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The Dark Star - Descent Pt. 04


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"She's the wild one" Hannah agreed; and as if on cue Arabella sat herself back at the table heavily dropping in to the seat, her face like thunder.

"What's up babes?" enquires Hannah.

"Fucking Dad ..." she starts to fume her cheeks flushed red her eyes a little wet with emotional anger. "The Girls from Uni are off to Ibiza and he won't lend me the money."

Her voice then adopting a mocking tone "Apparently I need to find a job and work this summer to help pay my way through next year at Uni ...he's such a twat at times ...we all know he's got the money."

Hannah's hand reached out an touched her sisters shoulder comfortingly.

"Well you know Logan runs a nightclub ..." Hannah began to say and already I was shutting her down in my mind with a scowl and a subtle shake of the head. "...I'm sure he could find you..."

"I'm sorry it's a No I'm thinking of letting people go as it is ...we're a little over staffed if anything" I interjected too swiftly. Although before I'd even spoken the young blondes face had given the game away at the prospect of having to handle manual labour. Fuck physically she'd fit in perfectly, could earn a fortune in tips alone looking like that, but there was no way I'd blur the line from personal life to work life. Hannah had no idea what the club truly entailed on a daily basis and by no means was I going to let her little sister be the one to break that cover.

With a huff the teen stood from the table, "You're all fucking against me"

Grabbing her handbag she stormed out the restaurant leaving Hannah open mouthed as she looked up to me. "Oh my god ...I'm so ... I don't know what to say"

"Hey don't worry." I reasoned watching Arabella head toward the front entrance. "I think that was all for the reaction."

"She always has to make a scene always has to be the one in control ...I should go after her"

"Kids" I say mockingly more disappointed not to have her sat at the table than I'd realised "Let her go you'll only make it worse ...let her blow off steam"


Seeing Hannah into a Taxi I kiss her on the cheek and watch as she curls her long legs into the back of the cab. I hand her a 20 note for the journey as she's on her phone again trying to call her wayward Sister; who's so far ignored every attempt. Pulling my jacket collar up against the chill of the evening I head for the club to check that all is well. I'm confident that my front of house Jamie will have everything in hand, like a drug though I genuinely missed the buzz when I wasn't involved.

Checking my phone for messages I decide to walk rather than take a cab myself. Slipping a small glass vile from my jacket pocket I tip coke on to the back of my hand and inhale sharply pressing my thumb against my left nostril. I feel the burn of the white fine crystals and taste the acrid familiar taste in the back of my throat as I carry on walking.

Two streets down stood outside a bar smoking a cigarette I spot her. She's Stood talking to a tall black guy as she blows smoke up into the air. Crossing the street I walk towards her, as our eyes meet she steps to move away. Damn there's something about her the appearance, yes. The attitude, definitely but there's something more; something more that I can't quite put my finger on and that my dark sense of curiosity aches to discover.

"Arabella wait" I say as she moves away from the black guy heading for the main door of the bar.

"What is Logan?" she answers her voice dripping in sarcasm "Gonna judge me like they all do when you don't even fucking know me?"

"Far from it ...especially when I don't even know you" I physically stop a little short of her my hands in my pockets. Looking her up and down once again none to subtly. "Perhaps though there's a way you can earn that money you need."

The coke talks for me as my eyes cast up and down her young toned body as she stands there hands on hips before taking another cigarette from the pack. Her phone silently lights up and I see Hannah's face on the screen. It's all I can do to break my gaze away from that body as I look up at her petite face.

"And what's that?" She practically snaps back at me as our eyes meet.

I hold out my hand from my pockets, she takes my hint and hands me a Marlboro Gold; taking a lighter from my pocket I light her cigarette and then my own. I inhale deeply and the smoke goes some way to easing the coke burn in my throat.

"I have a proposition for you"


Five nights later, the elevator door slides open to the Penthouse suite of 9th floor, home of all the suites at the Regency Hotel.

Arabella steps out of the lift next to me; resplendent in a short black lace detailed cocktail dress. Platinum hair scraped back and tied in a pony tail the sweet smell of her perfume fills my lungs as with my hand in the small of her back I lead her across the landing towards the hotel suite door in silence.

Her body feels a little tense, not surprisingly but she's says nothing as I place a key card in the door and let her into the room.

She knows what awaits her; the details had been discussed over Vodkas in a secluded corner of a busy bar only 5 nights previously. No detail omitted of exactly what I required of her. The fact she's here implies her agreement as much as the short 20 second call to my mobiles voice mail that had landed 48hrs earlier. "OK I agree ... let me know when and where," was all that was said before a long pause prior to ending the message.

I'd picked up the message with Hannah curled up under my arm watching a movie on the sofa on Monday night.

Her reaction to my proposition over Vodkas in that bar had been unfathomable at the time. "One night for 600 that's all I ask." I stated as wide eyed and for once lost for words she contemplated my proposition. I'd walked away leaving her with my business card and contact details in her hand. The gamble was mine by propositioning her; the decision was hers alone to be made. The mutual connection of Hannah to the two of us was like storing dynamite next to a naked flame.

As we entered the hotel suite I let her walk ahead, taking in her physical form as her heels echoed heavily throughout the room. I flicked on side lights to dimly illuminate the Suite that I'd checked into hours before hand. I see her look to the dressing table on the left hand side silently, as she stopped and took in the items lined up on the rich dark wood surface. She turns her head to me.

"Just as we discussed," I state confidently.

The dressing table is lined with 2 pairs of steel handcuffs, a silver coloured spreader bar, a black ball gag, a black silk Blindfold, various lengths of rope, a black leather collar with a silver chain lead, nipple clamps, a large black dildo and black glass butt plug.

She does not respond. I remove my black jacket and hang it in a wardrobe; stepping past her dressed as I am now in a fitted white shirt and black suit trousers I sit myself down in a navy bucket seat that faces the king size bed that's stripped of it's duvet.

I sit there watching her eyes flit around the room, the brash over confidence she'd displayed in our first and only meeting to date was replaced by an understandable timid nervousness. Her now nervous frailty was as appealing as the brat in the short red dress and fishnets I'd met only 5 days earlier. From a table to my left I take a little silver tray on which sit 4 precut lines of Coke; I snort a line for myself and hold up the tray for her. Without pause or hesitation she takes hold of the tray and swiftly inhales 2 lines herself before handing me back the tray. Delicate fingers gently wipe the underside of her nose as the purest cocaine floods her bloodstream mixing with the intoxication of the Champagne drunk in the lobby bar downstairs.

As I place the tray back on the table I look up at her, fixing her with a cold stare. "Take off your dress."

The simple command turned her attention back to me as her mouth parted slightly around a silent unasked question.

Then young Arabella's steel blue eyes narrowed seductively as rooted to the spot she slowly unzipped the hidden zipper to the left hand side of the dress. Peeling the sleeves from her shoulders before deliberately slowly wriggling from the dress I'd bought for her to reveal the black underwear I'd also chosen and purchased. A black lace detail bra holding perfect pert tits, matching black lace G-string and a black suspender belt that held up heavier denier black stockings. My eyes never left her perfect pale body as she let the dress drop around her ankles to her stiletto heels. I felt my dick already straining inside my suit trousers my mind and my body longed for her; for the opportunity to use her body as I'd told her I would. As she'd agreed I could. My private little fuck toy for one night only.

I shook my head gently. "Perfect."

Standing I moved a pace towards her scooped up the dress, folded it and placed it over the arm of the chair.

I look her square in her baby blue eyes.

"Face down on the bed please"

Arabella's eyes flickered as she drew a deep silent breath. She kept eye contact for as long as she could as she turned and knelt up on the King Size mattress of the bed without pause or hesitation. I stood and watched in anticipation.

Lowering her toned slender frame over white sheets I studied her body intently as my lust grew. Mere moments from what I craved I watch as she lays motionless awaiting my first move. My breath shallow as I savor every moment of her initial submission her faced pressed against the soft cotton sheets the cocaine courses through my body and mind.

Not pausing or hesitating myself as I steel myself to fuck my girlfriends little sister

She silently flinches a little, then her body tenses with a sharp intake of breath as I take her left ankle in my left hand gently and move it towards the bottom corner of the bed. I slide from under the corner of the mattress a length of nylon rope which I'd attached earlier to the bed. At the end of rope is securely fastened a black leather buckle restraint.

Slipping the restraint over her ankle I fasten the strap tightly over the heavy denier stocking; I move swiftly as she remains motionless and secure her right ankle just as tightly, the ropes pulled taught holding her young legs apart.

As I move up the right hand side of the bed I take hold of her right arm and stretch it towards the right hand corner of the mattress; removing a pillow to reveal another leather buckle that awaits her wrist. Arabella's head raises and she watches, almost fascinated as I fasten the restraint tightly over her slender wrist. She clenches and unclenches her fingers as she gently tugs at the grip in which she's held.

Moving around the bed I remove a silver watch from her wrist; turning the watch over as I place it on the bed side table I notice an engraved message 'Sister -Happy 18th'.

"From Hannah?" I enquire. Her head now turned to the left she doesn't answer but she closes her eyes, showing her dusky dark eye make-up, biting her lip she nods remorsefully at the reminder of who I am to her sister and what she's agreed to.

Without another word I secure her left wrist and effectively spread eagle her young lingerie clad body to the bed. Taking the plump firm pillow from the left hand side of the bed I double it over, raise her hips and as she briefly supports her own body weight I slide the pillow under her waist before she lowers herself back down. She is ready for her first submission.

"Don't look back Ari ... don't say a word unless I speak to you ...accept what I'm about to do to you ...Do you understand?"

She nods gently as my heart beats heavy in my chest. Standing at the bottom of the bed watching the captive beauty spread out before me I unbutton my shirt, removing it and letting it drop to the floor at the base of the bed.

Reaching into my pocket I slip a small pair of silver scissors. She lets out a slight whimper and buries her face into the mattress as I pull the G-string between my fingers and snip through the waistband and the thin material that dissects her perfect little ass.

Discarding the G-string I place the scissors back in to my pocket I slide my belt from my suit trousers and unfasten the waist band sliding down the zip fly. Not wearing underwear my right-hand slides over my now fully erect dick as I free it from the restraint of my trousers. Slowly drawing my hand up and down my length as I kneel between her bound legs on the bed.

Small perfectly distributed goosebumps break out over the visible skin at the tops of her legs and her ass as I lower my much greater body weight over her slender bound frame; her nasal breathing fast and shallow. No doubt the 2 lines of cocaine taking effect by now. Propping myself up on my left elbow I reach between our bodies and position myself against her perfectly smooth little slit. Arabella gasps as I press the tip of my length past the unlubricated soft pussy lips.

"I knew I'd fuck you the minute I set eyes on you"

As her mind contemplates my cruel prophecy I force my hips forward and roughly fully penetrate her body causing her to cry out in with a stifled breathless prolonged gasp of pain as I feel her tight young cunt stretch around me.

Her slender hands grip the ropes that hold them to the bed "Oh my god ...oh my fucking god" she pleads as her whole body locks rigid at my rough penetration.

Despite my previous instruction I permit her to plead. The innocence and near desperation of her plea; perhaps as she contemplates what I've convinced her to do, excites me as propping myself over her I swirl my hips ever so gently letting her feel me in her; fully penetrating her.

Dropping my head alongside of hers as I begin to gently thrust I casually whisper "You want me to take my time or fuck you hard?"

"Please ..please be gentle," she whispers anxiously.

I know I have no intention of being gentle as I start to thrust my hips gently back and forth in her tight dryness but I leave my response unsaid. Personally, torn between my lust and the trust I don't have that she'll fulfil the promise to remain with me the duration of the night. Ari sucks in air through gritted teeth as I start to gently begin to explore that perfect young body. Her hips raised by the pillow give me a perfect angle of entry as I find my rhythm. Bound and helpless by the circumstances she's permitted she has no choice but to accept what I desire.

Building my momentum, I press myself deep then practically fully withdraw before I slide harshly back into her; letting her body become accustomed to my length as she continues to stifle pained little gasps and yelps.

Her head now turns to the side as she grimaces with every hard deep thrust into her young body. I don't kid myself that she's not experienced not had plenty of boys in her time but I'd be certain that's she's never given her body like this before; surrendered to being used as I see fit

I grab hold of the platinum blonde ponytail and snap her head back viciously and thrust my hips simultaneously harshly deep into her slowly moistening little hole. Her hands grab the ropes tighter as she can't control her urge to cry out

"Fuck me ... oh fuck me" Her cry is in genuine shock but I can't help wonder if her inner conscience speaks for her.

"As you wish."

Immediately I increase my pace and intensity and fuck her prone body hard fast and with a brutality that causes her to gasp and wince in equal measures with each deep thrust of my dick into her young womb.

"Fuck ... oh you fucking..." she near begs for mercy unable to form sentences against my increasing brutality.

"Shut up or I gag you" my cold breathless response as my hips pound continuously harshly against her ass. Mercilessly taking her she shifts her body as much as she can to accommodate my brutal style which I maintain for some time before slowing back down to a slow steady pace once again.

Letting go of her hair she groans almost sounding frustrated as I lower my body weight on to her and revert to gently slowly thrusting deep into her.

My head drops to her left ear "If this is how good your cunt feels ... then how good's your ass going to be?"

Her eyes screw tight I'd made no secret of what I expected from her. "Every hole?" had been her repeated short sentence as I'd told her what I'd require of her in that warm sweaty little bar last Friday night. I would be true to my word.

Regaining my composure both of our bodies lightly heave in an attempt at regaining oxygen into lungs flooded with the pure cocaine. I let her again contemplate the likelihood of her immediate future as my length presses back and forth slowly deep in her unprotected quim.

Moments later my hands slide up under her body firmly over the black lace bra still holding her breasts, feeling bullet hard nipples before they move up over warm skin and grip her shoulders. I pull her down the bed against the restraints stretching her slender arms causing the restraints to bite pale skin as I impale her on to me skewering that delightful young body. Another gasp escapes her mouth followed by a slow trembling exhale.

My dick buried so deep in her as once again I start to increase the pace of each deep thrust. "Is the needy little brat finally getting what she wants."

She silently gently nods her head in agreement.

"My dirty little secret?"

Again she nods silently.

"Can I fill my little fuck toy with my cum?"

"Please." came the unexpected whispered response as I force myself as deep as in to her as I can achieve.

My hands release her shoulders and swiftly I withdraw them from under her body. Shifting my body position, I press her down onto the mattress with my hands firmly planted on the back of her slender shoulder blades. Her frail body even without restraint no match for my physical prowess as I pin her down. Her head turns to the left mouth open drawing in what breath she can. She attempts to look up at me, if only with her eyes as I press my body up arching my back. Now her legs pull at their restraints while she still grips the nylon ropes with delicate fingers.

"Make me cum then Ari ...tense that little cunt around me."

Without a word I feel her obediently tense her body around me causing me to groan. "You hold that ...you fucking hold that..."

As she braces against my lancing her body I begin to build momentum taking her harder and faster just as I had barely minutes before hand. All the while arching my back pressing down on her bound body I begin to concentrate only on my selfish moment and her complete submission.

"You're a little brat...you're a little fucking brat"

Arabella remains almost perfectly silent and still as my near assault on her young body builds. Taking short sharp occasional gasps for breath as I use her young body. A fine dew of sweat glistens over her body as I fuck her whilst she holds herself tense against my harsh fast thrusts

Using her as I'd fantasised from the moment she'd walked in to that shit little restaurant days earlier. Hannah's bratty little sister taking me, submitting to me in a way I knew Hannah would never permit me to use her. Using Arabella like one of the whores from my club but her conquest represented so much more. She winces and gasps as I angrily fuck her the sounds of her gasps punctuated by the sound of my hips slapping against her pert little ass as the pillow keeps her waist elevated at the perfect height and angle to abuse that toned young body.

"Make me cum you little brat ...make me fucking cum."

My hips pound as I goad her I look down on her prone bound body; her pained face grimaces with each heavy fast brutal thrust.

"Earn your fucking money"

"Use me..." she whimpers in response "use me"

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