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The Date

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How a plan to refresh a marriage had a surprising outcome.
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This story has been floating around my head for a while. I finally got around to putting it down on the page.

I'd like to thank Bpeed for taking the time to edit my story and making it a better reading experience.

My story is a lesson not to take your partner for granted and how they can still surprise you after twenty years of marriage.

Alison and I met at Tech College in our teens, Alison was a trainee hairdresser, and I was an apprentice mechanic. We grease monkeys were always trying to "get off" with the hair and beauty girls with varying degrees of success. I saw this pretty girl with auburn hair and mischievous green eyes in the canteen and made my move. Lucky for me Alison thought I was cute and funny and we started dating.

I think we knew right from the start that we were meant to be together. Within a year were married. I will admit it came as a bit of a shock when, not long after the wedding, Alison found out she was expecting twins.

It's fair to say our parents had reservations and said we were too young. I think it surprised everyone how well we coped. We've had our ups and downs over the years of course, but we always managed to work things out.

Recently though, things haven't been so good. We seemed to be having more of those stupid petty arguments that go nowhere and the physical side of our relationship wasn't what it was. I guess we were both under a bit of pressure.

I was now managing a service department for a large dealership in town. Alison had gone back to full time work and she was the manager of a local salon. The extra responsibility on both of us was obviously taking its toll. Added to this the twins were about to go to university, so we had been working extra hours to bring in more money.

After another pointless argument we realized we needed to do something about it, and fast.

Later on Alison saw an article in a magazine suggesting a date night with your partner. The idea was to treat it like a first date and get to know your partner again to rekindle a stale relationship.

The article went on to suggest that each partner would buy an outfit for the other to wear on the date, making it more exciting.

I was willing to give it a try and agreed to go along with the idea, even when Alison suggested penalties if one of us refused to wear what was bought to make sure neither of us backed out.

A few days later the twins announced they wanted to go to a music festival in a couple of weeks. It seemed like an ideal opportunity to put our plan into action and we'd have the house to ourselves with no interruptions. So, to their surprise, we agreed.

The weekend of the festival arrived. I had booked the Friday off work so Alison and I could have a long weekend together. After taking the twins to the train station I carried on into town to do some shopping.

I went into a department store and found the ladies department. I started going through the racks a little self-consciously. I had taken careful note of Alison's dress, shoe, and bra sizes, but it was a bit overwhelming. Lucky for me a kindly shop assistant took pity on me and with her help I bought a little black dress, a short jacket, high-heeled strappy shoes and some sexy black lingerie, including stockings.

Feeling pretty pleased with myself I headed home. Unfortunately there was an accident on the road back and I got stuck in traffic. I arrived home with only a short time before the taxi arrived to take us to the restaurant I had booked.

Alison was waiting in her dressing gown she had already done her hair and makeup and looked stunning.

"You're cutting it fine, she said, you had better hurry up and get dressed. Your outfit is laid out on the bed."

I handed her the bags containing her outfit and followed her in to the bedroom. I stopped abruptly. Confused I turned to Alison.

"I thought we were buying outfits for each other?" I said

Laid out on the bed was an almost identical outfit to the one I had just bought for her.

"That's right," she replied, "I thought you would be more comfortable in this."

All I could reply was an incredulous, "What the fuck?"

Alison picked up a bag and pulled out a pair of stockings still attached to a garter belt and some lingerie. My blood froze; the whole chain of events that led to this moment came flooding back.

Despite having two kids Alison had kept her figure she was curvy in all the right places: nice breasts, not too big and a great ass and legs. These days, however, she hid her body under baggy tops and trousers; it's been ages since I saw her dressed up.

A couple of months ago I commented she never dressed sexily anymore and she never wore stockings like she used to.

She got really annoyed and shot back at me "If you like them so much, why don't you fucking wear them!" before storming out.

The next day things were a bit frosty. Everyone had gone out and I tasked with sorting out some of my old clothes in the wardrobe for a charity bag, Alison was going to do the same later. At the back I found a bag containing Alison's lingerie including stockings.

An idea popped into my head, I thought I'd put them on and present myself to Alison as a joke and break the ice. I took a satin teddy, garter belt and stockings out of the bag, they felt so silky and sexy I found myself getting turned on.

As I put on the silky items and pulled the stockings up my legs, my cock got rock hard! I looked in the mirror at my reflection in the sexy lingerie, my cock straining against the silky teddy.

I'd never done anything like this before. The sensation was wonderful! I was so turned on I couldn't help masturbating until I had a huge orgasm.

Afterwards I was appalled and ashamed of myself. Just then I heard a key in the door, I quickly took everything off without unfastening the stockings and stuffed them in the bag and put it back in the wardrobe. I jumped in the en-suite shower and tried to forget about the whole sorry affair.

Alison had obviously found the evidence when she was sorting out her stuff and put two and two together. I tried to explain, but she wasn't listening. All she said was "You had better have a shower, or we'll be late."

I'd seen her in these moods before and I decided not to argue. So I went to the en-suite.

"And don't forget to shave your legs," she called after me.

In the en-suite I gathered my thoughts, Alison was obviously winding me up—she probably has my real outfit hidden. OK, I thought, I'll play along with her little game, so I shaved my legs, chest, the lot. I looked at my reflection. I quite liked the hairless look. Like Alison I had managed to keep myself trim, not over-muscled though, just fit.

I walked back into the bedroom. Alison nodded her approval. While I was in the en-suite she had gotten dressed in the outfit I had bought her: she looked fantastic. I told her so but she rebuffed me and picked the first item of clothing off the bed.

"Put this on first," she ordered, handing me a black lacy basque. Next was a pair of black lace-top stockings, I tried not to get aroused like last time as I slid them up my legs. Next she handed me some black silky panties. She slipped a pair of false breasts into the cups of the basque and told me to sit at her dressing table. I was getting a little concerned.

"How far is she going to take this?" I wondered as she applied my makeup. Alison placed a black wig in a bob style on my head and the helped me into the black above the knee dress. I stepped into a pair of black stiletto shoes. Thankfully they weren't too high. Finally I put on a pair of black satin opera gloves to hide my mechanic's hands. Alison stood back to admire her work.

"Not bad" she said. I looked in the full length mirror, and was shocked to see looking back at me was a not-unattractive woman, I have to say I was a little turned on by the image!

I suddenly snapped back to reality.

"OK, I said, you've had your fun. Where are my real clothes? There's not much time before the taxi gets here."

Alison's face hardened.

"Those ARE your clothes and don't think of changing! Remember our deal? If one of us doesn't wear what the other buys, it's the spare room, no sex, and doing all the chores for two months!"

"Now," she added, "you'll need this," and put my wallet into a black handbag and handed it to me. At that moment a car horn sounded outside. "Come on," she said, "the taxi is here."

Reluctantly I followed her out. She took my arm, as I was unsteady on my heels. Thankfully we have tall hedges around the front garden and a short trip across the pavement to the taxi. I just prayed we didn't bump into any of the neighbors. I slid into the back seat of the taxi followed by Alison.

"Where to, ladies?" said the taxi driver. He almost knocked himself out on the roof when a male voice answered him. He turned round and looked me up and down. "Fancy dress, is it?" he asked.

"Something like that," I muttered, looking daggers at my wife. She just grinned and looked out the window. The bitch was enjoying this.

We did the rest of the journey in silence with me quietly seething and Alison looking smug. The taxi took us right outside the restaurant. We got out and once again Alison took my arm and guided me inside.

The waiter raised an eyebrow when I spoke to him but carried on as normal and led us to our table. There were a few double takes: one chap nearly fell off his chair and an elderly lady gave me a big smile. Thank goodness I'd asked for a quiet romantic table in the corner.

I ordered a double whiskey and then another plus wine with our meal. After a while I began to relax and enjoy myself, I forgot I was dressed as a woman. Alison and I chatted and joked like we used to in old times, I realised what first attracted me to this gorgeous, sexy, intelligent, funny woman I was married to.

While we were talking the elderly lady and her husband walked past on their way out. She hung back and stopped at our table.

"I think you look fantastic! Well done, you!" she said patting my arm.

"See? I think you look great too," Alison grinned at me. After a coffee and brandy, I paid the bill and we left, both now a little unsteady. But I didn't care about the looks now I felt strangely liberated and sexy.

Outside the cold air hit me, "I'd better get a taxi," I said, sobering up.

"Oh no you don't," replied Alison. "The night is still young and I fancy dancing."

She took my hand and led me to a night club on the corner.

"I'm going to get the crap beaten out of me, turning up like this!" I protested.

"You'll be fine," she said. "You can look after yourself."

"Not in these heels, I can't!" I replied.

We got to the club; I braced myself wondering how fast I could run in heels.

There were two huge bouncers outside. They looked us up and down.

"In you go," said one of them. "Enjoy yourselves."

Slightly puzzled I went in. Once inside the penny dropped. It was a LGBT club!

A tall black glamorous drag queen walked past.

"Looking good, girlfriend!" she said.

I looked at Alison, who was trying hard not to laugh. I was beginning to see a side of my wife I had never seen before, and, I have to say, I liked it. I wondered what she had planned for rest of the night?

"You sit down and I'll get some drinks," she said.

"Don't leave me on my own!" I hissed.

I was already getting looks from other people in the club. I managed to find a table and sat down, trying not to make eye contact with anyone. I could see Alison at the bar. She was talking to two very attractive women. At least I assumed they were women. They came over to the table.

"You don't mind if Sam and Sarah join us, do you?" asked Alison. Before I could answer Alison turned to the girls.

"This is my husband Simon," she said, "or should I say Simone?" she added with a wicked grin.

Sam and Sarah sat down at the table they were definitely real women. Sam was very exotic looking with long black hair and deep brown eyes.

Sarah was blond and very attractive, with sparkling blue eyes. She was Sam's personal assistant at work, but it would seem they took their work home with them, because they were also in a relationship.

We chatted and laughed as the drinks flowed. I found out Sam was one of Alison's regular customers at the salon. She told us her dad was Indian and her mother Italian, which explained her exotic look.

Eventually we all ended up on the dance floor. Sam seemed to be quite taken with Alison and maneuvered herself to dance with her, getting closer and closer. I ended up dancing with Sarah, but I couldn't help watching my sexy wife dance with this gorgeous woman. It was strangely erotic. Sarah seemed to enjoy watching them as well and moved closer to me.

A slow dance came on. None of us moved from the dance floor. Sam moved in and started to dance slowly with Alison, pressing her body against my wife. Sarah did the same to me. The sight of my wife dancing so close to another sexy woman made me hard. I'm sure Sarah could feel my erection against her thigh, but she didn't seem to mind.

When the music finished Sam and Alison came over.

"Why don't we go back to my place for a nightcap?" said Sam. We readily agreed and left the club to make the short walk to Sam's penthouse apartment. Sam obviously had a very good job: the apartment was amazing and had fabulous views across the city.

"I'll get some wine." Sarah said. Alison sat on a sofa and Sam quickly sat next to her. I sat on another facing them. Sarah returned with a bottle of wine and four glasses and sat next to me. The air seemed to be charged with sexual tension.

"You look very sexy in that outfit. I could almost go for you myself!" said Sam. "And I see you're wearing stockings. Sarah and I love to wear stockings: they feel so sexy. Don't you agree?" She turned to Alison "I hope you are wearing them too," she added. Without saying anything Alison slowly pulled her skirt up to reveal her stocking tops.

I watched transfixed as Sam stroked Alison's nylon-clad thigh. I suddenly became aware of Sarah's hand on my thigh! She slowly made her way up my thigh until she was stroking my erect cock through the silky material of my panties!

"Mmmm," she murmured, "a chick with a dick. How wonderful!"

I wasn't sure how to react. I was incredibly turned on but I had always been faithful. I turned to look at Alison to gauge her reaction. What I saw made my cock even harder! Alison and Sam were kissing passionately!

Sam's hand moved up my wife's leg and slipped inside Alison's panties and started playing with her pussy. Sam then moved down and started kissing Alison's neck as her free hand slid the zip of Alison's dress down. She the unfastened the black lacy bra I'd bought only a few hours ago and started to suck and kiss my wife's nipples. Alison threw back her head and moaned, opening her legs wide as Sam's hand worked on her pussy.

I turned to Sarah who was still stroking my cock. She too was transfixed by the scene opposite. She looked at me and smiled, then we started to kiss passionately as well. I slid the zip down on her dress to reveal a lacy platinum grey bra which I unfastened, exposing her beautiful breasts. I took one of the erect pink nipples in my mouth and sucked it, rolling my tongue around the hard bud. She gently pushed me away.

"Let's go to the bedroom and leave these two in peace," she said. Then she took my hand and led me out of the room. I couldn't help looking back and saw a wonderful sight.

Alison was leaning back her dress was down around her waist with the skirt pulled up. Her panties had gone and her legs were wide open, Sam was between them licking her pussy while Alison was squeezing and tweaking her own nipples. I could see Sam's hand inside her panties playing with her own pussy. It was my ultimate fantasy and I was watching it!

Sarah gently pulled me away and into the bedroom. She stepped out her dress, revealing matching lacy platinum grey panties and garter belt holding up platinum grey stockings.

She sat on the edge of the bed and said, "Come here. It's been ages since I've tasted cock."

With that she lifted my skirt and slid my panties down, releasing my cock from its silky prison. She ran her tongue around the head, then slowly took me in her mouth and gave me a glorious blow job, running her hands up and down my stockings.

Not wanting to come too soon I pulled out of her mouth and knelt between her thighs. I eased her sopping wet panties down and went to work on her pussy with my tongue. Her juices were flowing freely and tasted sweet. She moaned and put her hands on the back of my head and pushed me into her crotch. I licked and sucked her clit until she came violently, squeezing my head between her nylon-clad thighs.

"Wow," she said, "you're as good as a girl." She moved up the bed. "Come on," she ordered, "I want to feel your cock inside me."

As I took off my dress she reached into a drawer and pulled out a packet of condoms. I looked surprised.

"We use them on our dildos sometimes," she explained.

She took one out of the packet and gently rolled it onto my cock. I positioned myself between her legs and slowly entered her. She let out a gasp and wrapped her legs around my waist as I pumped in and out of her sopping wet pussy.

"Oh fuck, that feels so good," she moaned.

The bedroom had full-length mirrored wardrobes along one wall. I saw in the reflection what looked like two women in lingerie making love. It was a very erotic sight! I was enjoying the view when I became aware of a movement by the door. Alison and Sam had walked in, both naked except for stockings and garter belts and heels. What took me by surprise was that Alison appeared to have a large black cock between her legs and she was rolling a condom on it!

Before I realised what was happening, Alison was behind me, I felt some cold liquid drip between my ass cheeks and the tip of the dildo press against my anus. I let out a yelp as Alison pushed into me. I can't describe the feeling of pleasure and pain as my wife started to fuck my ass. While this was going on Sam had got onto the bed and straddled Sarah's head, lowering her pussy onto Sarah's mouth that started to lick her clit.

Alison built up a steady rhythm. As she pushed into me it drove my cock deeper into Sarah. I had never felt such pleasure before. I couldn't hold on any longer and came with such intensity I thought I was going to pass out! I collapsed on top of Sarah and Alison withdrew.

Sarah hadn't come yet and as I rolled off her she moved her hand to her pussy and started to masturbate.

Alison whipped the condom off the dildo and started to fuck Sarah's pussy. Sarah groaned and lifted her legs. Sam grabbed her ankles and lifted her legs higher so Alison could fuck her deeper.

Never in my wildest fantasies could I have imagined the scene that was in front of me! Sam was riding Sarah's tongue while my wife was fucking Sarah deep and hard. Sam came first with a shuddering orgasm, drenching Sarah's face with her juice. Then Sarah came, bucking and moaning as Alison fucked her. The sight had made my cock rock hard again.

Alison withdrew form Sarah. Seeing my erection, she lay on the bed, handing the strap on to Sarah, who put it on. Sam also lay on the bed next to Alison and I got the idea. I pushed my wife's legs apart and slid my cock in. Sarah did the same to Sam. We both started to fuck our partners. One of Sam's legs was on my shoulder and one of Alison's was on Sarah's.

Alison's hand moved across and found Sam's clit; Sam did the same to Alison as Sarah and I fucked them hard. This time, with the help of Sam's fingers, Alison came first, then Sarah, and finally me. We collapsed on the bed exhausted, a tangle of nylon clad legs and lingerie.

Once we had recovered Alison and I were led to the spare room. I collapsed on the bed and Alison shut the door and leaned against it with a dreamy look on her face.


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