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The Commuter Ch. 04

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The tale of the commuter continues.
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Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 09/28/2009
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Chris was worried, he could see the train coming but there was no sign of Joanne. The train pulled in and stopped. Chris got on and had a last look down the platform. She wasn't there.

His phone indicated a text.

'Missed train, but more important missed u XX'

He text back: 'missed u 2. Will phone later XX'

It felt really strange being on the train on his own, not seeing Joanne. He got to work and tried phoning her. He got her voice mail. She must still be on the underground he thought.

Half an hour later she phoned him.

"Hi, what a fool, I missed the train this morning," she said, a light hearted laughter in her voice.

"I noticed!" he replied sarcastically, but with warmth.

"So what did you think of Carly?"

"Nice, she's Ok. I liked her."

"She likes you too. And I don't think she was joking about having you!"

"Oh really?"

"Yes, she wouldn't stop going on about it after you left!"

"I am honoured."

"You should be. Anyway, I spoke with my parents and they were remarkably good about me moving in with Carly. Offered to help and everything!"


"Yes, I will probably move this weekend. I am so excited!"

"God, that's quick!"

"No point hanging about! Anyway, I have to go but Carly wants to cook a meal for us tonight. Are you free?"

"Yes, I think so. Shall I meet you there?"

"Good idea. About 8.00pm?"

"Great, see you there!"



At just after 8.00pm Chris arrived at the flat, with a bunch of flowers and a bottle of wine.

Joanne answered the door, kissing Chris and taking the wine and flowers.

"See Carly?" Joanne shouted across the room showing the flowers and wine. "You don't get this from guys our age!"

"Hi Chris, and thanks," Carly said kissing Chris on the cheek and acknowledging the gifts.

The table was set with candles alight. It looked very welcoming.

The food was served and the two girls and Chris shared good natured banter and laughs all through the meal.

At the end of the meal, the plates were cleared and the three of them retired to the sitting area, Joanne and Chris on the sofa, Carly in the armchair.

"So, looks like I will be seeing more of you Chris" Carly said. "With Joanne moving in, I guess you will be around here fairly frequently to keep her satisfied!"

"Carly!" shouted Joanne. "Behave!"

"Any friends you have thought of Chris?" Carly asked ignoring Joanne.

"No, sorry" Chris replied. "None that I can think of. They of course don't know what they would be missing." He added, smiling at Carly.

"You flatterer! You don't know me, but I am intrigued by what you think they may be missing?"

"Yes," encouraged Joanne. "What do you think they would be missing?"

Charlie laughed with embarrassment. "Where do I start?"

"At the beginning?" Carly smirked. "I think we need some more wine for this!" she said as she poured three large glasses and handed them out before resuming her seat.

"Well," started Charlie, "a girl who is self confident and seems to like fun."

"Yes, go on."

"A good looking girl, nice figure,"

"He's good," Carly said looking at Joanne.

"Knows how to have a good time I guess, and based on last night," he coughed, "is not embarrassed about, you know."



"Pretty good description Chris, I like it. So as you haven't any friends, I need to share you with Joanne." She laughed.

"Very funny," laughed Chris

"The trouble is I don't think she is joking!" laughed Joanne.

Chris look puzzled. "I think I have come half way into a conversation" he smiled.

"As if!" the two girls cried out in unison.

"So do tell," Chris said. "What did you plan last night?"

"Oh, just girls talk. Fulfilling fantasies and all that." Carly said.

"Don't look so worried Chris," Joanne said, tenderly touching his leg.

"Yes," lighten up urged Carly. "It was a typical male fantasy we were thinking about!"

"Anyway," she continued, "without being to graphical, my timing is not so good for the next few days if you follow my drift, so you are stuck with Joanne on your own!"

Chris drained his glass and was not sure what his thoughts were. There he was in a room with two young girls, hardly older than his daughter, both attractive in different ways, both offering him one of the all time male fantasies of a 3-some. Should he pinch himself? Was this really happening?

His thoughts were broken by Carly; "Anyway, I am going out for a few hours down to the pub, I'll leave you in peace for a bit. Have fun!"

Joanne dragged him to the bedroom, kissed him passionately and had him naked in seconds flat. As she started sucking him, she stopped. "I don't mind you having Carly, I would probably find it a real turn on; after all I don't want to know, but I assume you go home to a wife when you leave me."

He didn't say anything.

"Watching you with her would be amazing, but I also want time with just us. Is that OK?"

He nodded. She returned to the act of servicing his dick.

"By the way, it's not a good time for me either, so I will enjoy servicing you for the next few days, but I expect repayment in due course," she said, before again resuming sucking his prick.

She took him as deep as she could, nearly gagging before sucking the end and stroking him. He started bucking his hips and he orgasm soon approached. He cried out but she remained in place sucking and stroking him as he filled her mouth with his jism.

Swallowing and cleaning herself up, she stroked his prick as it slowly became flaccid.

"Enjoy?" she asked.

"What do you think?" he said reaching out and cuddling her.

That weekend Joanne moved in with Carly. Chris was unable to help or see Joanne over the weekend. She didn't ask why. She didn't want to know.

On Monday Chris saw Joanne at the platform. "All done?"

"All done." She smiled. "It feels like home already. We are having a girls night tonight, and my parents are coming over tomorrow. Carly wants to cook dinner for the three of us on Wednesday." She looked around; there was nobody in ear shot. "So you can guess what she wants for desert!"

"Yes," he smiled. "Good job I have a couple of days off then!"

The arrival of the train signalled the end of that conversation.

Tuesday and Wednesday mornings followed the normal routine, apart from Chris receiving a text on the train.

He looked up; Joanne wasn't asleep but had her phone in her hand. The text read:

'looking fwd to tonite. Its been ages. Hope its good for all of us.'

He smiled and replied: 'Sure it will be, if it involves you it always is XX'

'You smoothie XX'

Chris turned up at the flat; this time with two bunches of flowers and two bottles of wine.

Carly opened the door and kissed him on the lips and thanked him for the wine and flowers.

"Boy you do know how to treat ladies and the night is still young!" she said, adding, "Joanne wasn't wrong!"

Joanne came out of the kitchen and threw her arms around Chris and kissed him. "Lovely flowers and wine. Thanks."

After the meal, that was accompanied by loads of laughter, they all retired to the sofas. Carly dimmed the lights and lit some candles. "Romantic isn't it!" Carly said.

"Yes," Chris and Joanne said together as Carly replenished their glasses.

"Cheers!" they all said together raising their glasses.

"So, Chris," Carly asked looking at him, if I get to share you with Joanne, does that tick one of your fantasies?

"Believe it or not, I've thought about 3-somes but one was never on the 'must do that before I die list'; but that being said I was always intrigued."

"So what's on the 'must do that before I die list' Chris?" asked Joanne.

"Oh not much, and not much sexual actually."

"Don't believe him Joanne, but I bet we find out before long" Carly said smiling at Joanne.

"Have you done a 3-some Carly?" Chris asked.

"No, but I had thought about it and thought it would ne a hell of a turn on."

"Have you Joanne?" Chris asked.

"No, but I was in a room where I think one took place. It was after a party and we all crashed out and I think this guy had sex with his girlfriend and her friend, one after another, not together; but I suppose that's a 3-some"

Carly nodded. Chris smiled and said; "not being an expert on what constitutes a 3-some I would say it was one!"

"When was that Joanne?" Carly asked.

"Oh, about three years ago; when I was with Phil."

"All this talk is making me randy" Carly said. "Shall we?"

Joanne looked at Chris, trying to read his mind.

"I'm up for it, "said Joanne. "Chris?"

"Ok, but how do we start?"

They all looked at each other and at the same time burst out laughing.

"I've a thought," Carly said. "You two start, pretend I am not here and I will join in."

"Ok then," Joanne said, standing up and taking Chris by the hand, led him to the bedroom. Carly followed them.

Joanne lay on the bed and gestured for Chris to join her. He did and was soon lost in a passionate kiss, his hands roaming over her body, totally oblivious to the fact that there was someone else in the room.

Joanne moaned as their kissing intensified in its intensity. His hands started getting under her clothing as she started undoing his buttons. Soon she was topless and his shirt was removed. His hands ran up her legs and under her skirt, her legs opening to accept his stroking. She was soon naked and she started to remove his trousers and boxers. With both naked and kissing passionately as they stroked each other, they became aware of a new sensation as Carly joined them. She was naked and kneeling over them, stroking each of them.

Joanne and Chris broke their kissing and looked up at Carly. Her small but pointy breasts had hard erect nipples and she stopped stroking Chris and Joanne and started stroking her nipples to make them even harder.

"They would like to be sucked, Chris." She purred.

Without hesitation he leant up and licked and sucked her breast as requested. Joanne stroked her arm as Carly held Chris's head against her breast.

Chris broke the embrace and looked at Joanne before he started licking and kissing her breast, again marvelling at the reaction and the hardness of her nipples.

He felt his hand being directed to another breast and realised he was sucking the breast of his girlfriend while stroking the breast of his girlfriends friend!

He stopped stroking and kissing and looked at the two girls, seeing the lust in both of their faces.

He reached down and ran his hand along Carly's thigh, reaching her slit that was already wet. He realised it was totally shaven.

Not wishing to leave Joanne out, he asked her to move so he could feel her too. He now had both of them on their knees, legs apart, facing him while he fingered and stroked both of them. He could see Carly was looking at his manhood. She didn't seem to want to touch it, but he knew both Carly and Joanne were enjoying his fingering; both were rocking and getting wetter and wetter as he played with their clits and wet pussies. He leant forward without stopping his fingering and kissed Joanne. She was getting lost in his fingering and moaned loudly as he probed her mouth with his tongue.

He broke the kiss, and looked deeply in Joanne's eyes before moving his attention to Carly, leaning over and kissing her. Gently at first and then more passionately, their tongues dancing and fighting for supremacy, he felt her moan too as his finger move from her pussy to her clit.

Breaking the kiss off, he removed his fingers from the two girls.

"Lie down, both of you," he said huskily.

Both did so. He positioned them so they were side by side; he opened their legs and raised them so they were bent at the knee. He went between Joanne's and started licking and probing her with his tongue. He was aware of movement beside him and saw Carly had moved and was watching what he was doing.

"That looks amazing," she whispered.

He didn't answer but ran his hand up her leg and started fingering her again.

Joanne was getting wetter and wetter and Chris was aware she was close to cumming.

He decided to stop and turn his attention to Carly, Removing himself from Joanne he heard her quietly protest.

He pushed Carly back on her back and started licking her. Carly started bucking and driving him on, urging him to go faster and harder, making it clear she was close to cumming. Chris was aware that Joanne was moving as she too wanted to see what was happening and to see her man eating out another woman. He tried to finger her, but she seemed happy to watch the action at this stage.

Carly got noisier and nosier as her climax got closer.

"Yes, yes, yes, that's it there," she cried out. "I'm cumming," she shouted. "Yes, I'm there, Oh my God, yes!" Her whole body convulsed as she pushed Chris away. "No more, please!"

Joanne and Chris looked at her as she regained her breath. "Hell, I have never cum like that before!" she said, still a bit breathless.

"Lucky you," Joanne said. I haven't yet.

"Lie down then!" said Chris in mock anger.

"Yes master!" she replied lying on her back and lewdly opening her legs again.

Chris, needing no prompting started licking and fingering her and knew that she was close. As before he was aware that Carly was taking a close look. He had two fingers inside Joanne, got to stroke her G Spot as he started licking her clit.

"Oh god you know that gets me!" she cried thrusting against him. "Keep going, don't stop. Please don't stop."

"I don't think he will," Carly said her voice thick with lust.

Chris continued and Joanne was so close. "Oh yes, yes. Oh my Goooooood! Yes."

She froze as he made the last lick of her clit and last thrust with his fingers. She flooded his hand with her cum. He slowly removed his fingers as she lay down, exhausted and tried to get her breathing under control.

Joanne raised herself on her elbows and kept her legs together.

"You OK Carly?"

Carly nodded. "You?"

"God yes!"

"I think Chris needs something though" Carly said nodding towards his erect prick, pre-cum oozing out of it.

"I think we can help, don't you Carly?" Joanne said reaching out and gently touching Chris's prick. Joanne, slightly unsure also reached out and cupped his balls. Chris moaned with one girl stroking his prick and one cupping his balls, this was heaven.

Joanne bent down and replaced her hand with her lips. Chris moaned loudly. Joanne removed her mouth and gestured to Carly to take over. She moved and then she bent down and after licking the end covered the end of his prick with her lips, moving down and taking as much as she could in her mouth, trying but failing to deep throat him. She moved her lips up so that just the head was in her mouth and with her tongue licked the sensitive hole, getting the desired moan from Chris.

"You're going to make me cum!" he cried.

"Not yet!" Carly said after she removed her lips from his prick, replacing them with her soft hands."I want you inside me and I bet Joanne does too!"

"You bet," said Joanne, "but I'm sure he can please both of us tonight, you go first."

Carly looked at Chris. She lay on her back and opened her legs showing her beautiful bald pussy, glistening wet waiting to be filled.

Chris didn't need to be told. He moved between her legs and guided his hot wet prick to her willing hole. She gasped as he entered her. He knew he wouldn't last long but this didn't seem to be a problem because as soon as he started thrusting, he was aware she was starting another orgasm. As he thrust harder, her legs raised and clasped themselves around his waist.

She cried out "I don't believe it, I'm cumming again!"

Chris looked at Joanne who was transfixed and looked at him screwing her friend with nothing but unadulterated lust. He was close. His thrusting got faster and faster.

"I'm cumming!" he cried. Carly grasped his buttocks and forced him harder inside her and the final thing to push him over the edge was Joanne stroking his back.

"Yes!" he cried out as he filled Carlys pussy with his juice.

They untangled themselves and he sat back, regaining his breath.

"Oh god!" he said, "I hope you are on the pill!"

"Yes," she sighed, "I am or you wouldn't have been near me!" she smiled as she said this.

She stood up. "I need to have a clean up," she said indicating the torrent of love juice running down her leg. "Shall I bring some wine?"

Chris and Joanne nodded. Carly walked back into the room a few minutes later, interrupting Chris passionately kissing Joanne.

"Keep going girl, life is returning," she said pointing to his prick that was beginning to show signs of life.

"Its not easy being a man you know. We can't have multiple orgasms, it takes us time to recover between rounds and sometimes we can't get it up!" Chris laughed.

"But you don't get pregnant either!" Joanne laughed.

They drank their wine as they had good natured banter.

"Lie down Chris," Carly said after a while.

Confused, he did.

Carly took a sip of wine and without swallowing it, went down and dribbled it on Chris's prick, before starting to lick and suck him. Joanne seeing this then did the same. They then both started licking his prick, and then one would suck him, then the other. One then sucked his prick and the other sucked his balls. He lay back, unaware of who was doing what, but realising he was on the way to heaven!

His prick rock hard was then covered by a new sensation as Joanne straddled him and started riding him. Carly urged her on and watched closely as his prick went in and out of her friend's pussy. She moved and started kissing Chris, who despite only recently cumming knew he would not last much longer. He moaned as Carly deeply kissed him and Joanne rode him harder. Unable to communicate with Joanne, he started thrusting harder. She knew the signals and rode him faster and the feeling of him cumming deep inside her triggered her own orgasm.

Carly ceased her kissing and watched as the couple regained their composure.

They were all soon sitting satisfied, but still naked, finishing the wine off and amazed at the experiences they had all enjoyed.

"I don't have to go home tonight, but I am not sure I am up for anymore," Chris sighed.

"Me neither," sighed Carly. "I'm done."

"Me too," Joanne agreed. "But it will be nice to sleep together and see what the morning brings!"

"God, there's no satisfying you is there girl!" smiled Carly.

"Yes there is, it's that!" she replied pointing at Chris's flaccid prick.

"In a few hours!" Chris smiled.

"Well, I will leave you to it guys. Tonight was amazing and I hope you felt the same." Carly said, raising and heading towards the door.

Chris and Joanne nodded. "Definitely!" they said in unison, "Bye!"

The couple, left on their own, fell into each others arms, kissed passionately,

"7.06," muttered Chris, breaking the kiss.

"Maybe, "replied Joanne. "Maybe a later one."

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