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The EMT Ch. 10

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Suzanne's career as company slut starts with a bang.
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Part 10 of the 19 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/23/2004
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"Hello Suzanne. How was your day? Any second thoughts?"

His voice had the same quiet power that she remembered and recognised, and had the instant effect of quietening her temper. She closed her eyes for a second, counted to five quickly, and then replied.

"Hello Mr Leicester. I had an interesting day thank you, and no, I have not chickened out or had second thoughts. What can I do for you Sir?"

Graham laughed quietly at the other end of the line. "I was sure that you wouldn't Suzanne, and Packard tells me that you were most cooperative with him earlier today. I hope that he was gentle with you."

Suzanne sat down at the chair by the desk, and assured Graham Leicester that Doctor Packard had been as gentle and professional as possible. She could see Ian through the door into the kitchen, obviously trying to listen to her conversation, and she scowled at him, embarrassed at how quickly Graham Leicester had changed her mood from anger at Ian to quiet submission to Mr Leicester.

Ian started to rinse the wine glasses as Graham continued.

"Did Ian warn you about your little field trip tomorrow with Karl Solomon?"

Suzanne looked daggers at Ian again as she replied.

"Yes Sir. He has just this minute told me about it, and I was thinking about all the things I need to do when you called."

"Good Suzanne. Don't worry too much. You are seeing Karl at 09:00 I believe." Suzanne confirmed her understanding of the arrangement. "You will have time after that to go to the beauty parlour, before you are taken to Waverley for your train, so don't worry tonight about that sort of thing. Just pack for an overnight, we'll discuss what you need in a minute. Does that make things easier for you?"

His understanding of her needs, and his anticipation of her little female requirements once again impressed Suzanne. "That takes a load from my mind Sir, thank you."

"OK Suzanne, thank YOU. Has Ian explained the purpose of the trip?"

"Only in the most basic terms Sir. I understand that Mr Solomon and I will be dining with a client that we are trying to influence, and that a little flattery or more may be required."

"Well put Suzanne, that is the essence of the matter. I want to check that you are happy with that outline before we proceed. Are you prepared to do what is necessary to achieve our ends in this matter?"

The question caught Suzanne a little by surprise in its bluntness and candour. She realised that Graham Leicester was asking her if she was prepared to sleep with a complete stranger if necessary, to let some unknown man use her body if required, to achieve whatever business objective suited the company. The thought sent butterflies flying in her stomach, and her nipples stiffened with the thought of what may happen to her in less than 24 hours time.

"Mr Leicester, I realise that I have signed a contract, and that I am obliged by that contract to use whatever talents I have in your service. I am not only willing to keep my part of our bargain, I am looking forward to being of some genuine use to you and the company, and also to the adventure that that entails."

"Excellent Suzanne." Not even the distance of the telephone could keep the obvious pleasure from his voice, and Suzanne glowed with the knowledge that her answer had pleased her new boss. "Karl will fill you in on all the technical details in the morning, but I want you to be aware that for the next 36 hours, Karl has my full authority over you. You are to react to orders and instructions from Karl as if they came straight from me. Whatever he demands of you, you are to obey as if it were me making the demands. Is that clear?"

Suzanne answered in the way she had been taught. "Yes Mr Leicester, I understand."

"Good. Now for some personal instructions from me, so that you can pack appropriately. You will be staying and dining in a first class hotel in London. As my representative, I'd obviously like you to look at your best at all times – make me proud of you."

Again, Suzanne could not explain why comments like this left her in a warm glow of pleasure.

"For dinner, take something that is sophisticated but sexy. Something like the cocktail dress you wore to meet me last week." Suzanne couldn't believe that it was only a few days since this mad adventure had begun. She remembered how carefully she had dressed when meeting Graham Leicester for dinner the previous Friday, and the effect that her appearance had on him.

"If you choose to wear underwear, it should be exciting and provocative lingerie. Let Karl know if you need anything, he can make the necessary arrangements."

Suzanne replied that she was sure that she had everything that she needed in her own wardrobe.

"Take some nice night clothes, just in case they are needed – John tells me that you have a very sexy negligee that may be suitable. Do you know the one he means?"

Suzanne's breath caught as she remembered standing in front of John in her honeymoon negligee, which was almost totally transparent, whilst her husband encouraged her to display herself to him. Obviously, John had described everything to Graham, and she was almost more ashamed of him knowing than she was of her wanton behaviour in front of John.

"I know which one he means Mr Leicester, and I'll make sure I pack it, in case it is needed."

The reality of what she was facing was already exciting Suzanne, and she was quickly moistening as her husband's boss discussed the intimate details of her wardrobe and preparations with her. She looked at Ian again in the kitchen and saw that he was watching her intently and listening to her every word as she planned her first company duty as company whore. Ian was obviously and clearly excited at what he was seeing and hearing.

"Look at this as something of a test of your resolve, Suzanne." Graham continued. "We will discuss it in detail when you return, and I will be asking Karl and others how you performed, so remember to make me proud."

"I will be sure to do my best for you Sir" she responded, genuinely excited at the prospect facing her, wondering what the next 36 hours were to bring.

"Right Suzanne, I think you are ready. Report to my office immediately on your return on Thursday to let me know how things went for you. Good luck, and good night."

The 'phone went dead before she could respond. She replaced the receiver and looked up at her husband who was watching her expectantly. When he walked towards her, his erection evident in the tent at the front of his trousers, she shook her finger at him to stop his progress.

"Whoa there boy. My contract says that I have to put you under stoppage once I have received instructions. You'll have to wait until I get back."

At Ian's suddenly crestfallen look, she smiled at him to take the sting out of her words.

"Besides, I have to work tomorrow, and I have a lot of preparation to do first."

Ian watched her head towards the stairs, to pack. As he locked the house and followed her upstairs, he couldn't help thinking that being the husband of the company whore had its drawbacks as well as its compensations.

The EMT – Chapter Ten

It was 2:30 pm and Suzanne was on the train heading towards London at about 100m.p.h., and about exactly halfway there. She and Karl Solomon had boarded the train at Edinburgh Waverley station, found their seats in First Class, and had been comfortably seated when the whistle blew, and the train pulled out promptly at 12:30. Since then, she had read her magazine whilst Karl did some paper-work across from her, trying not to look too obviously at her legs. He'd now fallen asleep, rocked to oblivion by the monotonous hum of the train, and the gentle swaying from side to side as it cornered on the high-speed track.

Suzanne again went through the mental checklist in her head. It had started to form when her husband Ian had announced this business trip to her the previous evening, just before the 'phone call from Mr Graham Leicester which had ensured she was happy and willing to do her duty.

Item 1 – pack for the trip. Ticked. She thought through everything she expected to need, and ticked it off in her head as she remembered packing it in the carry-on suit carrier that was even now sitting in the luggage rack above her head. Make-up, jewellery, creams and lotions, day clothes, cocktail dress, lingerie, shoes, night wear, hair stuff, gym kit (she wondered if she'd get a chance to use the gym in the hotel), pills and tablets (she never went anywhere without strong pain-killers for the occasional migraine that she suffered, but remembered with pleasure that she hadn't suffered a serious attack since Emma had been born). As she ticked-off the cocktail dress, lingerie and negligee that were packed above her head, she couldn't help blushing at her choice and the intended use of the articles.

Item 2 – prepare everything for Emma to be left with a baby-sitter for two days. Ticked. She had panicked about leaving Emma; laying out clothes, drawing up schedules, planning meals, piling up toys, all before she was able to get to bed last night and spend a restless night wondering what today would bring. She realised now that she needn't have worried. When Ms / Nurse Pyrford had arrived at 6:00 am this morning, she had been professionalism itself, and taken everything in her stride. Suzanne smiled as she thought of Emma's bright face when she had woken this morning to find that she was going to spend two whole days with her new friend. Suzanne also had a little tear of regret that her daughter could see her leave 'for work' with such apparent ease. Children were amazingly promiscuous with their affections, she thought, and then blushed again at the idea of her own impending promiscuity.

Item 3 – get to the office by 09:00 for a briefing by Karl Solomon. Ticked. She remembered the excited look on Ian's face as he had left her outside the door to Karl's office at 9:00 am this morning. She had risen at 5:00 am to get ready, fiddling about straightening the house, checking her packing, preparing for Ms Pyrford's arrival at 6:00, and then getting herself dressed and ready. Ian had enjoyed watching her dress for work; professional, chic, smart, sexy. She had chosen her clothes for the day carefully. On the surface, the very epitome of the professional woman, with just a hint of the sexuality beneath. Ian had particularly liked the dark tan seamed stockings she had chosen to wear beneath the smart blue suit, and the transparent blouse she wore under the jacket. They had driven in to the office together; Suzanne with her packed case in the boot of the car, Ian with just his briefcase for a normal day at the office. It had been too early in the morning for any in depth discussion of what was likely to happen tonight, but the air in the car had been charged with an intense sexual edge as Suzanne and Ian kept their own thoughts about the situation.

Item 4 - get briefed by Karl Solomon for this evening's adventure. Ticked. When she had entered his office, Karl had given her the history about Mr Tim Truman, the important client that they were dining with this evening. He owned a major manufacturing plant in the midlands, and made extensive use of Ruler Electronics products, including CCTV and remote monitoring systems on his production line. He was planning a new production unit in the Middle East, and was threatening to go to a Korean competitor for similar products and services. The contract was worth millions, and Ruler Electronics was prepared to go to any lengths to keep this customer. Karl was meeting him on an entirely different matter, related to the UK licensing, but it was hoped that Suzanne would be able to impress him enough to turn the procurement decision for the Middle East factory in Ruler's favour.

Item 5 – Beauty Salon appointment as promised by Graham Leicester. Ticked. After briefing by Karl, she had been taken to the salon, where she had been pampered, topped and tailed (hair, manicure, pedicure, make-up) for two and a half hours, before being taken back to the office to join Karl for the trip to the railway station. When she had arrived back at Karl's office, he had insisted on carrying out a visual inspection of her new coiffure and dress, and made her twirl for him in the office. Until he fell asleep a few minutes ago, he had been unable to take his eyes off her. Suzanne felt like she had been sitting across from a lecherous voyeur for the last two hours, but in her new more receptive persona, it had also made her feel good.

Item 6 – get to London. In progress. She looked at her watch again and calculated that they had another two hours or so before arrival at London Kings Cross, and then they'd have a short taxi ride to their hotel in Park Lane. Dinner was planned for 8:00 pm after cocktails at 7:30, so there should be plenty of time for Suzanne to complete her preparations and get dressed for dinner.

Item 7 – seduce Mr Tim Truman. She didn't even want to think about that, but the real reason for her being here kept intruding into her thoughts. She had no idea what this person looked like, or how far she would be asked (told, she reminded herself) to go. The idea that she was at the absolute beck and call of first, Karl Solomon, and second, if he so commanded, the unknown Mr Tim Truman, was both daunting and exciting for Suzanne. She remembered Graham Leicester's quiet but powerful instructions on the phone the previous evening, his call to 'make him proud of her'. Whatever she was going to do, would be reported back to Mr Leicester, and the thought that she was here to do his bidding and to please him sent a shiver of pleasure through her, and started a tingle between the legs that she had crossed so demurely in front of her.

Karl Solomon yawned and stretched across from her, and blinked his eyes open. As soon as he could focus, he took in the vision sitting opposite. Suzanne sat before him dressed in her smart blue suit, the jacket unbuttoned, and showing the silky cream blouse she wore beneath. He could tell she was not wearing a bra, the blouse was transparent and he could clearly see the naked cleavage between her breasts through the gap in the unbuttoned jacket. Her legs were crossed, right over left, with her magazine spread open across her thighs, and her right foot tucked behind her left calf; the long heel of her shoe visible a few inches above the floor of the compartment. With her legs crossed in so ladylike a fashion, he had a tantalising view up her skirt under her right thigh, but was unable to see as far as the stocking tops that he was certain were there.

He watched her for a minute or two, before looking at his watch to check the train's progress towards London. They had about 90 minutes to go, and Karl wondered why he didn't make the remainder of the trip somewhat more entertaining.

"Why don't you take off your jacket, make yourself more comfortable?" he asked across the aisle in a quiet voice, so as not to be heard by the only other two passengers in the first class compartment; two businessmen sitting at the far end of the carriage.

Suzanne's response was a polite "No, thanks, I am really quite comfortable."

Karl's voice tightened slightly. "No Suzanne. Why don't you take off your jacket and make yourself more comfortable?" This time, the insistence in his voice made his imperative clear to Suzanne. She quickly thought through the implications of what she now realised he had instructed her to do.

The blouse Suzanne had chosen was one she only ever wore beneath a jacket, and then only usually with a lacy bra or camisole. It was very light and filmy, and very see-through, so impractical for wearing without a jacket on top or a camisole or bra beneath. Today, just as Karl had suspected, she was wearing neither; she had chosen to leave off the usual undergarments to start her new career. Removing her jacket would expose her nearly naked breasts to Karl's intent gaze, as well as to anyone else passing through the carriage. It was not the type of exhibitionistic behaviour that she was used to, but she was discovering a lot about herself recently.

Suzanne also realised that being 'asked' to remove her jacket by the overly attentive Karl was also giving her quite a thrill. She knew she couldn't refuse, and resigning herself to this being the start of her adventure, she smiled across at the leering Karl, said "Of course Mr Solomon", put her magazine to one side, and started to shrug out of her jacket.

A real thrill of power shot through Karl as he watched the sexy Suzanne reach up to open her jacket, before sliding first one shoulder and arm from the sleeve, and then the other. As she carefully folded the jacket and placed it on the seat next to her, and then leaned back into her own seat, with her hands folded in her lap, Karl drank in the sight of her very visible braless breasts, through the thin transparent silk of her blouse. The knowledge that he had caused this exposure with nothing more than a mild directive to her increased the excitement for him, and he felt his cock begin to swell. His quick eyes had also not missed the lightning flash of her stocking tops as she first uncrossed, and then re-crossed her legs as she slid forwards on the seat to remove her jacket.

Suzanne could feel his eyes drinking her in, and felt the first sexual stirrings of her own passion as she sat defiantly displayed to this man in such a public place. From the corner of her eye, she also recognised that her movement had attracted the attention of one of the businessmen in the carriage, who was not so subtly staring at her reflection in the window. As she looked towards his own reflection, their eyes locked briefly, before he speedily drew his eyes away from hers, to stare again at her tits. She sat completely still, letting him study her as he wanted.

Karl took in every detail of her display, and found himself wanting to extend his power over her by making her show herself to others as he was seeing her. He started to hope that the guard, or some other passengers, would walk through the carriage and see her like this. And then he had a better idea.

He drew out his wallet from his hip pocket (doing so also allowed him to surreptitiously adjust himself to hide his growing erection), and pulled a twenty-pound note from the wallet. Leaning over to Suzanne, he offered it to her, and said,

"Why don't you stretch your legs and get us a drink from the buffet car? I think you'll find it a couple of carriages forward from here. Gin and Tonic for me, you get whatever you want."

Suzanne recognised immediately what he was up to, and again both enjoyed and resented her own inability to do anything to prevent his exercising his power over her. She silently took the note, and then looked down at her jacket lying on the seat beside her, before looking back into his eyes with a questioning look.

"Do I assume Mr Solomon, that you will not want me to take my jacket with me?"

"You assume correctly Suzanne" he replied, "but don't be too long, I shall miss you whilst you are gone."

Suzanne gave in to the inevitability of the situation, rose and smoothed her skirt over her hips, and then stepped out into the aisle heading to the front of the train. As she stepped away from him, Karl couldn't help thinking that she looked like every man's wet dream of a travelling companion; young, athletic, beautifully and tastefully dressed and made-up, but with her pink nipples and breasts showing clearly through the thin silk of her blouse. He watched her ass sway as she walked away from him, her heels clicking, seams enticing and head held high. Her route forwards in the car took her past the businessman whose weary trip to London had suddenly become much more exciting. He ogled her blatantly as she stepped down the aisle towards him. The automatic door at the end of the carriage opened for her, and swallowed her up as both the unknown businessman and Karl reached down and squeezed themselves in their excitement.

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