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The Hot Kitchen

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Wife submits to keep the business alive.
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It was the end of an era; the Lotus restaurant has been running for 35 years and Sam Laing, the owner at 66 years old decided to retire after years struggling with back pain. Maggie didn't want her father to sell on the business, she and her brother have grown up with the restaurant over the years and she felt it was part of their life and home. She decided to quit her job in interior design and agreed with her brother to take over the business. It was the perfect time; Her brother Tony, 5 years her junior, had just finished culinary school and has aspirations to become a great chef to take on his father's mantle, in his own way. The restaurant however was starting to look its age and desperately needed some refurbishment. Having discussed with her husband about giving the restaurant a make-over Maggie secured a sizeable loan to reinvest into the business, Tony too also dipped into the little savings he had to help. Their father trained Tony on cooking some of his popular dishes and soon the restaurant was ready for a new beginning. Maggie was the front of house manager and Tony was the head chef.

There was much excitement from the community about the new restaurant opening and the bookings for the first night were full. Maggie was dressed professionally in long grey pencil skirt, white shirt and high heels; she was nervous but did not show it; she had that aura about her that settled the staff who were also all nervous about opening night. As the first set of customers stepped in, they all loved the new makeover. The restaurant was now looking very modern and chic without losing that welcoming feeling. There was also a small section that paid homage to her father with various family pictures hung on the wall. The first few covers started to arrive shortly and the customers were very complimentary about the food.

"Mmmmm, exactly like the dishes your father used to cook, I have been waiting so long for this," they commented.

As the evening wore on, the restaurant was packed with customers but the atmosphere was now somewhat mixed. The food was taking very long to come out. Some customers had been waiting for an hour before their starters were even served.

"We are very sorry about the delay we are experiencing some teething problems the first day," Maggie bowed and apologised.

She had expected that her brother will somewhat struggle in the first night; Tony has never been in a head chef position and had little experience in a busy kitchen, but she had hoped that he learns on the job and get better as he went along. However, she had not expected the situation to have collapsed the way it did. Mistakes started to happen in the kitchen more frequently as the night got busier, food was brought back from either being overcooked or undercooked, no seasoning or because it just tasted awful. Maggie tried to get the kitchen under control but it was too much for her to deal with both the front of house and manage the flow from the kitchen. By the end of the night many tables of disappointed customers left the restaurant with no food.

Staff morale was low at the end of the night, the kitchen staff had tried their best but there was no direction and everything was chaotic.

"Come on everyone, this was a very good team effort, but it was only our first night and things can only get better. Let's reenergise and make some happy customers tomorrow," Maggie rallied around the staff.

Tony on the other hand was completely deflated, he was not prepared for how busy it was and he was completely overwhelmed by the responsibility of the head chef and the weight of letting his father down.

Maggie gave her brother a hug.

"It will be ok; things don't happen overnight. I know you will make a great chef; it is all part of the learning experience. Chin up and let's take it up a notch tomorrow," she said comfortingly.

Tony desperately wanted to make this right, he wanted to repay the trust his family has in him. But ultimately, he was unable to fulfil his calling. Night after night the same complaints and issues arose, the kitchen was constantly under pressure, food was not getting out fast enough, what food did go out was sub-standard. Each passing week there were less and less bookings, some staff had to be laid off as the business was declining. The situation came to a head one Saturday evening when there were only 4 tables booked but still there was a complaint about the food being overcooked.

"What's going on Tony?" Maggie asked, at the end of the night when all the staff had left.

"We were not even busy, why were there so many mistakes happening?" she continued.

Tony had his head in his hands and started crying. He admitted his confidence in his ability has been decimated.

"I don't have the enthusiasm anymore; I dread going into that kitchen everyday...I'm scared and ashamed of letting everyone down," he admitted.

Maggie discussed the situation with her husband Adam,

"I am really worried about the restaurant Adam, the way we are going we will soon have to close, it is not sustainable, what can I do?" she asked.

"But honey we took out a big loan against the house to revive the restaurant, can we even sell it for a profit with the way business is going right now?" he said.

"No way am I giving up on the restaurant!" Maggie frowned.

"OK let's look at the obvious problem...what's not working?" he rolled his eyes as he said this.

"Your brother needs to go" he stated, without waiting an answer from her.

"No, he loves that place as much as I do! Think of something else?" she frowned again.

That evening the one thing they both agreed on was that Tony needed help. Maggie was not sure how receptive Tony was to her plan but they needed someone to take charge of the kitchen.

She called Tony to try and get him onboard with the idea of getting a new head chef so he can be the understudy until he felt he was able to take on the role himself. Unsurprisingly It didn't take much convincing for Tony to agree to the idea.

Maggie was so relieved they have a plan to move on and beamed a big smile to her husband. She was so glad she had someone to confide in, she loved her husband very much. As Adam stared at his beautiful wife, he still couldn't believe he is married to her. Adam knew he was punching way above his weight when Maggie agreed to go on a date with him all those years ago. Even now Maggie looked amazing, she was slim with long shapely legs, 34C perky breasts and a perfectly shaped ass that she loved to show off in those tight leggings she wears. They have been married now for 6 years but still have no plans for any children. At 32 years of age Maggie feels there was still much she has to do and experience before becoming a mother. That's not to say their sex life was non-existent, but lately it had become more infrequent due to the stress of running a business.

The next day job adverts were placed online for an experienced head chef and very quickly applications and CVs started to come through. There were 10 applicants in all and it was filtered down to two potential candidates that they wanted to interview. One of those candidates was Walter. He was a big man with a large build and was in his early fifties. He appeared very confident during the interview; border lined on arrogant; though he does have a resume to back that up. He has worked in a lot of big restaurants and has been the head chef of a number of restaurants in the last 5 years. Francis on the other hand was very quiet but assured, he has a slight frame but you can see a steely determination in his eyes. Francis has over 10 years' experience as a sous-chef in a local restaurant.

"I prefer Francis," Maggie said, as they discussed together after the interviews.

Tony was a bit surprised by Maggie's directness; in Tony's mind it has always been a one-horse race and he argued,

"One look at Walter and you can see he can take charge of a kitchen, he's bold, experienced and...".

"Don't forget misogynistic...," Maggie interrupted.

"It didn't come across as that way to me, I guess he's just old school," Tony smiled.

They finally agreed to contact both and have them try out one night each during a weekend at the restaurant for a trial. Francis was contacted to trial first but strangely on the night that he was due to come in, he never turned up. Maggie tried calling him but it went straight to voice mail and never called back.

The next night was a Saturday night; one of the busier nights that Tony would have trouble with, but Walter ran it with ease, by Walter's standards the level of business he seen that night was rather quiet. Nevertheless, he took command and ran the kitchen staff with extreme efficiency. He was not afraid to order anyone around, that included Tony.

At the end of the night Walter was offered the role permanently without much protest from Maggie. Although she was reluctant to hire Walter at the start, there was no doubt that he was an excellent head chef.

Four weeks on, the restaurant has started to thrive again under the leadership of Maggie at front of house and Walter commanding the kitchen. Bookings were full nearly every day and the business was starting to generate a good profit.

"So how do you feel about Walter now?," Tony smiled and asked her one night.

"He really changed our business around," he continued.

"Well, I agree, maybe this brash, assertive asshole was what we needed for this business," she replied jokingly. Maggie began to show appreciation for Walter, she also learned to ignore his sexist comments and the occasional pat on her bum while he told her she was a good girl. You have to take the good with the bad and for the time being the good was outweighing the bad.

To celebrate the success of the restaurant, Maggie and Tony invited the staff to stay behind one Saturday night for food and drinks. Walter did all the cooking and everyone enjoyed the food and wine; soon everyone was in a relaxed mood and partied happily. As the music played and drinks flowed, people were having a good time; empowered by the alcohol, people were dancing and singing badly on the karaoke. Maggie felt quite tipsy herself and went into the back of the kitchen to phone her husband.

"Hey honey, are you asleep? I need you to pick me up later, I have had a few too much to drink tonight!" she said.

"Sorry babe, can you ask Tony to give you a lift? I'm in the middle of a raid with the boys," he replied.

"Hey you! are you seriously going to choose your games over your wife!" Maggie exclaimed.

"Sorry babe we are nearly at the final boss, I can't let the guys down now," Adam pleaded.

Maggie was furious and hung up the phone, prior to this she was feeling extremely horny, this was the norm for Maggie when she had a few drinks so she was hoping to make love with Tony when they got home.

When she turned around, she was startled to find Walter was behind her.

"I can take you home or if you hubby is too busy you can stay at mine's," he coaxed with his eyes fixed on her.

"No thanks Walter, I can get Tony to take me home," she said as she tried to stay calm.

Suddenly he pulled her close to him and cupped her left breast and whispered to her menacingly,

"But if Tony is going to take you home, who's going to look after this," he put his hand underneath her skirt and slid a finger along her panty clad pussy.

"My god you are so beautiful, you want to be my girl? It will just be between us," he continued.

Maggie was stunned, her immediate thought was disgust, followed by a jolt of excitement through her body when he felt his finger rubbing along her slit. She was ashamed by how her body was betraying her.

"Let me go right now Walter," she said as she tried to push him away.

"Or what? You will fire me? maybe you should think about that," he responded immediately.

Walter then pulled her hair back and kissed her roughly, his tongue was inside her mouth briefly until she turned her head and managed to break free. She slapped Walter in the face before they heard one of the staff stumble in to use the toilet. Maggie took the opportunity to leave the kitchen and joined the rest of the party. She called a cab not much later to return home.

Maggie was nervous about going into work the next day, she decided she can't fire Walter while the business was doing so well. He was obviously the driving catalyst in turning her family business around. When she saw Walter again in the restaurant there was no difference from his usual demeanour towards her, the awkwardness and tension was only coming from Maggie's side. She convinced herself the incident from last night was down to the drink he consumed. However, halfway into the evening, instead of lightly patting her bum he gave a good squeeze of her ass before calling her a "good girl". She gasped and quickly looked around to see if anyone else saw this, but everyone was busy doing their work.

For the next few weeks, Walter continued to secretly pester Maggie constantly like a dog in heat, wearing her down, igniting a lust within her that she didn't knew existed. She began having dreams of herself submitting to Walter, where she sucked his big fat cock and licked his hairy balls before she spread her legs wide and begged Walter to fill her pussy with his cum. When she woke up from those dreams, she felt disgusted and wondered what was wrong with her, though her panties were soaking wet.

The next Saturday after a busy evening, Maggie was waiting on Tony to close up shop so he could take her home. While she was waiting, she went to the toilet to freshen up for a brief moment and when she came out, she was met with Walter waiting by the bar.

"Hey sexy," Walter smiled at her.

Maggie was slightly taken aback and then asked nervously, "Where's Tony?".

"Tony had to leave, his girlfriend phoned him about some emergency, he asked me to take you home," he said as he walked slowly towards her until she was backed against the wall.

"But maybe now I think you don't want to go home yet," he said as he started to stroke her hair.

"Walter we can't do this, I am married," she told him.

"Oh, don't worry about that, I have fucked plenty of married women," he replied.

"But none as pretty as you, you have been teasing me far too long with your short tight skirt and high heels, you sexy bitch," he continued.

"Walter, stop I can't do this," she pleaded.

"Bullshit, you want this but you are too afraid, its ok its only me and you here, no-one has to know,".

Maggie was frozen still, her thoughts turned to all the times when he groped her ass, or when he whispered how much she turned him on. She could have reprimanded him or fired him but she didn't. She convinced herself that he was too valuable to lose, the business cannot run without him, but deep down she got a buzz through her body every time he showed how much he wanted her. She was feeling that now, both the fear and excitement that was making her wet.

"This will be just between you and me, let's do it the once, after I promise I won't bother you again," he said as he leaned in to kiss her.

Maggie closed her eyes when their lips met, a tear drop fell along the side of her face as she slowly opened her mouth to accept his wanting tongue. Within seconds, their kissing became more passionate as their tongues intertwined and their saliva mingled. He nuzzled her neck and roughly caressed her breasts, when he broke off the kiss, he used his hands to rip open her shirt and revealed her beautiful 34C breasts within a lacy black bra. He pulled down the bra to suck on her large pointy nipples then he licked between her breasts and up her neck before his tongue met with her open mouth again.

"Oh god," Maggie moaned.

Walter then lifted her up and set her on the table, he reached under her skirt and took off her panties. Maggie tried to close her legs out of embarrassment but Walter easily pushed them wide open. For the first time, her neatly trimmed pussy was exposed to another person other than her husband. Walter devoured her like an animal, he used his tongue to quickly flick her clit, licked and bit on her tender labia, he forced her legs back further and tongued and licked her asshole before he turned his attention back to her pussy to lap up her juice.

He was insatiable, this was not something that Maggie had ever experienced before, she was not prepared for it, she was overwhelmed by wave after wave of orgasms she was having and she was not able to suppress her yelps any longer. For 20 mins Walter continued to eat her out before he took out his cock and ordered Maggie to blow him.

Walter's cock was already rock hard, the tip of his cock was glistening with precum. Maggie looked into Walters eyes for a brief second before she set her eyes on the monster that was pointing at her. His cock was a lot bigger than her husbands; she has never seen a cock this size in real life, it was as thick as her wrist and a good 8 inches in length.

"Oh Jesus," she said to herself as she got on her knees and held it in her hands for a few seconds. She started to stroke his cock and licked along the base of his shaft before she tried to engulf the large bulbous head in her small mouth.

"Oh yes baby," Walter cooed and it wasn't long until she was working his cock in her mouth like a real whore. She sucked and licked his cock until it was coated with a mixture of her saliva and his precum. Then he rocked it in and out of her mouth as if he was fucking her mouth with his cock.

Walter ordered Maggie to look at him while she serviced his cock with her mouth.

"You're my bitch now, I'm going to slam my cock inside you hard," he said to her.

Then he picked her up and they started kissing deeply again, their hands explored each other's bodies. Maggie broke off the kiss and laid herself back on the table, their eyes were locked throughout this motion.

"Spread your legs and show me your cunt," he told her.

She opened her legs wide as instructed and for a brief moment a thought had hit her.

"...Do you...have condoms?" she asked, her voice shaking.

"No baby I never use any condoms and we no fucking with no condoms," as he said this, he worked his cock inside her tight pussy.

"oh fuck...fuck..ooooh yees," she moaned as his thick meat invaded her opening.

Slowly he began to enter inside her, inch by inch he was getting deeper until he full penetrated her. Each time he thrusted inside her, he was stretching her pussy and made her yelp and squirm with pleasure. It wasn't long until he buried his full length inside her, her juices were dripping down along his shaft and squelching noises were made every time Walter hammered into her like a man possessed. Maggie's little yelps were now like grunts, her hands scratched along his back, as he impaled her with each violent thrust.

"Who's my bitch tell me," he called to her.

Maggie continued to pant and moan.

"Who's my bitch?" Walter called louder.

"ugh..ummm ugh...I'm your bitch... oh fuck me, fuck me," she finally responded.

As he drove inside her hard, the sound of their bodies slapping against each other was in tandem to their moans and grunts. This was the first time she experienced this kind of raw, aggressive sex; it was completely different to the gentle love making she has with her husband. She had already came multiple times, but she felt another wave of orgasm was approaching.

"Ugh, ugh, fuck me hard, feels so good," she panted.

She sensed Walter was also close to climaxing; at that moment she didn't care, she was resigned to the possibility of being impregnated by him. She was ready for him to fill her up and corrupt her insides with his seeds. She felt his cock swelled and then suddenly it pulsed, ropes of semen were blasted inside her, coating her insides with his cum.


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