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The Dressing Room - Margot and Scarlett

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Margot thinks Scarlett would make a great Harley Quinn.
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Summary: Margot thinks Scarlett would make a great Harley Quinn

Author's note: I like clothes swapping, cosplay, beautiful women and lesbian discoveries - here's a story that will hopefully tick all of those boxes. Margot Robbie and Scarlett Johansson are two of my celebrity crushes, and seeing them in action as Harley Quinn and Black Widow... well, wow is about all I can say. If you're a fan or either (or both) of them, I hope you'll like this story!

One tiny little note - the premise is linked to a bet that could have gone either way, and I think either option would have been equally delicious. I've chosen one outcome, but I love the other one too, and I don't want to leave it unanswered. So, somewhere down the line, expect a parallel story/sequel/something else that gets these two women back together - it'd be a shame not to, so if there's any preference for what you'd like to see, let me know!


The Dressing Room -- Margot and Scarlett

"Calm down, Margot, calm down!"

The Australian actress spoke to herself as she paced around her living room, keeping an eye on the time and trying to steady her nerves. She'd been thinking about this moment for weeks now and, even now, she couldn't quite believe that it was here.

It wasn't often that your dreams came true, she thought.

But they were today.

Margot left the room and started pacing around the house. She went to the hall mirror to check herself again - she knew it didn't matter what she looked like, not today, but she wouldn't have felt right if she didn't make an effort, given how special the occasion was.

She'd dressed casually, wearing a form-fitting-but-not-too-much red summer dress, which hung loosely yet tightly on her slim frame. It was the kind of casual outfit she'd have completed with a simple pair of white trainers, maybe some low heels, but she was home and so went barefoot, completing the sense of legs that went on for miles.

She hadn't opted for much make-up (for reasons she would make clear to her guest later on), but she was the sort of natural beauty who didn't really require too much - her blue eyes shone, and her blonde hair hung gently on her shoulders. She was a good-looking woman, and she knew it.

She was just hoping that, after all the fun and games were out of the way, her companion recognised it too.

If it was going to be any day, it would be today.

The time was near, but would she be punctual? Would she be looking forward to what she and Margot were going to do, or would she be apprehensive? Was she thinking about this moment every moment, as Margot seemed to be?

Or would she chicken out? That'd be the worst thing of all - would she decide that their agreement was just a stupid bet that meant nothing, and not even show up?

Margot smiled in delight at the chimes of the door - that was a definite 'no' to her last question.

And that meant Scarlett Johansson was here.

Today was the day that the Marvel star held up her end of their bargain, and the Australian actress had been looking forward to it for... well, since they'd met.

The two women had become friends over the past few years, and they met up semi-regularly for a drink and a chat. As two A-list stars in Hollywood, there were few people on their level who they could chat with and vent at, and receive a genuine response that didn't come from a place of sycophancy - they were fortunate that they had each other. They could chat about anything with each other - work, life, love.

Margot especially liked it when the conversation shifted to love. Somehow, their friendship became even more intimate when they talked about love and sex, and the kind of topics only the closest of friends comfortably discussed together.

And then, after a few glasses for wine, there was always the suggestion it could have been something more - that their friendship could lead to them being more than friends.

When they got onto these topics, there always seemed to shared looks and glances that could have meant more, posing questions about where their relationship could go.

But, thus far, those glances remained unanswered.

Did Scarlett feel the same way as she did, Margot often wondered? Some of her comments seemed flirtatious, as though the Marvel actress was putting out feelers to see if her own feelings were reciprocated. Margot tried to respond, and flirted back, but nothing ever seemed to come of it. She couldn't read her friend - she didn't know if that flirting was just Scarlett being Scarlett, or whether it meant something else?

All the Australian actress knew is that Scarlett's words and her looks made her heart leap in a way it never seemed to with anyone else. And so, Margot waited for their next time together, hoping that would be the time she finally confessed how she felt.

Would she ever find her nerve?

It so happened that one of those chats came just as they were both getting ready to don their superhero outfits once more - Scarlett to film the solo Black Widow film, and Margot for The Suicide Squad. These films were crowd pleasers, and they were guaranteed money-makers - how could they grumble?

Both women began as they always did when they met that day - it was Scarlett's turn to host, so the actresses sat on the Marvel star's sofa with a glass of wine, and talked about everything but work. The trips they'd taken, and the people they'd met. Any nice outfits that they'd purchased recently, or designers that wanted to work with them. Any memorable fan encounters, pleasant or strange - fortunately, it was largely the former, but they always seemed to have a weird one to dissect too. And they'd talk of romance - anyone who caught their eye, or the rare occasion they managed a date.

These fleeting romances never seemed to last, though - it was as though their hearts weren't quite in it. Margot, for her part, knew hers certainly wasn't.

But eventually, the conversation drifted towards their upcoming films. Margot described how excited she was with how the Harley Quinn character would be portrayed in this new Suicide Squad film, and some of the incredible actors she'd be working with. She knew that this film would take the potential of the first one, and actually do it justice.

Scarlett started talking about the challenges of the solo Black Widow - executive-producing the project as well as starring, and ensuring that the film truly delivered on the love for the character since the fans first met her in Iron Man 2. She also told Margot that the film would see audiences meeting Natasha's family, and a whole new army of Black Widows.

"You know," Scarlett said, a wry smile on her lips, "you'd make a great Black Widow yourself, Margot."

Margot smiled - this wasn't the first time Scarlett had tried to get her in one of those famous catsuits. She was always talking about a cameo in a Marvel film, maybe even an appearance as Natasha's sister down the line, but Margot knew that moment had now passed with this new film - she knew they'd already signed someone up for that role.

So what was she playing at?

Margot had a suspicion, and she liked it very much. She always hoped that Scarlett's wishes were motivated by something more than the bottom line. Maybe it was wishful thinking, but Margot decided that today would be the day she'd find out.

That comment had given Margot a delicious idea.

"I tell you what, Scarlett," she leaned forwards, "maybe you will see me in your costume one of these days. When the time is right."

Margot's heart leapt a little. No, why understate it - a lot. She couldn't quite believe what she was doing.

Scarlett seemed to play it cool, and let out a coy laugh: "Is that so, Margot? And when will the time be right?"

"When you win a bet," Margot said, delighted.

Scarlett raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

"What are you thinking?"

"How 'bout this? We're both making our films, and they'll be coming out at the same time. Let's have a superhero battle, Harley Quinn vs the Black Widow. Whoever's film gets the best reviews wins. If you win, I'll finally embrace the Black Widow life - bring me your catsuit, and I'll rock it. I'll even let you take a photo, so you can hold onto the memory. What d'you think?"

Margot flashed a smile, hoping that Scarlett wasn't going to turn it down.

"Sounds good," Scarlett smirked. "And what if I lose?"

Margot shrugged her shoulders. She was glad she was a good actress - she didn't know how she'd disguise her excitement otherwise.

"If I lose, I'm becoming a Black Widow. So," she stretched the word out, playing with her companion, "if you lose, I think you should be a Harley Quinn." She paused for a moment. "My Harley Quinn."

Was it too much, she wondered? Fortunately, Scarlett didn't seem to think so - she seemed tickled by the idea, and agreed to the wager. She said it'd be an easy win, and she'd finally prove that Margot would rock a Black Widow suit. And as to what would follow... well, Margot could dream.

Or maybe she did pick up on Margot's playful hint, and that was what swayed her. Maybe, Margot thought, she was tickled by the idea of being reshaped by the Australian actress, and becoming hers - maybe, just maybe, Scarlett agreed to the bet with the hope that she would actually lose...

Maybe she wanted to be Margot's.

She knew it was a long shot - it couldn't be more than a dream, surely - but it was the kind of dream that kept Margot up at night, and kept her hand drifting between her legs whenever she thought about it.

Anyway, months and years later, the films were done and eventually released in cinemas. Black Widow came out first, and Margot was delighted for her friend to see how well it did. But she couldn't help but hear the behind-the-scenes gossip - the film did well, but nowhere near as well as Disney had hoped. The reviews were good, not great, and there were even suggestions that the film had actually made a loss.

Months later, it was the turn of The Suicide Squad. Everyone could see it was a marked improvement on the original - it was funnier, more action-packed, more entertaining - and a great role for Margot. But, as it came out, and the DC actress went about the endless press tours and red-carpet events, she found her thoughts creeping more and more regularly to that bet. The film didn't make as much money as its Marvel rival - that was to be expected - but it delivered where it counted.

At least, where it counted for its star.

Margot knew that she'd won, but how to play it? Eventually, when they had another of their friendly meetings on the horizon, Margot dropped Scarlett a casual text message: 'Remember our bet? You ready to be my Harley Quinn, Scarlett?'

Scarlett replied with a few heart emojis, her way of saying 'yes' to her friends if she wanted to leave a little room open for ambiguity. That woman and her ambiguous flirty responses - it was like she knew she was playing a game with Margot, and enjoying it.

Today was the day.

Margot opened the front door, and couldn't help but break into her biggest smile when she saw Scarlett there.

Every time Margot saw Scarlett, she still found herself surprised by just how beautiful her friend was. She was downplaying it with a casual outfit - a pair of waist-high jean shorts, into which a strappy top was tucked just tightly enough. It was that perfect combination, modest but knowing that it would still draw the eye to her perfect body. On her feet, some flat ankle boots, grey and stylish without any flash.

Margot gave her the once-over, about as subtly as she was able to, and her eyes made their way to that beautiful face. Scarlett's hair was blonde at the moment, roughly the same length as Margot's, and she had also opted for little make-up. Not that you'd notice - she was also a natural beauty, and her green eyes sparkled whenever you looked into them.

Margot could have looked at her forever - she didn't realise just how utterly head over heels she was. But she had other plans for the day, as magic as the moment was.

"I didn't know if you'd actually come," Margot said chirpily, opening her arms for a hug.

Scarlett met that hug, and replied with a definite hint of playfulness in her voice: "Of course - as if I was going to miss this."

"Can I get you a drink first, Scarlett?" Margot asked as she closed the door behind her friend. "Or would you rather get down to the main event?"

Scarlett noticed the excitement in Margot's voice, and couldn't help but chuckle a little.

"Well," she said, smirking, "it'd be rude to keep you waiting, wouldn't it?"

She put her hand on Margot's shoulder, reaching a little under the loose dress, and gave it a reassuring squeeze. It went on for just a little longer than an innocent squeeze, Margot thought, and it sent a tingle through her.

"Right," she composed herself, "follow me."

The two actresses climbed the stairs, and Margot led Scarlett to a nearby door. They entered the room - Scarlett knew that Margot's house had a studio, as the houses of all major stars did, but she'd never been inside it before. It was a large room, with mirrors, dressing tables, clothes racks and hangers, lights, seats - essentially, everything you and your entourage would need to try on outfits and make yourself look perfect before turning up at whatever event you were off to. If you were lucky enough to attend lots of events near to the house, as anyone who lived in Hollywood was, having a studio was invaluable.

Margot's was much like her own, except it was unusually empty. She'd have expected hundreds of dresses and shoes about, accessories by the dozen and make-up easily to hand, but there was very little. A small make-up kit on one of the dressing tables, and nothing else.

Oh, wait, hold on, she thought.

She noticed that one outfit was laid out on one of the tables - Scarlett wandered over to inspect it, and she recognised it immediately.

"No," she said, shaking her head and laughing, "you can't be serious. Come on, Margot."

Margot shrugged her shoulders in response, and she couldn't help but grin too. She knew the response she was likely to get from the Marvel star - that was, in part, why she chose the outfit she had.

That, and she knew that Scarlett would look so hot in the first Harley Quinn outfit she'd ever wore on screen - too-short hotpants, ripped 'Daddy's Little Monster' T-shirt and fishnets for Suicide Squad. It was sexy as anything, and imagining Scarlett wearing it... wow. She fought to hold onto it after filming to make sure no-one else could wear it - she was very glad she was breaking that rule now.

"Hey," she smirked, "a bet's a bet, right? I can't help it if Harley," she slipped into her well-practiced Harley voice, "is a flashy dresser."

Her friend laughed.

Margot took one of the seats, and flashed Scarlett a cheekily innocent smile.

"Well," Margot said, casually as she could to avoid betraying the excitement in her everything, "I guess if you're gonna be my Harley Quinn, you're gonna have to get your clothes off first."

"You're all work and no play, you know," Scarlett said with mock sarcasm.

Margot smiled: "I certainly wouldn't say that, Scarlett."

Scarlett sighed heavily, a sarcastic gesture she used often to poke fun at Margot, and flashed her a little smile. Margot knew that she was going to enjoy this - clearly, Scarlett was ready for it too.

The Marvel star slipped her feet out of the ankle boots, and put them to one side. She unbuttoned her jean shorts - slowly, teasing - and slid them down her long legs. She had stunning legs, and as she bent over to pick up the discarded clothing, she aimed her butt in Margot's direction. Her butt cheeks were firm, sculpted, as if crafted by the gods - Scarlett knew it, and she made sure that Margot knew it too.

Margot, for her part, didn't need any help coming to that conclusion - all she was thinking at the moment was how hot her friend was, and how hot she was starting to feel herself. Was she blushing - she must have been blushing, right - how could you not be?

Scarlett pulled the strappy top over her head, and placed it with her other clothes, so she was standing there in just her bra and pants. They were black and showy without being too much - the kind of thing you'd wear on a night out when you hoped someone else would take it off for you. That was a good omen, Margot thought - after all, she must have been wearing it for her, right?

Her friend stopped undressing, and put her hands on her exposed hips. Her tits jumped just a little when she did - Margot's eyes were instinctively drawn to them.

"Right," Scarlett said, "what now?"

Margot needed a moment to catch her breath, wanting to lose herself in the sight of this stunning half-naked woman in front of her but knowing she shouldn't. Not just yet, at least.

She held herself together: "You're not done undressing, are you?"

A little smirk just crept into the corner of Scarlett's lips: "Am I not, Margot?"

"I don't think so," Margot returned the hint of a smile. "Harley isn't running around Gotham in fancy lingerie, is she? No, if you're going to be Harley, you gotta go the whole hog, I'm afraid."

Scarlett gave it the pretence of thinking about it, but it was clear in her eyes that she liked the idea.

"If you say so, Margot."

And so Scarlett began taking off her underwear. She could have been workmanlike, ready to get on with it, but Margot wasn't getting those vibes. Far from it. She slipped those black pants down her legs, a little too slowly for it to be unintentional - Margot knew, just knew, that her friend was playing with her.

Then she bent over, pointing her perfect butt in Margot's direction. She was leaning down to pick up the underwear, but she flashed her friend a little cheeky smile before standing upright again.

Margot wanted to melt, there and then.

Scarlett reached behind her back, and unclipped the bra. It fell away, Scarlett's perky breasts seemingly exploded from the bra. They stood firm, impressive, and Margot thought about how many people around the world must have thought about those breasts. She knew that she was one of them. And now, they were in front of her. They were so close, she could reach out and touch them.

Would Scarlett let her, she wondered? Those nipples certainly looked a little hard - Margot hoped her friend was feeling like she was.

The Marvel star placed the bra to one side, and then stood, a smirk on her face and her hands on her hips. She wasn't embarrassed, no - she was showing off her natural beauty for Margot.

Scarlett was standing in Margot's studio - and she was naked. It wasn't like Margot hadn't seen it before - she'd seen glimpses of her friend's body, and she frequently rewatched Under the Skin, hands between her legs, so she could see the naked Scarlett and masturbate with her friend in mind.

But this - this was different. This wasn't a picture, some image on a screen - no, this was real, and it was happening. Breasts, butt, pussy, all here and on display, and only for her eyes.

Margot was in heaven before they'd even begun, and it took all of her inner steel not to fangirl all over the place and throw herself at her fellow actress.

That, and a touch of focus - she had a plan for the afternoon, and she didn't want to break away from it too much, not at the moment. She'd already left that familiar pot of make-up to hand, sitting casually on one of her dresser tables - she casually picked it up, and handed it to Scarlett.

"Present for you."

"What's this?" Scarlett took it and inspected the pot.

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