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The EMT Ch. 12

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At long last, a linking Chapter for The EMT.
6.9k words

Part 12 of the 19 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/23/2004
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To those intrepid fans of the EMT story, here is a new bit, at long last. This is a linking chapter that spends a considerable amount of time (YOU MAY THINK) setting up Suzanne's next adventure acting on behalf of Ruler Electronics under the direction of Graham Leicester. Some of you may think I have spent too much time addressing the set-up (I've certainly been away from writing for too long), but the true aficionados of The EMT will, I think, forgive my indulgence, as what is to come will be all the better for it. Just don't expect a lot of titillation in this Chapter.

This has been hard to write for a number of reasons, but now it is out of the way, everything is set for a great new adventure which will start to deal with some of the many ideas you have sent me. I have switched off voting for this Chapter because of its nature as a link to the next erotic adventure.

If you are coming to this for the first time, there are 11 Chapters that precede this one, and that are worth the read.

I hope most of you enjoy, and I really do appreciate hearing from you so please don't hesitate to send me a message and let me know what you think.

The EMT Chapter 12

Two weeks had gone by since Suzanne's return from London. It would be wrong to say that they were uneventful; there had been plenty of "events". Ian had been a dynamo, keen for attention and information every spare minute of the day and night it seemed to Suzanne. She had lost count of the number of times that Ian had asked her to recount her adventures, and she now knew that all she had to do to get Ian turned on was to refer to her London visit, however obliquely, and he was all ears to hear her story again. Actually, he wasn't all ears at all. A large proportion of him seemed to be cock. Suzanne could not remember a time when they had been so loving and intimate over such an extended period. It seemed that they had never stopped making love since that first night home from London.

Things hadn't been entirely quiet with her contract either, although there had been nothing to match her trip to London. Since her return, Suzanne had not been required to sleep with anyone except her husband, although Graham Leicester had requested her attendance at a couple of social engagements, once with a client and once with a supplier. On each occasion, Suzanne had been required to appear as Graham's escort for dinner, and whilst she had been instructed to dress fairly provocatively each of the two nights, nothing had developed other than some fairly innocent flirting. Suzanne had enjoyed the attention from the other men present though, and had been almost disappointed when things did not develop further, either with the other parties or with Graham afterwards. Graham seemed to have gone almost cold with her, and had passed up any opportunity to be intimate with her. Suzanne would have been worried about the situation, but she was very aware of Graham's frequent stares, when she could feel his interest and desire for her like a physical tie between them.

She had enjoyed the evenings; dressing up, acting as eye-candy and with a licence to be as sexy as she wished whilst she met other men, always with the possibility that Graham would require more from her. With the client, she had worn a thin knitted dress that had hung on her curves like a loose second skin, giving tantalising hints of the firm toned body lying beneath. Without underwear, the shapes of her breasts were clearly visible, her nipples erect from the eroticism of the situation that she found herself in, and she frequently caught the client and his colleagues looking at her intently, before they would turn away embarrassed at being caught. It was a similar situation with the supplier, the representative of a third-party vendor company that provided parts to Ruler Electronics. On this occasion, Graham had instructed Suzanne to dress in mini-skirt and simple top. Her long tanned legs were constantly on display, and the vendor had real difficulty keeping his eyes away from their magnetic influence. Suzanne felt like she was the jar of bon-bons in the sweet shop window, forever being looked at by hungry eyes, keen to devour her assets, but forever out of reach, or so those that watched believed.

At the end of each evening, Graham had thanked her politely for being such good company, and had sent her home in the ubiquitous company limo, where she would find Ian eagerly awaiting her, keen to hear of her evening, and rampant with his desire for her, fuelled by his imaginings in the hours of her absence.

There had been no contact with John, Karl or any of the other members of EMT, and between being constantly touched, fondled and petted by Ian, or escorting Graham as ordered, Suzanne's life returned almost to normalcy, caring for and loving her daughter Emma, and caring for and loving her husband Ian after Emma had retired to bed. The hiatus was both a welcome break after the whirlwind of the start of her new career, but also a time of reflection for Suzanne.

All that was about to change.

As Suzanne and Ian were curled together on the sofa in the study watching TV, a couple of hours or so after Emma had been put to bed, the peace was shattered by the harsh retro-ringing of the telephone. The couple looked at each other in surprise. It was past 10:00 pm and their phone never rang this late. Suzanne watched apprehensively as Ian walked over to the receiver and answered the intrusive call.

Her apprehension increased when she saw Ian stiffen and say "Yes Graham" soon after picking up the handset, and he waved at her to turn down the TV. Ian nodded occasionally as he listened to the caller, giving monosyllabic answers to unheard questions as Suzanne tried to work out what was being discussed. Finally, Ian said into the phone, "That's fine. We'll see you then." There were some more unheard words, and Ian replaced the handset in its cradle, before slowly turning to his wife with a worried look on his face.

Without saying a word, and much to Suzanne's annoyance, Ian walked back to the sofa, picked up the remote and switched off the TV. Then he sat down again next to his wife and stared silently ahead.

"What the hell's going on?" asked Suzanne, prodding at Ian with her foot when he didn't immediately answer.

"That was Graham" said Ian, redundantly. "He's on his way over here and will be here in 10 or 15 minutes. Something's wrong. I never heard him sound so strange."

Suzanne sat bolt upright at the words "He's on his way over" and a look of panic and concern passed across her face as she took in all that Ian had said. "Well what do you know? What was said?" she asked her still dazed husband.

For the first time since he sat down, Ian turned to look at his wife sitting attentively beside him.

"I have no idea what it is. He sounded strange, said he had to see us tonight and that he was coming straight over. He said it was important, and that you may need to go away for a few days. Other than that, I know nothing".

Suzanne looked quizzically at him, even as her eyes passed quickly around the room checking it was in a decent enough state to receive a visitor. She was satisfied that the room was OK – she had tidied whilst Ian put Emma to bed, but she remained deeply dissatisfied at the lack of information in Ian's answer. It was clear to her though that nothing further would be forthcoming until Graham had arrived.

"Open a bottle of wine darling" she said as she kissed him on the cheek. "I'm going to tidy myself up a little before he arrives." She pulled Ian out of his dazed inertia and shoved him towards the kitchen as she headed towards the staircase and their bedroom upstairs.

In the bedroom, Suzanne quickly examined her appearance and options. She was still wearing her day clothes; a denim skirt and simple white blouse that she had been wearing all day. Her make-up and hair were fine, having been tidied to greet Ian home after his day at the office. She pulled open her wardrobe door with one hand as she started to unbutton the blouse with the other. She would have to change quickly.

Scanning the contents of the wardrobe, she selected a simple blue silk dress that was modest but smart, and laid it carefully on the bed as she stripped off her blouse and skirt. Her mind was wandering, wondering what was going on as she absent-mindedly removed her bra, slipped out of her panties, hopping on one foot as she disentangled them from the other, and opening her lingerie drawer at the same time. She selected a nice pair of thong panties and a pair of hold-up stockings from the drawer, and sat on the edge of the bed to slip them on, all the time thinking about what Graham might want at this late hour.

Before slipping on the dress, she quickly touched up her make-up, sprayed a little scent around her body, and was reaching behind her to zip the dress before she realized that she had automatically made the decision not to replace her bra. Slipping her feet into some appropriate shoes, she smoothed the dress over her thighs and examined herself in the full length mirror that fronted her main wardrobe.

She looked great, as she always did. Wearing the thin silk dress without a bra made it much less modest, and the swell of her curves and absence of support was immediately obvious. The dress was waisted with a matching blue belt that tied at the side, and she fiddled with this as she admired her reflection. She was back downstairs within 10 minutes, after looking in to check that Emma was OK, and in the study found Ian doing a few tidying up things, a bottle of decent red open on the coffee table along with three glasses. Ian looked at her, once again amazed at her beauty, and pleasantly surprised to see that she had taken the trouble to change to meet their boss.

Before they could speak, there was a gentle rapping at the front door; their visitor sensitive to a sleeping child a couple of floors above and avoiding the bell so as not to wake her.

Ian went to answer and returned with Graham, who looked a little harassed and removed his top coat even as he entered the living room. Whilst Ian went to hang up the coat, Suzanne greeted Graham with a peck on the cheek. "Graham, what an unexpected, but pleasant surprise!"

"Thank you Suzanne, I hope that you and Ian still think so after what I have to say". Suzanne indicated for him to be seated, and sat herself, eager to hear what had occasioned this unusual visit, and with a growing trepidation about its meaning. She had never before seen Graham Leicester look anything less than commanding and in complete control. Ian returned and poured drinks before handing them around and sitting himself. The young married couple sat looking expectantly at the older man, who paused and took an appreciative sip of the wine before commencing.

"I apologise for bursting in on you like this, but I thought it necessary to give you as much warning as possible. I have spent most of the evening on the phone with our west coast distributors in the USA, in Phoenix. The long and the short of it is that one of their installations failed to prevent a criminal attack on the premises they were supposed to protect. The customers are a little upset that their brand new and expensive defence system failed to do its job, and they are threatening action against Ruler Electronics. I can't tell you how serious this could be, and I have to go to Phoenix tomorrow."

Graham paused and took a longer sip of his wine. Ian and Suzanne looked at each other in confusion, and then back at Graham. Seeing their bemused faces, he realized that he hadn't yet told them all that they needed to know.

"Oh, sorry, you are wondering what this has to do with you. Let me finish. I need both of you to come with me. Ian, we need to audit the installation to see for ourselves what went wrong. The client has reluctantly agreed to cooperate. I need your engineering skills. And Suzanne, I'm going to need an aide, an assistant. I thought you could do that for me. I know it's short notice, but this is an emergency. Can you both come?"

A million questions appeared to each of them, mostly about Emma and, in Ian's case, other appointments in his calendar. But they were each excited about the prospect. Their questions emerged, and they were soon reassured by Graham that all of the possible objections could be overcome, with the help of the not inconsiderable resources of the Company. After some further discussion, a few urgent telephone calls to various officers and hard-pressed admin staff from the office, arrangements were made and it was agreed that they could both accompany Graham to Phoenix, and they would meet up at Edinburgh Airport in the morning in time to get the connecting flight to Heathrow to board the 15:00 BA flight from Terminal 5 direct to Phoenix.

As the arrangements neared completion, Graham had a final point to make.

"Ian, this is going to be especially hard for you. I need your considerable talents to help me get the right outcome for the Company". He paused. Ian re-assured him that he would do all that he could to help.

"There's another thing" added Graham. "I'm also likely to need Suzanne's considerable and special talents." Both Ian and Suzanne paused and looked confused for a moment. "You cannot stay in Phoenix as man and wife. It is essential that Suzanne is free to act as I direct her. Having her husband present might inhibit her ability to do what she may need to do for me." Graham looked closely at Ian. "You need to be my engineer" he looked at Suzanne, "Suzanne needs to be my special assistant. There can be no other connection between you for the duration of the trip. Do you both understand?"

Graham looked at the two of them in turn as the penny started to drop with each of them and they realised the implications of what Graham was saying. They would need to be together but separate, no contact other than professional, no intimacies, no shared room, no sexual contact. As they independently assessed this new realisation, Graham pressed the point home.

"Suzanne will be 'on assignment' from start to finish. Our contract expressly prohibits any sexual contact between you without my express permission whilst she is preparing for or is on assignment. That means from now, with immediate effect. Whilst our contract doesn't directly discuss an eventuality like this, that you two might be involved in an assignment together, it was always a possibility that such an event would arise. I need to be certain that you will both be able to abide by the contract. I cannot risk your risking the outcome of our mission. You are to act at all times as if you are no more than employees of the Company. I repeat, this may be especially hard for you Ian. Can you deal with it?"

As Graham explained to Ian that he was going to have to pretend that Suzanne wasn't his wife, that he was going to be present whilst she was directed by Graham to use her 'special talents' in the interest of the Company, and as he realised that he had already been prohibited by this man from any further sexual contact with his own wife, he strangely felt the first stirrings of sexual excitement. Part of his brain wondered why being put in this position was even remotely exciting for him, part of his brain said "don't do anything to mess this up; this is your dream".

Both Graham and Suzanne watched his conflicting emotions in the short pause before he responded.

"I can deal with it Graham."

Graham considered for a moment, and then turned his attention to Suzanne.

"Suzanne, I must have your absolute assurance that you will treat Ian no differently than a work colleague for the duration of the trip. Once we land at Phoenix, no affectionate glances, no sympathetic touches, no consideration for his feelings. Can you do that?"

Suzanne was quicker than Ian in her response, a fact that did not go unnoticed by either of the men present. Ian felt a pang of betrayal and Graham a sense of achievement at her quick and ready answer.

"I will have no difficulty in doing whatever you ask of me Sir."

Ian was amazed that his feelings of betrayal at her answer seemed to exacerbate the first pangs of excitement that he had felt on hearing Graham's blunt statement of requirements. The excitement continued to rise as he heard Graham's next words.

"Ian, leave the room. I will call you back shortly. Stand in the hall and wait for my command. Shut the door, but you may listen."

Without a word of protest, but with his breath catching as his excitement grew, Ian rose and started to leave the room. Before he reached the door he heard Graham address Suzanne, Graham's confidence and mastery of the situation now completely restored.

"Suzanne, adopt the position I taught you for standing. You may keep on your dress for now."

As Ian entered the hall and turned to close the door, his last view was of Suzanne rising from the sofa and standing in front of Graham, her legs apart, her head bowed in submission, her hands behind her back, each hand grasping the opposite elbow, forcing her breasts to press against the material of her dress.

The door closed and Ian held his breath to hear all that transpired, his growing erection already pressing against the material of his pants, his heart racing at this unanticipated turn of events.


At first Ian could hear little, just the faint and indecipherable mumble of conversation in Graham's deep, but strangely quiet voice. As he strained unsuccessfully to hear what was being said, he thought over his position.

His boss had come to his own house with virtually no notice and presumed to order his wife to cut him off from sexual contact. Worse, he had been ordered to pretend for the next few days that he wasn't his wife's husband. Worse, his beautiful young wife had obeyed with alacrity. And he was excited about the position he found himself in. How could that be?

He remembered a recent conversation with his colleague John, when talking about what had become their favourite topic of conversation – Suzanne. John had accused Ian of being a willing 'cuckold', a word that Ian was barely familiar with. He had looked it up.

Cuckold (kuk' ald). (n) a man whose wife has proved unfaithful...

Even reading the words in the dictionary had excited him. He loved his wife. He worshipped her. She was everything to him. And yet here he was, standing in the hall of his own home, evicted by his boss, trying to listen as his boss used and dominated and abused her. It was perverse, but it was powerful.

The mumble that was Graham's voice rose and the words he was saying became increasingly discernable.

" pay attention to me. You will do exactly as I say... you must put Ian out of your mind...he will have his own job to do...KNEEL!" the command was followed by a pause, then "You have remembered well Suzanne. Pull your skirt up. Further. Good, now resume the position."

As Ian strained to hear in the hall, inside the study Suzanne knelt on the floor, knees spread, the skirt of her dress pulled up to her waist, the perfect globes of her ass exposed above the tops of her stockings, her arms locked behind her back and her head bowed as she had been instructed. Her own breath was coming in short pants as she hyperventilated, wondering if she was finally going to consummate her submission to, and relationship with, the enigmatic Graham Leicester.

Graham sat as when Ian left them, but in the pause after she had taken up the position, spread his own knees and nonchalantly reached down and unzipped himself, releasing his hard cock, his eyes never leaving the vision before him. Even with her eyes cast down, Suzanne was aware what was happening in front of her, but she dared neither peek nor speak.

"Come here!" he demanded, and she shuffled obediently towards him. When she was positioned between his knees, even with head bowed in submission, she could see and sense his maleness before her. The heat of him caused her cheeks to blush. She could not stop herself licking her lips in anticipation.


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