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The Darker Side

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A story of two special women and their spiral into depravity.
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'This is frustrating—no, this fucking sucks!'

These were the thoughts of the scarlet haired beauty Sarah, staring at her bare self in the full length mirror. Starting from her fair face she sees her red hair, going that there is her deep-forest green eyes complimented by the natural light tan of her white skin. Then she sees her respectably sized chest on her lithe body, flowing to wide hips and cute bum which branches to her toned legs capping her at the amazing height of six feet. The only blemish being a small mole on her inner left thigh. Well, that and the rather large protrusion between her legs. Said protrusion being the large phallus hanging semi-erect from her crotch. Not to say Sarah didn't like her anatomy, she loved it in fact, but it just made things difficult sometimes. Though, she didn't always love her body.

This has gone on for literally her whole life. Being that she was had this gift—she refused to think of herself as an 'anomaly', or 'accident'—at birth. Throughout her adolescent years she was urged by her mother to try and be herself, her father unfortunately wasn't as open-minded about it. He'd never hit her or treated her wrongly, but he was of the opinion that she should keep her gift a secret. So when she had a sleep-over at a friend's place when she was only a small girl, when her friend's mother accidently discovered her gift she was not happy. In Sarah's birth home in Washington State coming under local fire because of her it led to problems at home. Her father, being a well off doctor decided that he would rather move away and pay child support for her and her just a toddler sister. So a somewhat civil divorce occurred and Sarah's mother took her and her younger sister to Canada.

From that day on Sarah would not trust anyone with her gift—her curse—with anyone. So given her near unnatural beauty and basically shutting everyone out, she came off as a stuck up bitch. Someone who everyone assumed thought was better than them. So throughout her schooling she barely had any fiends, probably being able to count them on one hand with fingers left over. So it was during her final year in high school that an accident occurred.

An eighteen year-old Sarah was taking her time in a bathroom stall waiting for the rest of the girls to leave the change room. She had just finished her Phys Ed class and it was break for lunch. Sarah was smelling pretty ripe and wanted to have a quick rinse off so she didn't absolutely reek the rest of the day. The rest of her class finally cleared out and she snuck toward the communal shower, wishing again that these things had stalls built around them. Going as quick as she could getting the water on, she stripped down to finish the quick soak; failing to notice that someone else had a similar idea.

"Holy Shit!"

Whipping her head of the voice she saw one of her classmates staring wide-eyed at her, Beth, she thought. One of the more loner teens who hung out with some of the more 'punk rock' or 'goth' teens. Sarah realized where exactly the girl was looking, quickly she ripped her towel off the hook covered herself and ran past the girl to one of the stalls. That's where she began to cry.

'My life is so over again, why did I have to fuck up NOW! It was just one more year!'

Sarah just kept crying for next while, she couldn't even guess how long she'd been in there, she didn't care. When she couldn't cry anymore she heard a voice.

"Hey, are you okay?" It was Beth she realized, she'd been waiting out there.

"Go away, just, just leave me alone." Sarah said with a hoarse, trembling voice.

"Nope." Beth said simply.

"What the fuck do you want? Money? Fine! Just go away!" she lashed out.

"Look, I just want to talk, would you come out? It's just me, school's out for the day and the teacher's did the rounds a little while ago so no one but you and me."


"Yeah, I told them your boyfriend broke up with you and you were having a moment. I said I was looking out for you so they bailed."


"Because, uh, well, cause I wanted to talk to you, you know, about you."

The way Beth said that put Sarah off, "So what? You want to talk to the freak show? Get a few kicks out of the weirdo?"

"Oh for fucks sake just come out! I'm not gonna tell anyone okay? You clearly didn't want anyone to know." Beth spoke in an exasperated tone. "And I've been out here playing guard dog for you, so come on, have a bit of faith."

Could she really do that Sarah thought. Could she trust this girl simply because she asked her to? She may have been a little girl at the time but Sarah could still remember that people were upset because of the different plumbing that she was working with. She hadn't understood back then because her mother had been so understanding and open with her. So with her fear of opening up to people and the discovery of porn on the internet, Sarah had discovered that she was considered some freak of nature. Something any 'proper person' would never admit to enjoying or being interested in. People like her were simply treated as a pervert's fantasy, and almost all of the porn was freaking hentai!

But this girl, Beth, was trying to talk with her, being quite civil now that Sarah had taken a few seconds to think on it. True, she did freak out when she saw her but honestly, who wouldn't be surprised to walk into a public women's shower and see a girl with a huge dick between their legs. Her heart was pounding in her chest thinking of opening the stall door. But if her life was over anyways might as—

"Hey, are you gonna come out of there?" Beth's tone was surprisingly gentle.

Sarah just looked at the door for a few seconds, "Okay." She replied quietly.

Checking her towel, making sure she was still as decent as she could be, opened the door a peeked out, confirming that Beth had been true to her word, she was alone. Stepping out Sarah stood face to face with Beth, if she had to use one word to describe the girl she would use petite. The girl was pale, not unhealthily so, only a few shades lighter that Sarah's own were she to guess. Raven black hair styled in a bob-cut, whether it was dyed or not didn't matter, Sarah thought that it was gorgeous. Beth was also shorter, by a surprising margin, the girl couldn't be taller than five feet, maybe a little more. Beth was clothed in some simple black and grey short-shorts and grey tee-shirt respectively.

"So, I guess you like what you're seeing huh?" The question knocked Sarah out of her reverie. Looking at Beth she had this quirky little half smile going on while stealing a quick glance at the blondes' crotch.

Sarah looked down and saw that she was sporting a hard-on that had lifted her towel, exposing herself to the tiny girl.

Sarah freaked when she noticed she was hard for the petite girl. "Oh my God!" Trying to run back to the stall a hand caught her wrist in a surprisingly strong grip.

"No, not happening, I did not wait out here for four hours so you can freak out and hide on me again!" Beth started to drag Sarah to some benches, struggling for a few seconds Sarah gave in, trying to cover her crotch while sitting down. With how large she was this was an impossibility.

"Soooo, my names Beth, you're Sarah right?"

"Why are you doing this?" Sarah said in a tired tone.

"Doing what?"

"This!" gesturing between herself and Beth, "Talking to me, not freaking out, and, and, not freaking out!"

Beth had this immensely amused look on her face, "Well first, you said 'freaking out' twice and second I think you're doing it enough for the both of us." Sarah tried cutting her off, "But," Beth continued, "You wouldn't believe the whole truth even if I did tell you."

Sarah got this upset look on her face, 'Fan-fucking-tastic. I'm going to get black mailed for who knows how long.'

Beth noticed the look, and sat there for a second, "Answer one question and I'll tell you the truth." Sarah gave Beth a look, the raven-haired girl shrugged, "Whether you believe it is up to you, though it's pretty insane."

Thinking about it for a second Sarah decided, "Sure, I'll bite, fine. What is it?"

"Were you born with that Weapon of Ass Destruction?"

Sarah gave her a look and couldn't stop, she laughed, and she laughed so hard cause she'd have probably cried otherwise.

Beth noticed it seems because she spoke, "I guess I could've worded that a little better," she admitted, "But that's my question."

Sarah stopped laughing finally, and looked down, realizing she lost her hard on, 'Small victories I guess.' "Yes, to answer your question, I was born like this, I'm the whole horrible package." The bitterness in her voice would made a lemon seem sweet.

"You shouldn't hate yourself like that, I personally think what you have is a gift." Beth spoke in a serious tone.

Sarah still spoke in a bitter tone, "And how would you know? You have some secret 'gift' that makes you special?"

"I'm a witch." Beth said, "I've also got the hots for you and the dick is fucking beautiful in my opinion."

Sarah just stood up, "Yeah, fuck you. I'm done I just want to go home now." She barely kept her voice from breaking.

"Sinep Ruoy Morf Sdiulf Ylidob Fo Stnuoma Elbissopmi Esaeler Lliw Ouy!"

Falling to her knees Sarah felt this amazing feeling in her lower abdomen, her lust intensified and she wanted to do nothing but run to rub one out. "What the Hell did you do?" Sarah managed to groan out.

"I just used all the power I've been saving to prove a point, I honestly hope you won't hate me for it, but I'd like to help show you what I did." Beth's voice got closer as she spoke, "I want to show you how much your gift doesn't bother me." Coming in to Sarah's view she could see that Beth had stripped. "Will you let me?" She asked.

Sarah looked Beth in the eyes to say no, but when she saw those eyes, ones she only now realized were this true deep color of lavender. She saw fear. Fear just like hers. Of being exposed, of being ostracized, and of never finding someone who would truly care. For all of her. "Yes." Sarah spoke with tears in her eyes.

Beth grabbed Sarah's' hand to help her up and led her to the showers, "We'll be able to take all the time we need. No one's going to bother us, okay?" reassuring Sarah.

Sarah's' tear strewn face looked around the showers, then to Beth, "I—I'm, just, really scared. I've never been with anyone and you're being so understanding and not freaking out then there was the thing with the funky words and—. "

She was cut off as Beth gently took Sarah's neck in her hand and drew her down for a firm, close lipped kiss. They simply did that until the need to breathe overtook them, pulling apart in deep gasps, staring into each other's eyes. Beth spoke, "You were about to start rambling, and personally, if you'll let me," Beth raised her other hand to the hem of Sarah' towel, "I'd really like to get to know you better, really soon." Still looking at each other Sarah gave a small but firm nod to Beth. Sarah felt as the towel was delicately untucked and felt as it fell from her body to the floor.

Beth looked Sarah up and down with an appreciative eye, looking into Sarahs' gently taking her hands. Walking backwards, Beth slowly led Sarah into the communal showers never once breaking eye contact. "We can take this step-by-step Sarah." Beth assured once again, "I know you're super freaked and I am not planning to screw this up." She said in a confidant tone.

Looking into her eyes, Sarah just nodded at Beth, letting herself be led further in. Beth let go of her hands looking around as if trying to find something.

"Aha!" She crowed as she walked over to a stack of clean towels supplied by the school. Beth laid some of them out across the tiles beckoning Sarah, "Come and sit down." Patting a spot on the towels in front of where Beth was now sitting.

Sarah walked over, hands at her sides, her massive shaft bobbing with each step, as she approached Beth spoke, "Sit with your back facing me." She instructed. Sarah sat between Beth's now spread legs, mimicking how she sat. Beth slowly rubbed up and down the Sarah's arms, "Let me do all the work right now, just relax." Beth soothed as she began to reach around rubbing Sarah's stomach, slowly heading lower to finally grasp Sarah's member.

Sarah gasped as Beth took hold of her with both hands, only barely covering half of her, her fingers almost able to touch but no quite. "Jesus, just how big are you? It's like I'm holding a fucking pipe!" Beth exclaimed.

"Ten inches." Was Sarah's mumbled reply.

"This is gonna be so much fun!" Beth whisper shouted as she leaned in to kiss and nibble at Sarah's neck. Moaning, Sarah leaned back against the smaller girl and let her work.

Sarah couldn't properly describe how she was feeling right now. On one hand she felt utterly incredible, the feeling of Beth's hands double fisting her dick, pumping and twisting the whole length of her. On the other she was still apprehensive, despite how she was shamelessly leaning into the smaller girls embrace. Sarah had only known this girl, actually talked with her, for all of ten minutes. This girl could be getting her jollies by making her feel good and destroying her after she was done with her.

All the emotions and feeling were bringing her quickly to orgasm, so honestly, at that moment Sarah could hardly care what happened afterwards. She was going to cum soon, the oh-so familiar feeling of coiling muscles and the tingling in her loins warning of what was imminent.

"Ah! I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum!" Sarah exclaimed.

"Don't hold back, let it all go. This all for you." Beth cooed in Sarah's ear. Speeding up and nibbling on Sarah's earlobe.

The second Beth touched Sarah's ear she lost it. Like a damn giving way under an insurmountable pressure she let her seed flow, and flow it did. Eyes clenched shut, Sarah was like the sink on a tap that had been opened to its fullest, and her opaque liquid came in a constant stream. Her orgasm continued for what felt like forever, it just wouldn't stop. Finally though, Sarah began to taper off ever so slowly, massive bursts continued in increasing lapses until she was finally spent.

Gasping for breath Sarah opened her eyes and widened them at the mess she saw. It was as if a large bucket of water had been dumped on the floor if said water had been her jism. The literal puddle spread out almost entirely across half the showers floor, only the towels they sat upon keeping them mostly untouched.

A wide eyed Sarah was jolted from her thoughts by a wonderful squeeze around her deflating member.

"Alright, how bout we talk a little bit, and them it's my turn to get off." Beth said in a husky, lust filled tone.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great premise. You should take the time and write another (or more) chapters!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
loved it

loved this story. i definitely see it having some potential. you could continue to develop the relationship between the two of them. i'd love to see more chapters!

twistedsickmindtwistedsickmindover 8 years ago
Good Imaginative Story

A few spelling errors don't detract from a story that has good content and ideas. You have the ability to keep the reader's interest. That puts you way ahead of the pack. Use the grammar and spell check on your word processor. Then put the story away for some time and go back to it. It will help you to read what you actually wrote, not what you think you wrote. Spell checks don't catch all.

That's just nit picking. When I read through, I didn't pick up spelling errors because I am not looking for them. If I went back to find them I am sure they would pop up. But honestly, who cares? I appreciate writing that draws me into the characters. Makes me care about them. Sets up a conflict that makes the character sympathetic. IMHO, you accomplished that. What more is there to ask for?

Good job. Keep writing. 5*

BurhanDangerBurhanDangerover 8 years ago
Nice creation

Sarah seems like everything I thought about being perfect. redhead check, green eyes check, 6 feet check, futa check.

Nice story. keep on going

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Good story

Good story, nice character development, hot ending. To address previous comments - there's like one or two spelling errors (dam vs. damn) but... yeah no. Quite readable/enjoyable!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
It's nice, and it's readable

I liked the story, short but sweet.

Nicely written, too, any errors didn't bother me at all.

CrescentRoseCrescentRoseover 8 years agoAuthor
First Comment Response!

Thank you for commenting, but the comment itself is quite vague. If you, or anyone, notices "too many errors in this to make it readable" please leave an example of this with your comment. You see, I am a rookie writer and good feedback, in my opinion, is essential. So if you wish to make a critical statement, I urge you to present evidence of it, for statements made without evidence will be dismissed as such. Thank you for commenting.


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Get an editor

There are too many errors in this to make it readable -you need to get someone to read and correct it

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