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The Demands Ch. 04

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Get-n-Hit Hard.
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Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/08/2015
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Then on April 1, 2010 it all came crashing down. A police officer stood at my front door and, with his hat in his hand, informed me of the accident. He said, "Please come now, they don't expect Richard to live. Strangely, I didn't even cry right then or even panic; I just covered my face with my hands and leaned against the wall for several minutes in shock.

The next three weeks were a blur to me. At least five hours a day and several overnights I stayed in intensive care with him. They kept him in an induced coma for obvious pain reasons. After seven days it was clear that he would live, but the doctors told me he would be quadriplegic when he woke up. I felt devastated all over again. Thank God for Jack! The company gave him a leave of absence for a month; I needed him because there was no way I would have been able to make the preparations for Richard's new condition in life, file insurance claims, get to court for the drunk driver's arraignment and dozens of other things without his help. It was all I could do just to hold it together for Richard's sake! Oh, and the crying began on the second night, and I couldn't stop it for two weeks.

Fortunately, Richard had set us up nicely for our later years. We had plenty of money in the bank, and the settlement from the insurance companies was fair and proper. I didn't really have to work unless I wanted to. But during the third month, I decided to hire help and I kept working in order to keep myself occupied. Richard was barely able to speak at this point and watching the emotional toll on him was so hard. For me, it helped to have a support structure at my office. My two friends there, Karen and Audra, were invaluable; and even though Rachel Stevens, Richard's secretary, was reassigned to my husband's replacement, she called or visited me every day during that first month, and we went out to dinner together once a week for the next four months. Rachel was ten years my junior but we had gotten fairly close due to her job with Richard and our business associations.

Those dinners turned out to be the next incredible part of this story; little did I know what a twist my life was going to take because of them. Thursday nights had become regular for Rachel and me. She had been married to a man named Eric for four years but was now divorced and with the help I hired, I was pretty much free to come and go as I wished. She had been single again for about ten years, but I had never considered why. I'm not the nosy type, but on this particular Thursday night it began with an innocent enough question.

We had just ordered our food when she asked, "So, Renna, what are you going to do now?" Her face had a very different look when she asked it. It was whimsical and wry and I didn't know where she was coming from.

Not being sure about her intent, I simply said, "Oh, things are settling down finally. Richard's nurses are great, and my full-time nurse Sophie is amazing! Thank God they held my job for me or I'd be going stir crazy."

"That's not what I mean," she rejoined, "I mean, what are you going to do now that the man who fucked your brains out for thirty-two years can't do it anymore?" I think she was ready for the look that swept over my face because when she saw it, she exploded in laughter!

When I found my voice, I replied to her grin, "Now what are you talking about?"

"Hun, I've been waiting for the right moment to ask you that; I figured four months would be good enough; is it?"

Until that minute, I really had not considered this problem. Grief is a funny thing and one of the symptoms of my particular grief was that my sex life had stopped as stone-cold dead as could be.

I figured another question couldn't hurt. "Now how would YOU know any of the particulars of my sex life?"

There was that wry smile again! "Honey, I know ALL the particulars of your sex life!"

I'm sure my mouth was hanging open in shock, "Wha.a.a.t?" It was all I could manage to stammer.

"I said I know all about your sex life."


"Because Richard told me everything!"

"What do you mean he told you everything? Why would he do that?" A thousand questions came flooding into my mind all at once. I wasn't mad at Rachel right then, but the questions needed answers.

"It's a long story, Renna."

"It seems you've made this the topic of our conversation tonight, Rach."

"I'll tell you, if you promise to answer all my questions too, okay?"

Without thinking I said, "Alright, I promise." Wow, turns out keeping that promise was going to change my life dramatically.

"Good," said Rachel, "let's go back to your place, make some coffee and sit out on the patio for a talk."

"I'll agree to that plan, if you pick up the check for dinner!"

Rachel burst out laughing and picked it up. "You're pretty sneaky, Renn, taking advantage of me like that!"

We left the restaurant and as we were climbing into my car I asked her, "This talk we're going to have, Rachel, it's not going to make me angry, is it?

She settled into the passenger seat and fastened her safety-belt. "That depends, Sweetie; would you like to answer my original question right now?"

"Which was what?" As I said, there were too many questions swirling around in my head.

"What are you going to do now, I mean with your sex life?"

"I guess I'm just going to survive without one for a while."

"Well, Renna, I understand that you're hurt badly, Richard was a wonderful guy, right? Those asshole drunks who destroy people's lives; they ought to execute all of them...or at least castrate them!" We both laughed at that.

"Oh, Rachel, I already decided I can't live on hating that man who did this to Richard; what would that accomplish?"

"Yes, of course you're right," she agreed, "but doesn't a nymphomaniac like you need to get back onto 'the horse' so to speak?"

"Ohhh MY GODD!!" I shouted at her, "What did that husband of mine tell you?"

Rachel was laughing so hard she couldn't speak for a minute, and when she did, she said, "Ohh God, my tummy hurts, Ooohh!"

Pulling into my driveway, I slammed the car into park and smacked her on the upper arm, "Come on! You tell me right now!"

"Umm, can't we make the coffee first?" she giggled.

"No, tell me now!"

"I'll have to start at the beginning, you won't mind if I just be honest, okay?" and she began the story.

For the next hour I listened in fascination as she recounted the years of her marriage. Her husband was a work-a-holic and neglected her, and I laughed so hard when she admitted that she was a nymphomaniac too! "I needed to be fucked...often!" she said; we both erupted into gales of laughter. When I confessed that I knew that feeling well, we just about peed our pants!

As she told her story, something happened inside me. I literally felt my hormones kicking in again and I sat behind the wheel of my car twisting with an unbelievable desire for sex. Rachel was talking and my pussy was gushing; that's how aroused I got! But worse, as I sat there enjoying this feeling, it hit me that masturbation would work tonight, but it would not be enough to satisfy me in the future. I started to cry.

Rachel interrupted herself when she saw my tears, "Are you okay, Renn? What's wrong?"

"Oh, I'm feeling sad because Richard and I used to have so much fun in bed."

"I know," she smiled gently. "But there's a point to my story which I'll get to, Sweetie."

I smiled weakly, "You better get to it fast, Rach; I'm not feeling very good about this right now."

So she jumped ahead a bit to what brought about her divorce. "About a year before I left my husband, I took up playing on-line games to keep myself occupied at night. The website Pogo seemed innocent enough at first. But as I played I started meeting people with similar interests, if you know what I mean. I had heard about cyber sex, phone sex, and webcam sex before, never considering them as options."

"You got into that stuff with those game players?" I asked incredulously.

"Yep," she replied with a giggle, "it certainly added another dimension to my need to get off!" We laughed again. "But...even that can get old after a while. Then one day I was playing Scrabble and a guy named Jack came in, sat down at my table, and asked if he could play with me."

"Jack, you say?"

"Yes, Jack."

"Jack who?"

"Jack Ripley."

"My friend Jack Ripley?"

Rachel was doing that grin again, "Yes, THAT Jack Ripley!"

"Oh, my Godddd," I exclaimed. "Was this before or after Richard and I met him?"

"Before," she rejoined, "I'm the one who introduced him to Richard."

When Rachel said that, I couldn't help but flash back over the last seven years. Jack had been coming down four or five weekends a year since then. Richard, Jack, and I had gotten very close in several ways; yet as we talked, it occurred to me that even though I could (and probably would) have sex with him some more, he had too many business and family constraints tying him down in Orlando. "So, Rachel, you know all about our threesomes then, right?"

"Of course," she said, her eyes sparkling, "Renn, those stories turned me on the most! Richard would go into a lot of details, and oh my God, a few times I would have to go to the bathroom and get myself off!" Rachel was grinning when she added, "And nine months ago, when they started double-dicking your ass and pussy...Fuck! I was so jealous; it was then Richard and I finally thought about me coming over to join you. He wasn't sure how you would react to another woman though."

This was more stunning news. I sat for a moment contemplating my reaction. Rachel and I had gotten so close these last months; I couldn't possibly get mad that she was at the bottom of some of the best sex of my life. "So why didn't you come?"

"Oh, this guy Alex that I'm seeing; I'm not sure about him yet. Our sex is really good, but I don't get the impression he'd like to share me with another guy...or even another woman."

"WHA..A...AT?" All these revelations were starting to be too much for me...when my mouth flew open in surprise, Rachel squealed with laughter once more.

"Oh my God, I would have thought Richard would have been at least as open with you as he was with me. This surprises you?"

"It fucking does; if Richard wasn't hurt like this, I'd kill him for keeping secrets!" I felt a pang for making fun of my man's condition.

Rachel didn't seem fazed, "Well, I went through this 'no share' thing with my husband. I'm beginning to realize I don't want to do it again. I'm going to have to tell Alex about me; we'll see how that goes. The first time telling my ex Eric didn't go very well; he was willing to forgive me for the phone sex and the other thing."

"Other thing?"

"Yes, I drove up to Ft. Pierce to meet one of the Pogo guys several times. He only found out about one of them. We separated, do you remember that?"

"Oh yes, I do remember it."

"Yeah, he would have forgiven me, but during the six month separation something else happened, and he found out."

"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing much," she was grinning so I knew that the "nothing much" was a "fucking lot" of much! "I just happened to sleep with my best friend April and her husband Patrick!"

Oh yes, I was shocked again! This girl was more than electric and my libido was taking hit after crazy hit tonight. "Rachel!"


"How did THAT all happen?"

She was giggling again. "Renny, it's really quite a long story and I have to go to work tomorrow. I promise I'll tell you next time, okay?"

"Okay, but I'm gonna hold you to it; this is really getting good!" My hormones were really raging now; it was so bad I was almost cumming from her incredible story and clenching my thighs against my pussy.

"I promise, and I need to go; but Renny, you still didn't tell me what your plans are; c'mon, what are you going to do?"

I sat for a minute and thought; it didn't seem right to make plans for other men other than Jack. "I honestly don't know, Rach; really I don't. I'm going to have to try and discuss this with Richard when he's strong enough. Communication is very hard right now. He gets tired just trying to talk."

"I understand, you probably don't want me to introduce you to any Pogo men just yet!"

We both laughed at this, "Umm, not yet. I think I'll pass on that until I talk to my Dick, you silly thing!"

Rachel giggled some more, "Do you have enough toys to get by with?"

I playfully flicked her shoulder with my middle finger, "You ARE pretty nosy, aren't you? I think I have a few lying around somewhere."

"You going to use one tonight?"

"RACHEL!" This time I slapped her arm...grinning!

"I'll take that as a yes," she giggled again. "But you know what, Renn? A bunch of us girls are going to have a "Wicked Toys" party this weekend; maybe you'd like to come to it with me just for the fun of it. April will be there and we might be able to tell you the whole story together, too! It might be just the time to find something new for your personal fun."

Rachel and I walked to her car, and I opened the door for her. "You know, it's always good for me to get out a bit; what's the day and time?"

"Saturday at 7:00. I could pick you up?"

Mentally I made note of the fact that Jack would not be back for three more weeks. And on top of that, I was sure he would not be expecting sex when he got here, even though my pussy and I were damn sure going to give him some when he arrived! "Okay, Sweetie, that'll work, give me a call on Wednesday to confirm."

"I'll do that, sleep well, Renn; I'm going to want some details of what you do tonight when you go in the house!"

"Amazing, Rach, all these years and I had no idea just what a pervy nut you are!"

She giggled, "You haven't heard the half of it yet, girlfriend! See you Saturday!"

"Oh, my God," I thought while opening the front door, it was just surprising how much Richard had kept from me. I wasn't angry, God no; the sexual fun we had more than compensated.

I looked in on Sophie and Richard. He appeared to be asleep and she was reading a magazine next to his bed. "All okay?"

She nodded, "Everything's fine. He seemed to be a lot more alert today than usual; that's a good sign."

"Wonderful, I'll get the details tomorrow; I need to get to bed."

"Good night, Ms. Fallon."

Sophie couldn't have known what a state I was in. My hormones woke up big time tonight and my whole body was tight with sexual tension. I hadn't experienced this in months and even though it was familiar to me it still felt strange. I locked my bedroom door and kicked off my shoes. Looking into the mirror above the bureau, I giggled at how flushed my face was. My nipples were very hard inside my bra, I could feel it. I cupped my breasts against my chest and felt them up, and when I did, a massive surge of sexual adrenaline cascaded through my system ramping the heat up even higher. I thumbed my nipples through the shirt and bra and groaned so loudly I startled myself!

Pulling off my top and skirt, I fell onto the bed glad that I hadn't worn panty hose and wouldn't have to mess with them. God, I couldn't believe how hard my heart was pounding and how difficult it was to breathe. My pussy was throbbing in time to my heart, and I really thought my clit was screaming to be sucked! Lifting the underwire of my bra, my tits fell out from under the cups. Yes, I was right, the teats were so fucking hard, and when I thumbed them together, I thought I might cum right then and there.

"Ohhh FUUUUUUCKK!" The words hissed between my teeth and lips; this was going to be difficult to keep quiet! Images were flashing across my thought screen and most of them were of Richard kissing me passionately and then dropping down to suck my pussy. I pinched my nipples and pulled the tits higher off my chest, shaking the flesh and making me moan even louder.

It made me slow down a little when I tried to remember my last orgasm. Richard had taken me down to the beach one moonless evening and we sat partially naked on a blanket in the dark and kissed and sucked each other off. It was amazing! But even as I thought it, there was a tinge of sadness in that it would never happen again. I was too turned on to cry, but the tears were close.

Then my mind shifted quickly to Richard and Jack, and the hormones surged again. I heard myself say, "God, I need to be fucked, oh my God!" My hand slid into my panties and the middle finger split open my girl slit. My whole pussy was sopping wet in two seconds, and I spread the slick liquid around my labia and asshole. "Fuck, this feels so good!" I said it right out loud; and when I touched my swollen clit, I cried out even louder!

My ass lifted off the bed a few inches, insisting that I finger my pussy immediately! My tits were heaving with desire, so I wrapped the left boob up in one arm and grabbed the other one underneath with the same hand lifting the nipple up to my lips. Sucking the hard nub into my mouth, I tongued it furiously while plunging my middle and ring fingers deep into my wet fuck-hole. "Oh Goddddd!" I almost shrieked! I cried out to Richard, "Babbbyyy...fuck me hard Babyyy...fuck me with your big dick, Goddd!"

My fingers were doing the fucking and my mouth was sucking my tit and the orgasm slammed into my cunt like an explosion. "Uhh...UuuHhhh...OHHH UHNNGGHHH!" I turned my head into the pillow to keep from screaming.

I don't think I've ever passed out from an orgasm before, yet after this one...I think I woke up a few minutes later. My head was pounding and I could hardly breathe, but I remember thinking, "Shit...oh Shit...that felt soooo good!" My body was drenched with perspiration and sitting up, there was a large wet splash between my legs. "I must have squirted," I thought with a laugh!

Laying there for a minute, the thought went through my head to just go to sleep; but my pussy said "No, I'm not through with you yet!" I giggled and rubbed my pulsing, wet cunt with my whole hand. It purred and asked for more. "Not so fast," I said to myself, "a little slower would be good!"

I lay there and contemplated tonight's conversation with Rachel. There were a lot of decisions to make. What WOULD I do with my sex life? This masturbatory fuck was proof that my body wasn't dead to sex, but now what? For a second I started thinking about Richard and Jack again, but stopped quickly. That fantasy might be good to masturbate to again, but right now I wanted to consider my options. Maybe I could find myself a regular "friend with benefits," a fuck buddy. Perhaps there were other men out there in similar circumstances. Adultery was out of the question for me, I didn't like the idea of fucking someone else's husband without her permission.

Then her admission crossed my thinking. She had slept with her best friend April and her husband, oh, my God! This was really something! It felt so incredibly hot to have two mouths kissing and sucking you, and two dicks pounding and fucking you. I wondered what it would be like to let a woman be the third instead of a second guy.

I pulled off my bra and panties and looked down at my body. Mmm...I certainly loved to suck my own nipples; frankly, I knew how to do it better than anyone! And when it comes to sucking someone off, I knew how to do that too, no doubt! Could I let a woman do me?

I thought about Rachel with another woman then. She was very cute, around three inches shorter than me with light brown hair and blond highlights. She had a plumpish figure but was quite curvy with nice breasts and legs. I loved her skin too and for the first time I thought about another nude woman in the room playing with me. I liked this image even more when Jack was thrown into it. Wow...maybe it would be fun to have his dick fucking me while Rachel sucked my tits! Mmm...This sounded very good! My pussy was starting to throb again and I leaned over the side of the bed and opened the drawer of the end-table. My eight inch gel-cock vibrator was humming my name and I picked it up and turned it on.


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