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The Coffee Date Ep. 03


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"Oh. Well..." Mark told her about what he did for his company and about the meeting he'd had.

"You have a boss named Jesse? Is that a man or a woman?" Amber couldn't quite hide her curiosity.

"Jesse is a guy. I've known him for a long time, actually." Was that a strange question for her to ask? One thing about being with this girl, Mark thought, was that he was losing track of what was normal.

"Do you work with any girls? Anyone you think is attractive?" Amber asked the question casually enough, but Mark froze, not knowing how to respond. Is this where the other shoe was going to drop? Was Amber was going to be jealous? Control his social life? Prohibit him from speaking to women anymore? Mark didn't have a surplus of female friends, but he still didn't think that was healthy.

"Sorry, was that invasive? I don't want you to feel uncomfortable." Amber reached out her hand to take his across the table.

"No," Mark exhaled a bit, "umm...yeah the girl who manages HR is pretty cute. Sarah. I actually had a crush on her a while back." Mark pause, "but that was a long time ago."

Amber giggled, reminding Mark of what her laugh did to his insides. "You can have a crush on her, silly. Desiring someone is your right. You should be with anyone you want to be with."

Mark heard her words and felt like she was somehow talking about him, specifically; not just saying people in general should be open to 'free love'.

"Tell me about her," Amber placed her hands in her lap and smiled at him.

Mark and Amber went to a movie theater after lunch and caught a matinee. Amber chose the movie, something he'd never heard of, and when they went in to sit in their seats, he realized why she'd chosen it. They'd had the whole place to themselves. Mark couldn't tell you a single thing that happened in that film. He and Amber made out for a few minutes from their respective seats, then Amber and invited herself into his lap without removing her tongue from his mouth. Mark took much less time in working up the courage to place in hand on her breast than had the previous day, but when he did, Amber immediately removed it from over her shirt and ushered it underneath, where he discovered that she was once again not wearing a bra. Amber spent the last hour of the movie on her knees again and Mark spent that same hour in heavenly bliss. Amber seemed to have an uncanny knack for making him last as long as she wanted. Mark almost came several times in that hour, but she had ways of prolonging his pleasure.

After the movie, Mark decided to take a leap.

"Move in with me." Mark cringed inwardly. He had meant that to sound more like an invitation and less like-

"Okay," came Amber's quick and decisive response. "You mean it?!"

"Yeah," Mark replied to her, "I want you to move in with me. I don't want you to have to go back to your apartment. I want you to have all your stuff at my place abe with me all the time."

Mark was somewhat surprised to find that he believed every word he said.

"Yes," Amber's lips met his in fire. She held her embrace the whole drive home, as if she couldn't get enough of him. She didn't even bother sitting in the passenger seat. He couldn't get her out of his lap, although he admittedly didn't try that hard. She showered him with kisses all the way until he parked in his covered parking spot, just barely giving him enough line of sight to see the road, and all the while squeaking 'Thank you's to him.

He thought she was thanking him for inviting her to move in, but the 'thank you's didn't stop as she dragged him on the couch and mounted him. They only got louder. Her 'thank you's seemed directed at something else by that point.

The next day, Mark went into his office, coordinated with his team-mates, and got to work on his new project. He tried not to get too distracted by the saucy photos coming to his phone every hour, on the hour. Amber's outfit of choice for today was pink had tiny little bows on it. Around lunch time, she sent a picture of herself wearing actual gift-bows, like those ones you stick on holiday boxes. Well, actually, she was wearing one bow and nothing else.

When Mark got home that day, she was wearing a normal top and short cotton shorts, similar to her outfit on the day he'd met her. She showered with him hot, excited, kisses.

"Babe, I was thinking that I would go out for a run, now." Mark didn't want to say it, but he was beginning to feel a little self-conscious about the physical disparity between the two of them, and it was motivating him to do a little more exercise.

"Oh! That's perfect!" Amber looked excited and, somehow, relieved. "I have a surprise for you when you get back!

Mark blinked.

"A surprise? You didn't hav- "Amber shut him up with her mouth. "Get going silly. The sooner you leave the sooner you get back, nice and sweaty." The look she gave him motivated him even more.

When Mark got back, he was, in fact, sweaty.

"Babe, I'm home!" Mark realized that was the second time today that he'd called her 'babe', and he hadn't done that at all before.

"Oh!" In his kitchen, at his dining table, sat Sarah, the beautiful HR rep from his office and his one-time crush. She was wearing black yoga pants and matching athletic top.

"Hi Mark!" She smiled at him completely unphased by seeing him. "Amber invited me over. We were just about to do some yoga!"

Mark didn't see Amber, but heard her approach from the bedroom behind him. "Hi honey! Could you poor Sarah and I a cup of coffee? There are mugs on the counter and the coffee should be ready."

As Amber walked over to place a kiss on his cheek, he noticed that she was carrying a yoga mat under each arm.

Mark decided that this was her home now too, and if she wanted to have friends over, that shouldn't be a problem. And if she didn't feel weird that that friend was the girl he'd admitted he once crushed on, he decided that he didn't feel weird about it either. He poured the coffee out, noticing that one of the mugs was one of his mugs that he'd gotten for Christmas from his mom, and the other was that green, strangely old-looking mug she'd had with her at the coffee shop the other day. Mark replaced the coffee pot and was about to carry a fresh mug over to Sarah when Amber swooped in and grabbed both, carrying them over and taking a seat across from her new friend.

Mark noted that Amber slid her own green mug over to Sarah, and drank out of his plain white mug herself. Mark furrowed his brow. That seemed somehow odd.

"Thank you so much guys! I really need a cup today." Sarah chuckled, brought the mug to her lips, and took a sip.

Sarah licked the coffee off her lips and then looked up at Mark. Mark couldn't describe what was happening, but her demeanor completely changed. She went from looking at Mark to focusing on him. She licked her lips again, but this time it had nothing to do with the coffee. There was a familiar look in her eyes.

"Sarah," Amber said casually. "Mark and I were just about to take a shower. How would you like to join us?"

Mark shot a look at Amber, who looked back and winked.

Mark shook his head, "Honey I don't think Sarah-"

"Yes," Sarah nearly shouted. "Y-yes. P-p-please. Mark, please? I'll do anything you ask, I will. But I want to bathe you, please. Please let me serve you." Amber was unmistakably staring at his crotch.

Mark was frozen in shock. What on earth had just happened? There was that word 'serve' again. Mark's eyes flicked to the strange, green coffee mug on the table. It felt familiar to him. Had that coffee mug been in his dr-

Sarah was now crawling on the ground on all fours to him, stopping to kneel in front of him. Her eyes left his shorts and as she looked up at him.

"You won't regret it, Mark. I swear. I'll serve you. I'll pleasure you. I'll pleasure Amber. I'll do whatever you ask. Please, can I join you?" Sarah kissed his hardening cock through his running shorts; it was strikingly similar to what Amber had done so many times in the last couple of days. Mark felt arms wrap around his torso from behind him and heard the sultry whisper of his girlfriend.

"You desire her, Mark." He felt her luscious lips kiss the back of his neck as he continued to stare at Sarah as she whined and mewled, desperate to be allowed to 'serve him'.

"She has offered herself to you, my love," another kiss this time under his ear. "Take her," Amber's hands were reaching around, grasping Mark's shirt at the waist, pulling up to remove it. Sarah's pleas and whines grew more intense upon seeing Mark's bare chest.

"Take your new servant, Master," Amber blazed a trail of hot kisses down his back until he heard her kneel behind, although he still hadn't seen her. His eyes fixed on Sarah. How many times in the last two years had he fantasized about this?

Amber's fingers toyed with the waistband on Mark's shorts, "She belongs to you, Master. Body, mind, and souls. She belongs to you just as I do." Amber crawled around to kneel next to Sarah, her blue eyes staring up at him alongside Sarah's green. Mark's fantasy was coming to life before his eyes.

Mark stared frozen for a long moment.

Then he bent low and placed a kiss on Amber's forehead.

"I'm getting in the shower. You two will wash me." Sarah squealed in excitement, stood up, and growled pleasurably as she placed a wet kiss on his mouth. She then disrobed and hurried off to run the water in the shower.

Mark stared appreciatively at the sight as she left the kitchen, and turned back to Amber, who had also wasted no time in removing her clothes.

"Surprise," she said, coyly, before sauntering off after Sarah. "We await your pleasure, master," she called back to him.

Amber generously let Sarah suck Mark's cock in the shower. Amber lathered his body with soap, simultaneously massaging his muscles. After a few minutes Amber wrapped her fingers around his length and jerked him off while Sarah suck on his tip. Mark nearly feinted from the pleasure. Sarah took pride in showing him how she'd swallowed all his load, just as Amber had.

After they'd toweled off Amber pulled Mark into the bedroom and laid him down on his back, directing Amber to come 'get him warmed up again'. Sarah eagerly obeyed. Taking him into her mouth once more. Her tongue was just as happy to see him as Amber's had been. Amber, meanwhile, straddled Mark's torso and buried his face with her magnificent, voluptuous tits. "Does this please you, master?"

In response, Mark took on of her nipples in his mouth and grabbed the other with one of his hands.

"Oh GaaaAAAWWD," Amber showered him with gratitude, letting him know how good that felt for her.

"You are so good to me, master," Amber crawled back toward Mark's legs and joined Sarah. She wrapped her lips around the side of his shaft and attacked his nerves with her tongue as she had before, and Sarah continued sucking on Mark's head. The pleasure was so intense Mark's hips involuntarily thrust out away from the bed. The two girls barely registered the disturbance, firmly placing their hands on his hips to hold him down, determined not to be interrupted from their meal.

Mark saw Amber whisper something in Sarah's ear. The latter stared at him with hunger in her eyes and licked her lips like a lioness who spotted a weak antelope. She pulled her lips away from him, and when she did so Mark noticed that the 'pop' wasn't quite as crisp as it was when Amber did it. He didn't have long to dwell on that, however, as Sarah moved her face down to the side of his cock opposite Amber and they both began licking him.

Mark wished his phone was within reach. He wanted to take picture of this, but his memory would have to suffice, for now.

The two girls synchronized their tongue movements, and Mark was a pot of boiling water, quickly heating up and nearly about to spill out.

Mark stared, eyes wide.

Just as he was about to blow, Amber sat up a bit and placed her chest above Mark's cock, placing her hand at the base to stabilize him. Sarah continued her onslaught as Mark came, and Amber directed it all onto her ample chest, but when he kept coming after he'd already made a mess of her, Sarah engulfed him and happily drank out of him.

When he was finally finished, Mark watch in awe as Sarah lapped up the cum off Amber's heaving breasts, starting with her nipple, and working her up, stopping after each of several mouthfuls to sit back up and share a bit him directly into Amber's voracious mouth. Even after Sarah had thoroughly cleaned Amber of every drop of Mark, the two buxom beauties continued their lip-lock, passionately embracing each other right there between Mark's legs.

When they finally released each other's faces, Amber crawled up to lie down next to Mark, pulling his mouth to her and lovingly kissing him. "I acted without your direct guidance, master. If you wish to punish me, that would be appropriate."

Mark stared at her for a long moment. He turned to Sarah and found her still kneeling between his legs, looking demurely toward him, without quite making eye contact.

"The mug?" Mark asked. Amber nodded.

"It can't be undone, can it?" It was more of a statement than a question.

Amber paused, then shrugged. "I'm not sure. I don't really know how it works. I was lucky when you poured the coffee for me that day."

"Lucky?" Mark asked.

"That much I think I have worked out. You poured and we drank. That's how the bond is formed," Amber explained.

"But you said 'lucky'. You feel lucky?" Mark pressed.

"Yes! Yes, master. I have never felt this way! The bond makes me...ughh it feels so good. And it's more than physical. Its like a fulfillment in my soul. It makes me feel whole in a way nothing ever has. I live to serve; I rejoice in serving. I belong to my master. My master gives me a purpose and I am fulfilled by it."

It was almost like she was reciting something.

Part of Mark really wanted two smoking hot sex-slaves in his apartment, and another part of Mark really didn't want to argue the point.

Mark looked up at Sarah, "come lie down with us, we'll all have a well-earned nap before dinner."

Sarah had laid herself down at Mark's side opposite Amber before he'd finished speaking. Mark reasoned that if there was anything to be done to reverse whatever the hell this was, it could wait a little while longer. Amber and Sarah each lay on their sides, cuddling into him, each giving him a tender and loving kiss on the jaw before nodding off, and Mark held a handful of shapely and willing ass on either side of him as he did the same.

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TomSavageIsFakeTomSavageIsFakeover 2 years ago

Fun story, hoping for more. Please explain the mystery. Mark also needs some challenges.

TheSecretBunnyTheSecretBunnyalmost 3 years ago
I like it

The protagonist didn't set out to take women, it seems someone or something has decided that for him. It will be interesting to see where you take this..

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