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The Gentle Cowboy Ch. 07

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Jake & Daisy.
3.1k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 09/30/2022
Created 12/20/2008
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So sorry for the long wait. I have no excuse except for lack of time. Now, I'm back and just trying to focus on my writing. :) Happy reading!


Daisy narrowed her eyes and pointed her finger through the body wall her mother and Grace had formed. "You better be a figment of my imagination and not really here, Jake McKean!"

"Shield your eyes, young man. Or there will be naught but bad luck in your marriage," Donna Jones warned her son-in-law to be.

With a sigh and a quarter turn, Jake covered his eyes, "I'm just a desperate man who wants to see his soon-to-be bride." Peeking through his fingers, "You drove me to this, Daisy."

An indignant snort and shuffling feet were all that met Jake's accusation.

"I'll be out in a minute to deal with you, Jake." Daisy's voice got fainter as they headed in a procession towards the changing room.

Jake grinned at who he assumed to be the dress consultant.

After a once over and indignant sniff, Rose turned on the heel of her matronly, black pump.

Leaning against the farthest wall, Jake kept his back to the ladies. He didn't turn around until he felt what must have been Daisy's fists, pounding against his back.

"Ohh, you, you... youman!" Daisy narrowed her eyes, propped her fist on her hips and squinted up at Jake in what she hoped was an intimidating stance. "Couldn't you justwaituntil I came by later? But no, you're 'big bad Jake McKean,'" Dasiy mocked in a low voice. "Does as he pleases."

"Oh come on now, Darlin'. I just couldn't wait to see you," grinning, Jake reached out and pushed a thick tendril of hair from her eyes. His hand came down to curve around her cheek.

Flustered at his attention in front of everyone, Daisy mumbled, "Well, Jake, I don't know why you couldn't just wait and had to come down here, where I'm trying onwedding dresses. Which you can't see or we'll have bad luck, awful luck, the worst if you had seen my dress, Oh God.. Just imagine if you had – did you? What color was it –"

Jake cut her off with a kiss, effectively bringing her small tirade to a screeching halt.

Cupping her face with one hand and snaking his other arm around her waist, Jake pulled Daisy closer, deepened his kiss. Starting out as playful, the kiss grew into a hot, open-mouth taking as Jake devoured and conquered Daisy's lips with his own.

Hearing a whistle, Jake pulled his head back, breaking their heated exchange. He stared down into Daisy's now slumberous eyes that were smoky with desire and something else that he could only pray for.

At a tsking sound they both turned and looked sheepishly at the trio of women gawking at them.

"All that was missing was the popcorn," Grace, Daisy's best friend joked.

The attendant murmered, "I feel like I need a cigarette after that."

"At least I'll be getting grand-babies soon," beamed Mrs. Jones.

Choking, Daisy looked up at Jake, partly horrified but mostly amused.

"Wouldn't wanna disappoint your mama, now would we?" Jake winked and gave Daisy a squeeze.

Sputtering, Daisy pulled free from a smirking Jake, she was at a loss at what to say. "This is just pure madness," she laughingly sighed.

Grabbing her hand, Jake brought it up to his lips and brushed a feather light kiss to Daisy's knuckles. "Pure madness," he agreed. "Spend the rest of the day with me, Daisy."

Eyes widening at his request, Daisy shook her head, "Jake there's no way I can go anywhere now. I need to go finalize plans with the caterer, stop by the church and make sure the programs are ordered and will be here on time, and a hundred and one other things." Squinting up at him, she playfully jabbed him in the chest, "Youwanted this wedding to happen within a month. I need every moment I can find to make this happen, Jake. Weddings don't get planned on their own."

Sighing, Jake was afraid he was going to have to resort to drastic measures of persuasion when Mrs. Jones cut in, "Oh, Daisy honey. You go with Jake here, and leave all that finalizing to me. Why, Gracie here and I can get it all done. You've seen and ordered what you want done."

Grabbing Gracie by the arm, Mrs. Jones spun the girl around and started for the front of the shop. "We'll make sure everything is perfect, won't we Gracie?"

Daisy could only assume that Gracie's giggle meant that they would because they were out the door before Gracie could say anything to really reassure Daisy.

"Well then. Looks like everything turned out perfect," Jake reached for Daisy's hand, effectively gaining her attention.

"For you, maybe," Daisy huffed.

Lacing his fingers through hers, Jake brought her hand up to his chest and said, quite dramatically, "My heart, I only ask for a little of your time."

Trying to keep a straight face, Daisy turned to the consultant that hadn't left.Probably wondering if I'm going to get the dress and if she'll get her a commission,Daisy figured.

Clearing her throat the consultant confirmed Daisy's thoughts, "May I wrap up the dress for you, Miss?"

Daisy gave a nod, "That would be great, thank you, Rose. I'll be back to get it tomorrow."

A few more pleasantries were exchanged and before she knew it, Jake was steering her out the door and towards his massive black truck.

"Shouldn't I maybe follow you? I don't want to leave my car here and –" Daisy trailed off at the look Jake gave her.

Releasing her hand, Jake maneuvered Daisy between him and the truck. "Afraid to be completely alone with me, honey?" With a smile that was more predatory than friendly, Jake bent to whisper in her ear, "I want you to myself. No family. No friends. No intruders. Just you and me. Give me this one afternoon, Daisy Maze."

Her heart fluttered at the nickname. "Alright. Let's go. But you behave." Turning to get into the truck she squeaked when she felt a smack on her behind.

"What the-" Daisy glanced back just in time to see a chuckling Jake make his way to the drivers side.

"Jake McKean. We are in public." Daisy tried to hide her smile.

He sent her a wink, "Best get in the truck then, darlin'."

Laughing, Daisy opened the door and hopped in. She spotted a picnic basket in the back, "Where are we going then?"

Starting the car, Jake sent her a sideways glance, "It's a surprise, darlin'."


Forty-five minutes later, Daisy found herself sitting on a red and white, checkered blanket. She looked out at a scene that she hadn't seen in years.

"This river hasn't changed much in the past fifteen years, has it? Still as beautiful as ever." Daisy looked over at Jake who was on his side, looking at her.

"It's changed, but it's still beautiful, always has been. Always will be." Keeping his eyes locked with her, Daisy knew he was talking about her and not the river.

Blushing, Daisy looked away, watching the water flow. "Why did you bring me here, Jake? I haven't come back here since that day..." Trailing off Daisy knew she didn't need to finish, Jake knew what day she was talking about.

Thrusting a hand through his already wind-tossed hair, Jake didn't know where to begin. "Daisy, I have no excuse for what I said all those years ago." Looking into her eyes, his seemed to beg her to understand, "The only thing I can say is the truth; I was trying to protect you."

"From what, Jake? What could you have been protecting me from that you severed our friendship? That you said the hurtful things you did?" Wrapping her arms around herself as though to protect herself from the memories she thought were long buried.

"Myself, Dais," he whispered.

Daisy just sent him a questioning look, encouraging him to go on.

Restless, Jake stood up and began to pace. "You know, better than anyone, how evil myfatherwas and could be," Jake spat the words out like they were acid. "You saw the bruises, the scars. Hell, there were times you couldn't even touch me because it hurt too bad."

The look Jake gave Daisy made her shiver, his eyes were devoid of emotion when he talked about his past.

"Don't look at me like that, Daisy. I don't want your pity." He regarded her coolly, fierce male pride and lost little boy rolled into one.

Holding his eyes with her tear filled ones, Daisy tried to make him understand, "I don't pity you, Jake. I feel sorry for the little boy who was my best friend. The little boy who no one knew needed help from a man that should have loved and cared for him but instead hurt and abused him. I feel sorry for not being allowed to be there for you, sorry that you shut me out and I let you."

Jake dropped to his knees beside her. "You couldn't be there for me, Daisy. I couldn't take the chance that you'd get hurt."

"By who, Jake? You're dad would just ignore me or we would hide from him when he came looking for you. Why were you so worried about me that you brought me here to this same spot and broke our friendship and my heart all those years ago?"

Reaching out, Jake wiped at the tears trailing down Daisy's face with his thumbs. "Me, Daisy. I was the one I was protecting you from." Her eyes widened and he went on. "One day we were playing behind one of my barns, some game that I can't even remember. But what I do remember was that you won and I lost."

Jake was looking over Daisy's shoulder, as if he could see that day play out in front of him. "I was so mad, Daisy. I was twelve, I shouldn't have been so upset by losing, but I was." Closing his eyes, Jake's expression became pained. "I was so mad, Daisy. I grabbed you and pushed you, as hard as I could. You fell and scraped your arms and legs. Do you remember that?"

Daisy shook her head and reached for his hand, "Jake, we were kids. Kids do stupid things."

His eyes opened and seemed to beg for forgiveness. "I knew then that you weren't safe around me, Dais. I was afraid that if I hurt you over losing some silly, made-up game, what would I do next? What if the next time I was mad I hit you? I wouldn't have been able to live with myself, Daisy."

Grabbing her by the shoulders, he gave her a little shake. "I could have hurt you, Daisy. And I wasn't willing to take that chance. I was scared for years that I would turn out like that son-of-a-bitch. That I was too damaged to be around people; be around you."

"So you 'protected' me by verbally hurting me instead?" Daisy air quoted. A fiery look was Jake's only warning before she launched herself at him. She threw a few blows at his chest, hurting her fists more than him, yet lecturing him the entire time. "You stupid, man! You hurt me just as much as if youhadhit me that day."

Catching her hands with his own, Jake rolled her and ended up on top of Daisy on the blanket. Holding her fists on either side of her head, Jake battled with groaning and laughing. "You aren't making this easy, Sugar." He couldn't resist nuzzling the little hairs by her ear, "I'm trying to apologize here."

Breathless, Daisy couldn't find the steam that she used to attack Jake. "Well, by all means. Go on."

Jake feathered a kiss to her forehead, "I'm sorry." Her left cheek, "I'm sorry." Right cheek, "I'm sorry."

He pulled back and looked into her luminous amethyst eyes, "Sorry."

Daisy lifted her head and met his lips above her own, telling him with the mold of her mouth how she felt.

Tugging against the hold he still had on her wrists, Jake let go and Daisy slid her hands into his hair. Deepening the kiss, Daisy moaned as Jake trailed his hands down her body.

They both gasped when he finally cupped her breasts. Daisy brought her legs up and wrapped them around Jake's waist, feeling his muscles tense beneath her thighs.

Jake couldn't help the slow rocking motion when he felt Daisy's legs locked around him, her feet a bundle at the base of his back.

"Daisy, honey. We need to stop this," Jake growled out as he ground his arousal into her.

Her eyes were rolling into the back of her head when he did that, grinding into the absolute perfect spot, and he wanted tostop?She didn't think so.

Grabbing his hips, Daisy ground against him in rhythm, "Jake, I want you.Now.I don't want to wait any longer."

Slipping her hands under his shirt, she enjoyed the feel of his smooth, hot skin. His moan encouraged her to slip her hands to the front of his jeans and undo the button that kept her from the one thing she desired.

Just as Daisy was about to delve inside to find her prize, Jake took both of her hands and pinned them above her head again.

Breathing heavily, Jake just shook his head as he looked down at her. "This isn't why I brought you out here, Daisy Maze."

Frustrated and left wanting, Daisy frowned, "Well why then? Get me all revved up and then not put out? Very ungentlemanly, cowboy."

Chuckling, Jake nosed at her ear while he tried to calm down, "I'm trying to be a gentleman, Darlin'. It ain't as easy as it looks, and I'm just a beginner."

"Why start now then?" she murmured as she pushed her hips against his.

"Woman." Jake took an unsteady breath. "What you do to me." Pressing a hard, quick kiss to her mouth, Jake rolled off of her before she could tempt him with another roll of her hips.

Daisy turned to her side to pout at him, "Very disappointed, cowboy."

Jake smiled a genuine smile as he reached out to stroke her cheek, "I just want everything to be perfect for you, Daisy Maze."

"I've come to the conclusion that having you anywhere would be perfect enough."

The look he sent her had her toes curling; Jake stood up and went over to the picnic basket

Lifting the one flap, he pulled out a blue folder and came back to sit beside Daisy.

"Here," he sighed as he handed it to her. Looking out at the river, Jake didn't see her eyes widen with surprise.

"Jake... I can't even begin to tell you what this means to me." Daisy's eyes misted as she re-read the official documents in her hands.

Be it known and proclaimed to all thatDonald Ray Jonesis recorded as the true and legal owner of the propertyNorthern Star Ranch.

Both her father and Jake had signed and dated at the bottom

"You signed the ranch over to my father... over a week ago." She looked at him questioningly.

Jake didn't look at her as he explained, "Yeah, your father was surprised, didn't understand why I was buying his ranch and handing it back over to him." Jake shrugged, "I just said good Samaritan duty."

Suddenly, he stood up and began pacing. "I was wrong, Dais. Went about this all ass-backwards. I shouldn't have forced you into this agreement, Darlin'. It was wrong and cowardly of me... I'm pushing and intimidating you into marriage. What kind of man does that?"

Daisy's lips trembled as she tried to understand his meaning, "So you regret all of this? You want to call everything off?"

Jake looked at her then. "No, Darlin'. Don't go misunderstanding me."

Shaking her head, Daisy threw her hands up in the air in frustration. "Well, what am I supposed to understand, Jake? Spell it out."

"I'm trying to give you a choice, dammit." He started pacing alongside the blanket.

"Ohh." Picking at the invisible lint on her jeans, Daisy murmured, "I see."

"No, Darlin', you don't." Jake stopped pacing and knelt in front of Daisy. "If I force you to go through with this, force you to marry me, then I am the monster that I've been so afraid of becoming."

He held up a hand when she started to speak. "You deserve the best, Dais. And I'm far from the best, but I'm selfish. I need you, enough that I was resorting to underhanded ways to get you. But I realize that I have to give you a choice."

Daisy nodded for him to continue.

Jake inhaled deeply. "I'm going to leave you alone for this next week. You decide whether or notyouwantme.If by the end of the week you decide that you do, then meet me at the alter. If you don't, well, I guess I'll find out the hard way."

Blowing out a shaky breath, Daisy looked at him questioningly. "But if I don't show up.. Jake I can't just leave you at the alter. That would be..."

"Embarrassing," he finished. "After what I've put you through, even before all of this, it's no less than I deserve."

Jumping to her feet, Daisy started to pace. "This isn't a better solution, Jake. I would feel too guilty to not show..."

Grabbing her hand, Jake stilled her pacing. "Don't. Don't feel guilty, Daisy." Pulling her back down to the blanket, Jake settled her into his lap, wrapping his arms around her.

"Jake..." Daisy's voice broke as she looked up into his handsome face, a face she could look at for eternity.

Nuzzling a spot behind her ear, Jake hid from her gaze. "It's your choice, Daisy. It should've always been your choice."

Daisy sat in his lap, enjoying the feeling of his arms holding her tight.This is where I'm meant to be...


Thanks to everyone who has supported this story and me. All of the e-mails and comments have not been left in vain. I read and cherished them all. It is because of all of the positive feedback that I came back to finish these stories. So I dedicate this to you, Dear Readers. You are the best. :)

- MG

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

And you finish a damn story?

90skjnk90skjnkabout 7 years ago

We didn't even get a sex scene

wyldwulffwyldwulffabout 7 years ago

What a great story .... but a crappy way to end it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

This is an erotic website, not a young adult romance blog. Sex, please. thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I cannot believe this is how the story ends? If you have the time PLEASE finish.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Need more, please

PrettyVirgo24PrettyVirgo24over 9 years ago

is this finished because although i loved it i hope it isnt

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

These are so great. I check dutifully for each new chapter and devour it on the spot. Fantastic!

cfuhrercfuhrerover 10 years ago
more please!

I love, love, love this series. Please come back and finish it when you have time.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
my ending to the story

Since the author is taking so long for each chapter, i came up with my own ending for my imagination so that i don't die of frustration.

They get married, fall in love, have lots of babies and live happily ever after!

I'm a sucker for a drama free happy ending. Lol!

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