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The Chair


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Colleen Thomas
Colleen Thomas

"They'll miss me at work by Monday afternoon. When Cindy can't reach me, she'll probably call the cops. Figure, twenty-four hours before I'm officially a missing person. The police will find me, naked, on the set for a bad S & M flick. Really cute, Grandpa Web, what did I ever fucking do to you?"

She threw her head back and jumped when a metal collar popped out and secured her head to the high backed chair. That seemed to trip a relay and she heard several mechanical moans, groans and hisses, before the TV screen before her flared to life. Candice stared as the camera focused on Grandpa Web. Instead of the creepy, old man she had always known, he was tan, naked to the waist and had a big smile on his face. He seemed taller, less austere and twenty years younger than she remembered on her last visit.

"Hello Candy, my dear. I'll have to assume you are now seated in my chair and are probably wondering just what in the name of hell is going on?" the image said.

"That's an understatement," she replied, although she knew it was just a tape.

"First things first, relax, you're in no danger. You'll be free in a few hours, and the way to open the door is by pressing all six buttons down and then hitting the big one. Also, there is nothing supernatural about my old home, at least, nothing I was aware of. If I can, I'll be haunting it," he said with a big laugh.

"The door is opened and closed by electric magnets and, if things have gone as I hoped, the random opening and closing eventually trapped you down here. Sorry for the games, but I couldn't very well ask you to disrobe and jump up on my chair, now could I?"

The view panned back some and she saw Web was sitting at his desk in the study. She could also see a thick mane of red hair bobbing in his lap.

"This is my lover, Etta, by the way. She's busy, but I assure you she sends love and hugs. Now, to business," he said, clapping his hands together.

"Let's start with the basics. I made this tape the year after you left for Japan."

Candice did some quick calculation, three years ago? That was impossible, Web hadn't looked this young and vigorous in the whole time she could remember him.

"I'm not the vicious old bastard you all thought I was. Up until my final year, I was a swinger and hosted bondage and discipline parties here. Why the act? The stuffy old clothes and perpetual scowl, makeup to make me appear pale? Good Question. Simply put, I busted my ass to make my fortune. I worked long hours, sweated out deals, paid my dues. Donna understood and was a full partner to everything I did. It was a severe blow when she up and died on me. I never forgave my kids for not showing some concern. Hell, Jack and Cindy didn't even come to her funeral."

For a long moment, she saw pain in his face, pain that was quickly controlled and replaced with anger.

"All the work we did together for those many lean years, before things improved. My kids chose not to learn from it, or to show any initiative. They just hung around like vultures, waiting for me to croak off, and married gold digging scoundrels. The grand kids were even worse. Not one of the whole lot has worked an honest day in his life. They've all spent their time living on credit, borrowed against the day I die and they get rich. Fuck 'em. All except you, that is. You went out and did something. Made your own way. Even when I was playing Captain Bly, you were always polite. And not the play nice to Grampa kind of polite of the rest of those ingratiating noaccounts. So I left you the house, the furnishings and you'll find twenty five million in bearer bonds in the safe when this is over. The lion's share of what I owned.

"I suppose you'll be wondering now why this elaborate trap, if I meant you no harm? Well, the answer is, I've wanted to fuck you since you turned eighteen. I wouldn't have ever acted on that impulse, but it was there. You're a very beautiful girl and you've got guts. That's sexier to me than looks. So I commissioned this room. The electronics you see are very crude, part of the trap. There are actually space age electronics to run most of it. I didn't want to hurt you or embarrass you, so there's a timer running on a separate circuit, hard wired to the mains, with a triple redundancy feature. In five hours, even if the rest doesn't work, you'll be set free. In case you're wondering, I'm telling you all this so you can relax and enjoy it."

The tape paused for a moment and Candice shrieked when the chair suddenly began to move. The legs slowly tipped up, until her legs were even with the seat. They then swung outward, inexorably pulling her legs open. At their widest point, they ceased pulling and pushed back, forcing her legs up. As this happened, the seat lay back, coming to a stop at a slight incline. She found herself in a position that was very similar to an ob-gyn table. It was slow and apparently pressure sensitive, as the motion ceased when she reached a point where she could go no further. She experimented and could move her thighs some, even doing a bit to close them, but her ankles were locked in place, and thus left her more or less vulnerable.

The chair whirred again and she felt the pad she had noticed in the seat rising, forcing her pelvis up. It stopped, and all was silent. Candice had never felt so humiliated, so open and exposed, so vulnerable. The screen above her head on the ceiling flared to life. Web was still getting a sloppy blowjob. She couldn't do anything but wait and wonder what was next. The chair began to whir and she heard a sound like the hose made when you were filling up your tires and there wasn't a good seal. It was coming from the base of the dais.

She watched disbelievingly as a strange machine slowly rose and locked into place between her legs. There was a large box with a wheel on one side. Belts ran from the wheel to a pair of smaller wheels, mounted on a vertical bar. A second set of wheels and pulleys could be seen, but little else.

"Well now, I hope you're nice and comfortable?" her grandfather's voice boomed, startling her.

With a snort, the machine began to spray her lower body and legs in a fine oil. Candice struggled and tried to avoid the spray, but in no time her legs, pussy, ass, and stomach up to her breasts were thoroughly coated.

"Sorry for the inaccuracy, my engineers assured me there was no way to be more precise. Now, don't worry if you start to feel warm, the oil has a chemical in it that should start it warming up on contact."

As the now silent figure predicted, she felt her skin prickle and begin to warm. Soon she was flushed, her lower extremities suffused with a comfortable heat.

"Well, now I know you're wondering what's next. Afraid I am going to subject you to one of Grandpa's nastier traits. One I wasn't faking. I'm about to crow," he said, with a twinkle in his eyes.

"In a few moments, you're going to be witness to multi-million dollar technology. The very same technology that allows smart bombs to guide themselves into a target using TV cameras. I hired a couple of moonlighting engineers from Raytheon, and a couple of NASA boys. Wondering what it is? Well, wonder no more!"

As his voice trailed off the machine began to sputter and hiss. Candice looked down and what she saw was so unbelievable, she was struck mute. The big wheel was spinning slowly and from the open end of the vertical arm, a fat, pink vibe was slowly being extended. It was attached to a long, gleaming steel rod.

"Oh no," she said aloud, starting to pull at her bonds.

"Isn't she a beauty?" the old man's voice said.

She glanced back up to see him smiling.

"Now, that little beauty is headed for your ass. I do hope you've tried anal before, if not, you're in for a treat. I'll be signing off here for a bit. Like I said, I'm really bad about bragging and I want you to get the full effect."

She was still looking up when the picture switched suddenly from her Grandfather to a porno. It took her a few moments to realize the open woman she was seeing was herself!

"I call it the dildo cam. See the little green cross hairs on your asshole? If you move, the crosshairs move and the arm moves to adjust, so it stays on target. Cost me a bloody fortune, so I hope you appreciate the expense I went to." Candice looked down in horror, to see the dildo was moving closer to her. She shifted in the seat, glancing up, to see the camera adjusting. She glanced back down to see that the dildo was following the camera, moving to realign itself.

"Now, I know you could just keep shaking that ass, but eventually you'll tire out. Etta here wants to speak to you."

"Hello, Candy," a pleasantly twangy feminine voice said.

She heard a rhythmic slapping and assumed her grandfather and his lady friend were now fucking.

"Your granddad was hell on wheels, even at his age and I have to say, imagining you there in that chair is getting me hot. God knows I've had more orgasms in it than I can count. There's no escaping that little camera thingy, I should know, I was the test subject. Web wanted me to tell you this, in case you aren't experienced. It's best if you just relax; try not to tense as it's going in. The pressure gauge is sensitive, but it can hurt awfully if you make it bull its way past your sphincter. So just relax and enjoy it, it feels really nice once you get used to it."

Candice was not a complete novice. She had tried anal once or twice and she knew the woman's advice was good. Still, this was so impersonal and...just plain wrong. She felt she needed to fight, to escape, but every time she moved, the camera tracked and the dildo followed. She considered waiting until it touched her and then jerking away. Surely it couldn't follow that. But if it couldn't follow and thought it was on target, would it just keep pushing? Possibly injuring her in the process?

She was still considering it, watching in fascination on the big screen when she felt the cold material touch her anus. Despite herself she jumped, but it stayed on target. Slowly, she felt the pressure build. Candice closed her eyes, took a deep breath and forced herself to relax. There seemed no way around it, so she determined to do all that she could to prevent herself from being hurt. Another spray of oil came, this one more concentrated on the vibe and her privates.

The pressure built slowly, and try as she might, she just couldn't make herself completely relax. The oil was apparently a very good lubricant, as she felt the vibe nose past her outer muscles. The machine remorselessly fed the dildo into her, oblivious to her groans and hisses. Her rear passage was lewdly expanded and she felt stuffed long before it finally came to rest. When she cracked open her eye, she saw that it was buried almost to the hilt inside her. The camera angle had changed; it was now an overhead shot, showing her body, from the navel down. The green crosshairs was now centered on a specific point near the base of the vibe. The machine whirred and she felt the entire arm shiver as something locked into place. The vibe slowly withdrew, until a second crosshair appeared near the tip. The machine shivered again and he heard another clicking sound. Candice grimaced as the thing slid slowly back into her.

The screen went blank a moment, and then came back to life. The man on the screen was an older gent, sitting in a wheel chair.

"Good evening, Candy. Your gramps told me to call you that. It's nice to meet you, such as this is. Web asked me to tell you a little about him. He promised me this would be unedited, and I know he's a man of his word, so I'm going to piss him off a bit," he said.

The old man's face grew far away, as if he was going back in time. Despite the fullness in her bowels, she found herself hanging on his halting words. "I met Web at Paris Island, oh, I guess in forty-one. I know you don't know he fought in the war, but he was a hell of man back then. Tall, strong, headstrong and one hell of a hard charger. If old Web couldn't fuck it or drink it, he was damned sure gonna fight it. The men loved him, idolized him really, and for good reason. He was the bravest Marine I ever saw," he said, pausing as if unsure of what to say next.

He was silent a long while, before shaking himself from some distant memory. He smiled gently, but his eyes were misty as he continued.

"I don't have much time. They tell me it's Alzheimer's. I'd rather have gone out fighting. Anyway, your gramps was with me on Pelilu. Our squad started up a hill when a Japanese mortar round landed right in the middle of us. Our sergeant was killed and every one of us was wounded. The nips opened up then, with the most murderous crossfire you ever saw. Killed most of the company in a just a few minutes and here we all are lying in the open, too wounded to move. All except Web, he was hit in the chest, but the blast had thrown him down into a little defile. He was safe. I figured I had breathed my last when the crazy bastard comes stumbling back up the hill, grabs my arm and drags me back down with him. He patched me up, then went back. Nine more times he exposed himself to that crossfire. He got hit three more times, but he didn't slow down until he had pulled every man jack of us to safety. He won the CMOH for that. Got a silver star, a bronze star, a hand full of purple hearts too on Okinowa, but I wasn't with him then, took me two years to learn to walk again after Pelilu. There's a lot more I'd like to tell you, but I'm already over the time limit Web set for this. Hopefully, he'll let me make another for you. He thinks the world of you, always has. I know he don't show it much, but he's forever bragging about his little Candy at the VFW. Be good young lady and be proud of your gramps. He risked his life so that his buddies might live, time and again. I've got ten grandkids of my own, if it weren't for Web, I'd have died before I even met my Martha."

The screen changed again, back to her grandfather, who was vigorously fucking Etta from behind.

"Sorry for that, Ole Bill got to where he rambled a lot before he died. He beat Alzheimer's though, passed away from a massive coronary while he slept. Hope I go that easily. As you can see, Etta and I are having a blast, hope you don't mind, but I have another friend who will walk you through the next little bit. This is Caramel."

The screen faded out and back in on a tall, statuesque black woman. She was nude, except for a feather boa and a Mardi Gras mask.

"Well child, it's a pleasure to meet you," she said in a thick patois.

"Hope you're liking Web's pleasure chair. He said you won't see this until there's a vibe deep in your ass. Relax and enjoy it, sweety, I've spent a lot of time in that chair, and it just keeps getting better," she said with a laugh.

She tossed the boa and stood there, gloriously naked. Despite herself, Candice felt a little flutter in her tummy. Caramel was beautiful, with long gorgeous legs, a shaved pussy, flat tummy, big firm breasts and a wanton smile.

"Hope you like what you see. I've drooled over your pictures enough, I figured I would give you a good look. If you're interested, my cell number is in Web's Rolodex. Now that I've hit on you, let's go. In about a minute, you're going to get another view from the dildo cam. Just relax and hold still. It's real important that you stay still, because the machine is going to calibrate for your depth and if you jiggle it, it might end up set to too deep a stroke, and that would hurt you."

The camera faded out, then cut to another between her legs view. Candice had half expected to see some kind of strange interior view from the vibe in her ass, but instead, the machine came back to life. This time, the cross hair was centered on her vaginal opening. The machine began to hiss again and as she watched, the big wheel slowly turned. As it did so, a stout, long and heavily veined dildo in a very realistic flesh tone was extended on a second rod.

When Candice realized she was going to have that one in her too, she closed her eyes and mouthed the word, shit. She had never tried a double penetration before and she felt how tense she was. She took slow breaths and tried to relax. She couldn't keep herself from watching the screen, and even then, she jumped when it touched her. Unlike the anal one, the wheel began to roll forward, then reversed itself. The screen had changed and she groaned when she saw the crosshairs was sitting only a quarter inch from the base of the dildo.

She realized quickly what the machine was doing. It was pushing forward a bit, then rocking back, then pushing forward again, but each time, the dildo was going forward a little more. In this manner, it slowly buried the faux cock in her quivering pussy. Candice found she was biting her lip, and she could feel sweat on her brow and between her breasts. She felt absolutely stuffed. Worse than that, she could feel herself getting turned on.

She felt the same jerk and clicking sound. With a hiss, the cock was withdrawn, until the second cross hair, centered on the bottom of the fluted head appeared. It clunked again and then slid back into her. The screen flared and Caramel appeared again.

"Well honey, how does that feel? Good, I bet. Nothing like some DP action to really get a girl's motor running. I've got a minute or two, so let me tell you about your granddad. I met Web in N'awlins about ten years ago. He was on a business trip and I was dancing in a topless cabaret. Web took an interest in me. Not just a sexual interest either. He asked about my family and when I told him I had two kids at home I was trying to support, he sorta looked at me hard. Web's good at reading people and he saw I was telling the truth. Upshot is, he gave me enough money to quit dancing and go back to school. Helped put my young'uns through school too. No reason for it. No explanation. Just the way he was. Web was always big on helping those who had the courage to try and help themselves, but I didn't find that out until much later. Well, my time is up, girl. If you ever decide you want to try a walk on the wild side, call me."

The screen faded out and when it faded back in, Etta was sitting on a bed in an upstairs room. "Now?" she asked.

Apparently the cameraman gave her a nod and she sat up straighter.

"Hello, Candice. I'm the last person you'll have to put up with eulogizing Web. And after I'm done, I'll be walking you through the next phase. I was married to one of your grandfather's business associates. Trophy wife and all that. I barely knew Web when the market crashed. In one crazy day, Jim lost everything. I found him on the kitchen floor, a gun in his hand and blood all over. So there I was, widowed, with more debts than I could ever manage, and two young children. None of Jim's partners could or would help. I was very close to taking up the world's oldest profession when Web showed up on the doorstep. He was kind and he listened, and he promised to help. And he did. He paid off our bills, got me on my feet again. I became his mistress, not because he ever demanded it, but because I loved him. I wanted to met you, but Web was so determined not to let his children see the real him. So I always went away when family came over. I'm just one of a ton of people your grandfather helped. Most anonymously. He loved you to death. Was...so unbelievably proud of you. I hope you know that."

She paused, wiped a tear from her eyes and then broke down. The camera faded to black, but came back up in a moment.

"Sorry. This is hard for me, since I know his time is running out. Anyway, let's get on with the fun. In a moment, the screen will give you a final dildo cam, what an awful phrase" she said, wrinkling her cute nose, "just relax, honey, and I'll be back with you in a minute."

Colleen Thomas
Colleen Thomas

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