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The Conquering of Queen Mara

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Attackers conquered her city and now her body...
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The young Queen Mara of Marrees sat on her throne facing her empty hall. She was trembling. Her hands shook as she nervously rested them at her sides. For the first time in a long time, she was scared. In all aspects of the previous few years, she was always in control. Her fate bent to her will as if she controlled it. However, as the sounds of distant battle, screams of horror, and the sieging of her castle grew, she was a shell of her former self.

She looked to her right and there stood her personal guard Tommen with a group of knights. Their swords were drawn and they stood in a ready stance for whatever was to come barging through the doors. Mara was touched by their courage to defend their queen even though she was sure it spelled certain death for them. Her heart melted for the brave young men.

To Mara's left, also awaiting their inevitable fate, was her group of servants. Women ranging from all ages stood in their work clothes. They swore to serve the queen of Marrees and were just as loyal to Mara as the knights. She already suggested that everyone leave her side, to go hide with their families, but everyone in the room refused. Mara was a good queen and they would not leave her side.

There was only one entrance to the throne hall. Across the stone floor were two large wooden doors with a thick plank holding them locked together. Everyone inside knew this would not stop the attackers, only delay them. The sounds of Marrees soldiers on the other side of the wooden doors grew which frightened Mara even further.

However, Mara did not cry, for she would not show any weakness. She had to remain strong for her people even in her death. She remained poised for everyone who gave their lives fighting to defend the city and castle, all the civilians affected by the siege, and her husband, who led the city's army out to face the attackers, eventually leading to his death.

The war against the Alrich people had been raging on for multiple years at that point. As the Alrich's strength grew, Queen Mara's allies dwindled. Many leaders gave up and opened their doors to the Alrich to avoid carnage. What followed however was their people being ransacked, raped, and killed. Mara's city was strong-willed and they fought with as much strength as they could muster, but ultimately it was not enough. The Alrich army was too powerful and nearing their city walls. As a last-ditch effort Mara's husband, the king, fought valiantly to hold the Alrich army outside their walls, but he was no match. The city was overrun and a day later the castle was stormed.

The Alrich were a savage breed of people. There were rumors that they were born from the wilderness, sprouting out of the ground like trees. Mara knew these were all false tales to scare enemies. In reality, they started as a band of peasants who learned to hunt and fight. After many generations, their numbers grew and eventually, they were their own hardened civilization.

Queen Mara sat waiting on her throne next to her husband's empty one. She would meet the Alrich as a queen and die nobly. She wore her most beautiful long red dress with gems and jewels throughout. Her long brown hair was brushed to perfection and braided down her back. Her golden crown with a large red ruby in the middle of the band sat gorgeously on the top of her head. She was dressed elegantly and looked beautiful. She would die with dignity and beauty. Her people would mourn her for centuries for she was the epitome of beauty.

Bang. A large pound was heard from the doors leading into the room. Some of the younger servants let out a shriek. Another bang was heard, this one louder than the last. Tommen took a few steps forward followed by his men, bravely being the last line of defense between the attackers and the queen. Mara noticed Tommen's hands were shaking violently as he held his sword. The plank holding the doors shut was stable, but it wouldn't hold for long. Bang. Bang. Bang.

One last bang sounded as the doors flung open, breaking the plank holding the doors in half. A warrior larger than any man Mara had seen before broke through the doors. He must've charged and slammed the door with his shoulder, she thought. After the mammoth of a man was through, more Alrich warriors charged into the room. They snarled at the waiting group of knights. Only some wore armor and the rest had different levels of dirty cloth. They carried all sorts of weapons; spears, swords, and axes.

The attackers pressed forward fast and in no time they were in a fight with Tommen and the other guards. The knights fought valiantly for a long time, managing to slay a handful of Alrich men, but there were just too many of them. Tommen was the last knight standing and soon he was flanked and stabbed from behind. He fell, lying motionless and Mara could only think how sorry she was. She mumbled a "Thank you," to Tommen and the other knights from her throne.

The attackers converged on the women now grabbing the group of servants and pushing them onto the floor away from the queen. Their screams echoed throughout the once-empty hall. Once the room was under control by the Alrich soldiers they stood back, forming a semi-circle around Mara on her throne. None lay a finger on Mara, but they hooted, hollered, and snarled at her like she was their prey. Mara awaited her certain death, trying her hardest to look tough and not scared in front of all these warriors.

Finally, the men quieted down, and out of the crowd of attackers stepped a tall, surprisingly handsome man. He stood there, in front of all the warriors, and just admired Mara's beauty for she was the type of woman men spent their entire lives fiending for. Her brunette features accentuated her perfect skin and pouty lips. The red dress she wore showed cleavage and the tops of her large breasts. The queen had meat in all the right places and her dress highlighted her body.

It was silent for a moment as Mara and the attackers waited for what would happen next. Would Mara be killed right then and there or would the man have other plans? There was no way for Mara to tell if this man was their leader or not. He wore the same armor as an ordinary Alrich, but Mara assumed he must be of some importance to silence the crowd of warriors as he had done.

"Queen Mara of Marrees," he said, finally breaking the silence. Mara was surprised that this Alrich could speak her language. He continued to study her. Mara felt violated. He ogled her in front of all the other men. Her husband would have punished anyone who looked towards her in this way, but she had no power anymore. She had to endure it.

Mara stayed silent, so he spoke again, "I am the new king of this city." He turned to his men and spoke in Alrich tongue. The warriors all cheered in joy in response to whatever he had said. They won the war and took over the city. Whoever this man was he would be the new king of Marrees and Mara had nothing she could do about it.

The Alrich men continued to celebrate their victory. Cheers, screams, singing, and chanting ensued. Mara was uneasy as a lot of the men talked while looking at her, though she did not speak Alrich and could only guess what they were saying. The leader walked up to Mara on the throne and he looked down at her sitting there. She looked up at his eyes as he towered over her.

Mara realized he was handsome, tall, and strong. His muscled arms protruded from his broad shoulders. He had long brown hair, sweaty from the battles of the day. He was a giant, way bigger than her slain husband. His face was beautiful, like a sculpture of a god.

Mara wondered if this handsome leader was going to kill her right then and there with his sword. The man, however, walked to Mara's side and took his place on the king's throne. The Alrich men loved seeing their leader on the king of Marrees' throne, so their cheers grew even louder.

The leader gave some commands in the Alrich language and a lot of the warriors proceeded to leave the hall. They grabbed Mara's servants as they left, dragging them across the floor if they refused to leave. Mara was worried for their safety. She looked at the man to her side and gave him a scornful look in response to the mishandling of her servants. He smugly smiled back at her in response.

"We will have a feast to celebrate," he said. Mara remained silent, trying her hardest to not give this man any reaction. The man studied her body, looking at her from head to toe. Mara felt sick to her stomach as she thought about the things this man might have planned for her. He smiled again before leaning back on the throne, obviously enjoying his newfound position.

The rest of the day went by slowly. Mara found herself dreading every moment and this caused the day to feel prolonged. The new, self-proclaimed king, left to do his business with finishing the plundering of the city. He ordered some of his men to keep watch of Mara but to leave her untouched. Mara was forced to do nothing within the throne hall, but wait. She watched as the Alrich men paraded around the castle with little care for keeping the place clean and intact. Mara cringed as her priceless works of art were destroyed and placed into one large pile. Everything shiny but Mara's crown and dress were gathered from the castle, for what Mara assumed would be selling or trading.

After the long day was coming to an end and the sun was beginning to set, men forced Mara to her feet and walked her to the dining hall. Once inside Mara was pleased to see her servants were left alive and unharmed for the most part. They were put to work to set up a grand feast after they were taken away. Food was strewn about all the tables. Meat, fruits, fine breads, everything a grand feast would have was displayed.

Mara was forced to her seat in the middle of the table. She was left alone with the food and her thoughts in an empty room. She felt like crying, but she stayed strong. Mara looked for a knife or fork to use as a weapon, but cleverly, none was placed near her.

Soon the obnoxious laughs and arrogant hollers of men filled the dining hall as Alrich warriors started pouring in. They noisily laughed and cheered as they took their seats at the many tables throughout the dining hall. They snarled at the servant women and many eyed Mara like she was the prize they would be feasting on. She paid no mind to any of the gross warriors, staying seated like an elegant queen.

Some of the warriors who carried themselves like leaders started to take up seats at Mara's table. Older wiser men, but also ones that looked far scarier and fierce than the others. Mara assumed everyone at her table was of importance to the army. The warriors cheered and raised their drinks to their leader as he finally entered the dining hall. He made his way to Mara's table, thanking his warriors, and took his seat next to her.

He addressed the large group of Alrich men in their language and after a quick second cheer, the whole room began to feast on the food in front of them. The man smiled, he shot Mara a confident look that was not reciprocated by her and then he began eating himself. Many of the men shoved their faces full of food, refusing to use any cutlery. It was gross for Mara to witness as she was raised by a noble family. Mara did not touch any food. How could she stomach to feast after a day like today? Her appetite was nonexistent and the man noticed.

"You should eat," he told her, almost caringly. "You have a long night ahead of you."

Mara looked at him in his dark brown eyes. He was planning something sinister with her and she already knew it. She couldn't stomach eating, but for her own good, she grabbed small bits of food and placed them on her plate. Some meat and bread were all she grabbed as she slowly ate. The man seemed satisfied with her obeying him. He returned to eating but watched closely to what Mara did.

Throughout the feast with noisy unmannered munching, Mara noticed that the man in charge was more elegant than the others. He ate cleanly without making a mess, actually using utensils. He wiped his hands after they were dirty or greasy. He was no typical Alrich, she thought. How did a man like this come to lead their army? The man noticed her wonder and jumped at his opportunity for conversation.

"You're thinking I'm not like these other men," he paused, "I'm not. I'm from Marrees. Born and raised here, my queen..." He bowed to Mara mockingly, "But I was cast out. My parents were killed and I, only a little boy, was thrown out into the wilderness to survive. These people, who you all call savages, took me in and fed me. Kept me warm and taught me all of what I know today."

The man leaned towards Mara before continuing, "So I ask myself who really are the savages? The ones who must fight daily to survive your evilness or you rich people in their cities like Marrees, who squeeze the life out of the poor and weak while they live in castles." He shook his head at Mara. "You look at us with disgust, but we look at you rich with the same."

Mara listened to his words. Was he really from Marrees? Some poor boy who was orphaned and thrown out to die. A slight part of her felt bad for him and she thought of all the other people this may have happened to throughout her time as queen. She never dealt with the lower end of the city. She rarely exited the castle within her time on the throne. If she had known about these such things before the war, maybe she could have done things to stop it, but it was too late now.

"What is your name?" Mara asked, trying to humanize herself to this man.

"I am Dameon," he answered while eating.

"Why have you let me live until now?" She asked.

Dameon ate for a few seconds, perhaps he did not have a straight answer.

"You hold more value to us alive. It is up to you to show how much value."

"I have no allies. I have no value as a hostage."

"I am not talking about ransoming you."

"Then what?" Mara demanded.

"You bring value to us, Alrich men." Although Mara had a suspicion of what he was referring to she tried her hardest to believe it wasn't the case. She was living out her worst nightmares.

The feast wrapped up after about an hour. The Alrich men destroyed the dining hall and made a complete mess. They ate almost every piece of food that was available and left scraps all over the tables, seats, and floor. Some men threw food all around. Dameon got the servants to clean up the mess and Mara gave them a sorry look. They didn't deserve this, but at least they were alive.

Some men ordered Mara out of the dining hall and forced her to wait in a corridor. She peered outside a window at the city in flames. Buildings burned and she wondered how many innocent people were affected by the war. Her husband and she failed their people. Her heart ached and she wished the window could open, so she could jump right through it.

She waited for what felt like another hour before she was forcibly brought into the throne hall again. There Dameon sat, on his new throne. He had changed into casual clothes. He was wearing a gray tunic and pants. Mara could see how powerful of a man he was without his armor. His size was truly tremendous. His muscles pressed against his cloth clothing, leaving little to the imagination for what his body would look like naked. Mara caught herself admiring him.

Mara walked in front of the two thrones that used to be her husband's and hers. The men escorting her forced her to kneel by pushing down on her shoulders and she obeyed. There she was on both knees as she looked up at Dameon. Mara was dreading what she thought might come. Dameon waved off the two men and they left, leaving only the two of them in the large room.

It was silent for some minutes and there was tension in the air. Mara was nervous and scared. Finally, Dameon broke the silence, "you are stunning Mara," he told her. Dameon stood up from the throne and walked to the kneeling Mara. His large frame towered over her and she felt helpless.

"A beautiful queen like yourself must have known this might have been your fate after getting overrun, but you chose to hand yourself over anyway. Were you looking forward to this?"

"No," was all Mara could muster. It was the truth. She stayed and fought until the very end because of her honor.

Dameon reached down and held Mara's face. His large hand covered a large portion of her jawline as he turned her head left and then right. He was admiring her beauty. Mara was one of the most beautiful women in the lands and Dameon knew men would kill for her. Dameon had killed for her in a sense. His eyes caught her golden crown with the large red gem. It brought out the gorgeous features of her face.

Mara's breathing intensified. Dameon was so large. He towered over her and as she looked up at his face his crotch was in her direct view. She didn't understand the feelings she was having. She should hate this man and she did. His army killed her husband, the man she loved. Normally the compromising position she was in would make her uncomfortable, but how Dameon controlled her every move, seemed to have an effect on her. Her body was heating up.

"Will you behave tonight?" Dameon asked, knowing Mara's answer didn't matter. He removed his hand from caressing her face, allowing her to provide an answer if she wanted to. Mara gave the slightest nod and Dameon grinned in appreciation. Mara knew she had no choice in what came next, so she decided she would be willing instead of fighting it. It would be easiest this way.

Dameon then asked, "Did your husband make you suck his cock?"

Mara shook her head no. This made Dameon happy. Mara was without children and he did not know how often the old king fucked her. In his eyes, she was a woman he could dominate and ruin her innocence.

Dameon reached down to his belt and untied the loop. Once his belt was loosened he dropped his trousers. They were made of loose cloth, so they fell easily to the floor. He stood there without bottoms and his semi-hard penis stared Mara in the face, only a few inches away. He reached down to the back of Mara's head and grabbed a handful of her luscious hair, making sure to leave her crown intact. He guided her towards his member and he could feel her hot reluctant breath on it.

Mara was nervous, she never had a penis in her mouth before, let alone one the size of Dameon's. Her husband's cock was puny compared to the one in front of her. Dameon's cock was only semi-hard but was long and girthy. He had a patch of pubic hair at the base of his shaft and his testicles were large and hung lowly beneath. Mara reached with her right hand and grabbed the base of Dameon's rod. She raised his penis and opened her lips, allowing the head into her mouth.

She stretched her mouth as wide as it could go to fit as much as she could inside. Dameon's hand on the back of her head gently guided her into the rhythm of sucking he wanted and Mara obeyed. Mara used her saliva to lubricate more of Dameon's cock and make the sliding in and out of her mouth easier. She could feel the penis growing and hardening as she sucked. Very quickly, he was at full mast.

This was the first time Mara was pleasing a man like this. Typically, she would just lay in bed while her husband fucked her until he came, but this was new and exciting. The act of being on her knees and sucking a man who wasn't her husband sent jolts of lightning to her vagina. She hated Dameon and the Alrich so much. The act of pleasing Dameon sexually should have been humiliating and wrong, but it felt so good.

Soon Mara had a steady rhythm going. Dameon looked down at the innocent and beautiful queen. Her golden crown was still on her head as she sloppily sucked his penis. He was fully hard and enjoying the sensations. Mara's technique was nowhere near as good as other women he had been with, but this affair was hotter. Mara was inexperienced but prettier than any lady he had ever seen before.

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