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The Inheritance


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"Jonny! I won't stand for that kind of filth. Stop this," I said, getting flustered. Part of me – the part that had spent the last ten years as a quiet and celibate matron tried to be offended while part of me – the part that had lain dormant for years in my heart and soul and my pussy screamed with joy and undeniable hope. I felt my labia thicken with arousal and as I stood to flee, I quivered at the long absent feeling of slick cunt lips rubbing together, making a sweet and sinful friction.

Jonny reached out and took hold of my wrist. "I told you to sit, Mom. If I have to say it one more fucking time, I will beat your ass bloody!" He jerked me back down onto the sofa.

"I'm your mother. You will not talk to me..."

John's hand let go of me and lashed out to slap my face and he stood, towering over me. "You're my slut, now!" he roared. "You're my fucking property! I inherited your sweet ass, Mom!"

The scene seemed to be some sort of surreal pornographic moment. My son, a handsome, six foot tall stud loomed over me, an immense erection waving almost in my face. Part of me wanted to beg him to stop this insanity and part of me wanted to rip my clothes off and fuck my son's brains out.

Reaching into the wooden box, Jonny pulled out a sheet of stationary – stationary I recognized as his father's from years ago. "Read this and do it quickly, Mom!" Jonny snarled at me as he thrust it into my face. Fighting back tears and trying to acquire some semblance of calm I read what I instantly recognized as Daddy's handwriting.

My son,

When you read this, I will be long gone and you finally are a man. How I wish I could be there to see it – to hand over the most valuable possession I have – your wife and daughter. Yes, my daughter and in truth, your sister too. That does not matter, simply know that she is the most precious thing I leave you.

When your mother was eighteen, she submitted to be my property for the rest of her life. She served me as daughter, wife, whore and as mother to my only son and she did all of these willingly and happily. It is your mother's destiny to be the sexual property of the man who loved her most – it fulfilled her beyond any other possibility. I dare say, those twelve or thirteen years have been the happiest of her life. Now, I suspect that once I was gone, she has tried to put those days behind her forever, focusing on raising you and remembering me. Heather deserves better. She needs better and so, knowing that she has suffered long enough, I take pen in hand and give her to you.

Your mother is now yours to do with as you will. She will serve you as she served me, loving you beyond the normal constraints of society and making you the happiest man alive, just as she did me. Your mother is a natural born incestuous slut who found true happiness only with family. You are our son – our blood courses through you and it dictates your destiny. Being your mother's son and lover, dare I suggest it, her husband and master will be the greatest thing you ever do – it will be your greatest pleasure.

Master your mother – I've left you my journals and hers to guide you. Take possession of her – use a strong hand when necessary and the rest of the time, your cock will suffice to make her the most willing slut possible.

I love you, Jonny. Make me proud. Make your mother happy. Fuck her brains out, son!



Tears flowed down my cheeks as I struggled to make sense of it all. My commitment to Daddy all those years ago, in this very room came flooding back to me – the love I felt for my father crashing through all the barricades I'd erected around my heart. Reality crashed in as well – comprehension of what Daddy was telling our son to do. I was terrified and yet, part of me – the part that sent shivers of pleasure through my long neglected pussy, yearned for what Daddy wanted our son to do.

I wiped my eyes and looked up into my son's face. His face was a study of emotions. Arousal, fear, anger and intrigue all struggled for dominance of his expressions. "Jonny, you can't seriously think I will agree to this. Your father and I had something spe-."

"Shut up, Mom," my son hissed. "There is no agree or disagree here. You belong to me. Daddy gave you to me!" He snatched the letter from my hand and shook it in front of me. "I have all the proof I need. I have the title for your sweet little ass!" Jonny tossed the letter back into the box and fixed me with a hungry stare. "Stand up, Mom!"

I slowly, somewhat shakily rose to my feet. Jonny stood too close – his erection brushed against my stomach...precum leaving a faint trail across the expensive fabric of my dress. I tried to back away, but my legs bumped up against the sofa.

"Take those clothes, Mom. I want to see you naked!" My son's eyes roamed hungrily over my body, making me quake with fear and desire. My knees trembled even as I felt a thick gush of liquid heat spread into the crotch of my panties.

I froze, years of modesty – of trying to forget and deny my previously wanton ways coming into play. I shook my head and begin to beg my Jonny to stop this madness, but his hands flew out and tore my dress open, sending buttons flying everywhere. "Goddammit, Mom. I said get naked!" he hissed, pulling the remnants of my dress off my shoulders to fall to my feet, leaving me clad only in bra and panties.

I felt my entire body turn red as I hurried to undo my bra, unable to meet Jonny's wolfish eyes as I bared my breasts to him. I was still a 34C and while my tits weren't as pert as they'd been twenty-four years ago, for a woman of forty-one, they were fine. My nipples already erect, swelled more now as my son reached out and squeezed a breast, catching my left nipple between his forefinger and thumb. "Nice, Mom," Jonny said softly, his voice thick with lust. "Wish I could remember sucking on those beauties when I was a baby."

I mewled like a baby, leaning into him a little as a wave of lust made my head spin. My son's skin felt feverish and I could smell him – sperm and sweat and those sweet odors of an aroused man. "You need to stop, baby," I moaned. "This is...wrong."

Jonny just laughed and with his free hand, he palmed my panty covered pussy, fingers rubbing against the wet spot – rubbing my labia and pushing them apart as fabric covered digits pressed into my flesh. "Your wet cunt tells me you're a lying slut, Mother," he said, both lust and sarcasm thick in his voice.

I groaned again, pressing my lips against the sweaty jersey material of his T-shirt. "Oh, Jonny, I...I." I looked upwards, kissing his chest as I looked pleadingly into his eyes, unsure what I was pleading for.

Jonny stared back and then smiled evilly as his father would when aroused. In a voice that was more than an echo of Daddy's, he commanded, "Please me, Mom."

I surrendered then – I knew it was true, that like his father before him, my son, my flesh and blood owned me, body and soul. Slowly, I descended, squatting down, my mouth capturing his hard dick, waving in the air, as if I'd been doing it for years. I sighed as I felt velvety flesh against my lips, my tongue swirling about tasting piss and semen and sweat as I took his cock in my mouth, sucking his fine penis as his hands moved into my hair.

Again I looked upward, eager to see any sign that I was making my son and now my master, happy. I sucked him deep, washing his shaft with my tongue as I sucked and then eased him back out to pay attention to the swollen cock head, drooling cum. He'd been close when I'd walked in and now, looking down at me, an angelic smile of such joy came over Jonny's face that I thought my heart would burst with all the love I felt for him.

Jonny jerked back just as he began to cum, moaning, "Ohhhh, Mommmm!" as his cock swelled and began spewing hot streamers of semen all over my face. I sobbed with joy as for the first time in a decade, I felt the unique sensation of thick wads of sperm splatter against my skin. I felt my heart race as a thick spray of semen slashed into my open mouth – Jonny's seed tasting salty and clean and soooo good. He amazed me as he stroked his penis, cumming and cumming again, covering my face in thick wads of hot spunk.

By the time he stopped, I was crying tears of joy, seeing an entire world of carnal pleasure opening up before me. Jonny grinned down at me and with sudden swiftness, reached out and grabbed hold of my head and shoved his still erect cock into my mouth, forcing his cock deep until I was struggling not to choke while he ground my sperm covered face against his wiry pubic hair.

With short, quick thrusts, Jonny fucked my face, battering his groin against my head. I eagerly, albeit a bit confused, sucked and cleaned his cock some more – sensing any loss of erection was halted by both our actions.

Satisfied that he was completely erect, Jonny again withdrew from my mouth and I let out a pained cry as with fingers wound around my still blonde hair, he jerked me to my feet. "You didn't think we were done, did you, Mom?" he snapped, his face close to mine, studying the smeared mess of cum covering my cheeks and nose and mouth and forehead.

Jonny dragged me around by the hair, throwing me across the arm of the sofa as his father had done years ago. Hands roughly dragged my panties off, down my legs and over flailing legs demure high heels kicking at the air. Now I was naked except for the short high heels and the pearl necklace choker. "I've been dreaming about this pussy for years, Mom. I just never knew it belonged to me!" Jonny said breathily.

I felt something press against my wet labia, pussy juice pouring from my aroused cunt and moaned as I recognized it as the huge head of a big cock. My cunt lips clasped at my son's erection, hungry for what it had for so long been denied.

"Fuck me, baby. Make Daddy proud and fuck your mother," I moaned, trying to thrust back at his cock without much success, perched on the arm of that sofa. "I'm your whore slut, son! Your mommy slut! Mommy's pussy belongs to you now! FUCK ME!"

I screamed the last words out of need, but that scream merged with a louder one as my son rammed his cock into me, never hesitating an inch as he buried his thick meat inside me! My body stiffened and my back arched as I was immediately swept up in a powerful, incest-fueled orgasm, my mind reeling as son-induced pleasure tore me apart, satisfying a hunger that had been insatiable since Daddy had passed away.

Jonny's arms wrapped around me, pulling me against him as he pressed his cock inside me, his lips kissing the nape of my neck. "I love you, Mom!" I heard him pant in my ear – struggling to maintain the harshness in his voice, his touch telling me the truth – that this was more about his love for me than a need to master me.

As his hands cupped my breasts, teasing my throbbing nipples, holding me tight, we began to fuck, our bodies barely moving as he hunched into me, his cock filling my womb with each minute movement triggering wave after wave of ecstatic pleasure. Long dormant pleasure centers exploded to life all over my body – absorbing the constant flow of carnal bliss radiating from my sopping cunt!

Time seemed to stand still as my son and I fucked slowly – his body atop mine as I lay on the arm of that couch – our bodies tightly pressed together, each small thrust bringing exquisite pleasure. As if he were born to it, Jonny brought me to orgasm again and again until I was gasping for air. I felt him rise up from me, our flesh separating noisily and his cock still buried in me. "I love you, Jonny," I wheezed, unable to suck up enough air. "You're wonderful. That big cock is wonderful, son."

"I love you too, Mom. I love your tight, slut pussy. Let me show you!" I screamed again as suddenly, like a beast unleashed in lusty rage, Jonny began to fuck me fast and furiously, pumping my cunt with that thick pole with savage purpose.

The remnants of my last orgasm flared anew and became something more wild and savage, my body quaking with pleasure until at last my son thrust deep into my womb and pumped a load of steaming hot semen inside me, sending me into carnal oblivion – the entire world vanishing and I existed alone in the universe – alone except for that supernatural flesh jammed into my cunt and providing me with incestuous ecstasy that tore apart my very being and rebuilt me anew.

When I was myself again, I was being carried upstairs, still impaled on my son's cock, erotic pleasure reducing me to a helpless mound of quivering flesh. "I love you so much, son," I whimpered meekly, unable to wipe the tears of joy from my face.

"I know you do, Mom," Jonny said. "And you know who you belong to – who you serve, don't you?"

"Ohhhh, I do, baby. I belong to my son...forever," I replied, groggy and falling asleep again in the wake of a good incestuous fucking. I slipped peacefully into sleep for the first time in many years, safe and happy in the arms of my son and lover.

Three days later, I said the vows that made my son my second husband. As I did the first time, the ceremony ended with me on my knees, again sucking the cock of Father McFee, now old and gray, but with a little coaxing from my lips and tongue, still able to get erect and consecrate the marriage of my son and me with a healthy load of sperm.

I am again the happy and willing slut of a man that I know loves me without reserve. I eagerly agreed to do his bidding at all times – whatever it takes to make my son happy, I will happily do it. Things are somewhat different this time. Jonny is more possessive than his father ever was – not sharing me nearly as often as Daddy did.

Still, my son was inspired by Daddy's collection of our sexual history. I never realized that Daddy had recorded many of our most intimate acts, both alone and with others – that he had the house wired with cameras and had over the years documented many poker games, football gathering and apparently with Mr. Richter's blessings, our foursomes and my sexual encounters with Danielle. In addition to my writings about thousands of blow jobs I'd given to friends and strangers, Daddy had kept journals as well, journals always intended to be given to our son as a guide in keeping me as Jonny's sexual property. There was a perverse glee echoing in the journals, but also Daddy's love and concern for my happiness were evident throughout his writings.

With Daddy's efforts as inspiration, Jonny did revive the poker games, albeit the games were different with Jonny's friends – young, virile studs. I was certainly on my knees more of the time as those young cocks never seemed to go down no matter how many loads of cum I swallowed and each game ended with a gang bang with me as the guest of honor. Jonny would see his friends to the door while I lay atop Daddy's old and still cum-stained poker table with thick loads of semen oozing from my ass and cunt.

We also enjoyed trysts with Mr. Richter and his daughter Danielle, renewing my love of her sweet red haired cunt and with their now adult twin daughters, both lovely and horny. All four of us did our best to exhaust our men, leaving them weary but extremely pleased.

Jonny toyed with reviving Daddy's commands to suck a new cock every day, but prefers to take his mother out in public, dressed as the slutty whore she is and pick targets for me to pursue and seduce. My son enjoys watching me stalk my prey and hearing stories of sucking cock and drinking some stranger's semen.

Most of all, Jonny enjoys spending days at a time in bed with his mother, both of us becoming drunk with endless sex, until we both reek like rutting animals. Sometimes it seems that I go weeks at a time without clothes, my son's cock inside me more than its out of me.

Today, I am focused on one all important command of my son's. Like his father before him, he wants me to give him a child. Specifically, we hope to have a daughter to hopefully carry on the family tradition. If I can give my son a daughter, I have no doubt of the eventual outcome. Daddy was right – what we are – our lusty nature is inherited in our blood.

The End

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rbloch66rbloch66over 2 years ago

I didn’t enjoy this at all. The abuse sickens me.

Clarissa72Clarissa72over 4 years ago

Now that was a story... the flow of it was so easy and enjoyable. Honestly the story line was more important than the sex. It was just a great story... Great job!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
lost me at page three

daughters arent for sharing

somewhatniceguysomewhatniceguyalmost 7 years ago
this sucks

you are a specialist in mom-son romance, man; you fucked this one up; seriously, I couldn't believe it is one of your stories.

aVoyager1964aVoyager1964about 9 years ago

The father-daughter scenes were beautiful... Thank you for sharing.

KnightDomKnightDomover 10 years ago
One of my all time favorites

That I come back to again and again!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
More butt

Not enough anal sex

his2pethis2petabout 11 years ago

This story was amazingly hot. I know it stoked my flames from start to finish. All I can say is damn, I never expected to be jealous of a fictional character named Heather. Keep them and me cumming.

ChrsinnTXChrsinnTXover 11 years ago

little bit rough for my tastes, but a well written story none-the-less.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

wonderful little fmily incest tale,,,very erotic,,,more like this, please!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

god i wish that you will continue the story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

question was her mother her sister and her father actually her brother and so on.. you have to continue this story as well as tell Mr richters and danielle story.

Cumslut_69Cumslut_69over 13 years ago

This is a really nice strory, very well written, and not just from a sexual perspective- it's a nice story in it's own right. Good job!

hourihouriover 13 years ago
Now that's what I call REAL PROPERTY =)

Twisted, diabolical and just plain kinky...I loved it! Great writing style and strategic use of word choices to evoke specific emotions and reactions; very creative and made envisioning and anticipating a real treat. Thanks for sharing and looking forward to reading more of your other stories, and awaiting new ones, too.

Great work

This story was delightfully devious and oh so naughty. good job but its almost too twisted to have your grandma for a mother

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

ok here's the math:

The son of the farther and his daughter would have 3/4 his DNA and 1/4 the of the original mother

And now the daughter of the son and farthers daugter would have 11/16 original farthers DNA and 5/16 original mothers DNA

It was a really great story nice and long and it went into lots of detail and the story line is amazing , i did the math because I couldn't get it out of my head

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
I can't stop reading this

I must have read this story about 12 times since you posted it up. Ive shared it with friends of mine as well and all agree that you are an amazing writer.

I now have many fantasies about your story and get so turned on and wet from reading it.

I would love to see any other Daddy and Daughter stories you have.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichover 13 years ago
Very creative

I enjoyed the fact that she was passed on to her son as his slut and will have to produce an offspring for him to use. Keeping the tradition going for the next generation.

Now that's kinky.

Well done, I thoroughly enjoyed the story.

chytownchytownover 13 years ago

Not this one that's two in a row what's up?????? Keep them coming,

glorialamuseglorialamuseover 13 years ago

Like the fabled Thunderbird the story rises from the internal flame it may have been lost but now it lives again immortal. This was the best incest story I have even read. Plain and simple I loved it. enough said except Thank You.

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