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The Commissar's in Town Ch. 08-10

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More chapters linked to the Commissar's visit.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/22/2020
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Chapter 8

Alycen went straight home after her confrontation with Dan, more than a little shaken or flustered. It wasn't just his words or anything like that. It was the fact that, as frustrating as Dan was, he was always dangerously attractive to her. Now he was even more so. Something about his cold, even hostile response appealed to Alycen on a visceral level.

A man not under her thumb or spell for even a second? A man who could and would think for himself and openly reject society's prevailing norms? A man who took delight in flouting the muddled message of mainstream morality? Alycen's only previous lovers had been Dan's own brother, David Leland, her estranged husband, a man by all accounts very old-school, very standard-fare Texan on the one hand, and Jeremy Ward, an easygoing, gregarious butcher who seemed to lack ambition for more from life.

Jeremy was interested in just three things outside of work: girls, football, and booze. Neither man was the stuff of which intellectual giants were made, nor was Alycen for that matter. Dan, however, had the dangerous air of a self-educated, self-willed philosopher of sorts. He was a rugged individualist. He was clearly not just some reclusive pothead, though that was part of the picture for sure. He was extremely antisocial, categorically rejecting not only society's morals, but its etiquette as well.

There was a disturbing, even alarming revolutionary undertone with Dan Leland, a radicalism that was more pronounced the more one encountered the guy. Quite frankly, it both scared and aroused Alycen more than a little. She was drawn to a sense of danger ... and there was certainly a sense of understated risk inherent to Dan. Beneath his laidback, calm, lethargic, reefer-addict exterior, there was an undercurrent of contempt or disdain for conventional society, its values, and everything that it represented. Somehow, that was a lot more attractive than the slackers of the world like Jeremy or the conformists like David.

That was when Joanna called and Alycen rushed to answer her cell, "Hey, girlfriend, what's new?"

"Yeah ... I've met and forgiven Les," Joanna told Alycen with a surprisingly upbeat tone of voice.

"Really? He cheated on you with your own sister, Brandy. Six times, as I recall! Does that mean that you're forgiving her, too?" Alycen expressed some surprise now, though she wanted to support her friend.

"Hey, he's a cheater, you're a cheater, I'd think that you'd be more in his corner, hon," Joanna's Okie accent came out a little stronger now.

"Yeah, everyone really likes throwing that in my face. At least whenever I judge Les and others for what they do. Yes, I get it, I cheated on David with Jeremy! I was there, I remember! No one's quite so harsh on Jeremy. He was there, too!" Alycen complained.

"That's because Jeremy never judges anyone for anything. Well, unless they do something to fuck with him at work," Joanna laughed softly now.

"Hey, it's important work! He's a butcher! You want your sirloin to come out right!" Alycen retorted, the tension broken a bit now.

"Maybe you should have told David that you did it for the chuck steak. He might have forgiven your lapse then. Cheating, yes, but in a good cause," Joanna snickered nasally now.

"Or porterhouse, but same principle, yes! So, does ... forgiving Les mean ... getting back with him or something else," Alycen inquired, her curiosity piqued a bit.

"Well, let's just say that he has a hall pass with Brandy now. I ... understand why he did it. And why he needs to keep doing it. And while I can't ... fully undo the harm that I did to him ... and her, I'm mitigating it by wiring him some money and doing some other stuff. This doesn't mean a license to cheat with just anyone. It's a hall pass with Brandy ... and for the moment, it's only with Brandy," Joanna declared rather cryptically.

"What do you mean?" Alycen perked her ears up now.

"She needs to get pregnant. I can't explain the details right now, but she badly needs to get pregnant. In fact, she took him in after I put him out on the street, so I really feel badly now. I was far too hasty of me. It's important that he impregnates her. That's all I gotta say about that!" Joanna insisted.

"I wish that I had an excuse like that. I really miss David. You can't even begin to fathom how much I miss David at times! But ... to be honest ... I'm kinda ... smitten with his brother for some reason now. It's embarrassing, really. I'll be blunt here ... what if I'm just not a one-man woman? What if I'm just ... not cut out for monogamy?

"I just ... wish that he had forgiven me ... I would have made it up to him ... big time ... somehow! I only got nasty because I was hurt that he wouldn't forgive me, you know. And I tried the absolutely worst tactics to try to force him to return to me, too, so I'm pretty sure that ship has sailed," Alycen pouted.

"You really want your Dan, Jeremy, and David, too, don't you? Yeah, welcome to the club! I've ... gotten a hall pass of my own for my recent lover from the separation. I felt like a hypocrite at first, but I ... couldn't give this guy up. He's a strange sort of man in another town, yes, but he's so dreamy ... and he was great for the hot, steamy sex the past few weeks.

"His name is ... Valerian Nicolescu. He comes from Romanian stock ... and he is a bit of a pussyhound, you know, a philanderer, but who cares? He's not my husband. He's my lover. If I can share Les, I can share Val," Joanna confessed now.

"And Les's cool with this?" Alycen bit her lower lip in shock.

"If he wants me to stay cool with him and my own sister, he'd better be!" Joanna giggled now.

"So, he gets his Jo and Brandy, too, huh? Where's my happy ending?" Alycen groused a bit.

"At Bangkok House, of course, home of all massages and happy endings, miss! Remember, happy endings cost extra!" Joanna teased her best friend now.

"Haha ... do you know anyone named Sasha or Trudy? Dan alluded to them dating David. In the middle of a weird discourse where he called me a hypocrite, referred to his past as a high school teacher, alluded to his current career as a pot farmer/dealer as well as an avocation for writing of some kind. I'd ... probably have to accept them if I wanted David back, particularly if I wanted Dan and/or Jeremy, too. I just want to know who the hell they are," Alycen probed a bit more.

"Yeah, but who would you need to accept on Dan's end ... or Jeremy's end, with whom would you need to share them? They're both known to be horndogs, after all. They're not suddenly going to grow horns and become faithful cuckolds while sharing you with David and each other," Joanna noted in her usual dry manner.

"True. With Jeremy, that's easy. Half the staff and patrons of the supermarket," Alycen laughed.

"And with Dan?" Joanna raised her eyebrows, "I've wanted to fuck that guy forever, especially since he turned me down for that date. I wanted to know what kind of man doesn't date at all and still gets action. I wanted to know why women easily give up the booty to a guy like that. He must have something going for him."

"Well, if he's anything like David ... even at all, there's at least ONE thing really going for him, and it ain't the tongue. David's not bad with that, but let's just say that ... no size queen would ever be able to give David up once she's had that dick. Trust me, that was at least part of why I got so mad ... at myself, at Jeremy, at David ... for ending it! It's really hard ... stop laughing!

"Really hard to give up a cock that thick! Not bad length, but his real magic lies in his girth, and honey ... if I ever get David back, you should seriously try him! I'll give you a hall pass right now that you can show him. You'd still need one from Les, but damn!" Alycen confessed that size DID matter for her and with David, it helped a lot.

"So he's ... really packin' the heat, eh? A nice, thick, suckable dick? Is it cut, uncut?" Joanna licked her lips at the thought of a cock that meaty, "I'll write you one for Les, by the way. You should try his tongue in particular, though his dick's not bad at all. Les and his tongue can find nerve endings in your pussy that you've never even heard about, trust me, girl!"

"What about ... rimming? Jeremy claims the rimming prize for me so far ... trust me on that! That was ... a BIG fucking part of me cheating with him, count on that! It's hard for me to say no to a tongue back there!" Alycen squirmed at the memory of the sorts of things that Jeremy did with his tongue and her ass.

"Honestly, I've never been rimmed at all before. You recommend it, then? I always thought that it was dirty ... but Les always wanted to do it ... and so has Val. Is it really that damn good ... being rimmed and all that jazz?" Joanna pondered.

"Oh, babe ... just come on over. RIGHT NOW! It will be cheating, yes, but once you're done, you'll make Les and Val both so happy that they'll never fucking worry about it! It will be three firsts for you. First time cheating. First time rimming ... and first time lezzie fun! We'll pop all three cherries for you, hon ... and you'll know what it really means to be ... eaten," Alycen invited her best friend over so that she could indulge her old fantasy of licking Joanna's butt.

"Alright ... but this had better be worth it ... You better make me see stars, sugar! I want a rimjob that makes me know what the fuss was all about, not wonder ever afterward, okay? And then I get to try giving it ... I've always been curious about that big, plump ass of yours, after all. I might as well as act on such lust now, right?" Joanna tried not to finger herself, but damn ... she was about to fuck her girlfriend ... for the first time ever in their friendship!

Now, that was a pretty big deal, right? Alycen's panties weren't the only ones soaked by the time that Joanna arrived. Also, Les was hard as steel, but luckily for him, Brandy rushed in to the rescue and started sucking him dry. Let Joanna keep telling herself that this was just about breeding ... sure, that would save her vanity until she was ready for the truth: Brandy and Les wanted to be a throuple, too.

Whatever was in the water in that part of East Texas ... throuples were increasingly all the rage, weren't they? It was hard to explain, but why mess with a good thing, right? Few people were nearly as frustrated and unhappy as they had been before the trend began, after all. Didn't that count for something?

Chapter 9

"And in other news, the inauguration of new French President Marine Le Pen was marked by continued riots in large parts of Paris. France's first female President is notorious for her nativist and xenophobic rhetoric, of course, and large sectors of the Parisian suburbs, heavily populated by North African and Middle Eastern immigrants, have broken out into civil disturbances.

"The most recent French presidential election, of course, coincided with the advent of the Mayhem, and the previous coalition's failure to adequately address the consequent fertility issues linked to the Mayhem all but ensured its defeat by Madame Le Pen and her National Front party," the newscaster with her distinctly French-Canadian tried to fight her discomfort over the recent takeover of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation by the Commissar of Information.

"Why not just call the Mayhem what it is ... a series of plagues including mass sterility, zombie outbreaks, widespread insanity and hysteria, spikes in massacres, terrorism, solar EMP strikes, climate change, mass extinction, acid rain, fading coral reefs, weakened supply chains, several incidents of spontaneous human combustion, spikes in suicide rates, and general mental illness?

"The Mayhem is mankind in the grip of a collective death spiral! And that's not counting the physiological ailments ... well, other than the mass sterility and increased impotence in some quarters. It's likely caused by environmental crises, that's all. The worst global health crisis in recorded human history, with severe psychological, sociological, and physiological consequences, that's the Mayhem," Deputy Commissar William Hepburn smirked.

He found it odd that people had trouble acknowledging just how comprehensively destructive the Mayhem truly was.

"Or just Darwin waking up from his nap," his wife Clarissa scoffed.

"That's a distinct possibility," Annette Chambers, their new lover, agreed with the missus.

"And Gaia ... Mother Nature, striking back," William noted.

"Es verdad! Nothing but truth there," his wife acknowledged.

"Marine Le Pen ... did anyone ever expect her to WIN this most recent round of elections? Last time, she lost to President Emmanuel Macron pretty handily," Annette commented on the upset victory by the far-right French politician.

"It was pretty unlikely in the past, sure ... but the Mayhem cinched the election for her. That and the incompetence of the previous President and government, you know. Remember the Yellow Vests? Enough said. Maybe he should have spent less time instituting the Swedish Model regarding sex work and cracking down on wolf whistles, more time improving the everyday conditions of regular French folks.

"That's just this man's opinion, but this man happens to be Deputy Commissar of the Law Courts, so, well, it means something, doesn't it?" William asserted, feeling nothing but scorn for Macron and his efforts at making neoliberalism so palatable toward the end of his term.

The truth was the centrist, neoliberal approach appealed to very few. It was the ideology of a small clique of jaded elites with just enough social justice and progress on their agenda to pat themselves on the back as "enlightened" and "progressive." It was still better in marginal ways than the far-right social conservatives, but try convincing ordinary folks of that when neither system permitted anyone to grasp the rungs of the ladder on the middle tier of the class structure. This sort of problem was so exacerbated by the Mayhem that the cracks in the edifice led to the collapse of the old social, economic, and political order.

Democracy was dead, of course, and it was unlikely to make any kind of return, politically speaking. Between the various social injustices, ecological crises that lacked any political will to resolve them, bureaucratic inertia, and the widespread panic that threatened to put zealots in command of society, democracy was the god that failed. Most Western democracies had become failed states in a hurry, joining the Third World countries that had been there for a long time.

It could have been worse ... they could have fallen into chaos and anarchy like much of the world. Instead, Leviathan had arrived, not a moment too soon. No one knew his name. They knew that he was a man, not a woman. They had seen his face, after all. All records that might indicate his past were mysteriously absent, as if he simply burst into existence ex nihilo on the day of the Mayhem at dawn. It was known that he had been rather ruthless, especially at first, but so be it.

His old name didn't exist and didn't matter. He was Leviathan, as much a title and office as a name, like Caesar or Pharaoh. He had taken civilization in hand and brought the enemies of sanity, the zealots, the fanatics, malcontents, the prudes, the prigs, the bigots, the haters, etc. to heel. Less than a year into his reign and he was already a living legend, the indispensable man. There was talk of the "Antichrist," "Man of Sin," and William's personal favorite, "The Beast."

Duh, William thought, a leviathan was a mythical beast, after all, like behemoth or the Minotaur. He hadn't made his subjects worship an image or take a mark in their right hands or foreheads, so that was clearly the evangelical rump grasping at straws against their powerful new secular adversary. They didn't much care for a leader who now severely restricted childhood religious instruction, taxed most churches, imposed tough new regulations that demanded a lot of charity to justify tax-exempt status, and banned political speech from the pulpits. Even questionnaires such as the Christian Coalition once used were prohibited.

"Earth to William, honey ... what do you want for dessert? Other than the whipped cream bikinis that Annette and I already have in mind, that is," Clarissa licked her lips before kissing her hubby very hard on the mouth.

"I'm just glad that you decided to forgo the rest of the dating mess and move in with me, Annette. You've already been a godsend to Clarissa and me, trust me. I know that I've said this already, babe, but welcome to the family," William recovered quickly, with the help of his honest feelings toward his new girlfriend ... no, THEIR new girlfriend, as Annette belonged as much to Clarissa as to him.

"Yes, well, on that note ... I got some news of my own for you guys. I'm ... pregnant. And I think that it's pretty clear who Daddy is, because my only other lover lately has been ... Clarissa. I'm pretty sure that she lacks the equipment to impregnate me, honey," Annette winked at both of them.

"Quite true! Yes! One more bundle of joy to add to the family! Great news, hon!" Clarissa, already knocked-up now herself, was more than happy for Annette.

"Well, I would celebrate with champagne, but I understand if that's not ... permissible, medically speaking. So, here goes ... let's break out the sparkling cider!" William chuckled while taking a few pics on his cell of his beloved, pregnant ladies.

Damn ... he had already fallen in love with Annette ... how had she charmed him that fast? All that he knew was that he would never give either woman up. It might not be his parents' concept of commitment, not being monogamous and all, but he was very committed to stay with his two ladies ... forever.

Not a bad assignment ... now he just had to convince the higher-ups to permit polygamy or something along those lines, right? He was in charge of revising family and marriage laws, was he not? Why not introduce a major social reform that would untangle so many knots and let him tie a very different kind?

Chapter 10

Freydís Dagsdóttir and Sía Marksdóttir had really enjoyed their experiences, and they saw no reason to stop bonding as "stomach sisters" while they were stuck in East Texas. There was, however, one real concern: both of them were very fond of Dan Leland in particular. He was by far their favorite lover yet. He seemed to have such a "live and let live," no-nonsense, practical outlook on life, very willing to accept them as themselves.

Both ladies had already agreed that if they were to have a boyfriend, it would be the same one at once. Dan would be perfect in so many ways, yet what if he didn't handle it well? What if he suddenly got all jealous? What if he refused to keep them because they fucked a lot of guys and had no desire to stop yet? What if he just didn't want to be more than a fuckbuddy? They could accept that, but they would really rather keep him as their man. What other man was as good of a prospect? What would it take to get to be his girlfriends and start a family with him while still getting to fool around?

"What if he thinks that we're trying to keep him faithful to us? Some women are hypocrites that way, you know, especially around here, just as the men can be," Freydís pointed out to Sía.

"We would never do that to him, but you're right, he has no way of knowing that, does he? We'll just have to ... convince him," the platinum-blonde told her honey-blonde cousin and girlfriend.

"That we will, babe. That we will," Freydís agreed with Sía as both of them laughed ... and kissed.

"Well, there's a local saying that 'the quickest way to a man's heart is his stomach,' you know. How about we pick up some takeout and bring it with us? It might make it easier to sell our ... pitch, if you will," Sía snickered.


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