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The Giant and the Dwarf Pt. 01

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Dwarf and Giant become close friends.
17.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/08/2017
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Chapter One

Everything about me is BIG.

I am considered by many to be a giant, definitely an oddity. My hairy body measures 6'8", wear 14 ½ shoes which I usually get custom made. My hands are enormous, like baseball mites and yes, my cock is also big, about 9 inches long, fat and cut and I have huge hairy balls, big low hangers. At 35 years of age I am lean and in shape.

I love working at home. I am a freelance designer, my specialty being furniture design. I custom designed my home to accommodate my size and work at home, this lets me avoid a lot of gawkers and pointers. I have always been pretty much of a loner and tend to zealously guard my privacy. I value my trusted close circle of friends and entertain at home a lot. I purposely designed the back yard for this purpose. The terrace accommodates a good number of folks for B.B. Q's and I am especially proud of the picnic table I created to sit twelve people comfortably. One day, I received a call from Jim, a dear client of mine who wanted to stop by to discuss a major project in the works that he wanted me to be a part of. He was a great guy, always on the go.

It was decided to meet the following day around 1pm. Just as Jim was about to hang up he remembered to ask me if it was ok to bring an acquaintance with him. A guy named Little Tyke.

"Sure, no problem I answered." Jim assured me that I would be fascinated with his little friend. With that we hung up. Somehow Jim piqued my curiosity concerning the "little acquaintance."

The following day I got up a little earlier than usual to get ready for Jim and the mystery guest. This gave me time to get my house chores out of the way and even work in the garden. Before I knew it, the doorbell was ringing. I got up from the sofa and headed to the front door. I whipped open the door with great gusto and to my surprise there stood Jim with a little guy seated on his shoulders. I was taken a back a little by this unusual site, both were smiling. "Hi Dwayne, this is little Tyke, and Tyke this is Dwayne."

"Please to meet you Tyke I answered." I must say I was totally dazzled by the size of the mystery guest and I could tell he was very fascinated by me. Without further ado, I invited them in and headed for the kitchen. Talk about opposites.

Little Tyke was a dwarf measuring 20-inches in height. I noticed he was beautifully proportioned, had a great smile and a remarkable wide mouth, his light blond hair in crew-cut style. Later I learned that he was 25 years of age.

I could not take my eyes off him, I was absolutely captivated and fascinated by my little guest.

Little Tyke was obviously awe struck by me, he kept staring intently at me.

Finally, Jim broke the ice and suggested we sit on the terrace for our meeting as it was such a gorgeous day to be outdoors.

I asked who wanted a beer and they all said yes at once.

We sat at the picnic table enjoying a cold beer and got the meeting underway.

Jim went on to explain what he needed me to do on this new and exciting project filling in the details, costs and fees.

Meanwhile, I could not help but notice how Little Tyke was carefully checking me out. At one point during the meeting I had to take a leak and got up to go the bathroom. I noticed Little Tyke staring up at me, eagerly eyeing my crotch. I was wearing thin light grey jogging pants which I realized for the first time really showed off my manly bulge. I asked if they were ready for another beer and went inside. When I returned, and set the beers down on the table and purposely stood there for a minute to see if Little Tyke would look up at my crotch again and sure enough he did.

He gawked and stared at it and without apology.

I was amazed how I liked being looked at in that way feeling a surge of excitement. This was new to me. I usually dated my right hand, my sexual experience being very, very limited. I sat down again and acknowledged Little Tyke with a smile and resumed talking with Jim.

Before long it was 5pm I suggested the guys stay for supper, they gladly agreed.

With that I got on the phone and ordered pizza.

The pizza delivery guy was at the door in no time at all.

I served up the pizza and beer and we proceeded to wrap up the meeting.

I was glad to see everyone was feeling a little looser now and more at ease, conversation was flowing freely.

I asked Little Tyke what kind of work he did. He said he was an artist and that he was blessed because since the age of 21 he was living off the dividends of a trust fund he inherited from his grandparents. It so happened that he lived only a few blocks away from my house.

That is why Jim thought it would be a good idea for me to meet Little Tyke.

Alas, it was time to call it a night. We exchanged phone numbers and I invited Little Tyke to come visit on the weekend and he accepted without any hesitation.

When my guests where gone, I made myself a hot cup of tea and went out to sit on the patio. I was glad to review what had transpired during the day. I was totally captivated by Little Tyke, fascinated by his size, I realized the feeling was mutual.

That night I went to bed and slept like a log.

Meanwhile, Little Tyke was going over his visit with Dwayne. He was in awe of Dwayne's stature, he thought of him as a friendly giant. Dwayne jet black hairiness fascinated him. He also was impressed at the size of Dwayne's bulge, it was huge. His man bulge looked huge to him. He was very excited about going over to Dwayne's on the following Sunday afternoon.

Chapter Two

Finally, it was Sunday.

Little Tyke called to let me know he was taking a taxi over so I could watch out for him because he could not reach the door bell.

I saw the taxis pull up in the driveway and the driver let the kid out. I opened the front door to greet him and let him in. He looked so sweet, like a little sprog out in the big world on his own.

I told him to make himself at home. It was warm out so we decided to hang out on the patio. I was wearing loose threadbare gym shorts which showed off my man bulge significantly. This did not go unnoticed.

Little Tyke was small so he let me know he might need help to get up on sofas or chairs etc. Also, he needed help when using the toilette.

I assured him it was not a problem and that I was glad to help out.

At first, we were a little awkward around one another, we were doing pizza and beer and later on we were watching a movie. Throughout our conversation, I noticed Little Tyke eyeing my man bulge with an eagle eye and again this made me feel good, so I casually spread my legs wide open in order to give him a better view.

After a while Little Tyke asked me to help him take a piss.

With that I got up and Tyke followed. It was quite the site.

When we got to the toilet Tyke explained he needed to be lifted to the right height or he could stand on something to raise him up like telephone books for example.

I figured it was easier for now just to lift him up and hold him in place.

He pulled his pants down and then I lifted the little guy up so he could take a leak. Without hesitation, he let out a good stream of piss while I held him in place.

I saw Tykes cock and was surprised to see how big it was for a man his size. Looked to be about 4 inches soft and uncut. He certainly was not shy about showing his cock or pissing in front of me and I liked that, it made me feel more comfortable around him.

When he finished pissing I set him down, it was my turn to take a leak.

The little guy was standing up between my legs looking up when I began to let go a strong stream of piss into the toilet. All the beer I was drinking was having its effect. Little Tyke could not take his eyes off this mindboggling spectacle and he seemed taken aback when he saw the size of my cock. From where he stood it must have looked huge and it was. Tyke was hanging onto my right leg for support while staring up at my cock.

Strangely enough I was ok with this and not embarrassed to show my cock and balls to the little guy, I actually felt quite comfortable. It felt good having him admire my man tool. Finally, my bladder was empty, I shook my cock a few times causing a few drops of piss to land on Tykes head.

He didn't seem to mind.

It was getting hot so I suggested we take a dip in the pond to cool off.

Little Tyke liked the idea.

I let him know I liked cooling off in the nude and got undressed and so did he. I had to secure him with one arm because he was too small to stand up in the water. He held onto my neck. I grabbed him around the waist, gently lifting him up and letting him into the water. My cock was rock solid hard, I was astonished that I was so aroused.

We splashed around for awhile in the water.

Finally, I sat Tyke on the ledge of the pond before getting out. When I got out of the pond Little Tyke saw my huge hard on.

He looked at me a smiled.

I was thoroughly enjoying showing off my hard cock to him.

"You're a big man Dwayne, uttered Little Tyke, can I call you my friendly giant?"

"You sure can little one. Whatever makes you happy is ok by me buddy." With that Little Tyke wrapped his little arms around one of my legs and hugged it tight.

I reached down and patted his head affectionately. I suddenly realized I was dripping precum and it was falling onto Little Tykes head.

Tyke looked up, opened his mouth and gladly swallowed a few drops. With that he smiled at me.

I in turn winked at him. After that little episode, we went back to the patio and it was time for another beer and very timely to order pizza as we were both starving.

Before long the pizza guy was at the door. We decided to eat inside and watch a movie. I dished out pizza for both of us then sat myself down comfortably on the sofa to eat and watch the movie.

Little Tyke made his way to me to give him his food. He ended up standing between my wide-open legs.

I was astonished at the fact that his head was right at my crotch and he was staring at my bulge with wide open eyes totally awe struck. It appeared that he was taking in my man scent with great delight. My loose shorts were beginning to tent big time. From my vantage point I was looking down at Little Tyke and getting turned on by my little buddie's head and mouth at my crotch height and the little guy's hands were resting on my thighs for support. I could not wait any longer and began to chew on a piece of pizza all the while keeping an eye on my new-found friend. My cock was tenting and my shorts were drenched with precum. What a site.

Suddenly, Little Tyke got in closer and lifted himself up onto his toes to better reach up and gently sniff my massive tenting bulge and then lick some of the precum that was seeping through the fabric.

I just watched as if in a trance.

Little Tyke started to lick my big bulge with great abandon.

I was amazed at the width of his mouth and then suddenly the little guy took out his dentures and them on the coffee table.

I kept on eating pizza.

He then slipped his head inside the generous leg opening of my knit gym shorts. I was wearing XXL shorts so the leg opening was just right for my little friend's tiny head to slip inside with ease.

I was dumbfounded as I watched Tyke slip his head inside my shorts and waited to see what would happen. I then felt my balls being licked and licked and sucked with great expertise. The sensation was incredible.

This was all new to me and I welcomed it. At 35 years of age I was in many ways a virgin. I watched the big lump in my shorts move around and then felt my huge cock being gobbled up.

The little guy was able to wolf it all down, all of my 9 inches and it was a fat cock at that yet Little Tyke was able to take it all in and then work on it with great care.

He had me moaning and groaning loudly totally lost in this new-found experience. I was lonely and horny and welcoming this well-deserved attention. This was my first time getting sucked and I could not help but being verbal about it. "Oh, yes little guy, suck my big man cock, its all yours little Tyke."

And suck my big cock he did.

I realized then and there that my little buddy knew what he was doing and was an experienced cocksucker. His mouth was very big and without dentures he could take my sizable cock into his mouth with ease. He sucked my cock with great delight and abandon while I ate pizza and sipped beer.

The whole scene was surreal to say the least. Little Tyke was making loud sucking noises which turned me on even more.

After about 30 minutes of constant sucking I could not hold it any longer and let Little Tyke know I was about to unload.

With that the little guy clamped his mouth around my big swollen cock even more tightly and milked it with greater effort.

I started to give him his payload and what a load it was. I had not cum for quite a few days, had never been sucked like this before so this all added up to a huge cum batch.

To my surprise the little guy handled it well. He just gladly gulped down all the juice flowing out of my big cock and sucked and swallowed non-stop for some time. Finally, he kept my big tool in his mouth until he felt it was totally emptied.

I could not believe what had just happened, I was absolutely thrilled. "Good job little guy, you sure know how to suck cock my friend."

Then Little Tyke came out from hiding in my gym shorts, smiled and thanked me. "I love your cock Dwayne. I want to suck it often."

"No problem little buddy, its all yours." It was time for a fresh cold beer and to serve Tyke some well deserved pizza. I lifted Little Tyke onto my lap so he could eat and drink beer. With that I pushed "play" on the V.C.R. and the movie was underway.

Half way through the movie it was time to piss again. I could tell Little Tyke loved watching his giant take a leak while he stood between my legs. A few drops of piss hit his head and the little guy didn't mind at all. I took note of that once again.

We got comfortable and resumed watching the movie.

Before long Little Tyke wanted my cock in his mouth.

Of course, I gladly obliged and slipped my huge cock into his wanting warm mouth. I loved having my little friend on my lap like that with my big arm wrapped around his little body. It was so good having someone appreciate and want my big cock like that.

He managed to get two more big loads out of my cock before the movie ended. It was incredible how he didn't get tired and loved to suck for long.

I was quickly getting use to this new-found pleasure. I loved having my little buddies warm mouth on my big cock.

It was time to call it a night, I called a taxi and got my new friend off to his home. We agreed to meet in a day or two.

I was thunderstruck with what had just transpired. I was excited to have been sucked by a little guy I barely knew and discovered I loved getting sucked. I liked Little Tyke and wanted him to come back soon again.

Little Tyke went home totally satisfied still in ecstasy at having sucked such a big man with a big cock. He loved sucking cock, he was small yet his appetite was quite voracious. He really liked Dwayne a lot.

Chapter Three

The following day Jim called me. "Hey Dwayne, how did Little Tyke's visit go yesterday?"

"Good thanks I answered."

Jim went on to tell me he had a feeling the two of us would get along exceptionally well. "Little Tyke really likes you. I noticed how he was awed by your presence when we had the meeting. He could not get his eyes off you."

I was a little uncomfortable with this kind of familiarity. He was calling to book another appointment. We decided to meet in a few days. Jim asked if Little Tyke could be there too. I assured him the little guy was more than welcome.

"Great, that will be fun Jim said."

With that we hung up and the phone rang again.

It was Little Tyke calling. "Hi Dwayne, just calling to let you know how much I enjoyed our get together and are you free later?"

"Sure thing, Little Tyke, you can come over. I have some desk work to do but we can hang out anyway. I am sure you can keep yourself busy while I complete the work at hand." I was so excited Little Tyke wanted to come over so soon again. My cock was semi hard already and dripping wet at the thought of him coming over.

It was not long before little Tyke was calling to let me know he was at the door.

Again, I was struck by how small my little friend was when I opened the door and had to look down to make eye contact.

"Hi Dwayne, I'm here."

With that he walked into the house and I followed. I offered him a beer and he gladly accepted. I explained I had to work for about an hour.

"No problem answered Tyke, I know what to do to keep busy."

So, with that I got busy working at my desk. I was wearing a pair of loose white briefs he kind with the big slit opening on the side and my bulge was hanging damp and heavy over the seat of my chair. I got so engrossed in my work that I forgot about my little visitor. Then suddenly I was aware my bulge was being fondled my bulge. Of course, I realized my little buddy was under the desk. He was so short he could stand straight up and his head was at my crotch height. Just right for him to play with his favorite toy. I did not say a word.

He pulled my cock out through the slit with great ease.

I knew he was face to face with my manly muscular veined 9-inch cock and I was thrilled to know he was going to play with it and suck it. Meanwhile, I was loving the attention I was getting from my little friend. "Take your time, suck my cock nice and easy. Don't rush it. Its all yours to suck on"

"Thank you Mister giant answered Little Tyke." The little one had developed amazing sucking abilities. He was a master cocksucker.

So, while I tried to work and focus Little Tyke sucked on my huge tool. The little guy was making huge sucking and lapping sounds taking my big man cock in his mouth without any problem, able to deep throat it and give me a top-notch sucking. The more he sucked the more precum came out, I was quite the leaker and this was a bonus for the little one, he loved precum.

I gladly spoiled him with loads of it. At least 45 minutes had gone by when I let my little guy know I was about to shoot a massive load into his mouth.

I heard Little Tyke utter pleasure sounds like some little animal.

Then I started unloading a sizeable treasure trove of hot cum into the little one's hungry mouth. He drank it all down and lapped and sucked with great delight on my huge cock. I was more than happy to feed my new little friend.

The little guy cleaned up my hefty cock then slipped it back into my briefs.

"That was so good Little Tyke, you can suck on my cock as often as you want. Its there for you to feed on. I won't be long and then we can get supper underway."

I served up a tuna pasta dish with coleslaw. After supper, I made tea, my favorite after supper drink for us.

Suddenly, Little Tyke got down from his chair and walked under the table heading right between my big wide spread legs and rubbed his face all over my bulge. Then he proceeded to pull open the top of my loose briefs and stick his head inside them with his mouth wide open. With that he slipped my rapidly growing cock in his mouth and began to suck on it with great abandon.

While this was going on I was sipping on my tea, relaxing and loving the attention my big tool was getting from little friend. "Yeah little buddy, you suck on my big cock, easy does it now, not to fast. Take your time make love to my massive tool."

Little Tyke let me know how much he wanted my big cock and that he wanted to be my cocksucker. With that the little one resumed sucking. After quite some time I gave my little buddy another impressive batch of cum. I could tell he was loving the hot juice reward I was giving him. Little Tyke did not stay long after that because he had to do a few things the following day bright and early.

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