my screen again. It was either Netflix or gaming. I enjoyed the routine of course and I made decent money doing so.

Of course, everything is not going to be the same now.

My vision starts to return and I can see her now. She is tall, really tall. Probably my height. Her skin is bronzed and her hair is ridiculously long, reaching past her waist.

All unusual but what really took my breath away was the skin tight translucent bodysuit that she wore. It was like plastic wrap on her entire body and it left nothing to the imagination.

"You're not on Earth," she continues, "you're on another planet, in a different universe."


I am clearly not processing it.

"I should tell you why you're here," she says.

"Yeah...I uh...I guess."

She takes a deep breath and looks at me for awhile. I try to avoid her gaze, though it is hard not to take a look at her body. I can feel myself getting hard. Shit.

"Our planet consists almost entirely of what you call...women. Females. We have almost no men."

"No men?"

"Yes. Which is why we brought you here. We need your help."

"Help with what?"

But I realize I already know the answer.

"To reproduce."

Now I know this is a joke. This whole plot could only be dreamt up by some lazy scriptwriter for a shitty reality TV show.

"Who are you? I didn't give you permission to bring me here," I say trying to assert myself.

"No, you didn't. And for that, we must apologize. But we truly need your help."

"Look, I want out of here. And I need clothes."

"Of course, you are free to go after your medical examination and briefing. We will provide you garments to wear in a moment."

"Okay. Jesus. Why me?"

"Our Surveyer indicated your phenotype to be the most suitable for our needs. You were then selected for quantum transference to our universe."


"I...I can see that you don't quite believe me. I am truly, really, telling you the truth. And when you realize that, it will be very hard for you. I am truly sorry for what we have done."

The almost sorrowful tone in her voice makes me look at her. I look into the silver eyes. Either she is a really great actress...or she is telling the truth.

"I am Acerva, and I have been assigned to be your Intermediary. I will help you acquaint yourself to our world. May I know your name?"

"My name? It's uh...Ryan."

"Welcome to our world, Ryan."

"Do you feel you are able to walk?"

I realize that my headache has since disappeared and I am pretty much good to go. I nod and get up. Somehow I had gotten used to my nudity very quickly, and when I see what my "garments" are, I had better continue getting used to it. I am given a similar bodysuit to that of Acerva.

She shows me how to put it on.

"Press your palms onto the sleeves here and here," she says. I do so. Immediately the suit comes to life and in a split second jumps onto and envelops me. The shock on my face seems to slightly amuse her.

Immediately I feel warm, though not overly so.

"The Second Skin monitors and adjusts the temperature accordingly," she says, "though it may not be able to cope in extreme environments. You will need another suit for that."

I can barely feel that I am wearing anything. I look down and see that it has also taken the shape of my junk. This whole thing is getting weirder and weirder.

"Follow me," she says.

We exit the room and my jaw drops. I see a massive hallway with many rooms on the sides. At the end of the hallway is a large spherical room made out of opaque glass. I see what I think are trees on the outside.

"Ryan, as you are one of the few men in our world you are accorded special privileges. But you also face certain dangers. I will remind you of both constantly."

"What uh...what dangers?"

"There are many who will want you for who you are. While our society is entirely peaceful and we have not had a missing male in many years, precautions are still necessary."

"Want me for what?"

"You are male, Ryan, which means that you are the survival of our kind."

"You mean to uh...make babies."

"Yes, to breed. We call you Breeders. We understand the term in your world is a rather crude one, but here it is a term to signify a group of people who are held in the highest regard."

"What must I do, as a Breeder?"

"We hope that you will help us with the Continuity Imperative. That is, to help make more of us."

"So you take my, uh, sperm?"

Acerva shakes her head.

"Fertilization does not work that way for our kind, otherwise there would be no need for bringing you here. We have tried many many different ways but none have been successful save for this one."


"You will understand better when we conduct the briefing. But being a Breeder, you have privileges few others have."

"What privileges?"

"Mainly, you have unlimited access to resources that you require here. You do not require currency to purchase items."

" free stuff for me?"

"They are not free, Ryan. But they are paid for by our Collective."

"What else?"

"Our people must obey any commands given by a Breeder."


"As long as they are able to and it does not conflict with other Imperatives and Proscriptives, yes."

We continue walking and I hear loud moans coming from a room. My eyes widen a little which Acerva notices.

"You are one of four males we have transferred today. Some of them get very...excited when they learn about what they here for."

"Jesus. How many people do you bring here?"

"Not many. We can only bring several through when a Window appears. And they only appear once every several cycles."

We enter a room and I see a white table with another two women standing next to it. Both of them are wearing the same suits as us and both were as tall and attractive as Acerva. Shit, were all the women here this hot? They raise their arms with palms outstretched and then placed one palm on another with a slight bow.

"This is how we greet each other," Acerva remarks.

I copy their greeting and they both smile. They motion for me to lie down.

The surface is cold to the touch but my suit must have been working well because I feel only warmth on my back as I lie down.

"Our medical technicians will assess you. Once you are clear we can proceed to the briefing," says Acerva

They wave some sort of scanner over my body. But their eyes are also studying me intently and I feel a little uncomfortable.

"All good," one of them says.

"Any issues with language?" another asks to Acerva.

"None I see so far."

"Language?" I ask.

"You realize you have understood me perfectly the whole time?"

Holy shit. If I am in another world then they must be speaking another language. Only when Acerva tells me this do I realize that we have not, in fact, been speaking English.

"We have copied our language algorithms into your relevant neurons."

"I..I see."

"We can proceed with the sample extraction," says one of the technicians.

I hear sample and I hear extraction and I immediately think what they want to take from me.

"Sample?" I ask them.

"Your seed," says one of the technicians.

" you mean you want me to rub one out?"

The two of them look at me and then each other.

"No, Ryan," says Acerva, "we will have someone extract it for you."

"I'm uh...I can do it myself."

"I understand, however, we cannot let any of your sperm go to waste. We have a fertile extractor ready."


"It's the reason you are here Ryan. But if you feel you are not ready, then we will not force you."

The thought of me impregnating someone was both terrifying and arousing at the same time. My cock twitched in response.

" can do the uh, extraction."

"Very well. Thank you, Ryan."

The two technicians leave the room and another girl comes in. She looks a little younger and slightly shorter.

"Do you want me to leave?" Acerva asks.

"Um...actually," I say, "I would prefer if you stay. In case there's anything I need."

Truth be told, my heart was pounding and I was terrified. Acerva was the one person here who gave me a little bit of comfort.

She nodded.

"This is Thurike, she will be your extractor. May your seed flow copiously."

The last part of her sentence sounded something like some sort of prayer or blessing.

"Hello Thurike," I say to her. She seems shy, her eyes averting mine. I notice she is completely naked, not even wearing a bodysuit. Her silver eyes flit about nervously. She adjusts her hair covering her breasts to reveal two perfectly formed, tear drop shaped breasts and I exhale a little at the sight. She raises her palms and greets me.

"Master Breeder, may I partake of your seed?"

Yeah, this was getting weirder. Almost like a ritual.

"Yeah, sure."

Thurike gets onto the table and positions herself above me. Girl on top it is, then. I realize my cock is still covered, but it is now hard and erect and my bodysuit has expanded along with it. How do I get out of this suit, I wonder.

Acerva answers my question.

"You can retract parts of your Second Skin by drawing a circle over the area. Press your finger firmly and trace the outline," she says.

I do so and immediately the suit retracts around my groin area. My cock now is fully unleashed and twitches. Thurike's hairless pussy is just inches away. She looks at me, closes her eyes and guides my cock inside. It slides in effortlessly. I feel the warmth of her pussy enveloping my cock.

"Jesus..." I moan.

Thurike whimpers as she fully sinks onto my body, my cock deep inside her. I already feel close to exploding. She rocks gently and I feel close to cumming. My hands reaches out to grab her perfect boobs, and I feel that her nipples are rock hard. She whimpers even louder when I squeeze them. I lose all inhibition as she rocks herself harder and harder. My moans get louder along with her cries.

"Unghh!!!" I cry as I explode into her. Thurike collapses falls to my chest. She begins to shiver and spasm. I look to Acerva, wondering if this is normal.

"Our bodies react to the presence of your sperm inside. This is what you call an 'orgasm'," Acerva says.

I cradle Thurike's head. I can feel her tears flowing down my arms. I wonder what the hell I got myself into.

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YouwritelikearetardfucksYouwritelikearetardfucks11 months ago

Ah yes yet another "erotic" story where the author thought it best to construct a main character blessed with the sexual endurance of a house plant, if this story was milk it couldn't even be labeled as 2% at best it's "erotic skim" I'm really not sure why there's so many of these stories that have potential (and it did btw it could have been really good imo) but after 98% backstory you read these just....embarrassingly short, unimaginative, pump pump done, cringey waste of time sex scenes I just don't understand it and lit is infested with it, makes you wonder is it laziness or lack of imagination or is this how lame sex has been for them in real life therefore they think it's normal to be able to describe a sex scene in 8 sentences? It's basically "stick it in, getting close, here come, there I go" frankly it's a waste of the readers time, don't try that "it's not everything in an erotic story" yup.. totally agree, not saying it is and wouldn't like it if it was but when it's 1% of the entire story and it's 8-10 sentences of "oh feels good, she's moving, now I'm coming" dribble... Then I'd suggest you as an author, either go and see a doctor...or go take some literary courses, now if the characters were let's say hummingbirds? Or fruitflies? then this would fit perfectly but here like all the other duds the female doesn't bat an eye, to quote The Lonely Island " I jizz right in my pants

every time your next to me

and when we're holding hands

It's like having sex to me"

"She turned to me to me that's when she said it

Looked me dead in the eyes and asked Cash or Credit

That's when I

Jizzed in my pants

It's perfectly normal

Nothing wrong with me

But we're going to need a cleanup

On aisle three

To be fair you were flirting a lot

Plus the way you bag cans got me

Bothered and hot

A breeze rolls in and I

Jizz on my pants "

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Please keep going with this story line

Nice and simple, but well thought out. Please keeping going

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Some title

Pretty sure their greeting is the Blitzball victory sign

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

This needs more asap

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Enjoyable story

Please continue with the breeder story

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