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The Humiliation of Miss Tits-a-lot

Story Info
Haughty woman is strip-searched at airport.
3.1k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/23/2022
Created 02/20/2005
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Striking and flashy, there was simply no other way to describe Fiona Tinselot. She stood 5' 7" in her bare feet, and she favored 4 -5 inch heels, bringing her close to six feet tall. Her height and her Boticelli face with its lush, full lips and wide-set green eyes could have earned her a place as a top fashion model, but her figure was too full and curvaceous to conform to supermodel standards. Fiona played up her figure, even going so far as to augment her decent size C cup breasts to a firm DD. A mane of red hair crowned this vision of sensual womanhood.

Men flocked to Fiona, throwing themselves at her goddess-like feet, but she always found her sexual encounters strangely dissatisfying. Her lovers worshipped her, would do anything for her, but she maintained her cool aloofness.

Fiona was by no means shy. She enjoyed a successful career as the West coast buyer for an exclusive department store. Fiona's work attire was sexy-sophisticated, but during her downtime she flaunted her size, showcasing her height with stiletto heels and her breasts with tight little tops with plunging necklines.

Thus her outfit as she rushed through LAX on her way to catch a flight to JFK was not uncommon. A short, denim skirt hit her long, lovely legs mid-thigh. A white camisole with a lace inset hugged her huge tits, and she strode through the airport on a pair of red, 4-inch strappy sandals. She outlined her lips in deep pink and her green eyes with black liner. Heads swiveled, following her progress through the airport.

Fiona was accustomed to the attention, and in fact, courted it. She recognized the looks in the men's eyes - pure lust. The women's glances were more complex - envy, disgust, and even desire.

Fiona checked her bags and picked up her boarding pass before cutting a swath through the airport with her long, confident stride. Joining the long line at the security checkpoint, she gave an exasperated sigh. She dropped her carry-on bag in front of her, pushing it forward with her toe as she shuffled forward with the rest of the harried travelers.

As she drew near to the checkpoint, she voiced to the man in front of her, "This is ridiculous. You'd think they could move a little faster."

The recipient of this utterance nodded in agreement while keeping his eyes on Fiona's tits. She noticed it. She liked it. She thrust her chest out a little further.

She continued her rant. "Damn these security people. Is it a prerequisite to be a dimwit to get this job?" A few of the other passengers mumbled their agreement.

If Fiona noticed the tall, muscular blond female security guard narrowly eyeing her from the other side of the security barrier, she gave no sign. Instead she sighed heavily and muttered, "It's about time," when she walked up to the metal detector.

She shoved her purse and carry-on onto the conveyor belt and strutted through the metal detector. The alarm sounded. Fiona swore softly. The blond security guard, her long ponytail swinging behind her, walked up to Fiona holding out a plastic box.

"Put your watch and rings in the tray, please."

Fiona slipped off her Rolex and dropped a diamond ring and a heavy sapphire ring into the box. She looked coldly at the security guard. "Be careful. The value of that jewelry exceeds your annual salary." The security guard smiled.

Fiona walked through the metal detector again, and again she set off the alarm. She scowled. "I don't have time for this bullshit."

The security guard motioned her to the side. "Step over here, miss."

She produced a wand and passed it over Fiona's body. It beeped around her crotch, and Fiona gasped a little. She had forgotten about her clit ring. It had never set off the alarm before.

The security guard frowned. "What do you have on you?"

Fiona cleared her throat, leaned in, and whispered, "I have some body jewelry."

The security guard drew back. "What?"

Fiona hissed, "Body jewelry, you moron. If you let me go to the ladies' room, I'll remove it and come back here."

The security guard blinked a few times and replied, "If you think I'm gonna let you go to the bathroom, remove whatever you're hiding, and then go back and retrieve it, you're nuts."

Fiona's eyes widened. "I'm not hiding anything. I told you; it's body jewelry."

The security guard gave her a hard stare. "I don't know what the fuck body jewelry is, but you could be hiding anything underneath those big tits of yours."

Fiona gasped. The guard had raised her voice, and Fiona glanced to her left at the people waiting in line. A few of them were sniggering and staring at Fiona's tits.

Tossing her red mane, she turned back to the guard and read her nametag. "I'm going to report you, Pam; what's your last name and badge number."

Pam was tall too and stared straight into Fiona's eyes. "Oh you can have all that information but not before you come with me and submit to a search."

Fiona's mouth gaped open. "A search? What are you talking about?"

Pam stood stolidly in front of her. "Look here, you set off the alarm, and your manner is belligerent. We have to search you, can't be too careful these days."

She yelled over Fiona's head across the room, "Malika, strip search over here."

Fiona turned crimson as quite a few of the passengers laughed. I few of the men volunteered to help. She turned her head as a short, broad black woman approached.

Pam spoke up loudly, "She set off the alarms twice and the wand. We gotta do a strip search."

Fiona tried to ignore the smirks around her as she said, "I'm not submitting to anything. I want to see your supervisor."

Pam smiled. "I am the supervisor. Of course, if you don't want to cooperate, we can always call the airport police and have you arrested."

Fiona hesitated. Everyone was staring now. She met Pam's eyes. "All right, I don't want to miss my plane."

She followed Pam to a door to the side of the checkpoint with Malika following. Pam opened the door with a key and ushered Fiona inside. As Fiona stood still in the middle of the room loudly voicing her displeasure, Pam dumped her purse and went through the contents, studying her ticket.

She turned to face Fiona. "Shut your trap and take off that little top of yours."

Fiona glared at her. "I can just lift it up to show you."

Pam's cold blue eyes grew hard. "I'm in charge now, Miss Tinselot, or should I say Miss Tits-a-lot. Now pull that skimpy little top off those big tits and let me have a look."

Fiona gasped. "How dare you?"

Pam got up in her face. "I dare plenty, Miss Tits-a-lot. You take off that top or I'll have you arrested so fast it'll leave those big tits swinging in the breeze. And in here, you call me Ma'am."

Fiona's mouth was hanging open. Nobody had ever spoken to her like that before. Despite her outrage, she felt a tingling sensation between her legs. She didn't want to get arrested, so she pulled her camisole up over her head.

Her DD tits, released from their restraint, tumbled forward. Pam studied them for a moment. "Those real?"

Fiona blushed. "No."

"Didn't think so. Now why'd you go and do a thing like that?"

Fiona stammered, "W-what do you m-mean?"

Pam grinned. "Why'd you go and buy yourself a pair of big hooters like that?"

Swallowing hard, Fiona started, "B-because, I-I..."

Pam gave a bark of laugher and winked. "I know. You like people to stare. That's pretty clear. Those will get you lots of stares, especially when you walk around with no bra, shaking them in everyone's faces."

She cupped Fiona's heavy breasts with her hands and lifted them. "Come on over here, Malika. You ever see titties this big?"

Malika was thoughtful. "Nope. My Aunt Mavis had a big pair, but they hung down to her waist. Ain't never seen any that stuck straight out like these."

Pam jiggled Fiona's tits a little. "Malika, check underneath these."

Malika inspected below the tits and shook her head. "Nothing there."

Fiona snapped. "Of course not!"

Pam slapped her hard across the face. "You better get rid of that smart mouth in here, Miss Tits-a-lot. That clear?"

The slap stunned Fiona. "Y-yes."

"Yes what?"

Fiona whispered, "Yes, Ma'am."

Pam smiled. "That's the way. We'll get along just fine. Now shimmy out of that little skirt and show me this body jewelry you been yapping about."

Fiona reached for her top only to have Pam slap her hand away. "Oh no you don't. That stays off for security reasons."

Fiona reached back, unzipped her skirt, and stepped out of it. She stood still in her red thong and red heels, unsure what to do next. Pam solved that problem, reaching forward and ripping her thong off.

Before Fiona could utter a protest, Pam laughed. "Lookit here, Malika. Miss Tits-a-lot shaved herself bare." She eyed her smooth mound. "Why'd you do that?"

Fiona sniffed. "I didn't shave myself. That's a Brazilian bikini wax."

Malika spoke up. "I heard of those. Someone spreads hot wax on your pussy and rips out your hair all the way to your asshole."

Pam raised her brows. "That right, Miss Tits-a-lot? You let someone wax all the hair off your pussy back to your asshole?"

Fiona nodded, realizing how absurd the procedure sounded.

Pam winked. "Betcha you liked it too."

Fiona blushed. How did this coarse woman guess that Fiona always got wet during a wax?

Shaking her head, Pam said, "Sounds like something a ho would do to me. You a ho, Miss Tits-a-lot?"

Fiona shook her head and Pam laughed again. "All right park your bare ass on this table and let me see this jewelry."

Fiona hopped up on the table, the metal cold against her bare bottom. Her pussy was now throbbing, and she knew her lips were swollen. Her humiliation at the hands of the security guard was arousing her like nothing ever had before. She sat with her legs slightly open. Pam peered between her legs. "I can't see nothing. You're going to have to spread those puffy lips for me."

With eagerness, Fiona reached down and opened herself to Pam. Her lips felt slick and swollen. She knew Pam couldn't help but notice. She stared at the gold ring piercing Fiona's clit. "Lookit this, Malika."

The two women peered at Fiona's clit, which was now throbbing with need. She thrust her hips forward, and the two women grinned at each other.

Pam said, "You sure you're not a ho, Miss Tits-a-lot?" Fiona groaned in response, and the two women laughed.

The door opened, and a big black man stood at the entrance. "How's it going in here?"

Pam gestured to Fiona on the table, still spreading her lips open. "Doing the strip search. As you can see, Miss Tits-a-lot is cooperating nicely now."

The man laughed as he gazed at Fiona's large white globes. "Is that really her name?"

Pam responded, "It is now."

He shook his head. "Whatever. Just hurry it up; we need you out here."

While he was talking, he had left the door open behind him. Anyone looking into the little room would have been able to see Fiona sitting naked on the table. He pulled the door behind him, locking it.

Fiona looked up at Pam. "Can I go now, Ma'am?"

She firmly shook her head. "Not done yet, Miss Tits-a-lot. Stand up and bend over this table, spreading your legs."

All of Fiona's insolence had been crushed and she bent over the table without a sound.

Pam snapped on a pair of gloves. "Let's see what we got here." She placed one hand on each of Fiona's butt cheeks and spread them open. "You're right, Malika. She's bare here too. Now, what are you hiding in your little waxed pussy."

She shoved two fingers into Fiona's wet vagina, while Fiona rocked and pressed against her. "Look how nicely our Miss Tits-a-lot is coming along now, Malika, a regular little pussycat."

Pam removed her fingers and pinched Fiona's engorged clit. "Let's check out the other hole." She worked her two slick fingers into Fiona's asshole, while Fiona convulsively pushed back against her. Pam thoroughly probed her rectum before popping her fingers out.

Pam took a plastic bag from her pocket and began shoving it into Fiona's anus. Fiona clenched her ass cheeks and drew away sharply. Pam patted her bottom and said, "Just cleaning up a little in there." She winked at Malika and left the baggie in place for a few moments. She then pulled it out and tossed it on the table in front of Fiona's face. "Look what we have here."

Fiona stared at the baggie, which was filled with white powder. "Th-that's not mine. You put it in there."

Pam's hand came down hard across Fiona's ass. "Don't lie, Miss Tits-a-lot. Malika saw me pull this baggie out of your ass."

Malika assented. "Yes, I did."

Fiona cried out. "It's a lie. It's not mine. I didn't have anything in my ass."

Pam jerked her to her feet facing her. "Listen up, Miss Tits-a-lot. I pulled this baggie full of, what looks to me like cocaine, right out of your asshole, and Malika here saw it."

Fiona began to cry. "I-it's not true." To her horror, she felt warm urine coursing down her thigh. She was peeing on the floor. The two guards laughed and Malika said, "Looks like you scared the piss outta her, Pam."

Fiona dropped her head in shame, staring at the yellow puddle at her feet. Her legs were trembling in fear.

Pam sniffed the baggie before tucking it into her pocket. "I'll tell you what, Miss Tits-a-lot. You clean up the mess you made and keep your mouth shut about what went on in here, and we'll forget about the baggie in your ass."

Fiona looked up hopefully. "I won't tell anyone what happened here."

Pam stripped off her gloves and rubbed the huge tits in front of her. "That's a good girl. Now you clean up your piss." She went to a cupboard and withdrew a bucket and a cloth.

Fiona, still naked, got on her hands and knees and cleaned up her urine. "You see that, Malika. Miss Tits-a-lot came in here a haughty young thang, and she's leaving with a humble appreciation for the job we do."

After she finished cleaning up the floor, Fiona asked, "May I get dressed now, Ma'am?"

"Sure you go right ahead, but there's one more thing."

With a sinking heart, Fiona dressed. Pam then ordered her one more time over the table, legs spread. "I want to leave you with something to remember me by, Miss Tits-a-lot, something to remind you to be more courteous in the future."

She presented a large black dildo in front of Fiona's face. "Suck on this and get it all wet." She held the dildo while plunging it in and out of Fiona's mouth. When it was slick with Fiona's saliva, Pam moved behind her and began working it into her asshole. Fiona grunted and gasped as she tried to accommodate the big dildo. Pam shoved it firmly into her rectum, which was now burning. When she had it in place, she smacked Fiona on the ass.

"Stand up, Miss Tits-a-lot." Fiona straightened up awkwardly, standing in front of Pam. Pam stood so close to her that Fiona's tits press up against her uniform. "You're gonna keep that dildo up your ass all the way to New York. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

She continued. "It will serve to remind you to be polite next time." She handed Fiona her bags and patted the side of her breast. "Have a nice flight, Miss Tits-a-lot."

The swagger was quite gone from Fiona's stride as she hurried from the little room. A few passengers eyed her curiously as she stiffly walked toward the boarding gate. She made a detour into the ladies' room. Squatting over the toilet, she fingered her pulsating clit until her orgasm exploded. Her moans were most likely lost in the din of the noisy restroom, but if they weren't, she didn't really care at this point. She traced the dildo around her asshole with her fingers and was just about to pull it out but thought better of it. Leaving it in place, she washed her hands, freshened up her make-up, and exited the bathroom.

Soon she settled into her first class seat, re-living every moment in that tiny room, and periodically squeezing her rectum around the dildo. As the passengers were still taking their seats, the flight attendant announced, "Will passenger Tinselot please report to the front of the first class cabin, passenger Fiona Tinselot."

Fiona jumped. Had Pam changed her mind? Would she be hauled off the plane and accused of smuggling drugs? Maybe the dildo in her ass was packed with cocaine. On shaky legs, Fiona made her way to the front of the cabin. She squeezed by a man perusing the newspaper racks and turned toward the door. The boarding corridor was still in place, and Pam was waiting at the entrance. Pam said in a loud voice, "Miss Tinselot, you dropped your wallet at the security checkpoint."

She was holding out Fiona's wallet. Fiona thanked her and reached forward. Pam pulled her in close and reached her hand behind Fiona, lifted up her skirt, and grasping the edge of the dildo, gave it a shove. She whispered, "Good girl. You leave that in place. I have a friend working security at JFK. She'll be on the lookout for you. She's going to make sure you still have this little beauty up your ass, and she'll remove it for you. Now you treat her with respect, and she'll be good to you." Pam grinned. "Besides, she's gonna love those big hooters of yours, Miss Tits-a-lot."

Fiona blushed and turned from Pam to walk back to her seat. The man was still at the rack, flipping through a newspaper. Fiona squeezed past him again and returned to her seat. She was thinking about the security guard awaiting her at JFK with a mix of trepidation and exhilaration when a man took the seat next to her.

She glanced up and noticed he was the man at the newspaper rack. She smiled. He smiled back and said, "Once we hit cruising altitude, I'll replace that fake cock up your ass with the real thing." Fiona stared at him with her mouth hanging open. He grinned at her. "I'm sorry, let me introduce myself. You can call me 'sir'...Miss Tits-a-lot."

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Buster2UBuster2Uover 1 year ago

Great fun story! 5 stars thanks

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Very hot story. I came in pants just reading it.

msboy8msboy8over 19 years ago
Great Story

Don't worry about the category, some times the Lit Demi-gods put a story where they want. Very Hot!

Seattle ZackSeattle Zackover 19 years ago
Very nice

Great story, well written, you have a fun style, LAwoman. Of course, it's a BDSM story ... it's all about humiliation. Some people don't understand fiction ... safe, sane, and consentual is for real life not fantasies.

Hope to read more of your stuff. Big five from me

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Good story...

and in the right category would have been a five. This isn't BDSM. When you visit my place it will be.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago

what a great story. It was nvery nice to the the uppity girl getting it in the end!

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Fun story, I'd even give it a 5...

...but this is not a BDSM or D/S story. It is totally n/c and has nothing to do with safe, sane and consensual submission. It could even fit nicely into the humour category since it's so tounge in cheek. Good stuff and I also look forward to your future efforts.


AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Great Story

What a great story. Hard to believe this is your first submission. Looking forward to more of your stories.

TheDarkCloudTheDarkCloudover 19 years ago
Cool Story

A very good read and a nice finish. Was it a BDSM story? maybe more nc/reluctance? whichever I'd like to see the story continued.

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