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The Descent Pt. 01

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Miranda starts blackmailing Mia and she becomes her slave.
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Hey, a few words before the story begin: all characters of this story are above 18 and are fictional. This is my first ever story and English is not my native language, so sorry in advance if this is not very good.

Also, this story will have a few more parts, but I'm not really sure how many yet.

Warning: this story is not about love or romance, quite the opposite in fact, and the kinks/fetishes will grow more extreme as the story progress especially on the degradation/humiliation part (maybe also on physical pain but it will not be the dominant ones). Enjoy!

Chapter 1

Hate. So much hate. That was the only thing that Miranda was feeling as her boss explained why he decided to give the promotion to her nemesis. The promotion she worked her ass off for. She had been in the company for 4 years and was considered the best, everything pointed to her becoming the new chief manager, that is until the bitch arrived. Mia was her name, and she came to the company 1 year ago. At first glance, Miranda didn't like her and it became apparent that the feeling was mutual. For starter Mia was gorgeous, not necessarily more than Miranda but still, she was beautiful. Mia had blonde hair past her shoulders which she took great pride in, with green eyes and a heart shaped face. At 5 foot 6 and curves in the right places she could have been modeling. Miranda was 5 foot 7 with wavy red hair and grey eyes. She had wider hips, and slightly bigger breast. Whereas Mia's face was soft, Miranda's was hard, with an almost permanent icy expression. After all, she was surnamed the ice queen for a reason.

Soon after her arrival, the two women started competing against each other. Who had the better results at work, who added more to the company... They started to hate each other like no one should hate someone else, every occasion was good to spite and undermine the other. However, Mia soon gained an advantage by being more subtle about her hate. She was nice to everyone but Miranda and never spite her in public. Miranda was sure that she was putting an act to appear in a better light, to make Miranda the villain. And the fact that it worked infuriated Miranda even more.

Today was the last straw, the bitch had taken what was rightfully hers, the one thing she worked her ass off for 4 years to gain, and in only one year of being in the company, the bitch had convinced everyone that she was better and thus deserved it more. After his talk, her boss dismissed them both. Once the door close, Mia went her way, but not before looking at Miranda with a slight smirk of triumph. Miranda clenched her jaw and balled her fist to keep her from slapping the bitch until her face turns purple. As the day went on, Miranda was seething more and more, she could hear others employees talking about the promotion, even congratulating Mia. She was so enraged she was visibly shaking. She went home and tried to relax by imagining all the terrible things she would do to Mia if given the chance, when suddenly she received a call from her closest friend Chloe. Chloe worked at the same company, on a different floor, Miranda postulated on the job on her council.

"What? I'm not really in the mood to go out if that's what it is about."

"Well, Hello to you too! It is about Mia again?"

"This bitch got the job, this snake charmed everyone and took my fucking promotion!"

" Mmhh... You know best friends are always supposed to be here to support you, right? Well, I think I have something to brighten your day and even your foreseeable future."

"What is it? I told you I'm not in the mood for..."

Chloe cut her off "It's about Mia". There was a long pause and then Miranda said "Tell me".

"I took a look at the last project she did, the one you should have led. I thought that something was strange because the numbers didn't add up, so I did some digging and guess what? She stole 15 000 dollars!"

"No way, are you sure?"

"Check your emails, you'll see for yourself."

Miranda went to her laptop and opened her emails and there it was. The evident proof that this bitch, Mia, her nemesis had stolen 15 000 dollars from the company, she had hidden it well but Chloe found it, after all she didn't like her too.

"I was about to report her to the company to get her fired and worse, but then I thought that you could make some use of this information, given your hate for her..."

Miranda took some time to respond as she was processing the enormity of this information. Her dream had come true, with this she would get her revenge, she would make her pay 100 times over, she would destroy her so completely that by the end she will be a shell of the woman she is now. Her sadistic fantasies were flashing through her head, new ideas popping every second, and a full-blown evil smile slowly bloomed on her mouth.

"The bitch is done for! You have no idea how much this means to me, thank you, Chloe!"

"That's what I'm here for, just don't forget to include me in some of those things you'll do to her, I'm sure it will be a lot of fun, well... for us that is", she laughed.

"Oh I will, don't worry, see you soon"


That night, Miranda couldn't sleep, she was vibrating from excitement and anticipation. She used the weekend to prepare everything she needed.

On Monday morning, Miranda was in her car at 7 am, en route to the company, her plan ready to be set in motion. The vengeance had begun.

Chapter 2

As she arrived at work, Miranda went straight to Mia's new office, the one that she got with the promotion thought angrily Miranda, but that didn't matter now, she will get it back and more. It was still early and few people were already there, but Mia always came early, no doubt to reinforce her image of the perfect employee. As she arrived at Mia's office Miranda opened the door and entered without knocking. A bit startled, Mia looked up from her computer.

"Miranda? What are you doing here?" a small smile to her lips added "Are you here about the promotion? It's really a shame that you didn't get it but I'm sure that won't stop you from doing your best, after all I'm your superior now".

Just yesterday Miranda would have been seething, but at that moment she just smiled, an evil smile, which surprised Mia who expected to see anger on her face.

"Answer me honestly", said Miranda, "do you hate me, like really hate me?"

Shrugging, Mia replied "We have been competing for one year now and everyone knows that you hate me, I'm just smart enough to hide the fact that I hate you too"

Miranda's smile grew even larger "Good, very good" She then came closer on the other side of the desk and threw a file on it "I gotta say I would never have expected that you of all people would steal money, you really don't seem to be the type of person to do that, but eh, I'm not going to complain, actually, I'm glad that you did."

As she heard those words, Mia blood went cold and all colors drained from her face. She tried to keep her cool "What do you mean, what is this?" she said pointing at the dossier.

"Take a look" prompted Miranda

Reluctantly, Mia opened the file and went through it, at each page she became even whiter. Finally, after a few minutes she slowly raised her head and looked up at a smirking Miranda "What do you want?"

Miranda was almost ecstatic, she could see the fear in Mia eyes, the way she tried to appear nonchalant could have fooled anyone but not Miranda, after all she had always been the one to see through her acts. "Oh I want a lot of things from you, believe me. I'm sure that you realize that if I take this to the company you will be fired and will face prison, this will ruin your life forever."

"But you didn't. Why? What do you want? Money? I will give it to you if you destroy this"

"I'm not interested in money, I want something far more valuable to me. You..."

"What do mean by "me"?", said Mia with apprehension.

"I want you to do everything I tell you to, and by everything, I mean EVERYTHING, you will be my slave".

"What? But... Surely you don't mean that, you're crazy if you think I will do such a thing" shouted Mia standing up, so that their heads were only a few centimeters apart across the desk.

"You don't have a choice, if you don't, you will go to prison for years, at least this way you will keep your reputation and your life" said Miranda with glee. In reality, if Mia knew what Miranda wanted to do to her, she would have chosen prison any day of the week. But she had no idea how twisted Miranda could be and how deep her hate for her ran in her blood.

Mia knew that she was trapped, she didn't want to go to prison, she closed her eyes a few seconds to then look at Miranda and said with what she hoped appeared as determination "Fine, I will be your slave for one week and then you delete all traces of evidence of this and never talk to anyone about it."

Hearing this Miranda burst out laughing "Surely you don't think that I will agree to do that?! Hell no, you will be mine to do what I want until I grow tired of you" replied Miranda still laughing and thinking that would never happen, she dreamed of this moment for too long to let her go, even in 10 years from now. She had developed a toxic obsession with her.

"One month then, you don't really expect me to agree to trade one prison for another, whereas "your prison" is permanent, do you?" bluffed Mia, no way in hell she would go to jail, she was ready to do anything to prevent that, even becoming the slave of this fucking bitch but Miranda didn't need to know about that.

Thinking it over quickly, Miranda responded "1 year, that's my final offer, if you don't agree, I will take this to the company right now". In truth, Miranda would never let her go, but agreeing on only one year would be enough to prevent her to go to jail out of desperation and fear.

"I want a contract, 1 year and I'm free"

Losing patience and her temper Miranda said harshly "Shut the fuck up bitch you don't make demands out of me, there will be no contract, you will accept or I will leave right now! So, what will it be? 1 year of slavery or jail?"

Defeated Mia knew she couldn't push farther. They watched each other in the eyes for a few seconds and Mia finally replied with as much dignity as she could muster "Fine, I accept your terms" "What now?"

Miranda smirked with glee, "Come here in front of me". Mia rounded the desk and stopped a few centimeters apart from Miranda looking at her in the eyes with anger and defiance. Miranda smirk grew and said "I like that you are so defiant, I will love breaking it out of you until the only thing you will want to do is please me".

"That will never happen!" spat Mia.

"We'll see. Keep your arms at your sides, don't you dare move them", said Miranda. She then raised her hand and slapped Mia across the face with all her strength, SLAP. Mia's head went sideways from the blow.

Mia put her hand to her cheek, she didn't expect it and that hurt like a motherfucker "WTF, are you cra..." SLAP, SLAP, SLAP. Miranda slapped her 3 more times with as much strength as before.

"I said keep your hands at your side you fucking slut" said Miranda in a cold hard voice "You will speak to me with respect, in fact starting now, you will address me as goddess when we are alone. What's more, you will speak when I give you permission to."

Tears in her eyes from the pain and humiliation, Mia put her hands at her sides and didn't reply. She watched Miranda square in the eye with all the defiance she could muster, pressing her lips together. SLAP, SLAP.

"Always lower your eyes, we are not equals you are just trash, the dirt under my shoes while I'm your goddess, understood?" SLAP. Mia lowered her eyes and said nothing. Miranda had never been happier, it was so good seeing her worst enemy, the one person she hates the most and that hates her back at her complete mercy, and it was only the beginning, what was to come was so much worse...

Chapter 3

"I want you to strip now, take everything off, and I want you to look me in the eyes while you do it"

"What? Here? but..." SLAP, "Shut the fuck up trash, don't talk, just do I as say or would you prefer, I made this go public" said Miranda, pointing at the file with anger.

Defeated, Mia took off her clothes until she was in her underwear all the while looking at Miranda who was watching her back with sadistic glee. Mia then hesitated and SLAP. "I said everything stupid slut" Mia's cheeks were burning from the pain but also from shame as she took off her bra and panties.

Miranda made a show of looking her up and down with evident disgust "I always thought you were ugly, but damn that's worse than I thought" she said, which was untrue of course Mia was a very beautiful woman but Miranda wanted to break her confidence so completely that she would always feel inferior to her.

"Kneel". With shame, Mia slowly kneeled. She couldn't even describe what she was feeling, being humiliated by a woman she hated like this, but she had to stay strong, she would never break.

Miranda took Mia chin in her hand and raised her head so that she was looking her in the eyes "Look at you, on your knees before your superior, your goddess. You're trash, you understand?"

"Yes" said Mia hesitantly, SLAP

"Address me correctly fucking trash" said Miranda with so much venom in her voice it was a wonder it wasn't seeping out of her pores.

"Yes goddess" responded Mia in a small voice.

Miranda suddenly pursed her mouth and spat right in Mia's face. The spit landed on her right cheek and dribbled down slowly. Miranda pursed her lips again and spat viciously massive wads of spit 3 more times. A single tear dribbled down Mia's face and mixed with the spit, she had never felt so low in all her life, she didn't deserve this, it was inhumane she thought.

"Yes, I love to see your tears now that you realize your real place. Now I want you to bow down before me with your head on the ground and your hands under your head" laughed Miranda, having the best time of her life.

Mia closed her eyes and slowly lowered her body until she was at the lowest with her head on her hands, her whole body close to the ground. She then felt Miranda put her foot on the top of her head and on her neck. She pressed down with the strength of her leg.

"This is your rightful place now, beneath me, prostrating yourself like the worm you are, you understand worm?"

"Y..., yes goddess" replied Mia in a shaky voice.

"Say that you're trash, tell me how inferior you are to me fucking worm"

"I'm... I'm trash, I'm a worm before you goddess" said Mia sobbing, tears flowing more freely from her eyes.

Miranda was so excited, she almost came just from hearing those words. She was so wet that a little friction, and she would have the best orgasm of her life. The whole situation felt like an accomplishment of a lifetime, a longtime dream, better than getting her job, better than anything she had ever lived. But sexual pleasure could wait a bit, now was the time to assert her domination and establish new rules. "Now, obviously you will be quitting this job and tell the company that you don't want the promotion anymore, that you will give it to me. I don't care what excuse you use, just make it happen if you know what's good for you. You will also give me the keys of your car, you won't need it anymore as you will come live at my house, you will also give me all your personal information such as your bank account, every password of every account you own on internet etc... If you want to do something you ask me first, if somebody starts asking you questions you tell them you live with. Understood?" Miranda said, still having the full weight of her leg on Mia bowed head.

"Y..Yes goddess but what a...about my stuff"

"You won't need it, I will give you all the things you need." She pressed down on Mia's head "Everything you own is mine because I own you now, understood?"

Mia didn't respond at first at the enormity of what Miranda just said but scared to be slapped or worse she finally went with "Yes, goddess" as was expected of her.

"Good, also, every time you meet me in private, I want you to greet me in this exact position bowing down head on the ground and hands under your head, fully naked. You will never look me in the eyes, at my face or even at my body even in public, all you can look at are my feet, I don't want you to soil me with your eyes fucking trash."

"Yes, Goddess" that was the only thing that Mia was capable of saying at the moment. Everything was moving too fast; in just a few minutes, her whole life had been reaped away from her. She now had to live under someone else rule, her worst enemy rule at that, and she was completely overwhelmed by it all. The one thing she would cling to however was that she only had to endure all this for one year. If she stayed strong, she would get through it, it couldn't get any worse than this... right? If only she knew....

Chapter 4

"I want to get your job by the end of the day. I will come here at 6pm tonight and we will go at my house afterwards, ready all the things I required by then, I will make you pay if you don't."

"Yes, Goddess" murmured Mia. Miranda kept her foot on the head of Mia for a few more seconds and took a step back.

"Stand up now, worm", Mia slowly stood up, she had tears and spit all over her face, and her makeup was ruined. She tried to wipe it out of her face with her hands but Miranda slapped her violently 3 times when she did, SLAP SLAP SLAP!

"Don't wash it up without my permission, you do things only if I tell you to, trash" Mia raised her eyes to Miranda after the blows and realized her mistake too late, SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP. Four more slaps came her way, her cheeks were bright red, she was in great pain mentally and now physically as well.

"I told you to never look at me without my permission, stupid trash!" said Miranda with great anger. However, if anger was what she showed on her face and in her voice, deep inside she was on cloud nine to be able to inflict such pain to this bitch, this trash that stood beneath her.

Mia immediately lowered her eyes to Miranda's feet. Rage suddenly ignited her veins, how dare she, how dare this cold bitch slap her, how dare she humiliate her. At this moment she promised herself that she will make her pay one day, her time would come. If only she hadn't been greedy. At 28, she had stolen money a couple of times; she was very good with numbers and never got caught... Until now.

Miranda grabbed Mia's hair firmly and let go of a massive wad of spit on Mia's forehead, Mia didn't make the same mistake twice and kept her eyes lowered as spit dribbled down in front of them. Disappointed, Miranda spat 3 more times on Mia's face before letting go of her hair.

"Well, it was fun trash, but I need to get to work, we wouldn't want people to discover our little arrangement so soon. Make sure to do all the thing I told you to. Oh, and by the way you can wash your face but don't put on makeup, you won't need it anymore, it's for women only, and you're not one, right trash?" laughed Miranda

"Yes, Goddess" said Mia with a slightly shaky voice

With that, Miranda left the room. Once she left, Mia collapsed onto her chair. She had spit and tears all over the face but at this moment she couldn't care less. How could this happen to her? Why of all people it had to be Miranda? She would make her life a living hell and she couldn't do a thing about it... Despair was invading her thoughts and she realized that more tears were running down her face. She wiped them angrily, her hand coming out full of Miranda's spit. Disgusted, she dressed up, went out of her office and made her way to the bathroom keeping her head down, praying that nobody would talk to her. Luckily it was still a bit early and she arrived in the bathroom, washed her face and looked at herself and the mirror with a new determination, she could do this, she would stay strong.


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