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The Country Cottage Pt. 05

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An unexpected encounter makes everything more interesting.
4.8k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/25/2017
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(Part 5)

The Encounter


I was a bit apprehensive telling Dan I wanted to fuck Father John again...with his collar on no less...afraid that might be going a bit too far. When he pulled me close for a deep kiss, I knew he approved and our fantasies could go even further.

Awakening before Dan as the early morning sunlight poured into our room, I smiled when I felt the warm length of his morning wood pressing against my thigh. My own breathing became ragged even as his remained steady and, without waking him, I turned and wrapped my hand around his hard dick.

It just seemed the right thing to do, so I gently began stroking him. His cock hardened even more in my hand while his eyes remained closed. He moaned softly when the first drops of his precum seeped over my fingers. I leaned down and licked the head of his dick, the salty taste of his precum covering my tongue.

"Don't stop," he groaned, "that feels so good...please...don't stop.

There was no way I could deny him anything after the night before and I didn't want to in any case. I smiled at him and let my mouth drop down around his cock. After but a few moments, I felt his body tense, his hands grasped the sheets and he began to flail wildly.

"OH GOD...YES...YES...I'M CUM...CUMMING...YES!" my husband shrieked and shot several strings of warm salty semen into my mouth and down my throat.

I savored every drop as we cuddled after his orgasm. After a few moments, he began twirling my nipples between his fingers. One hand crawled down over my belly until a finger found the wet folds of my cunt. His finger gently massaged my throbbing clit until it was my turn to moan an orgasm.

After we showered and had some breakfast, we went for an invigorating hike around the lovely green countryside. We returned in time for lunch and Carol sat down to join us as we ate.

"It's a pity that Father John was called away," Carol said as we sat down, "but these things happen all the time in his business."

"I hope it is nothing serious," Dan said, "and what about the wedding and confessions and inductions?"

"Fortunately, he was able to contact another family member who can officiate at the wedding and conduct the induction. The confessions will just have to wait for another time."

"Another priest?" I asked.

"Actually a Lutheran bishop and his wife, a bit of luck really. They are able to drive up from the city but will have to return later this evening for services tomorrow morning at his church."

I tensed a little as she talked, quickly looked at Dan then turned back to Carol.

"May I ask who they are? After all this induction is a pretty...uh...intimate...affair." I said softly.

"Oh of course, my dear, but there is no need for concern. Bishop Grovener is a lifelong member of the family and quite a caring and, if I may say so myself, rather the loving man."

"And his wife?"

"Judith is an elegant and loving woman as well," Carol continued as she sipped her tea, "Richard married her from outside the family but made sure she was properly inducted before their engagement was announced. I believe that was thirty years ago or so now. A pity they could never have any children of their own."

I looked at my husband. Dan looked terrified. We were talking about my aunt and uncle. They were so respected by everyone. I know we were a long way from the city but I just couldn't believe it.

"If you don't mind, Carol, we need to go rest and freshen up a bit," I practically shouted and pulled Dan with me to walk quickly to our room.

"What are we going to do? We can't be found here by Uncle Richard and Aunt Judith!"

My first thought was that we would have to leave. Then I realized that it was impossible. We were stuck. Whatever could we say? What would they say?

It took us a few minutes to calm down and gather our thoughts. It was surprising how, once we accepted the inevitability of the situation, we became calmer and started to look at the positives. After all, if they were here, they knew what the family was all about and clearly participated for at least the last thirty years or so.

Judith looked very much like my mother. She was quite plump and very attractive. When Dan and I had discussed our fantasies and fetishes he had told me that he fancied my mother so I guessed he might like my aunt as well.

Judith was my mother's younger sister by two years. After she married Richard, we didn't really have very much contact, seeing them only infrequently over the years.

"Perhaps you should tell Aunt Judith what you would like to do to her...like you want to do with my mother. They look very much the same you know." I giggled after a few minutes.

He didn't laugh. I realized that he thought I was being serious. My mind did a somersault. Perhaps, I was being serious.

Instead of answering directly, he sort of panted and looked at me questioningly.

"Will we all be in the family with her...with them both?"

I knew then that he really did have designs on my aunt. Instead of rejecting the notion outright, I simply wondered that maybe it would be the same with my uncle. I wondered if he fancied me in the way I always fantasized about my own father. He was a seventy year old man, but very fit.

The words and actions of the last twenty four hours had changed our attitude completely. Fantasy was becoming reality. We talked more about the possibilities and Dan put it into perspective.

"If your aunt and uncle have been coming here for years, Lisa, they must like the idea of the family and apparently he introduced her to everything some years ago."

I could understand the way he was thinking. Basically we had fantasized about these sort of things for a very long time. Perhaps they had similar fantasies. Now if we joined my aunt and uncle in the family, the main difference was the fantasy would become reality.

After a few more minutes discussing the possibilities, we decided it was best to face the situation directly. Just then Carol called to ask if everything was alright. We told her about our problem.

"Your aunt and uncle just arrived. Perhaps it would be better if you came down now and greeted them yourselves. I won't interfere. You can take them into the small lounge. It is very quiet and you can make your explanations uninterrupted."

I felt frightened again, but knew we had to face it.

When we got there, my aunt and uncle were waiting in the foyer. The look of shock on their faces was a picture. I felt helpless. Dan was so solid.

"Let's go into the small lounge and talk," he said quietly.

One bonus was we could see that my aunt and uncle looked more guilty than we did. It was a difficult thirty minutes but we gradually made our explanations to each other.

After Dan and I said our piece, my aunt explained how Uncle Richard had found it a great relief to come away and let himself go with secret family events. As I had told her a little of our fantasies, she blushed and said she had the same feelings as me.

My uncle murmured he could do with a stiff drink. Dan held up his hand and fetched the bottle of wine Carol left for us. We all had a couple of glasses as we made small talk. We were all relaxing more but it was Dan who broke the ice.

"So tell me, Uncle Richard, what do you think of Lisa now? Is she still just your little niece or is she different now that we are all in the family?"

Uncle Richard looked at me and blushed.

"It is difficult Dan. She is still my little niece but I must admit I do have a special attraction for her, but she is your wife."

Dan was wonderful.

"We all know why we are here, Uncle Richard, and we are all a long way from the city. All it means is that we can let our feelings go free. As Lisa has just told you, I have some special feelings for Aunt Judith."

My aunt smiled a little as if she liked the idea.

"This could be a wonderful holiday if we all let ourselves go and forget about our worries back home. No one will know." I finally said after an awkward pause.

All four of us slowly nodded in agreement. We were still alone in the small lounge. Dan was brilliant. He was the one who started it off again.

"So, Uncle Richard, to repeat my earlier question, what do you think about your little niece now?"

My uncle breathed a little heavily staring directly at me.

"She looks lovely, Dan, a nice big girl."

My aunt chuckled and Dan smiled as he continued.

"So Uncle Richard, if you like that, why don't you have a little feel of the big girl now?"

Uncle Richard sputtered a bit.

I wanted to show my willingness. I took a deep breath and pushed my chest out.

"Am I big enough for you, Uncle Richard?"

"Go on Richard, I don't think Lisa will mind. She and Dan have both invited you," Aunt Judith chimed in eagerly.

It was time. Somebody had to do something. I knew I couldn't take the next step first.

My uncle walked towards me until he was directly behind me and opened his arms and his hands covered my breasts through my blouse. For a big man he was surprisingly gentle as he fondled my tits in front of the others.

"You don't mind, do you, Lisa?"

"Not at all, I like it, Uncle Richard, I like it a lot." I responded and moaned softly.

I stood placidly there as he experimented with various holds. After sliding his hands under my blouse and pushing my bra up, he told my aunt he liked my big nipples.

My aunt smiled fondly.

Then he surprised me as he lowered one hand to my tummy and pulled me back on to himself. I could feel his hardness through my skirt and his trousers. The shape of his dick nestled cozily between my buttocks.

Then he released his pressure on my tummy and then he did it again, pulling me back onto him. This time though he pushed his own groin forward and I could feel the throbbing of his penis much more urgently.

He didn't stop. He released and then pulled and then repeated the same sequence. My aunt looked enthralled. So did my husband. I could feel my panties dampening as my own arousal rose and I pressed my hips back against his stiff dick.

"I do think she likes it, Aunt Judith," Dan gasped, a bulge clearly growing in his trousers as he watched.

"That she does and so does my husband," Judith said softly and walked over to stand in front of my husband, unbuttoning her blouse as she approached him.


Lisa was frantic as I closed the bedroom door.

"What are we going to do?" she cried, sitting on the bed with her head in her hands.

It took a few minutes for her to calm down enough that we could even discuss our options. As she leaned into my shoulder sobbing softly, a thought did occur to me.

"Well, look at it this way. They will be as surprised as us when we see them...and surely they know what the family is all about and what goes on here."

"You do have a point," she said looking up at me before smiling slyly. "and my Aunt Judith does look very much like my mother, doesn't she?"

Until that moment, that thought had not occurred to me since I barely knew the woman. Once Lisa pointed that out, however, I could immediately picture the resemblances...the large soft breasts...the thick mature body...the round plump ass...and no doubt in my vivid imagination, a thick thatch of dark hair topping a wet swollen slit. Lisa apparently saw my eyes glaze over as my imagination ran wild.

"Perhaps you should tell her what you would like to do with her," Lisa chuckled and kissed my ear.

I looked at her dead seriously, my breathing labored as suddenly an even more forbidden fantasy loomed in front of us.

"Will we all be in the family with her...with them both?"

Lisa looked back at me with her eyes widening, the realization dawning on her.

"If your aunt and uncle have been coming here for years, Lisa, they must like the idea of the family and apparently he introduced her to everything some years ago." I said as calmly as I could while my heart raced.

Lisa squeezed my hand as we continued to talk, but I knew we both agreed to plunge even deeper. My dick was pulsing in my trousers and I could see the way my wife's erect nipples pressed against the fabric of her blouse.

We both wanted them to know...and we both incestuously wanted them.

The phone rang and Lisa spoke briefly before turning to me.

"They're waiting for us downstairs," she said calmly as she rose and straightened her clothes.

I barely knew Richard and Judith, having only met them a few times with Lisa's parents. I knew he was a prominent cleric and she was well know for her charity works. Apparently my wife and I were about to see an entirely different and secret side of the them.

Both of them looked surprisingly more uncomfortable than us when they sheepishly met us in the foyer. Carol directed us into a small lounge and then closed the door so we could have some privacy. For the next half hour or so we talked, slowly revealing to each other where we stood.

Finally, Richard indicated he needed a drink...we all did...so I poured the wine Carol left for us. After a few sips, I was feeling much more comfortable and decided to push the conversation forward.

"So tell me, Uncle Richard, what do you think of Lisa now. Is she still just your little niece or is she different now that we are all in the family?" I stated boldly.

Richard looked at me uncomfortably. I could hear Lisa take in a sharp breath and Judith giggle as we awaited his response.

"I must admit I do have a special attraction for her, but she is your wife," he stammered before taking another drink.

A wicked smile crept across my face, my heart pounded and my dick stiffened. I knew right then we could take this as far as Lisa and I wanted to go.

"We all know why we are here, Uncle Richard, and we are all a long way from the city. All it means is that we can let our feelings go free. As Lisa has just told you, I have some special feelings for Aunt Judith."

While I kept my eyes locked on Richard, I heard Judith giggle again off to my side as if she liked the idea.

"This could be a wonderful holiday if we all let ourselves go and forget about our worries back home. No one will know but us and the family." Lisa added somewhat breathlessly.

The four of us sat quietly for a moment before I resumed the conversation, knowing from her comments that Lisa wanted me to assert control.

"So, Uncle Richard, to repeat my earlier question, what do you think about your little niece now?"

Richard blushed and breathed a little heavily staring directly at me.

"She looks lovely, Dan, a nice big girl."

"So Uncle Richard, if you like what you see, why don't you have a little feel of the big girl now?"

I thought Richard would choke on his sip of wine but his eyes were locked on Lisa's chest as she stood up.

"Am I big enough for you, Uncle Richard?" Lisa cooed softly, pushing her tits out boldly.

"Go on Richard, I don't think Lisa will mind. After all, they both invited you," Judith chimed in, seemingly eager for her husband to intimately touch her niece.

Richard stood, put down his glass and approached Lisa from behind. He wrapped his arms around her and cupped her tits in both his hands. Lisa glanced at me and smiled impishly before she closed eyes and let out a soft moan.

My cock stiffened even more as I nodded my approval and watched her uncle begin to gently grope my wife's tits. Her low moans as he whispered in her ear told me she was both enjoying and aroused.

After a few moments, Richard slipped his hands up under her blouse and pushed her brassiere up so his fingers could swirl around her now bare nipples. Lisa moaned even louder then unbuttoned her blouse so both Judith and I could see her exposed tits.

"She had magnificent tits, don't you think, Judith?" Richard gasped softly pinching both of nipples between his thumbs and forefingers for his wife to see.

"Yes, my love, they are wonderful looking tits and I'm so glad you like them," Judith answered with a bright smile and cupped the underside of her own breasts with both hands.

I looked at Judith as my dick throbbed in my trousers. I turned back to Lisa and Richard when my wife let out an even louder groan. Richard had his hand down over her tummy and was pulling her to him, releasing her and then pulling her to him again, over and over. I could see the outline of his rigid dick pressing in and out of my wife's ass crack. Lisa moaned again and began pushing back against him as they fell into a steady rhythm.

For a few moments I watched with my mouth agape as Richard humped my wife's ass and she pushed back. There was no hiding the swelling bulge in my trousers.

"I do think she likes it, Aunt Judith," I gasped, my heart pounding and my throat dry.

"That she does and so does my husband," Judith said softly, now standing in front of me with her blouse unbuttoned.

My breath caught in my throat as I looked up at her. She shrugged her blouse off her shoulders and while keeping her eyes locked on mine, unclasped her bra and let it fall to the floor around her feet.

Her breasts were magnificent, large and billowing as they sagged slightly down toward me and topped by huge dark brown aureoles. Her stiff nipples were close to the size of the tip of my little finger. These were the tits of my dearest fantasies and just inches away from my face.

"Do you like my breasts, Dan?" she cooed stepping between my legs, close enough that the outside of her knees pressed against the inside of my thighs.

It was all I could do to nod my head.

"Did you know that my sister, Lisa's mother, and I wear exactly the same size bra? Lisa told us you have erotic thoughts about her and her tits and mine look exactly the same."

Her smile brightened even more and she reached for my right hand, placing it over her left breast. The skin was soft and warm, with the stiff nipples pressing firmly against my palm. Without a thought I gently cupped my fingers around her tit and Judith moaned lowly.

"That feels so good," she gasped, slipping even closer to me until her other nipple brushed across my cheek. "I bet you know quite a bit about making a lady feel good, don't you Dan?"

Her other hand went to the back of my head, smothering my face in the soft mound of her right breast. When I placed left hand on her hip she moved even closer, the front of one legs pressing tightly against my rock hard cock for a moment.

Then she stepped back to unzip her skirt, letting it fall around her ankles so she stood there wearing only a pair of cotton panties. Her crotch was directly at my eye level, her mound prominently pushing against the fabric, random threads of her dark cunt hair escaping from the side edges and a hint of dampness where the panties were drawn into her slit as that darker crevice disappeared between her legs.

"Oh god...Edith...uh I mean..Judith...you are...so awesome!" I gasped, my cock throbbing so hard I thought it might tear through my pants.

She chuckled and raised me up with one hand under my chin and brushed her hand over the throbbing bulge in my pants. No doubt my underwear was already stained with my precum by then.


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