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The Cabin Affair


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She smiled.

"Well, when you have good company I guess time flies."

"That is for sure," I said. "This has been really great. But I guess I should head out. How about you?" I stood up and looked around, making sure I wasn't going to forget any of my stuff.

She sighed.

"Yeah," she said. "I guess I should."

She stood up as well and quickly crossed the few feet to me and wrapped her arms around me, hugging me. I was not expecting it and tensed, but relaxed and hugged her back. Her body was pressed lightly against mine and I could feel her breasts against my chest, even through the fabric of my tank top and her coverup. It was not a sexual hug, though my mind did go there immediately, more the hug you would give an old friend.

"I'm a hugger," she said. "Sorry. You don't mind?"

"Nah," I said. "Hugs are nice."

"Thanks for hanging out with me, Grant," She said looking up at me with those bright green eyes. "It was fun."

She stepped away and began to grab her own stuff.

"Did you want to paddle back together?' I asked.

She looked at me and bit her plump lower lip before shaking her head.

"No," she said. "I don't think so. I mean, if we come back together people might think we were spending the day together and get the wrong impression. Better I leave a bit after you and arrive separately."

I was a bit confused.

"I guess?" I said. "But... It's not like... I mean... Nothing happened."

"Sure. But..." She paused. "Well. It's probably best we arrive separately. And if you don't mind this can be a secret? Please?"

I nodded slowly.

"I mean, sure," I said. "If that's what you want." Honestly, now that I had thought about it, Lisa might not have been too happy with the idea of me spending the day with her after all.

Millie broke into a big grin.

"Great!" she said. "So it'll be our secret. Isn't it nice to share a secret?"

I got into my Kayak and pushed off the sand, ready to go.

"I'll be here tomorrow too," she called out to me. "See you then?"

I nodded and waved, then paddled back to the resort.


"That was a long trip," Lisa said when I got back to the cabin. She was sitting on the sand in a low chair with a book in her lap and a small cooler with sodas and beer in it beside her. I grabbed one of the cold beers and cracked it, sipping deeply.

I felt weird keeping the visit with Millie secret but I did as the young woman asked me and did not tell my wife.

"I guess so," I said. "I decided to go on longer trips this year. I only get to go out on the water while we are here and I think I'd like to make the best of it."

She nodded and opened her book again.

"I want to finish this chapter before I come in. Why don't you shower before we head into town for supper?"

I nodded and did just that.

There was a small town not that far a drive from the cottage. It only had a few hundred year round residents but it really came alive in the summer. Those that lived there all seemed to revolve their work around the people like us who came for vacation. It meant that there were a few decent restaurants and a pub. Lisa and I would go there a few times each week we stayed at the cottage for food, or drinks, or both.

We chose the small Italian place that evening and had a decent meal with a few glasses of wine. I made sure not to drink too much so I could still drive us home. Lisa hated driving the rural roads at night. We were home by around 10:30.

We were both pretty beat and decided to head to bed. Spending the day in the sun, even if you were not doing much, seemed to do that to you.

Once we were in bed my wife rolled towards me and kissed me.

"So," she said, smiling in the dark, "up for some play tonight?''

I didn't say anything, but rolled on top of her, kissing her back. She reached down between us and gripped my cock, which was already hard for her. I was about 7.5 inches and thick. My cock filled her grasping hand.

"Oh," she said, chuckling. "Looks like someone is already ready to go."

I knew from experience, though I might be ready to go, it was unlikely she was. I kissed my way down her body to her sex, licking between the lips. She was not shaved but she kept her pubic hair trimmed short.

One benefit of being with someone so long was that you got to know their bodies almost as well as you know your own. I lapped at my wife's cunt, pushing two fingers into her. Because I knew her so well that within a minute she was moaning aboveme, rolling her hips against my mouth. Within three minutes she was tapping the back of my head.

"Get up here," she said. "I want to cum with you inside me."

I grinned and moved up, kissing her as I placed the head of my cock against her now wet pussy. I pushed into her with a groan and she lifted her hips, getting my cock as deep into her as she could.

I thrust into her, our bodies slapping together. I grabbed her long legs and lifted them, putting them on my shoulders, knowing that she loved this. She reached down between us and rubbed her own clit as I ploughed into her.

"Oh, fuck," she was moaning. "Yeah! Get deep, baby! Get deep in me! Fuck! Fuck!"

One hand on her clit, the other was on my hip, pulling me against her, demanding that I speed up. Of course I obliged, slamming away at her as she cried out below me. I could tell that she was getting close to her climax and I made sure to twist my hips at the bottom of my thrusts, grinding against her.

I hate to admit it but, around this time my mind left the experience I was having with my wife. My mind's eye summoned an image of the young woman I had met earlier that day. I saw her plump lips, remembering how she would lightly lick them before she spoke. I saw her full tits and imagined that they, with their full size, were bouncing below me instead of my wife's smaller tits.

Lisa began to gasp and her cunt spasmed around my cock, and I chased down my own climax in the last few thrusts. She cried out my name as she came, and I slammed deep into her, my own cock throbbing then releasing. I imagined Millie's face below me, lost in orgasmic bliss as I came, spraying myself into my wife.

I rolled to the side, gasping for breath. I lay on my back, staring at the ceiling, angry with myself for imagining another woman as I fucked my wife. Lisa kissed my cheek and walked to the bathroom to clean herself up. She returned after a few minutes and was fast asleep within minutes.

I lay awake, conflicted. Sure, imagining someone else was harmless, but this felt wrong for some reason. I wondered if I should skip my kayak trip the next day, or at least go a different direction. It took me some time to fall asleep.


Millie was there waiting for me in our little cove when I paddled up the next day at around 10:30 in the morning. When I woke I decided against skipping our visit. In the light of the morning I dismissed all the misgiving I had the night before. A little imagination, I rationalised, was harmless. Just as harmless as having a conversation by the side of the lake.

She waved when she saw me and I waved back. Again, she had pulled the canoe out of the water and was sitting on her blanket. She was wearing bikini bottoms again, this time orange, and had the same coverup around her shoulders. It was tied at the waist with a sash, but it was open down her torso, revealing the inside curves of her breasts.

I beached my Kayak and walked over to her blanket and sat down. This time I didn't sit on the very edge the way I had the day before, leaving about three feet between us.

"Hi, Millie," I said. "How was your evening?"

She looked up at me and smiled. Damn. She was really, really beautiful.

"It was ok, I guess," she said. Then she frowned. "Actually... No. That's not true. It was pretty shitty. Marty and I got into a fight. A stupid one about absolutely nothing. So it wasn't great." She sighed then smiled at me once more. "But I'm glad you are here. I had a really great day yesterday."

"I did too,' I said, sitting down beside her. "Had a great day. Not had a fight. Sorry to hear that."

"It's fine I guess." She said. "It happens. So, what did you do last night?"

"Oh," I said, "Not too much. Went into town for supper and then came back and went to bed pretty early."

"Yeah?" she said with a bit of a teasing smirk. "Did you get lucky?"

I chuckled. It was a bit of an odd question from someone who I didn't know that well.

"As a matter of fact," I said, "I did." I felt a brief pang of regret thinking about how I had imagined her as I fucked my wife.

"Nice," she said. "I wish! They talk about make up sex, but I couldn't imagine fucking Marty after our fight. Then I don't get to have sex! He's a jerk and I'm left fingering myself in the living room while he showers! How is that fair?"

I swallowed, feeling my cock begin to swell as I picture that scene. I quickly crossed one leg over the other, hiding the rise in the fabric from her. I had no idea why she was telling me this. It was probably inappropriate, but I could not think of anything to say.

"Yeah," I said. "That sucks."

She laughed.

"I'm sorry! Too much information! Don't hate me!"

"It's ok," I said, reassuring. "Remember, I'm an old man. I've heard and seen it all."

"You aren't that old!" she said. "But thanks. I don't really have that many people to talk to these days."

We settled back and relaxed, quietly chatting. My cock calmed down so I didn't have to sit in an uncomfortable position to hide my arousal. It was very comfortable, hanging out with Millie. It had been a long time since I had clicked so quickly with anyone.

It was very hot that day. As the sun continued to rise, the temperature did as well. Soon I could feel droplets of sweat running down my skin, and feel the tank top I was wearing clinging to my chest and back. Millie had a glistening of sweat on her brow.

Finally after an hour or so she sat up.

"Fuck this," she said. "I can't take it anymore. I'm too hot. Will it be too weird if I took off this coverup? I don't usually sit in the sun with a top on."

I swallowed. Of course I would be happy for her to remove it! Still. I knew it was pretty wrong for me to be sitting here ogling her.

"If it makes you more comfortable," I said, "do what you want. I don't want you to be suffering. I'll make sure to be a gentleman. I'll look away."

She grinned.

"Thanks,"She said and quickly undid the sash. She paused and, glancing at me out of the corner of her eye, began to slowly pull the two sides apart, revealing her breasts.

I did as I promised and deliberately looked away. Was it a glimmer of disappointment in her eyes that I saw, I wondered, when I averted my eyes? Not likely, I thought. I was imagining it.

She started talking again, about this dog she had had when she was younger and I swung my eyes back towards her, making very sure to look her in the eyes and not let my gaze wander down to her tits. I nodded along with her story but, frankly, most of it went in one ear and out the other.

After a couple moments she stopped.

"OK," she said. "This isn't going to work."

"What do you mean," I asked.

"This," she gestured to her chest. Again, I kept my eyes on hers, not looking down. "See! You are clearly not comfortable with me being topless. I'll put the cover up back on."

"Hey," I said, defensively. "Hey. I'm fine. If this is how you want to be, that is fine with me. I'm sorry if I'm making YOU uncomfortable. My bad."

She shook her head.

"You are fine. It's just that.. I guess you knowing I'm topless and trying so hard not to stare (appreciate that by the way), it's making me feel bad. It's no big deal to me, but if you get weird I don't think we could keep hanging out."

"I don't know what to tell you," I said. "I'm just trying to be respectful"

"Yeah," she said. "I get that, and appreciate it. But I'm not really shy. So how about this? I'll give you permission to look at me, like really look. Leer even. Get your fill for like a minute. Then the rest of the day it won't be a big deal and we can move on. OK?"

"You'll let me leer?" I asked, dubious. "I don't know. Might be a bad idea."

"Fine. Not let. I'll ask you to look at me." I clearly still didn't look convinced to her eyes. "I'll beg you."

I snorted a short laugh.

"I don't think there is any need for that."

"Please!" she cried out, pretending to be pleading. "Pleeeeeease! Please look at my tits! Stare at them, please! Look at my tits, daddy!"

I swallowed and my cock instantly began to get hard as she begged me. It was very sexy. And when she called me 'daddy'? My cock lurched.

"Fine," I said, teasing her. "Since you asked so nice."

I stopped trying to avoid looking at her and after briefly meeting her gaze dropped my eyeline to her chest. The vague shape of the breasts were known to me because her coverup did not hide very much. But without the fabric over them, Millie's tits were an amazing sight to be seen.

They were even larger than I had expected. The skin looked perfectly smooth and tan. I judged that she might be a DD cup? It was hard to tell. They hung heavy on her chest but there was no sag. Slight white lines cut through the tan near her armpits, stretch mark scars, I assumed, from when she developed. Her nipples were a dark, dusty pink colour. They were hard and stood at attention, about half an inch long. They looked perfect to suck.

My cock throbbed while I ogled the girl beside me, as hard as it has ever been. I was too preoccupied to think to hide it, so there was a very noticeable bulge in the fabric of my loose swim trunks.

"Daddy?" I said as I looked at her. "Did you call me 'Daddy'?"

She chuckled quietly.

"Sorry about that. I guess it just slipped out. I guess when I'm begging an older guy I call them Daddy. Who knew? Besides. You definitely seemed to like it."

I broke my gaze on her chest to look at her face, wondering what she meant. He gaze was on my lap. At the bulge there.

"Shit," I said. "Sorry."

"Why?" she asked, seeming to be actually perplexed. "I take it as a compliment. You worry too much. So. Seen enough? Can we have a normal conversation now?"

"Sure," I said. "I've gotten that out of my system."

"Great," she said. "Now take off your shirt. Fair is fair."

I laughed.

"I don't see how this is fair to you, but sure. It's hot as hell."

I pulled my tank top over my head and dropped it on the sand beside me.

"My turn," she said and began to look me over in an intense stare. I'm not sure she got a fair deal there. I was in decent shape but I was no male model. It did seem like she took her time looking at the bulge in my shorts, but I did not complain. It was pretty sexy to have her looking at me like that. The attention ensured that the erection did not fade.

"Ok," she said after a few moments. "All's fair. Let's hang out."

We spent the next several hours together on that beach. Sometimes we chatted and sometimes we sat there in an easy silence, looking out at the water. It actually was easier after I had taken my look at her. It meant that I did not have to be so careful where I looked.

Of course I took several chances to look her body over, and it often seemed like she was inviting it. She would move in a way that caused her big tits to sway or jiggle, or she would let a drop of water slip out of the corner of her mouth as she drank and I would watch the bead run down her skin to her nipple.

A few times she fished something out of her bag and she would face away from me on all fours, tits swinging below her, her ass in the air. Her orange bikini bottoms allowed the globes of her ass to hang out on either side, and bunched tight against the lips of her pussy, outlining it. I had brief waves of desire, wanting to rip that flimsy fabric aside and drive into her.

My cock stayed at least half hard all day, but despite me catching her looking at it several times, Millie said nothing about it. Maybe she did take it as a compliment.

It was late afternoon before I sighed and let Millie know that I would have to be heading out. She pouted at me, but looking at the time on her phone, agreed that it was time to go. We both stood up and just like the day before she crossed over towards me and gave me a hug.

I had not put on my tank top yet, and as she wrapped her arms around me, she pressed her tits against my chest. My own arms encircled her. I could feel her hard nipples against my bare skin. She laid her head on my shoulder as she held me. Her hair smelled like a mixture of sunscreen, floral shampoo and the sun.

It was a bit much with her body pressed against mine, and I began to react. I cursed my cock for getting hard at that moment, pressing into her stomach, just below her hips. She did not seem to notice, continuing to hold me tight.

"Thanks for another nice day," she said, looking up at me.

"No," I said. "Thank you. I had fun."

"Me too..." she said and paused. "Daddy," she said, finishing the statement.

My cock twitched against her and she smiled up at me.

"See," she said, laughing. "You really do like to be called, Daddy."

She broke the hug and stepped away and began gathering her stuff.

"I'll let you go first again, if you don't mind," she said. "And I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Sure," I said. "I'll see you tomorrow."


I was feeling very conflicted that evening. I made supper for Lisa and I, and we ate on the screened in porch. Later we lit a fire in the fire pit beside the cottage and watched the sun set over the lake. The sky and water both put on a show, turning pink and orange, and finally a deep dark black. I took a moment to reflect how wonderful and peaceful it was here as I sipped my beer.

"You are pretty quiet tonight," Lisa said. She had a glass of cold white wine in her hand.

"Sorry," I said. "Just taking it all in, you know?"

We could hear quiet talking and laughing at the communal fire pit at the centre of the peninsula. That was the one shared by all of the cabins, where people often gathered at night to hang out and meet one another.

"Did you want to go join?" Lisa asked, gesturing in the direction of the sounds.

I considered it, but was afraid that Millie might be there. That would likely be a bad idea, so I shook my head and let my wife know that tonight, at least, I wanted to stay home.

A short while we could see a couple walking away from the central pit, down a path that led past our cabin. As they came into the light of our firepit I saw that it was Millie and that guy, Marty.

Millie was wearing a fair bit more than she had any time I had seen her before. She had on light black shorts with a white stripe up the side and an oversized hoodie.

Instinctually I began to raise my hand to wave at her, but she quickly caught my eye and made the smallest of head shakes, almost imperceptible. I changed the direction of my raising hand and instead scratched my beard. Then they passed our site.

I wondered if Millie was regretting what had happened earlier.

I had crossed a couple lines that day, I knew. It was one thing to hang out with a young woman all day. If Lisa had known she would probably have questioned what I was doing or thinking. Still. Nothing really happened the first day, so I figured it was pretty harmless.

Today however, openly ogling the girl. That was different. We still had not touched or anything but there was nothing about it that was not sexual. I was ogling and she was putting herself on display for me. Not great.

And then the hug. I really, really should not be hugging topless women. There was no rationalising that one away. I had made a mistake. I would just have to make sure not to make it again.

In fact, I resolved, I would not go to the cove at all the next day. I would paddle the opposite direction, maybe up the river a ways. I crushed my beer can and Lisa and I went to bed.

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