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The Cuckold Diet Challenge Ch. 08


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I glared at her, biting my tongue.

"Please, baby. Try to understand. I love you, and only you. We have a wonderful thing here. We can't let one small slip-up ruin that."

I leaned back in the chair, idly shaking my glass, listening to the ice-cubes clink against the side. After nearly a minute of silence she broke.

"It was only three times. He called me a few weeks ago. I said no, of course. He said he just wanted to meet, sort of closure, after the way he left so abruptly. That's all it was meant to be. You have to believe me."

I took a drink, staring at her. The woman I'd once loved. The mother of my children. The lying cheating slut.

"You can't understand, baby. I couldn't help it. He was reminding me of what we'd done. It was almost like a dream, it happened months ago. I started to wonder if what I remembered was real. I had to know. Know if it was just the circumstances, or something I needed. One time was all. You had Teri and Shelly both. You fucked my two best friends! I was only going to get one more. You'd never know about it. I would never hurt you again, never humiliate you. You're my life, baby. It was, I don't know, something I had to understand about myself."

She was speaking rapidly, leg shaking, looking anywhere but in my eyes. I couldn't believe how stupid she was.

"Say something, Rick. Say something."

"One time?" I stated calmly, controlling my urge to get up and beat the shit out of the ignorant slut.

"That was all it was meant to be, I swear! One time, to find out. I don't know why I respond to him like I do. I can't help it. He...he does things to me, things I don't understand. I don't want him, he means nothing. It was purely physical. I don't even like him."

"But you went back," I stated.

"I had to. Once he called me, I couldn't say no. I had to find out if it was a fluke. Maybe it was just the illicitness, the sneaking around that made it so exciting. I know I don't love him, and still, the things he made me feel were incredible. I needed to get it out of my system, that was all. It was going to end soon, I'm sure."

"You understand it's over?"

"Of course! I never wanted to hurt you. You were never supposed to know. I called him today and told him I could never see him again."

I closed my eyes, shaking my head slowly. She was an intelligent woman. She couldn't be that stupid.

"I don't give a damn if you go back to your huge cock every day for the rest of your life. It's over between us. You had to know that would happen if you went through with it. We're done. Let's try to make this easy on both of us and the kids."

"No! It didn't mean anything! It was a stupid mistake, that's all. You can't break up the family over one stupid little slip-up!"

"I didn't, you did. You knew how things were, how delicate our relationship was. You're not a stupid woman. The papers are complete, I'll update them, and bring them home tomorrow. We'll make if very straightforward. You can see the kids whenever you want. We'll split our assets 50/50. I won't ask for any child support, and I'll pay you a fair alimony for the next 5 years or until you get married."

"I don't want a divorce! I want my family. I screwed up, but I swear it'll never happen again, I just need one more chance," she whined.

"You had your chance. I'm leaving now. Tomorrow I'll bring the paperwork. Don't fight it, and we can make this clean and easy. Otherwise, I swear as God is my witness, I'll do my best to destroy you and everyone around you. Stay away from the bastard, whatever you do. Find a new big dick, because he's going down hard."

She sighed. "I don't want this, Rick. I love you, and I'm not going to give up my family without a fight. You'll lose your position when it all comes out. I can go scorched earth just as easily as you can. We can overlook this, and I promise I won't do it again. I'll make it up to you. You can have Shelly again. We can even make it a regular thing. Don't be stupid. I screwed up. We both have a lot. It doesn't have to be the end."

"No, Danielle. I won't go through this again. You're a cheater and a liar. I could never trust you again. I'll have the papers tomorrow, and I'll give you one week to sign them. After that, well, you don't want to know how bad it's going to get. Don't test me."

I got up and went to the bedroom to pack an overnight bag. She followed me, pleading. "One more chance. That's all I'm asking. For the sake of the kids, if nothing else. You don't want to destroy their lives, their family, because of my stupidity."

"You can stay here until you have a place to go. I expect you to move into the guest room, I'll be keeping the master bedroom. We'll tell the kids together."

"I don't want a divorce!" she shrieked.

"I didn't want a cheating slut for a wife. It is what it is, Danielle. And now it's over. You'll realize I'm right, when you give it some time. I can't provide you what you need, and I won't be a willing cuckold. You'll be fine. As long as we do this the easy way, you'll have money to start over, and a good job. You'll see the kids as often as you want. We can be civilized to each other. After a while we may even be friends. Don't make me the bad guy here, I don't want to destroy the love of my life, but I will if you make me."

She was still begging me to reconsider, telling me she wouldn't give up without a fight. Following me, trying to hold onto me, as I walked out the door.

I got a hotel room, ordered in room-service and picked up the phone. It was time to start the damage control.

It took about two hours, but I called everyone. Tom and Angela. Shelly. Her cousin Anna. Teri. Her parents, and mine. Mike. For the most part the conversations were short. She'd cheated on me, repeatedly. She'd admitted it. We were getting a divorce. They needed to convince her to go along with a fair deal, or it would get very ugly. There was zero chance of reconciliation this time. Please help her make the right decision, for the sake of the kids, and her own future well-being.

With Mike and Tom, it was also a warning. Things might get ugly, and I understood that I might have to step down from my position if it did. I told them both I'd be in the office the next day, and we'd start with contingency planning. I explained to Tom that it was time to neutralize Mr. Rossi. In as extreme a way as we could, within the bounds of the law. He wasn't worth risking my career over.

I spoke with Jenny and Francine. I let them know how things were going to go down, and assured them I'd need their services more than ever. Sadly, they didn't seem all that surprised.

I ignored the incoming calls on my cell-phone from Danielle.

I slept the sleep of the just. I had done my best. More than I ever should have. It was time to move on.

~ * ~ * ~

The next morning was more damage control. I gave D&G their instructions. I talked to Tom. I checked in with Taxman Jerry to make sure all the bases were covered. I spoke with both Reynolds, and Jean Morelli. I gave Jean a retainer to keep Danielle from using her. I had Reynolds update the paperwork I'd started months earlier and they were delivered to my office by 3:00 that afternoon. I had done what I could.

She had been crying. Her anger was contained, and she was still pleading for us to give it another chance. At the very least, we could stay together in the home, and try to work on things.

I gave her the papers. "No. I won't let you hurt me again. We're done. Let's try to make it easy on the kids."

I was pleasantly surprised that she'd moved her stuff into the guest bedroom I'd previously occupied. I changed into something more comfortable, and joined her in the living room.

"Please, Rick. I know I'm to blame this time. You can punish me, extract your revenge. I won't stop you, and I'll never say a word. Don't take my kids from me. Don't leave me alone. I'm a stupid slut, and I wish to God I'd never met that bastard. I know I can live without him, but I can't stand the idea of living without you and the twins. Don't do this to me."

I sat next to her on the couch, and took her hand in mine. "I love you, Danielle. I do. But I can't live like this, and you shouldn't have to either. People get divorced by the tens of thousands every day. I won't deny you your children, and I'll work with you to make sure things are as easy as possible. I'm going to keep the house, and the kids, but you'll have ready access to both, as long as we're cordial. You have a great job, and unlimited opportunity. You're a damned good attorney, and you'll be fine. Please, let's try to do this as cleanly as possible."

"I want the kids. If you try to take them from me, I'll make sure you lose your cushy position. I'll humiliate you in public, and take you for every penny I can. I'll get the house, and you'll be paying me a butt-load of child support and alimony. Is that what you want? Do you want to be the laughing stock of the legal world? Old and alone? You won't get to see the kids, I'll make sure of that. I'm not going to let you do this to me. I won't. I'll see you burn first."

I suspected it would come to this, and turned to plan B.

"Have you eaten?" I asked.

She shook her head.

"Let's go to dinner. We can talk about this civilly. Why don't we see what we can work out. There has to be a good solution for both of us. I don't want to seem unreasonable."

It worked. She agreed, and spent a few minutes getting ready. I made a few calls and got us a reservation. I considered her favorite French restaurant, but the way we left there the last time wasn't a good memory. I chose a fine steakhouse.

She looked lovely as usual. I couldn't help but notice she was wearing one of her new outfits, and it was very tight, emphasizing her assets. Maybe a little too tight. The lack of exercise and Francine's fine cooking had probably added twenty pounds to her frame. She still looked good.

We didn't argue. I asked her how she saw things working out. She recounted her fantasy of us staying together, and promised never to stray again. She offered up Shelly as a reward, even Jennifer, if I could just see my way to being reasonable.

I let her talk as much as she wanted. I didn't argue with her. Now wasn't the time. She continued with her ridiculous ideas, and I nodded, asking questions. I knew she was getting her hopes up, but the restaurant wasn't the place for a knock-down drag-out. I did ask her what was going to happen the next time she craved a huge cock. She assured me it wasn't a problem.

"For the sake of argument, what if it did? Would you expect me to forgive you again?"

She turned red. "Think of it, Rick. We could have a wonderful life. Shelly's nuts about you. We could have her over regularly. Make entire weekends of it. Even take her on vacations. That's what we're talking here. If we could only work it out, you could live a life other men only dream of. If I did slip up, and I don't think I would, but if I did, you'd know it had nothing to do with my love for you."

She leaned across the table, her voice low. "I love her like a sister. I...could share her with you. Full time if you wanted. She could live with us. Think of it! Our three incomes, two women who love and adore you. A sex life that would be the envy of anyone who knew. If I got stupid again, you'd still have both of us, and I promise I'd make it up to you. We could find you some cute young thing to balance the scales."

I couldn't believe she really believed what she was saying. But she was laying it on thick.

"Throw away those silly papers, and I'll call Shelly now. She'll be at home waiting for us. Two beautiful women, whatever you want, however you want. Isn't that a great apology? I screwed up, and I'm more sorry than you can ever know. I'll make it up to you. I'll make you the happiest man in the world."

"Don't call her. Right now, this is about you and me. That's all that really matters."

She nodded eagerly. "I know, baby. I love you, and I know you love me. We can work this out. Shelly doesn't have to be part of it. We'll figure out something. I'll make sure you never regret it, I swear. You'll have it all. Great job, wonderful kids, and a doting, loving wife."

I checked my watch. It had been nearly two hours. More than enough time. "Let's go home, baby."

She almost jumped out of her seat, before I was able to remind her we needed the check. I paid our bill, and didn't stop her from leaning against me on the way home, rubbing my crotch.

"Where are the kids tonight?" I asked.

"Still with Teri. She understands. She even volunteered. The kids aren't complaining. We'll have the house to ourselves. It's not too late to call Shelly."

"Why don't you do that?" I told her.

She giggled, and pulled out her cell-phone. "How fast can you be at our place?" she asked. She waited for a reply. "Great, see you then."

I felt a little guilty, but she was the one that wanted to do it the hard way.

When we got home, I told her I'd prepare the drinks, while she got comfortable. A quick phone call assured me I had the insurance I needed. I made the drinks and set them out on the coffee table. The doorbell rang before Danielle came out, so I answered it.

Shelly walked in, and into my arms. She gave me a big kiss. "I'm sorry. I didn't think she'd do it. I swear, Rick. I didn't know."

I let her kiss me again. "I know, gorgeous. But once the door was opened..."

She took off her coat, and I saw she was wearing nothing but a sexy teddy, and heels. "We're going to make it up to you. I promise. I'm yours now. I get to stop looking, and you're going to get the best sex in three states."

I pulled her close, fondling her amazing body, while I kissed her again. "Let's get settled. I'll get the drinks."

When I'd finished preparing the adult beverages, I returned to the two women huddled together, giggling on the couch. I gave them each theirs.

I braced myself for the inevitable. "Danielle, I love you. But we're getting a divorce."

She looked at me stunned. "But you said..."

"It's a hell of an offer. It really is. But it's not what I want. I don't trust you, and I'll never be able to again. I'll probably always love you, but that's not enough. I have no doubt the sex would be unbelievable, but I need more than that."

"Don't be stupid, Rick. You've got two choices. You follow up with this idiot idea of yours, and you're going to lose everything. I still have a lot of friends in high-places. The judges love me. I'm the mother. I'll get the kids and the house. That's the way it goes and you know it. You'll be paying me to be giving some other lucky bastard what could be yours."

She leaned over and put her arm around Shelly, reaching up and squeezing her friend's tit. "Or...You could be smart about this. You can have it all. Be honest for a moment, Ok? How was the sex with Shelly?"

I grinned. "Incredible."

"I bet. You and I had a great sex life for years. Now that you're a stud again, it's only going to get better. There's nothing I won't do for you. Anything I gave to some stranger, of course I'll give to the man I love. If you can imagine it, then Shelly and I can do it for you. Isn't that better than being alone, never seeing your kids, and paying me to look for what I need elsewhere?"

"I won't be a cuckold, Danielle."

"Of course not! I told you it was a mistake, and it will never be repeated. I love you, not them." She turned to her friend. "You won't need to look anywhere else, will you?"

Shelly grinned. "Never. We might have to stock up on Viagra though. Our stud muffin's going to be kept very busy."

Danielle giggled. "See baby? It'll be wonderful. All you have to do is forgive me, and your life will be nothing short of amazing."

"Like I said, Danielle. It's a hell of an offer. The answer is still no. I'm going to stay at the Marriott again. I'll let you two think about it. We can remain friends, and do this the easy way. Sign the papers, and you'll be free to make the offer to some other guy with a huge cock, that can give you what you need. You won't be hurting, I'll make sure you have a good start, and the kids will be available to you all the time, they'll just live with me here. We can probably even find you something in the neighborhood."

"Fuck you, Rick! If you can't figure out you've got a good thing, then I'm going to make your life hell. It's gonna be one or the other. You need to smarten up and choose right!"

"Baby, you've done a lot of stupid things lately. Don't do another one." I turned to Shelly. "Talk some sense into her, if you can. The marriage is over. I'd like to make it clean and easy. Don't let her screw up again."

I got up, and headed to the front door. "I'll give you a couple of days to think about it. It's Thursday. You'll have the weekend to do the right thing. I'll be back Monday, and we'll move on. Sign the papers, and accept responsibility for destroying our marriage."

"This is your last chance, Rick! You leave now, and you're going to go down. I'll get everything, and you'll get nothing. You can take us to the bedroom and we'll fuck your brains out, or you can go to some hotel room, whack off to the porn on TV, and walk away from the best thing you'll ever have. Once you leave, it's over, and you're going to regret it."

I stood in the open doorway. "Try to talk some sense into her Shelly. This doesn't have to get ugly."

I walked away, knowing that it would.

~ * ~ * ~

I opened the door to my hotel room, answering the persistent knocking. Two police officers were standing there. "Mr. Richard Anderson?"

I nodded.

"You need to come with us." The taller cop pulled out the handcuffs.

"What's the charge, officer?"

"Domestic assault and battery. Don't try to act like you don't know what's going on. Your wife is in the hospital, and she and her friend have told us the whole story."

"It's a mistake, but I'm sure we can solve this rather quickly. May I call my lawyer?"

"You're not going to give us any trouble?"

"I'm the Senior Partner at Davis, Davis and Anderson. Trust me, I'm not going to risk my legal career over my wife's ignorant actions. It'll only take one minute, and I'll go along peacefully, and I'll make sure your superiors know that you were respectful and courteous. Please?"

They looked at each other and nodded. I called Tom. "Tom, it's Rick. I've got two officers here who are going to take me in for assault on Danielle. Shelly is a witness."

"I take it you didn't do it?"

I laughed. "You know me better than that. I didn't touch her. She's acting stupid and took the lazy way out, when I insisted we were getting a divorce. Contact D&G and get the facts."

"You know it's after 10:00? You're going to owe me."

"I know. I already owe you. I'm going to go now. These gentlemen have been very patient with me, and I don't want to push my luck." I looked over at the cops. "Names and badge numbers, please?"

The shorter one looked irritated but he rattled off the information which I relayed to Tom. "Have one of the associates write up a nice letter, commending these men on how they handle a sticky situation. Make sure everyone appropriate gets a copy."

"Hell, Rick. You can do that yourself tomorrow."

"Ok, gotta go, thanks and I'll see you soon."

I hung up the phone, crossed my hands behind my back, and turned away from the officers. "My pockets are empty. My wallet is on the dresser. Thanks for letting me make the call."

"No problem, Mr. Anderson. I'm sure it's all a mistake. Can we see your hands for a moment?"

I turned back around and held out my hands. "Note, Dave. No evidence of contusions or bruising. Not on his hands or arms, not anywhere on his face or neck. No sign of any struggle."

"Got it. Tell you what, Mr. Anderson. I don't think the handcuffs are necessary. You didn't do anything, did you?"

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