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The Craftons Ch. 03

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The conclusion of our incestuous tale.
5.6k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/06/2014
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The third and final part of the tale of our African American family. We may revisit them later. However, for now this wraps their tale.

This story contains interracial sex, incest, bisexuality, etc.

Chapter 1

Halvatia Curry busied herself preparing lunch for June Crafton. She hummed to herself as she added Saltine crackers to the tray containing a bowl of jambalaya and cold milk. A smile creased the blue /blackness of her face. She was as elated about the birth of the twin girls as she had been for any of her own 6 children.

She looked out the window toward the two small saplings planted next to the two taller trees. Just as she had after the birth of Caitlin and Carter, she buried the umbilical cords and planted trees on the spot. The four birth trees would bind them to the land. The customary bibles in their cribs were opened to the 23rd Psalm. They would never want. She and Oshun, goddess of love and abundance would see to that.

The twins were six weeks old. With the children's help, Halvatia delivered them herself. They emerged into the world squalling and healthy. Even Tom Crafton was taken with the symmetrical beauty of the dark eyed beauties. Why, you would think they were his the way he walked around with his chest poked out like the cock of the walk.

As the thought of Carter's father crossed her mind, it elicited a frown. Carter was supplanting Tom Crafton as head of the family and the business. He accepted the fact that his son had regular sex with his mother. He accepted the fact that Carter fathered the twins. He seemed to be proud of the fact. It was not natural. The old Creole wondered what would come of it.

Halvatia picked up the tray and moved from the kitchen through the dining area toward the elevator. She hummed softly as she reflected on her charges. There were other ways Carter dominated the family.

His grasp of obeah was quick and startling. He learned from Miss Curry and grew more adept than she ever was. The tenets of obeah aided Carter's understanding of his place in the scheme of things. He and his sister were fast learners. They and the twins were the future. Old uneducated Maddah's (Mother's) like her were the past.

Chapter 2

Miss Curry frowned as the old elevator clattered down to pick her up. The dam thing was old and noisy. She boarded the rickety conveyance. It clattered and groaned as it rose to the second floor.

Curry stepped briskly from the elevator and walked unannounced, as usual, into the sitting room between the Crafton's bedroom and the old guest bedroom, the new nursery. Through the open bedroom door, she saw June lying in bed. The twins, cradled in each of her arms, were nursing. On either side of her bed sat Carter and Caitlin.

The newborns were cooing. As they nursed, in their uncoordinated way, they reached across her breasts trying to touch each other. June's hands rested on her children's hands as they watched the babies. The bond between them all was unmistakable. The symbiosis between those three was total. They existed in total cooperation with each other. Miss Anne was part of the family but not part of that symbiosis.

Halvatia frowned as she thought about Miss Anne. She, Carter, and Caitlin lived in the coach house now. Anne was in California taking care of her mother. Wanda Prendergast was three months pregnant with Christian's baby. Halvatia warned Wanda after she and Christian fucked. She would never understand White women.

"You chillen need to let Miss Crafton rest. Nursing two babies will wear your ass out!"

"We were just leaving, Miss Curry. Anne and her mother will arrive at O'Hare this afternoon and we need to pick them up."

Halvatia's eyes rested meaningfully on Carter. "Have you decided what happens with her and the baby?"

Carter noted that increasingly Miss Curry deferred to him. It marked a decided change in their relationship.

"Not really! Anne says her father thinks it's his." Carter chuckled. "All of that will change when the baby is born with brown skin and crinkly hair."

"Ah fixed up your old room upstairs as a guest room. She can stay here for the time bein'. But like you and your sister and the twins, babies like hers need to be fed."

June stroked her son's hand as they listened to Miss Curry. "Miss Curry is right. You know how I was. I couldn't get enough of you."

Caitlin smiled knowingly at her mother. June Carter went into labor after an intense sex session with her, Anne, and Carter. She also recalled being pregnant with Gabby. She got chaffed from her pussy being so wet.

"Curry, have you talked to Christian?"

Halvatia nodded. "He ain't no problem. Fo' the most part he do what he told.

He see you as the Obatala, the Chief of the White Cloth. To him, and to me, you embody all that is good and evil in the world."

Carter was taken aback. He felt the weight of millennia of tradition settle on his shoulders. While there were no churches, no synagogues or other places of worship, obeah was a belief system that tens of thousands followed. He was humbled...and scared.

Chapter 3

Wanda Prendergast sat on the stool in the kitchen. She came down to try to explain to Miss Curry why she elected to have Christian's child. She was not sure herself why she did.

"Halvatia, I have no illusions about a life with Christian. You explained that he is an Elemental, almost like a succubus. Sex for him is not about love. It's all physical. I knew that and accepted it."

"Look, Chile! Christian will give you all the dick you can handle and then some. But he ain't gona be nuthin but what he is."

Halvatia noticed the flush that suffused Wanda's face as she mentioned her brother. The po' woman had the first good fucking of her life. Now she was hooked.

"Chile, what do you expect to do here? You ain't got no man. You 50. Dat baby gona need lots of man juice."

"I don't know. I had not planned that far."

Halvatia gave Wanda a long hard look. This family like all families had its secrets. Until now, those secrets were contained within the walls of this old house. Only family members knew.

"Chile, we need to talk. As head of his family, it's Mistuh Carter's place to share the family secrets. However, I think he will understand."

"I don't understand. Why do you say Carter is head of the family? I know he runs the business. However, isn't his father is the head of the family?"

"Gurl, where I come from, it take mo' than an accident of birth to make someone a mother or father. It take time, understanding and commitment. For nigh onto three years now Mistuh Carter has done all o' that for this family. He be the one, the glue, that hold us all together."

Halvatia dropped her head for a moment. Then she began explaining the Gordian Knot of relationships in the Crafton family. She watched Wanda's face go from disbelief to acceptance. The only thing she left out was the practice of obeah and Tom Crafton's bisexuality.

Chapter 4

Wanda's head was spinning as she walked across the courtyard to the coach house. Her conversation with Miss Curry was disturbing and revelatory. The Crafton's life style entailed casual incest. It was dominated by a 21-year-old satyr named Carter.

Her hand moved to her abdomen. The baby of a Black male satyr was growing in her. Halvatia made it clear to her that Christian was all about sex. How had she put it? He can put a fuckin' on ya.

A smile stole across her face. Yes, he could do that! She recalled being sore for days after their tryst on the dew-covered lawn at daybreak. She shivered as she recalled him impaling on his massive tool. She had never felt so full or cum so hard.

Baby Gabby interrupted her conversation with Miss Curry. She blew into the kitchen like a pint-sized force of nature. She wrapped her tiny arms around Halvatia's immense thigh and demanded cookies and milk.

As she walked across the yard to the coach house, Wanda mused about the complicated web of the Crafton family's relationship. Gabriel was Carter and Caitlin's daughter. The twins were June Crafton and her son, Carter's children. Tom Carter, June's husband of 25 years was either accepting of these incestuous relationships or blissfully ignorant. She wondered where her daughter fit in this mishmash?

Wand rang the bell next to the massive oak door of the old coach house. As she waited for someone to answer, she glanced down at her attire. She wore some old Bermuda shorts and one of Ed's old tee shirts. After showering this morning, she eschewed panties and bra.

Anne rose from the couch to answer the doorbell. She, Carter, and Caitlin were watching television. They were drinking a special tea Carter concocted. She smiled quietly to herself. She had no understanding of obeah and probably never would. However, under Miss Curry's tutelage Carter was learning which herbs to blend to cure various ailments. This tea was not for an ailment. It increased one's awareness and sensitivity. It was like shrooms or other hallucinogenic drugs but without the undesirable side effects.

Wanda was only mildly surprised when her daughter answered the door wearing only panties. She was not sure if she approved of the relationship the three of them had but Anne seemed to thrive in it.

"Oh hi mom! Come on in!"

"Thank you, baby, You guys had said I should see the coach house."

Mother and daughter embraced, kissing each other on the cheek. Over her daughter's shoulder, she could see Caitlin and Carter stand to greet her. Like Anne, Caitlin wore only panties while Carter wore loose fitting mid-thigh jersey shorts. She could see the outline of his semi hard cock.

She grinned as the twins greeted her in unison.

"Hello, Wanda!"

Caitlin and Carter looked at each other and smiled. They often spoke in unison. They also had the habit some twins had of finishing the other's sentences.

"Hello! I hope I'm not interrupting you. However, Anne said I should come by to see the coach house after I settled in."

Wanda was uncomfortable with the casual nudity. It suggested a sexual relationship her daughter had that she was not sure she approved of. Mentally, she put her motherly instincts on hold. After all, she was caring the baby of a man she barely knew.

"Come join us! We were having some tea and watching old movies."

"Thank you!" Wanda's eyes roamed over the spacious Great Room. It combined the elements of a living room, dining room and family room. Couches and divans done in earth tones faced a free-standing fireplace. Beyond that and off to one side was a half wall that separated the kitchen from the area were a large mosh pit couch fronted a 60" flat screen. Further on were large sliding patio doors that let out on the garden. Beyond that was the gazebo.

Wanda spied an unusual looking teapot sitting on a warmer in the center of the mosh pit.

"Those are interesting tea pots."

"It's a bayou version of the Chinese Yixing teapot," Carter offered. "It's made of type of clay found in bayou country. Over time the flavor of the tea permeates the clay making for a richer more flavorful tea."

"May I have some of the tea? It sounds fascinating."

The three friends shot glances at each other. The pot was used to brew Carter's special tea blend. They were concerned about the effect the tea would have on Wanda Prendergast.

"Mom, let me fix you some other tea. That one has special properties that you are not used to."

Wanda was stunned. "Are you saying you are doing drugs?"

"No ma'am," Caitlin quickly added. "It's a lot like Halvatia's tea but just more potent"

"Well, I have drunk her tea. I find it very relaxing." Wanda placed her hand in the small of her daughter's back, pushing her toward the couch with the tea in the center. "Pour me some dear."

Anne retrieved a cup from the shelf on the wall. She knelt, facing her mother, and poured the steaming tea into the cup. The fragrant aroma wafted across the room.

"Mmmm smells good," Wanda said as Anne handed her the cup.

Carter watched Wanda closely as she drank the tea. He knew it was not harmful. However, it did have a pronounced aphrodisiac effect. That effect varied from person to person.

Wanda felt relaxed. The tea had a soothing effect. She needed to relax. Though outwardly accepting of her pregnancy, internally she had mixed feelings. So much happened to her since she first entered this house.

The four of them made small talk. As they chatted, Wanda experienced flashbacks to the morning Christian fucked her. She accepted the rightness of the word. There was no lovemaking or any other euphemism for sex. It was pure animalistic rutting. No terms of endearment. It was stick it in me and pound me until I scream. The sheer eroticism of the moment was etched in her mind. She had totally given herself up to a carnal moment with a stranger. She often masturbated to the thoughts of the huge ebon tool impaling her and planting his life-giving seed. She felt a moistness between her legs.

Her t-shirt felt tight, confining. Her nipples were getting hard and the shirt rubbing was irritating them. She glanced around at her daughter and Caitlin. They looked so comfortable with their large breasts swinging free.

"Would it be okay if I took off my t-shirt?"

Anne eyed her mom with some concern. The tea's aphrodisiac properties were pronounced and long lasting. Already this morning she watched as Carter and Caitlin made love on the couch. Then he fucked her while she licked Caitlin clean. Even now, she could feel the delicious pulsing in her vagina where first Carter came and then Caitlin licked her clean.

As much as she enjoyed her relationship with the Craftons, she was not sure her mother should get involved. Her mother had no idea of the power of the tea and the freewheeling sexual atmosphere of the Crafton household. "Mom, perhaps, you should lie down for a while. It was a long flight here,"

"Nonsense, Anne! I feel refreshed and relaxed."

Wanda pulled the shirt over her head. She tossed it on the couch next to her. She glanced around at her daughter, Carter, and Caitlin. She sat her teacup down and idly scratched her breasts. She glanced at her daughter's pink distended nipples. They appeared as though someone had sucked on them recently. They looked delectable.

"That feels so much better."

"Mom, you probably need to cool it on the tea. It's a variant Ashwagandha Tea. Miss Curry has a special tea she brews that relaxes people. It kind of releases inhibitions. Carter has grown this special variant..."

Wanda leaned over and placed her palm over her daughter's bare breast. She gently squeezed it.

"Mine use to be pert like that." With her other hand, she hefted her own breasts. "Old age and breast feeding caused this," she sighed. Wanda pulled gently on her nipple. A pleasurable sensation flowed through her body. It suffused her body, causing her face to flush and her abdomen to flutter. It continued down through her vagina, creating warm moistness between her legs. Her thighs and legs tingled pleasantly. While one hand massaged a nipple, the other dropped to the crotch of the Bermuda shorts. She idly rubbed herself through them.

"Mrs. Prendergast, maybe you should..."

"Not drink anymore of that tea." Carter finished Caitlin's sentence. He stood and moved to the center of the mosh pit couch.

The tea enhanced Wanda's senses. She could feel the softness of the couch on her thighs. She aware of a slight discomfort where the shorts dug into her crotch. Wanda could almost hear the soft swish of Carter's cock as it swung inside his shorts. Her nose crinkled as an aroma wafted across the room. She stared at the bulge it created.

"Nice cock, Carter!"

"Mom, maybe I should take you back to the main house."

Anne stood. She glanced around and spied her oversized tee shirt. As she slipped it over her head she heard a gasp. Quickly, she wriggled the shirt over her head.

Her mother sat on the edge of the couch. In one hand, she held her earthen tea cup. With the other, she stroked Carter's rigid tool. For his part, Carter had a bemused look on his face. He looked from Anne to Caitlin. Caitlin giggled.

"Anne," Caitlin giggled, "we'd better get your mom out of here. She has already come under the influence of one of the satyr's here."

Anne watched as her mom took another swallow of the tea. She stepped over, leaned down and gently took the cup from her hand. Wanda smiled at her daughter as she continued to rub Carter's cock.

Her daughter's small breasts hung inches from her face. They looked delectable. So small, so pert. Her nipples were the color of pink seashells. The crinkled alabaster of her areola surrounded her nipples. They were incredible. So delicate. So inviting.

Without moving her hand from Carter, she leaned forward, grasped her daughter's peaches and cream grapefruit sized breast. She gently squeezed again as she let her tongue flick over the nipple.

"MOM! What the hell!"

With the teacup in one hand, the best Anne could do was to try to push her away. Sensations flowed through her body. Her senses were still heightened from the tea and intense sex she had with the twins. She gripped her mother's hand but did not push it away. She looked up into Carter's smiling eyes. He nodded.

She managed to sit the cup on the table. She slid down next to her gently suckling mother. Her mother's hand now was flexing on Carter's cock, causing it to swell.

She glanced over at a smiling Caitlin, sitting cross legged on the couch. She could see the dampness of her panties.

"Here, mother, let me help."

Wanda reluctantly pulled back from her daughter's breasts. Her skin felt hot, sensitive. She felt a pleasant warmth between her legs. It was different from the white-hot fire that suffused her the morning Christian fucked her. That was carnal, animalistic. This was...different.

She felt her daughter's hands grasp her face and pull her toward her. Anne kissed her mother, her tongue flicking out and tracing the outline of her mouth. Wanda's tongue slipped out of her mouth and touched her daughter's tongue. Playfully they dueled just outside their mouth's.

Carter, slipped his shorts down. Wanda bemused, looked around and realized her hand was on the throbbing heat of her daughter's boyfriend. She watched as Anne broke their kiss and leaned toward Carter's massive cock. She kissed the head.

Anne smiled at her mother and nodded. Wanda leaned over, emulated her daughter's kiss then took the head in her mouth. It was alive, pulsing in her mouth. The heady musky aroma filled her nose. Dimly she was aware that someone was removing her shorts.

Carter placed first one then the other knee on the couch. He placed his hand on Wanda's chest and slowly pushed her back on the couch. She groaned as his cock slipped from her mouth. He walked forward on his knees and bent slightly over her. Wanda reached up and grasped his tool. Her hand barely contained it. As she slipped it back in her mouth, she felt a pressure on her legs. She slowly opened them.

Wanda held Carter's cock with one hand. With the other, she gripped his thigh, pulling him to her. He tasted delicious. There was a slight discomfort at the corners of her mouth as she tried to get more of it in.

She groaned as she felt the gentlest of kisses on her fevered pussy. She opened her legs wider, allowing the faceless person easier access to her sex. The feeling was exquisite. She had the smooth hard pulsing meat in her mouth while someone gently licked and kissed her intimate parts.

Wanda raised up and grasped Carter's hips. She wanted more of him in her mouth. Her throat ached to feel it. She glanced around him to where Anne's head was buried between her legs. She was the faceless person so expertly licking her pussy. Her daughter was the one slowly taking her to an orgasmic peak.


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