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The Hunter's Trap Pt. 01

Story Info
A feminine young man falls into a hunter's trap.
12.3k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/04/2018
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Author's note:

Hey there! This story goes on for a while and not only teases its characters but its readers too. If you're looking for a quick read and a quick wank, I'm afraid this story might not work you. If you're looking for a nice fantasy environment, a solid exploration of the troubles of gay and kinky romance, and some good, healthy, kinky masturbation then I really hope you'll love this story and you'll stick around for when I gear things up in part 2.

Fetishes inside: Heavy teasing, denial, edging, and orgasm control; heavy male-on-male gay sex; heavy romance; heavy seduction; heavy consent and negotiation; ass and dicks; frotting; masturbation; power games; domination and submission; bathing; twink bottoms and masculine tops; massage; light bondage; light pet play.


~SubsNotDubs (SND)


Tawn's whole mind should have been pointed like an arrow toward the best way to get out of the ropes tied around his wrist. With only half his head working at the binding he wasn't doing more than stretching out his muscles to point of exhaustion. It was too hard not to think about how to explain this when they came looking for him - and to try not to think about all sorts of forbidden fantasies that came into his head. If Tawn had to explain his current predicament to anyone back in town the embarrassment would shave more years off his life than this situation ever could.

He was out foraging for berries when he found a patch on the ground. When he reached for the berries a loop of rope snatched his wrists and pulled sharply upward and around a branch. The rope had pulled tight around Tawn's wrists and yanked his arms straight up over his head. The height of the branch forced him to stand on his toes and stretch out his back and midsection. At first, it didn't feel so bad but now his muscles were aching.

It could have been worse but it could have been better. He was lucky his wrists hadn't broken. If he remembered right, these traps were designed to break a bunny's neck. He was unlucky that the trap broke out so many dirty fantasies his mind tried to keep hidden. A considerable amount of blood that he wanted in his head was in his erect cock straining up against his tight leggings and shorts.

He'd tried a lot of ways to handle it and a few things got him to calm down for a bit but nothing lasted. Whenever he managed to cool off for more than a few minutes something would trigger some rotten fetish of his and get him hardening again.

There was the burning soreness that tingled all around the edges of him, triggering his deep masochism. There were the binds that all his wiggling and squirming and pulling could not loosen, triggering his secret love for a lack of control. There was the thought of getting himself off and how there was no way he could move his body to manage it, revealing to him another kink he didn't even know he had - teasing. He wasn't just getting hard, he was getting so deeply aroused that he could feel a heat inside him so furious that he simultaneously wanted to let it out and cover it up. He lost plenty of breath from stifling moans and plenty of energy from bucking his hips and writhing and grinding against the air.

It had been around an hour of this. Hot breaths rolled off the edge of his tongue. Some part of him wished he could just enjoy this - for as dangerous to his survival as that might be. Instead, on top of worrying increasingly about how he'd fare in the whole situation, he shamed and cursed himself like he knew people in the town would if they understood him like he understood himself. The thoughts stung him worse than the rope.

Getting mocked for not being strong enough to untie the rope would be bad enough. The unmistakable outline of his burning erection and his airy, feminine moans would be too much. Thinking about it, he tried again to get out, yanking down with his arms and tightening his thin and smooth core. He got the branch to bend and let him stand on full feet for a second before it snapped up and sent him dancing forward in small steps until he was back onto the tips of his toes. A soft moan escaped his lips before he could bite down on it.

He was thirsty and lightheaded and the sun was going down. Heavens... What if he died out here? He'd been an adult and in his own small home for a handful of years. People didn't check up on him that often anymore and he put a sign on his shop saying he'd be gone for the whole day so it may be a while before even his kin would find him.

He didn't want to die like this. He didn't want to die stumbling into a trap obviously not meant for him. He didn't want to die all knotted up with soreness and shame.

There wasn't much left for Dennuuk to do. Most of the traps had been cleared and reset and Dennuuk had plenty enough game to get through the month. Soon he'd have enough to compensate for when the cold came and the plenty ended. His body felt warm and pleasantly worked from the success of the cool day. There was something he was forgetting but he figured it could wait for him to sit and enjoy the red sun dip into the wavy tops of the dark green firs and the fierce orange maples. The birds, the beasts, and the bugs cawed and cooed and cried together until their noises blended into what felt like a kind of quiet. Dennuuk sighed deeply.

Not long into watching the day leave the land the noise of birds shooting out of a distant tree reminded him that there was a trap he hadn't checked yet.

"That's right." He whispered to himself before stepping down from the craggy rock he was on and heading off.

The trap he laid wasn't too far from the thin road that went through here so he was surprised it caught anything. It was a pretty simple rabbit trap with some ryoberries for bait and light rune-work to pull the rope and make for a gentle charming effect. Overall, it wasn't his best trap. All the less reason to complain.

By the time he was close the animals were quiet but something was drawing heavy breaths. Had he lured a brown wolf? It was early for one of them to be out. Just in case, he notched an arrow into his bow and quietly crept between the shadows of the trees. When he got a good view of what the trap had caught he quickly put away his bow and arrow and shuffled over. His trap had snared a person.

It did happen sometimes that hunters and trappers up here would snare or hurt someone from a town - or even each other - but it was pretty rare. He realized it might be reckless to keep using ryoberries for traps since folks from the nearby towns sometimes liked to collect them. He still wasn't used to how big the towns were getting and how far the townsfolk went into the forest now.

At first he thought it might've been young woman but saw it was a thin young man with long hair and a slight waist and wider thighs that made for a surprisingly feminine form. The tight clothes that townsfolk liked to wear fit snug around the man's arms and legs. The man's lithe muscles were flexed from pulling against the trap. The man's shirt had gotten pulled up some in the struggle and showed the way his slightly toned abs curved out into divets of his hips. Dennuuk jokingly wondered if he was being tested. When he came in close enough to see the young man on his tip toes, accentuating the taut round curves of his ass Dennuuk's wondering turned serious. Seeing the young man's bulging erection made him bite hard on a hot breath of his own.

Dennuuk wondered if this wasn't one of the folks that enjoyed being tied up. It was hard for Dennuuk to believe. Out here in the woods no one seemed to think about those things in an overt way. He was basically alone in even fathoming that rope could be used for anything but catching animals, hauling goods, and building things. It had been probably over a year since Dennuuk had a man in his bed. A part of him wanted to assume, to reach out and grab the man by the hips but he knew it wasn't right. He knew nothing about this poor man that had stumbled into his trap.

"Help... please..." A little, hoarse voice squeaked out.

Dennuuk snapped out of his thought bubble and moved in quickly."I'm so sorry! This is my trap. Let me get you down."


Dennuuk approached Tawn from the front at first but Tawn tried to turn away. Tawn's face was rouge and Dennuuk understood why. It was cute to see but also sad in a way. There was a genuine shame and worry in Tawn's face that Dennuuk knew too well.

He got up behind Tawn and reached up for the knot. Dennuuk was close enough to feel the heat pour off of Tawn and soak into him. Sweat dripped down from Tawn's thin neck, rolling over his pronounced collarbone and thin chest and glistening in the fading light.

Dennuuk had managed to keep the blood in his head prior but now he started to swell too, his large shaft filling out his looser pants. In trying to ignore his growing manhood, he didn't stop it from growing and reaching out to touch the soft, smooth ass in front of it. Dennuuk didn't even notice how hot the blood inside him was until his trying to untie the not pulled him closer in so his wide chest rested against the back of Tawn's head and his throbbing cock pressed into the soft and surprisingly thick ass in front of it. He'd managed to ignore how sensual the moment was in favor of untying the knot right up until Tawn let out a lewd moan.

Shit, how embarrasing! Tawn thought. He'd been trying to hold back the moans and for the most part, he could but after an hour of on and off erections and on and off fantasies of a man not so unlike Dennuuk grabbing him by the hips and fucking his sore and bound body he couldn't hold back anymore.

Feeling this large, strange man pressed up against him while his muscles were stretched against his will by the rope was too much. He had tried so hard to hold his breath in and to restrain himself in any way he actually meant to restrain himself but he couldn't. He couldn't hold his body back from leaning into and feeling the muscular frame behind him. A part of him felt fear and a part of him felt a deep excitement. It was terrifying trying to manage the both of them and find the sensible thing to do.

Another part of him wondered if this wasn't all a hallucination. Maybe he'd passed out in the trap hours ago. It scarcely seemed possible anyone would come up to him and not mock or scold the way he was - his open arousal at least. It seemed even less possible that out here someone would be aroused too and then control themselves. If he was imagining all this, it was pleasant in the worst way - in a way he'd curse himself for later.

The man was dressed in dark green hunters robe and was exceptionally large in what felt like every way. He was at least a head taller than Tawn, maybe a head and a half, with shoulders as broad as the horizon who smelled as rich and pleasant as the earth and wilderness do during the plenty. This was all too ridiculous to be real. He could feel the heavy but adroit hands work around his wrists while the hot breath of the big man poured down the back of his head and onto his neck. The big man's chest was warm.

If this was a dream then maybe he should lean into it and enjoy it before he woke up to a reality where this probably would never exist. He leaned even further into the warm and wide chest behind him and bucked his hips up against the thick and long dick pushing against the back of his soft body. He slid the length of the impressive cock behind him in between his cheeks and began to gently work it. It was stiff but more yielding than the other things he'd put in himself in secret. Even better, it reacted to him. It moved in to meet him and pressed against his tight hole in a way that made his eyes roll and small droplets of cum dot the tip of his own cock and stain his leggings.

There was a simultaneous moan, then a release of all tension. The rope went limp. His legs shook so hard he nearly fell over but the man caught him under the shoulder and helped him stand. He looked up to see a slightly green-tinted face with a thin black beard. Oh shit, this is real, isn't it? Tawn's face went red. His eyes shot away. He could barely think of how to handle this. He had egged on this man to an incredible degree and both of their erections were bulging against their pants - clearly visible. He just needed to get back to town and out of this.

"I, thanks, um thanks. I'll -" He coughed, feeling the sharp pain of thirst.

"I'm so sorry, you must've been up there a while. Here," the man grabbed a canteen from his side with his free hand, "have some water."

Tawn's addled mind wasn't sure to trust this strange man, but it came to him gradually that if this hunter had any nefarious plan he would have executed while Tawn was suspended from a tree. He took the canteen and drank deeply, coughing some more.

The hunter chuckled. "Take it slow. I'm uh, Dennuuk by the way." It looked like the man was working not to look at him. Dennuuk let go of Tawn who staggered a second before clasping on to Dennuuk's forearm. They looked up and down one another, caught each other glancing, and looked away again.

"Thanks, Dennuuk. I'm uh, I'm Tawn and I'd like to get home."

Dennuuk nodded in the slow and steady way the deep country folks do. "Sure. Where's home."

"Mital. I need to get to Mital."

"Mital? Really? You're all the way out here from Mital?"

Tawn nodded.

Dennuuk pulled back his hood and ran his hand through his short black hair. "Shit."


"Mital's - what - 4 hours walk from here?"

"3 and a half." Tawn smiled up at Dennuuk. His whole body felt shaky and it worked up to his mind too. In truth, he could use something to eat as well as drink.

Dennuuk shook his head, almost chuckling. "I don't think you can make a 4 hour night walk."

"I'm fine, sir!" Tawn pushed away indignantly, still holding onto Dennuuk.

"Alright," Dennuuk sighed, "take a few steps on your own. Let's see."

Tawn carefully pulled off from Dennuuk and started to put one shaky foot in front of the other. It wasn't easy but he was managing.

"See?" Tawn said, walking down the road toward Mital, "I'll be fine."

Tawn had walked for about a minute and Dennuuk caught up in five seconds.

"At that pace, it'll be 8 hours." Dennuuk sighed. "Listen, I uh, I'm really not trying to pull one over on you. I live nearby and I've got space. I think you should stay the night - travel in the morning."

Tawn paused to think about it, surprising himself. Obviously, he should say no. He had to go home after being caught in such a compromising position. He had to go home and bury this whole thing in the back of his mind. Besides, he figured it better not to let this Dennuuk guy get more time to remember his face. Yet, he was exhausted and Dennuuk was right. It'd be terribly long before he got home. Still, he shouldn't stay.

"No, no it's fine. It's far too much trouble for you."

Dennuuk had to slow himself to a stroll to keep at Tawn's side, "What's trouble for me is walking 8 hours to Mital with you and then 4 hours back alone."

"What? No, you don't need to walk me back." Tawn paused. "And it's three and half hours anyway."

"I hunt these parts, Tawn. Wolves come out at night."

Tawn was quiet. The Sun was sinking deeper into the horizon with each word they spoke and it became harder to see what the trees on either side of the path held.

"Listen, Tawn," Dennuuk rubbed the back of his neck, "I know that might've been a bit embarrassing. I - we don't even have to talk. I don't have to stand near you. I just can't have you dying on account of one of my traps. That's it, I promise."

Tawn looked up at him and Dennuuk looked down to meet his gaze. Tawn found that this hunter had kind eyes and seemed almost gentle while in that careful stroll. Tawn sighed. Going to a strange hunter's house at nightfall in a part of land one doesn't know wasn't a great idea. Yet, neither was walking a grueling 8 hours on shaky legs through a thin forest path. It was the rock or the hard place.

"Alright, I'm trusting you Dennuuk," Tawn said it as seriously as he could but couldn't help acknowledge the humor in it. "If you have a bed for me, I'll take it."

"A smart move. I promise." Dennuuk smiled. It was a natural and warm thing, not forced at all. It didn't feel like the ones in the town. It was almost refreshing. Dennuuk extended a forearm and Tawn took it.

The road led pretty easily to Dennuuk's cabin, which was down a small side avenue where the foliage created a nice needle and leaf covered aisle to walk down. Thin strands of the orange sunset poked through the treetops and gave a small smattering of warmth against the chilly autumn breeze.

Tawn had to admit he still felt a fear that he wasn't sure was truly rational. Not only had Dennuuk let him go and made no advances on him but everything about this man radiated the gruff hospitality of the hunters in the area. It was still close enough to the northern Central River Valley and not deep enough in the Grinlands that someone would perform a gesture like this. A few hours deeper into the Grinlands and the best he could've gotten after being untied was an apology and a canteen of water for his trip.

The fear felt its most rational when Tawn took in the size of the hunter. Dennuuk looked big enough to snap Tawn in half. Plenty of the orcish sort around here had a bit of height and heft to them but they were mostly forest or river orcs, who weren't much bigger than humans. Dennuuk would be a little big for a mountain orc or even some Ayalal.

Dennuuk knew just how intimidating he could be and slouched and kept more distance from Tawn to try and offset it. Even other hunters in the region could get nervous around him sometimes - though that was more because they knew he shared his bed with men. He knew they thought bad of him but he supposed he was glad they didn't air those opinions much. The forests weren't places for talkative types anyways. It was probably worse being what he was in towns like Mital. When he thought about it, it was probably worse for Tawn.

He wondered if he had the wrong idea since Tawn seemed to carry more and more of his own weight but was sticking closer and closer to his arm. It wasn't uncommon for Grinland folks to be touchy but it was a bit rarer for the townsfolk down south. It seemed like Tawn hardly noticed how he had pressed in closer and closer to him as they went. By the time the cabin was in view the side of Tawn's smooth chest was warming a swathe of Dennuuk's arm.

"Mital, eh? Were you out here berry hunting?" Dennuuk looked down at Tawn, not having to watch the path anymore.

"Yeah." Tawn was impressed. He looked up at Dennuuk. "How'd you know?"

"I'm right by the road. I see traders and townsfolk every now and again. Feels like more Mitalites come up each Plenty."

Now that he'd warmed up, Tawn was very smiley. It was a welcome surprise to Dennuuk, who smiled more at the nature than other people in these parts. Tawn's tired eyes opened and closed lazily over his pale blue irises, the slow clamp of his long eyelashes like a Venus flytrap for Dennuuk. He'd tried to turn his mind off of thinking of Tawn like that but the lashes led him over to the smooth cheeks and small jaw and round lips. It all came to gentle and humming life with Tawn's tired energy and eager smile.

"Oh, it's Mitals not Mitalites. Mital keeps growing and the ryoberries keep growing further away. That's why you see more of us."

Tawn didn't notice himself staring at Dennuuk but he certainly was. The big man had a face made of hard and smooth edges, split symmetrically right down to the cleft in the chin. Little black spots of stubble grew in at even patterns down the cheek and the chin, popping up against the light green skin. In the middle of it all were two gorgeous green eyes that seemed so soft compared to the rest of the man. Tawn hadn't even noticed himself leaning in for a closer look.

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