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The Horny Elves

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Futanari fantasy story about a young woman visiting her aunt
11.3k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/26/2014
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This is a futanari fantasy story. The futanari in this story consider themselves as female with a cock and pussy. The story also got females with only a pussy. If that is a subject you rather not read about I would advice you to look for another story to read. If you decide to stay I welcome you to my magical realm.


Lisa stood at the bus stop looking for her aunt Eva. She hadn't seen her in two years but she had said she would be here to pick her up. After all she was supposed to stay with her aunt the whole summer. When her parents found out she had been fooling around with some, by her mother's words, less appropriate boys they had arranged for her to take a summer long vacation with her aunt who lived far from where any boy, appropriate or not, would get to her.

She was about to pull her things into the small waiting hall when she heard a honking car drive up and she recognized her aunt sitting in it.

"I am sorry if I am late, there was a small emergency at home I had to take care of first," her aunt said as she stepped out of the car to help Lisa with her things. Lisa didn't bother to answer. She was not happy about being sent away and to her weird aunt out in the middle of nowhere. Still she knew that by being her she had already lost the battle so she might as well try to make the best of it and if she behaved well maybe her parents will take her home before the summer was over.

"When your mother called me I was surprised but I offered to help. You will see that it will not be that bad here. I have a few things up my sleeve that I hope you will like." Lisa figured that her aunt was just happy to have some company. Even her mother said that her sister was a bit crazy and she even said that if she doesn't start to listen to her mother she will end up like Eva, far away from the high society they had grown up in. Eva probably didn't know that this trip was meant for Lisa to learn about a less fortunate life so that she would be scared into becoming the woman her mother wanted her to be.

"The first thing I should tell you is that there is someone waiting at the house. I haven't told your mother about it cause you know she would just freak out completely and would try to get me removed from the trust fund again. Better to let her think I am single?" Lisa was surprised to hear this from her aunt. Her mother had always said she would be single forever.

"You met someone? Who is it, Eva? Is it a black guy?" Lisa smiled for the first time since he learned about her special vacation. Not only was she curious that her 'single forever' aunt had met someone but that this person would make her own mother hit the roof if she knew about made it even more exciting.

"No, it is not a black guy. That would make my dear sister go out of her mind but this might be a little bit worse than that. At least once you learn the whole thing. You will see who it is when we get home. Just promise that you will keep everything you see a secret, you can do that can't you, Lisa?" Lisa thought about the temptation about telling her mother about everything but she thought it would be better to do that when she wanted to go back home. Things had become a little interesting here now and she would be happy to be able to bring home some secrets to torture her mother with.

Eva turned off the main road and into a dirt road following it all the way up to the house out in the middle of the forest. Lisa thought it was a big beautiful house, even if it was a bit old, and it had a big grass yard before the forest took over. Eva parked the car and they worked together on getting Lisa's bags out of the car. As they were walking towards the house the surprise Eva had been talking about showed up on the front porch.

It was a small woman, no taller than 4'9 Lisa guessed, in a long, light and flowery summer dress with her head covered by a white sun hat with a wide brim. Lisa was shocked. Her aunt Eva was a lesbian? The woman on the porch was stunning. In the shade of her hat her perfect features could still be seen and long golden white hair fell over her shoulders. As Lisa walked closer while trying to hold her composure the woman smiled at her and Lisa almost lost her bags. Her smile was stunning and maybe most of all her eyes had a spark to them that Lisa had never seen before. Where had her aunt found this woman? Eva was a beautiful woman too, like all women in their family, but the woman on the porch was out of this world.

"I hope Eva didn't show up late. Did you have a nice trip here?" Lisa figured the woman was talking to and something compelled her to answer.

"Y-yes." She had no idea if she had a nice trip anymore. All that occupied her mind was the voice of the woman, filling her ears like angelic song. The woman was holding the door open and Eva and Lisa walked inside. Eva stopped in the hallway and Lisa did the same not knowing where else to go. The woman graced passed them and Lisa couldn't help but feel like the woman was floating over the wooden floor but Lisa could see her bare feet peek out under the dress as she walked.

"The food is ready but there is no rush. Once you are done showing her the room you can join me in the kitchen, okay dear?" Lisa was in awe. This womans voice was making her feel light headed, the good kind, and the kind smile that always seemed to be on her lips made Lisa want to smile too.

"Yes, dear. We will only be a minute or two." Eva went for the stairs to the left and Lisa followed her unwillingly wanting to stay and find out more about who this woman was. She kept looking back as they went up the stairs already longing to when they would all be in the kitchen.

"We will show you the rest of the house later on but we will start with your room and then dinner." Eva tried to snap out of it so she could listen to her aunt but it was hard.

"Who was that?" Lisa asked her aunt.

"That is Mel, isn't she wonderful? Don't worry you will get to know her very well soon." Her aunt turned back and gave her a smile just before she turned left into a room. "We are here. What do you think?" Lisa hadn't been expecting much when it comes to her room but it was way better than she had imagined. It was a big room and even if the furniture weren't anything spectacular there was still everything she might need. The bed was huge and looked very comfortable and Lisa figured if all else fails she would at least be sleeping very well here. Eva put the bags she was carrying on the bed and Lisa did the same with her bags.

"Would you have some time to settle in or would you like to have some food first?" Lisa's thoughts returned to the mysterious woman. The room could wait; she didn't even care about the food even if it was a few hours of travelling since she had last eaten. She wanted to learn more about the woman from the porch.

"Mel. I mean food." She felt her face turn red and she was hoping that Eva didn't notice. They walked back out into the upstairs hallway and towards the stairs. Lisa took notice that there were several other doors next to the one to her room. She hadn't noticed them before as she had been thinking about other things, she wanted to know what were behind them but the kitchen was more important now. She could already smell the food and it reminded her that she was hungry after all.

The kitchen was big but not very modern. Mel was stirring in a pot on the stow and Lisa noted that she was still wearing her sun hat. Clearly there wasn't any sun shining indoors so why was she still wearing it? Eva showed Lisa to a table with four chairs around it.

"We have a dining room with a bigger table but we prefer this. I hope you don't mind." Lisa didn't mind one bit. She often found it stilly how her mother always insisted they eat around the big table at home. Eva had probably been growing up with the same thing and this was a nice change. The table was already set and Mel came over with the pot holding a stew.

"Lisa wanted to know more about you Mel. What do you think we should tell her?" Lisa took a break from eating her food wanting to know what the two older women would say. They both looked each other with a smile and it didn't take a genius to know that something was going on.

"I met Mel many years ago, that part is a bit complicated. She is the reason why I moved out here. We've been together ever since I did. You are the first one I have told about it. Mel's family know everything, they are a bit more understanding." Lisa could understand why Eva had been secretive about it but it must have been 10 years since she moved. To keep a secret for so long must have been difficult. Eva had been visiting from time to time and been present at family events.

"If it is such a big secret then why would you allow me to come here?" Lisa kept eating her bowl of stew. She couldn't believe how good it was. She had good food all the time but this was something even more special.

"We talked about it, me and Mel, and we thought you deserved a chance to see something new. Your mother always been difficult, even if she has done her best to raise you well I am sure you have always wondered what else there is to life." Eva gave a glance at Mel. "So when my sister called me I thought why not take this chance to show you the other side of the coin." Lisa was not sure what her aunt meant but she figured she would have a chance to figure it out. At least the vacation was looking much more exciting now than she thought it would be sitting on the bus an hour ago.

"Is that why you decided to live this secluded? Are you from around here Mel?" Both of the ladies laughed at Lisa's question. Was there something funny about it?

"It is a bit more complicated than that." Lisa couldn't help herself from getting lost in the beauty of Mel's voice. How could it be complicated where you are from?

"We were going to wait and tell you, but it just feels right. What do you think dear?" Mel nodded in answer. "Let's finish eating and we will show you around the house, Lisa."

Lisa felt the curiosity bubbling inside of her but despite that she had to take a second bowl of the stew. Mel seemed pleased about that under her sun hat. Lisa kept thinking what her mother would do if anyone tried to eat with a hat on by the dinner table. Maybe she was hiding a bold spot? With her beautiful golden white hair it was hard to believe but it would explain the hat.

After they all had finished eating, Mel started to clean the table while Eva was showing Lisa around the house. The living room, the studio and maybe most of all the big library. Lisa was very impressed by how many books it had and Eva said that Lisa was welcome to take any book from there. Lisa figured that living so secluded there wasn't much else to do but read. Eva also showed her the master bathroom that didn't look that great to Lisa but it had a big bathtub and she was hoping she would get to spend some relaxing time there soon.

As they walked by the kitchen again Mel came out to join them going up the stairs. Lisa still couldn't shake the feeling of Mel floating in the air as she walked. Even up the stairs there was something magical about she transcended each step.

Upstairs there were four doors. Lisa already knew about the one to the left as that was her bedroom. To the right were a smaller bathroom and also a smaller bedroom that the two permanent house guests shared. Lisa felt a little guilty that they had probably moved out of the bigger room for her sake. The last door was straight down the hall and Eva stopped in front of the closed door.

"This room is bit more special. If I tried to explain it there would be no way you would believe me so the only way would be for us to show you. You have to promise not to freak out." Lisa promised. How bad could it be? She couldn't think of anything that would make her freak out.

As the door opened Lisa was stunned. Eva pulled her inside of the room and she followed dumbfounded. The first half of the room was a seemingly normal room looking like what could be an office; the second half of the room was something completely different. Lisa had to rub her eyes. It couldn't be true. She could even smell it but still she knew that she must be mistaken. What was really in the food she ate?

"What is this?" Lisa had to ask wanting confirmation from someone else that what she saw was there and not a hallucination.

"This is where Mel comes from. Or Melandir as is her birth name." Lisa still did not understand. In front of her was a forest. Not like the one outside but a wild jungle. Plants and bushes making their way into the room and as the floor stopped they continued out reaching as far as her eyes could see. There where Trees and wines everywhere, she could even see the sun finding its way through the tree tops to cast its light on the floor.

"Come." Mel brushed past her running over the wooden floor and onto a dirt path leading out into the jungle. Eva came up next to Lisa grabbing her arm and pulling her along telling her that they needed to follow. Lisa couldn't think for herself but followed her aunt even as they started to run. She saw Mel waiting ahead for them and the surprises kept coming.

Shocked by the jungle on the second floor and running out into it Lisa hadn't even noticed that Mel wasn't wearing her sun hat anymore before they reached her on the path. Lisa looked at her expecting the bold patch, but instead she saw something more shocking. Out of the hair on the front of her head two horns were raising up, five inches long, curving with the shape of the head. They were ivory white and flat, almost an inch wide but not thicker than her finger. Eva saw her staring.

"Mel is an elf, a horned elf to be exact. They live in this forest." Lisa couldn't believe anything she was hearing. Elves didn't exist. This forest didn't exist either. She looked at Mel as she started to run down the path again. From the first time she laid eyes on her Lisa knew there was something special about that woman. Seeing her flowing forward like her agile body was a part of the forest made her think there might be some truth to everything but still it sounded so unbelievable.

"This is impossible." Lisa tried to shake it out of her head as Eva pushed her to move forward again.

"Trust me, my niece. This is all too real. You better start believing because this is just the beginning." Whatever that meant Lisa knew that her head was already to messed up to take in more.

A few minutes into tracking through the jungle Lisa saw a clearing open up and Mel stood there waiting for them. There was more sun shining through here and in the middle of the clearing was a giant tree, bigger than any tree Lisa had ever heard of.

"This is where I am from. You are going to love it." There were a nice path leading through the grass. The clearing was huge and held several paths leading out into different places of the forest.

"What is that thing?" Lisa asked.

"Our home! This tree is the home of my people." Lisa saw Mel looking up and Lisa did the same. Even if the base of the tree was huge she hadn't really thought how tall it could really be. High above their heads were a full city on the massive branches of the tree. Lisa didn't know what to think. This all sounded crazy.

"What people? Where the hell are we? Don't tell me we are going up there?" Lisa kept looking up. There must be room for hundreds of people up there. Hundreds of people living in a tree, in a jungle, in a room on the second floor of her aunt's house.

"OF course we are going up there. That is where we live. Eva you tell her while we move." Mel pulled at both Lisa and Eva forcing them to move along the path towards the tree. For someone so small she was strong. The almost childish excitement was also something Lisa hadn't expected from a woman in her forties, even if she had horns on her head.

"Don't worry it is perfectly safe." Lisa looked at her aunt clearly showing she didn't believe her. "I've been here several times. As to where we are, the truth is that I am not really sure. This is a magical world. Mel comes from here and we used a magical gateway to move from my house to here. They call themselves the horned elves and they have lived in this tree for hundreds of years. I haven't moved around much here but I know there are several other races that been to visit while I have been here."

They all stopped at the base of the tree. There was a set of stairs circling around the tree but it must have been going well over 100 feet high before the branches started. Lisa was about to protest the long climb but instead Mel and Eva walked into an opening in the tree. Inside it was bright even if Lisa couldn't see any light source. The room was big and in the middle was a platform connected to wines going up into a shaft in the tree. Mel and Eva got on board on the platform and Lisa followed them unsure if this was a good idea.

"It is best to hold on to something." Lisa saw that her aunt was holding on to the railing so she took a firm grip of it too. A second afterwards the platform started to move up into the air and into the shaft. Lisa looked up and even if the strange light seemed to light up the shaft as well it was too far up for her to see where they were going.

The elevator moved slowly at first but started to pick up speed and Lisa held on tight to the railing. She didn't know how it was moving and maybe she had to mark it down as one of many unexplainable things taking place this day.

Lisa was relieved when they reached the top and she quickly moved of the platform to safer ground. Her aunt and Mel walked out the door and Lisa followed them carefully as she knew how high up there were. She quickly saw she was not in any immediate danger. The base of the tree was surrounded by a big wooden circle that almost looked like a square with the elevator room in the middle. Further out on the branches she could see houses or huts, each one with its own wooden circle and bridges for easier movement. As she looked up she could see that there were several floors with a similar layout hundreds of feet up into the air.

Out on the square and around the hugs she could see people moving, kids running around while the older people were mostly walking around talking or carrying something. The strange thing Lisa noted was that everyone she was female. Were all the men out hunting?

"Should we go to our house or the elders first?" Eva asked Mel. Lisa wondered she Eva meant back to her house in the real world.

"The elders will need to know she is here so they can prepare to give her the blessing of the tree." Lisa didn't know what Mel meant with that but she didn't have a choice but to follow as Mel ran off again and Eva tried to keep up pulling Lisa along by her arm. They walked out to a big set of stairs going up and they followed them two stories up. They were far from the top and the many stories still left above them give Lisa further indication that there was no end to this tree.

"Are you sure she is ready for the blessing?" Eva looked worried but Mel only gave one of her perfect smiles. "We will have her ready in a few days, dear, don't worry."

Up on the third floor the square didn't go all around the tree but was just on one side as the base of the tree was stretched to the sides into a large building that reminded Lisa of a wooden palace, if she would have ever imagined something like that could exist before today. The entrance was two giant doors that were wide open and Mel guided them towards it.

Mel slowed down but continued into the palace. Inside it was beautiful with the same mysterious light as in the elevator room and full of people. At the end of the room were three thrones with three older women sitting on them. It was hard to determine their age. They were clearly older than Mel and Eva but still at the same time they didn't look very old. Maybe it was a trait of the horned elves?


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