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The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Story Info
Japanese student tempts her American crush.
5.8k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 01/30/2022
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(Author's note: This is my first erotic story, so any critiques or criticism is appreciated! I had a lot of fun writing this and fully anticipate on writing several more parts to this story... So if you enjoyed please comment what you liked about it so I can include those elements in later segments. This story has a bit of a slow start as I am trying to develop these characters for future use)

Part I.

Alex walked into the classroom roughly 10 minutes early, bleary eyed but happy he had managed to make it on time. Disgruntled at having to take a 7:30AM computer lab his second to last semester of college due to leaving registration to the last minute, he was nonetheless pleased that he managed to make it early. Alex had developed a tradition over the past three years of always showing up early for the first day of class. This tradition originated as a way to make a positive impression on his professors, but as the years progressed he learned of another added benefit. It allowed him to scope out the girls in each class that he was interested in pursuing over the course of each semester. The first day of class was a clean slate, a day of nervous exchanges, and most importantly an opportunity to make a good first impression. Alex sat down in the last row of the class, set his backpack in the chair next to him, and waited as the rest of his classmates slowly trickled in one or two at a time.

Alex had considered himself a bit of an ugly duckling. He started college as an awkward, skinny, 6 foot tall book worm, who had a knack for observing and analyzing situations (in part due to his extreme introversion as a child... he would always sit back and observe the social exchanges of his peers, but rarely participated). He had medium length wavy dark brown hair, a strong jawline and had a rugged, yet a disarmingly boyish look about him that put everyone who talked to him at ease. Someone once told him he looked like Billy from the show Stranger Things. Over the course of his freshman year, due to his newfound independence, he quickly learned how to dress better, joined the Universities boxing club, began lifting weights, and forced himself into social situations he had all but avoided during his high school years. It wasn't always easy, but Alex grew immensely, both socially and physically. By the time he entered his junior year, he had bulked up to 190 lbs of lean muscle, and had learned he could do anything he set his mind to, physically, academically, and romantically. This confidence carried into all aspects of his life, having found success in amateur collegiate boxing matches, his studies, and certainly his love life. By his junior year he had no problem commanding a room, and he used this to his advantage.

The computer lab was nearly full and thus far there was no one that had caught Alex's eye.

"Damn," he mused to himself, as his professor Mrs. Krabappel positioned herself in the front of the room, signifying class was about to start, "Looks like this will be a class I actually have to pay attention in instead of chatting someone up all semester."

His plan was always simple, leave his backpack on the seat next to him, wait until he saw someone that caught his eye, and with an inviting smile, make eye contact while he moved his backpack from the spare seat. This subconscious invitation worked surprisingly well, and always set the tone of his semester flings in position of Alex in authority, with the subliminal, schoolyard-esque sense of "I'm allowing you to sit here". This time however, no one had caught his attention and the class was full with all but two seats taken, one seat in the front of the classroom, and the seat in the back next to Alex.

Mrs. Krabappel, who was a stern looking woman in her mid 50's, took roll, noting that only one student was absent, and began the typical syllabus/classroom operations discussion that every senior knew all too well. 20 minutes into the class, the door in the back opened and one final student hurried into the room. She was clearly flustered, embarrassed from being late, and rushed to the only seat she saw readily available at the front of the classroom. The late girl had a graceful way of moving, despite being late and clearly in a hurry. She was wearing black converse, skinny jeans that accentuated her slim legs and small ass perfectly, and a black long sleeve shirt. Her long jet black hair elegantly trailed behind her, and she softly slumped her slender frame into the seat in the front row. Alex hadn't caught a great look at the girl, but he had noticed three things; she had a very pretty face with Japanese features, she was uncharacteristically tall for how slender she was, standing around 5'9", and lastly, she had extremely large breasts, despite wearing a very conservative top that looked like she was intentionally trying to hide their size.

"Shit!" Thought Alex, "now that's someone I would like to get to know." His thoughts were cut short by his angry professor.

"Hoshiko I presume?" The professor snapped, "Do be sure to come to class on time in the future, this is a computer lab after all and I expect my students to follow along with each lesson, or be left behind."

Hoshiko silently shook her head in acknowledgement, as she shrunk into her seat in embarrassment. The professor seemed to remain annoyed at her minor disruption, but continued with explaining the syllabus. Ten minutes later, it was time to design a basic survey outlined in the hard copy syllabus as the first assignment of the class, and the students were instructed to turn on their computers and begin. Alex, who was already halfway done with the assignment as he had started the survey while the professor had been explaining the syllabus, looked up and saw everyone in the classroom buzzing away at the assignment, everyone except for Hoshiko. Her computer was blank, and she was frantically trying to turn her presumably broken computer on without attracting the attention of Mrs. Krabappel. Unfortunately, Mrs. Krabappel began walking around the classroom and quickly noticed the lack of progress.

"Hoshiko, if you do not do the assignments in my class, how do you expect to pass my class?" Mrs. Krabappel bluntly stated.

"I'm sorry professor, it's just my computer..." Hoshiko stammered shyly, her thick Japanese accent indicated she was a foreign exchange student, or at least had spent a significant foundational part of her life overseas.

"Your computer is not on. A computer that is not turned on cannot be used to complete the assignments." Mrs. Krabappel snapped.

Alex could see Hoshiko shrinking under Mrs. Krabappels unforgiving presence. He felt bad for Hoshiko, who was clearly embarrassed to have this much negative attention brought to her at the beginning of class, on the first day none the less. Mrs. Krabappel was about to lay another line of verbal abuse on Hoshiko, when Alex spoke up

"She can use this computer Mrs. K." Alex said, raising his hand so the empty seat was apparent.

Mrs. Krabappel shot a look in Alex's direction, and was disarmed by the aloof, but friendly demeanor of the grinning student in the back row.

"Very well... Hoshiko you can go use the computer in the back row, but no more disruptions." Mrs. Krabappel sighed.

Hoshiko was relieved. She was a junior, and had just recently transferred to the university. She had always been shy, but her family moving to America when she was 18 had been particularly hard on her. She was lonely as she hadn't had much luck making new friends, in a new country, and recently enrolling in a new university this year she felt like she was barely keeping her head above water. On top of all that, she was a bit of an "ugly duckling" herself, not having matured until her late teenage years, and even then, her extreme height and DD breasts were not the beauty norm in Japan. She attracted plenty attention from her male peers in America, but she found American men to be too crass and tasteless in their approach, viewing her simply as an exotic novelty, or reducing her down to a fetish.

She stood up and shuffled to the seat next to Alex.

"Thank you," she mumbled under her breath.

As Alex was already well into the assignment, he spent the rest of class making sure Hoshiko was able to catch up on the lab. She was shy, but Alex could feel her getting more comfortable as the class progressed. She would avoid eye contact, but laughed at his silly self-deprecating jokes and humorous observations about the rest of the class. By the time class was over, they had both been able to submit their assignments and ended up leaving the classroom at the same time.

"Thank you for helping me today, Professor K had me close to tears at the beginning of lesson!" Hoshiko said in a sigh of relief as they exited the building together.

"Hey no problem!" Alex smiled.

He was happy that his 7:30 class hadn't been a total dud, but he also enjoyed how pleasant Hoshiko was to chat with. Even though she was shy there was something intriguing about her and he was excited to get to know her more. Little did he know how much more or how quickly that would happen. They continued walking and talking, until they came to a crossroad of the library and the street Alex had to take to go to his off campus apartment, just a few blocks away.

"Hey by the way, let me give you my number in case you need help with labs again," Alex winked and held out his hand expectantly as a shy Hoshiko fumbled to pull up the new contacts page in her IPhone.

She felt like she wasn't even operating her phone, it was as if Alex demanded it and her body was simply responding, typing in his name and number into the new contacts list and sending him a single text: "Hoshiko <3". She smiled and awkwardly rushed off to the library with butterflies in her stomach. Why did she add the heart emoticon? What had gotten into her since sitting next to Alex that morning class? She tried studying all afternoon, but couldn't get her mind off of how fluidly the two had conversed that morning, and how comfortable she was talking with him. She had felt butterflies before, but there was a certain heat she felt growing inside her that made her restless just thinking about Alex...

The semester continued, and the two kept up a friendly/flirty banter. They always sat next to each other in class, and as the lab assignments got more complex, they spent more and more time cooped up in the library working on their homework together. Small talk and jokes turned into sharing their personal backgrounds, which lead to a deeper understanding of each other as friends. Alex genuinely liked Hoshiko for her graceful charm, their mutual interest in the human psyche, and their shared experiences being shy and introverted growing up. He felt like he could be himself around her. Likewise, Hoshiko liked Alex because he was always able to make her laugh, he made her feel extremely comfortable, like she could say anything that came to her mind and he wouldn't judge her. She felt like they had known each other for ages even though they had known each other for less than a few months.

"Stop it!" Hoshiko laughed as she softly slapped Alex's arm. Alex had been quietly imitating an annoying group of sorority girls talking about their hookups the prior weekend.

"Whaaat?" laughed Alex, "c'mon it's not like they were being shy about it. Did you hear that one girl bragging how she sucked off three different guys at one party?! Sheesh!"

"Yea that's crazy! I can't imagine..." Hoshiko trailed off. She was always conservative when it came to sex. She had had a few short term boyfriends since moving to America, but none of them were particularly thrilling in the bedroom. This is in part because she rarely let things progress more than missionary under the blankets, but also because she felt like sex was rushed. Hoshiko was aware of the effect her body had on men, and all her ex boyfriends never seemed to be able to last more than a few minutes. She liked dating boys that were unassuming, but had bright futures, the types you could bring home to her strict parents one day. But the few relationships she had ended the same way, one of her skinny, sensible boyfriends would inevitably let the "nice guy" persona slip and they would quickly start fetishizing Hoshiko in some weird way or another. But Alex seemed different. He seemed genuinely interested in her as a person and while sometimes he made innuendos, it never seemed like he was trying to get into her pants. She knew Alex was a bit of a playboy and certainly had his fair share of routine hookups, but that never seemed to apply to their friendly relationship. Normally this behavior immediately turned Hoshiko off from a guy, but Alex still gave her butterflies when she caught him smiling at her after she laughed at one of his jokes, or when she caught him sneakily checking out her body.

"What, you mean you've never..?" Alex trailed off with his eyes closed, tongue out, moving his hands like he was jerking two dicks.

"NO!" Laughed Hoshiko, giving Alex a playful slap again, "I mean, I've done... IT before."

"Pennywise the clown? Damn what was he like!" Alex joked.

Hoshiko rolled her eyes. "It just feel like... I don't know, I don't get what the excitement is all about, you know?"

"No, I don't know" Alex leaned back in his chair and smiled. He prided himself on not only his ability to attract women, but also his performance in bed. His ugly duckling mentality meant he always felt like he had something to prove, and instead of jackhammering away at his one night stands he viewed each girl as a unique safe he had to crack, being extremely attentive to all the feedback his flings would give which always created an extremely satisfying experience for all parties involved. Plus it didn't hurt that Alex had what several girls had called a "goldicock"... as long as a Monster or Rockstar energy drink can and thicker than the cardboard section of a paper towel roll, it was big enough to reach places many girls hadn't felt before, but not so big that it caused shortened sessions or excessive pain. Hoshiko knew Alex could attract women, but she didn't understand the full extent of his reputation around campus.

"Hi Alex!" As if on cue, a pretty blonde girl wearing the universities volleyball tshirt and spandex shorts barely containing her thick volleyball ass waved to Alex from across the library. Unbeknownst to Hoshiko, Amy had been his most recent booty call.

"Hey Amy!" Alex waved back with a charming smile before turning back to his friend.

"Look Hoshiko, there is no way someone as hot as you doesn't have a great time in the sack, I'm sure you're full of surprises with the right person". Alex secretly loved talking about sex with Hoshiko. She was an absolute bomb shell, and although she generally dressed pretty conservatively, Alex would sneak a glance at her massively disproportionate tits whenever he got the chance.

Alex had noticed that Hoshiko had recently been playing around with her wardrobe, and some less conservative pieces were falling into the mix. Today she was wearing a green pleated skirt that would have gone mid-thigh on a normal sized girl with a waist as narrow as Hoshikos, but her long legs seemed to stretch the boundaries on what would normally be considered a decent and proper length for a skirt. What she lacked in modesty below, much to Alex's dismay, she more than made up for in her top. As she was wearing a thick white sweater, with the neck line cropped all the way up to the top of her neck.

Hoshiko was used to Alex's crude joking manner by now. In a way it was refreshing. He treated her like an equal in the classroom, genuinely valuing her insight on the assignments they worked on together. But Alex had a certain charm about him it felt as if he could make any joke to anyone's face, and they wouldn't be able to help but laugh. It wasn't the same flavor of tasteless crass jokes she heard from so many other American boys, desperately trying to get in her pants, but more an honest open reflection of what he was thinking, with no underlying sneaky motives.

"Anyways, did I tell you about my new tattoo?" Alex interrupted Hoshikos thoughts as he excitedly rolled up his sleeve. He had been talking about doing an American traditional tattoo sleeve for a while now, but apparently finally broke ground on it. As Alex showed off the classic Sailor Jerry styled eagle on his bicep, Hoshiko couldn't help but notice how his arms reminded her of steel fibers, the sinews of his forearms rippling as he rotated his arm to show her different angles of the tattoo.

"There's something you would be surprised about," Hoshiko joked as she slyly raised an eyebrow. "I bet you didn't know about my tattoo."

"Wait what?" Alex spat out in surprise. Normally he felt like he could control the flow of conversations, but Hoshiko, his conservative Japanese friend, had genuinely surprised him with her little aside.

"Yup, I got it when I first moved away from home for college." Hoshiko said, still with a sly grin on her face.

She was proud of her back tattoo, it was her big act of rebellion when she moved to America. Although she never showed it off to anyone, the large Japanese dragon tattoo on her back always made her feel sexy and "bad" when she noticed it getting dressed or combing her hair after a shower. Besides, she thought, she had been trying to push the boundaries with her friend for weeks now and this was the perfect opportunity. It had originally started with her subtly bringing up Alex's past flings, she always found herself with that same heat inside her when he talked about, and she subsequently imagined, his hookups. She often caught herself wandering off in a daydream about swapping spaces with Amy, or Mora, or Megan, or Nikki, or whoever had recently been under Alex the past weekend.

When talking about past flings didn't work, she tried switching up her wardrobe to sexier outfits. Her skirts were getting shorter, and her tops were getting thinner. She even bought a few lacy bras that accentuated her perfectly shaped natural breasts, instead of the plain compression bras she was used to wearing to hide the shame of her voluptuous chest. She wasn't 100% comfortable with dressing like a full blown ABG yet, but she was determined to get Alex interested in her. Today, in an uncharacteristic spurt of boldness, she decided to push the boundaries once more.

"I can show it to you if you like?" Hoshiko closed her notebook and folded her arms across her massive tits, squeezing them together underneath the thick fabric straining to keep them contained.

"Yea let's see it!" Alex said. He hadn't fully caught on what Hoshiko had in store for him, he was simply excited to learn something new about his friend.

"Well... I can't show it to you here," Hoshiko lowered her voice to a seductive whisper, "I have to show you somewhere private."

"Oh..? Well we can go to your dorm, that's more private right?" Alex asked. He still didn't know what Hoshiko had in store, but something was... different about her tone.

"No no, my roommate should be home now, and you know how she can be," Hoshiko urged.

Alex knew exactly what she was talking about as Hoshikos roommate, Akira, was a fellow Japanese girl. She had adapted to American culture with a much less open mind than Hoshiko and as a result was extremely distrusting of any male attention, both towards her or her roommate. Having non-Asian boys over was simply unacceptable to Akira.

"Well, I am done with school and work for the day," Alex said, finally picking up what Hoshiko was putting down and matching her sly grin. "My apartment is just a 15 minute walk from campus, want to show me there?" He couldn't believe his luck at Hoshikos sudden shift.

The two friends hurriedly packed their bags and left the library. Alex, who had his fair share of sexual exploits under his belt at this point, felt a certain tension in the air. It was the tension you feel when you're about to fuck.


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