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The Inheritance


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"Just one more son, we can't stop already!" she protested.

"I never said we had to stop, I just want something different." I smiled and gave her a little wink, as I reached down to take her hand, helping her up.

Her legs buckled slightly under her, from the long time she spent under the desk in what must have been an awkward position.

"Oooh, I think my boy has some naughty ideas! I love it! What do you want, honey?"

"Bend over the desk." I instructed her, indicating an area I had helpfully cleared just prior.

Without pause, she did as I asked, resting her torso on the desk, her legs wide, reaching back to spread her cheeks wide for me, her head sideways, watching me, as I stepped up behind me.

With her cheeks spread wide, and all of her bottom opened up before me, I took a moment to admire her drooling pussy, trails of her juices running down her legs. The tight little bud above her perfect pussy.

"Well, since you went to all that trouble to get me all slick and wet..." I grinned at her, then I stepped close, touching the tip of my achingly hard cock against the tight little star between her nicely tan ass cheeks.

"Oh. Son. It's been a while since I was fucked there!" was all she said, not making any move to hinder my access, rather she seemed to pull her cheeks even further apart, opening up her star ever so slightly.

Reassured I could take her as I pleased, I slowly pushed against her tight flesh, not sure if it would even be possible without any real lube.

But even as I started to doubt, I could feel her flesh yielding slowly, then faster, until suddenly the head of my cock slipped all the way inside, vanishing inside my mothers tight asshole quite suddenly, as her body decided it did want me there after all.

As I slipped inside her, she gasped loudly.

"Ryan! You are in my ass!" she informed me, rather uselessly, as I was well aware of this.

The knowledge that I had just shoved my dick into my mother's most forbidden hole, sent shivers of pleasure through my body and mind.

"Your ass feels sooo gooood mom!" I moaned, as I started to push myself deeper. Feeling the tightness of her firm ring sliding up my shaft, as the head explored her warm soft depths.

It felt so amazing and different from her pussy and mouth.

Not necessarily better as such, but much much naughtier.

Claiming her last hole as mine. Claiming all of her as my own, I slid the full length of my cock into her, before I let up the pressure.

"So full, Ryan, you are filling me up!" mom moaned in appreciation, as I slid all the way into her. cramming every last inch of myself into her.

Then I started to fuck her tight ass. Gently at first, to let her get used to it, then as I felt her body respond, small convulsions tightening her ass around me rhythmically, I found myself pushing into her harder and harder, pulling almost the whole way out, to feel the amazing sensation of her fleshy ring contracting around my little head, only to then shove myself all the way into her. Again and again, as mom moaned first one orgasm, then another, into the desk, drooling, calling my name. Then as she reached her third consecutive orgasm, I was so close. I started to pound into her mercilessly, not caring if I split her ass open, I rammed my length into her, until at last, I joined her in orgasm, as my pleasure rolled through me in powerful waves, and for the first time, I shot my load deep in her colon, sending cascades of cum up to meet the ones I had sent down her throat earlier.

When finally my orgasm subsided, and my cock started to shrink once more, the firm grip of her sphincter felt almost painful around the base. Slowly I pulled myself from her, and as I slid out, a stream of cum oozed from her still gaping hole, running down her leg.

Man, I was really wrecking that carpet. Maybe I should just have Oxana take it outside and burn it.

As we staggered to our feet, she looked at my cock, then she gave me an inquisitive look for a second.

"If it's okay with you, I think I will skip clean-up this once. I didn't realize you wanted to take my ass, so I didn't think to clean it out first..."

The way she said it, like she knew it was her duty, and that she would do it if I insisted, was such a turn on. Still, as much of a rush of power it would be to have her lick her ass off of my cock, I was more interested in being able to kiss her. Even if it felt completely right to me that she should clean me up after sex, that was still a bridge too far. It was only natural that a woman should appreciate the taste of her man!

But right now it would interfere with my need to kiss her deeply.

With a shake of my head, I let her know it was fine, and pulled her close, kissing her greedily. Her soft lips on mine, her tongue brushing eagerly against mine, was still such a rush of pleasure. To think I had been next to this wonderful sexy woman for eighteen years, and only now I knew how to truly appreciate her. All of her.

It was a good few minutes of us making out, before I reluctantly released her from my embrace.

"Yeah, lets skip cleanup for now mom, but make sure to keep it clean for me back there. That was SO good, that I think I will be having your ass around my cock pretty regularly." I instructed her, as I fondled her ass, enjoying the sensation of her supple flesh in my hands.

"Ofcourse Ryan, my ass is yours to take whenever you want it!"

"If you don't hurry out and get cleaned up, I will want it again in about two minutes!" I laughed at her.

"That sounds very tempting!" she giggled at me, but took her leave as suggested, trying to stem the sticky tide from her bum with her hand, as she went to get cleaned up.

It sure was good being the master of the house!

That afternoon I had a training session with my personal trainer at the gym downtown, so sadly I had to postpone any further play with mom.

Driving to the gym, I almost rear-ended some guy, because I was fantasizing about all the dirty things I would love to do to mom. Visions of her tied up in all kinds of positions filled my mind. Even if I knew that tying her up was completely redundant, she would gladly do anything I wanted, it still gave me a rush to imagine her completely helpless before me. Maybe I should tie her up tonight, and have her in my bed with me, so I could just use her during the night, whenever I felt like it. That might be fun. Waking her up by just pushing my dick into her whenever I felt like it.

On the other hand, I also enjoyed the way she woke me up.

So many decisions to make.

My trainer Shu Mei was not amused that I was a few minutes late, so she had me doing burpees until I was ready to throw up, as a warm-up.

She is the best trainer I have had, even if she has the gentle disposition of a drill sergeant.

She is slightly shorter than me, and of mixed Korean and Japanese descent.

In my head canon, she is secretly the head of an ancient clan of ninjas, as she is easily the most fit woman I have met.

She is not huge and bulky, but she is strong and absolutely relentless. On the treadmill her only speed is sprint, and doing pull-ups, you get tired of counting them, before she is tired of doing them.

Even in her training outfit she always looked very attractive, but the one time I had seen her outside of work, she was absolutely stunning. A little bit of makeup, and some nicely fitting clothes that enhanced her well deserved figure, rather than smooth it out, made her into a veritable goddess.

I would have made a pass at her long ago, if I was not so deadly afraid of her. Anytime I had tried to breach the professional barrier between us, she had worked me so hard I was puking my guts out, before she forced me to do more.

I was never very fit to begin with, but with her help, I was starting to get there. Not big and bulky by any means, but definitely passing average someday soon.

Today she took it rather easy on me.

We were doing lots of cardio as usual, but before I even got winded, she moved us on to weights, where she had me cranking out all sorts of sets, like she couldn't quite decide what we should focus on today.

After a little while, she stopped me mid set, and looked at me, seemingly angry with me.

"What have you been doing?" she demanded.

"Uh, training like you told me?"

"Are you on the juice? Is that it?"

"I don't know what you mean?"

"You don't normally do this many reps without whining like a little girl! What is up?" she asked, glaring at me disapprovingly, like she had caught me with a syringe full of steroids in my butt or something.

"Look, I am just distracted, my dad just died and I am stuck trying to arrange everything. I just didn't have the energy to whine. I will try to whine more next time, alright?"

Sending her the good old puppy dog eyes and reminding my dad just died had her backpedaling in a hurry.

"Shit Ryan, I didn't mean to break your balls like that. It's just that if they come asking you to pee in a cup, it's my ass if it comes back positive with anything illicit. You blew three of your PR's without even noticing, and you didn't break a sweat during any of it. If that's what being distracted does to you, I think we need to come up with ways to keep you distracted."

She was right, I really hadn't been paying attention during training. I was really upset about dad, and I knew mom was too, yet here we were fucking each other like some sort of cheap porn, and I couldn't stop thinking about her. About doing her.

Something really strange was going on, with me, with mom, with my body. Suddenly I was able to cum like a sex legend, I felt stronger, better. Heck, I could swear my cock was looking larger than it used to be.

I am not a scientist, but I don't think genes are supposed to suddenly turn on when you turn eighteen.

"Mei, I am not on any drugs, I promise! You know me, I am not that ambitious!" I told her, trying to look my most sincere.

"Fine. But now that I know you have been sandbagging, next time we are going to take it up a few notches, until we find your true limits! Now beat it, before I make you do burpees until you pass out again, for being a jerk and holding out on me!"

With a grin and a wave I fled for my life, before she could change her mind. I didn't mind her drill sergeant routine. Most of the time she was actually kinda fun to be around, but when it came to the training, she took it very seriously. Which is probably why she is the only personal trainer I have had, I couldn't just bullshit or blow off with half assed excuses.

At first, dad had to insist I get in shape, but when Mei showed me it actually made a difference, I started to enjoy our torture sessions in a strange massochistic way.

Dinner was kinda weird, with just it being just me and mom. We were both missing dad a lot. Even if I had been busy all day trying to shove my cock as far into his mourning wife, my mom, as was humanly possible. And yes, I was sporting a solid boner through most of the dinner. I was constantly watching my mom eat, imagining my cock lodged between those soft red lips of hers, instead of the fork she was poking her salad with.

Like at breakfast, she made sure I got a large selection, just like dad always did. I guess now I knew how he burned all those calories.

Mom on the other hand, only had a salad, claiming she was still quite full from earlier.

After dinner, we spent some time going over some of the paperwork I had gotten done, decisions I had made, and the arrangements for dad's funeral. Several times I had the urge to just sweep all the papers on the floor and peele mom out of that tight little dress she was wearing. It was suitably black, things considered, but it was obvious by her choice of a very sexy dress that left very little to the imagination, that she was also having the same crazy urges I was.

I would love to lie and claim it was through sheer force of will and strength of character that I managed to abstain from jumping moms bones again then and there, but it was more due to a slowly creeping dread that I would not manage to get everything done in time, combined with my growing awareness that something was not quite right.

Was someone drugging us with some sort of crazy lust drug or something?

Even if they was, I would probably want them to keep doing it, but it sure would be nice to know. I am sure I could come up with a few more people I wouldn't mind dosing, if that was the case.

Still, staying on task, we did manage to get quite a lot done, giving me confidence that perhaps we might still get everything done. I knew very little about how many people might show up, and how to handle the entire social aspect of the funeral, but fortunately mom was a fountain of knowledge in that regard. She had spent a lot of time arranging fundraisers for charities with her circle of trophy wife friends, so she knew the right people to contact to get everything taken care of.

Finally done, it was rather late, so we decided to call it a night.

I was lying in my bed, trying to settle down for sleep, but something kept nagging me, like an itch I couldn't quite scratch.

Having tossed and turned for a while, I realized what was wrong.

Getting up, I went down and entered the master bedroom. Mom was still awake, and sat up when I entered.

"What's wrong honey, why aren't you in your bed?"

"Nothing is wrong anymore. I figured it out."

"Figured out what?" she inquired, looking rather puzzled at my enigmatic statement.

Without answering her, I slid into the bed.

"This bed. This bedroom. It's the master bedroom. I am the master now. I didn't belong in my old room anymore. I belong here. With you." I explained, as I cupped her face with my hand. Then I drew her in for a kiss, before she had time to argue.

The first kiss was a chaste kiss on her lips, then followed by a more greedy kiss, finally evolving into our tongues meeting in a delightful dance. Her body molded itself to mine, as I drew her into my embrace.

For a while, we just made out like teenagers newly in love.

"But what will the staff think?" mom managed, as we came up for air.

"That I am having nightmares? Frankly I don't care, this is what feels right!"

"Okay honey, whatever you want." she agreed.

"Oh I want a lot more than that!" I grinned.

Throwing her covers aside, I let my hands run down her warm body, a sheer silken slip nicely enhanced her already beautiful body.

"You are insatiable!" She scolded me jokingly, as her hands found their way down my pj pants, cool fingers wrapping around my hardening length.

It took me seconds to pull her slip off of her, freeing her wonderful breasts to my mercy once more.

Unable and unwilling to resist, I leaned in and suckled each one gently for a while, enjoying the sensation of her soft flesh and her firm nipple in my mouth. Mom sighed with pleasure as I lavished her breasts with my attention, while she gently massaged my cock, urging it to full mast in no time.

Letting go of her breasts, I pulled her hips towards me, and gently leaned down over her, resting my weight on my elbow. I reached down, parting her already soaking wet folds with my fingers, and guided my rock hard cock to her opening.

Then, looking into her beautiful eyes, I slowly slid my full length into her, enjoying the expression of her face, a mixture of love and lust, as her son slid his cock all the way into her pussy.

Very gently, I made love to her, my hands caressing her perfect body, slowly increasing the pace as I felt her body responding to mine. I watched her face carefully, enjoying the sight of her expression every time I pushed into her, enjoying every moan I made her utter, as I kept driving her closer and closer to the edge of orgasm.

When I felt her pussy starting to clench around me, I knew she was not far from the edge. I increased the pace, pounding into her with more and more force, until her moans became one long keening as her orgasm took away all her control, and ripped through her body.

The amazing sight of her orgasming under me, the sensation of her tight core contracting around my length with all its strength, was more than enough to make me join her.

My own orgasm lit my nerves on fire, my balls convulsing as they shot thick ropes of my pearlescent cum deep into my mother's womb, painting her insides in my colors, until there was no more room, and cum started to squirt from her pussy even as I kept pounding into her, completely at my orgasms mercy.

I no longer felt any sense of guilt, I no longer cared what society would think about what we were doing. It was clear to me that society was wrong. I was the master, and it was only right that I do as I please. And this, this pleased me greatly.

When we came down from our orgasms, we stayed like that for a long while, my softening cock remaining inside mom, while we just held each other, occasionally kissing gently, until I was so soft, I slowly slid out, releasing a tidal wave of cum.

"Holy shit mom, that's a lot of cum!"

"Don't worry honey, it's a large bed, we can just scoot over to the other side and spoon all night, then Oxana can fix it in the morning." mom purred, clearly not in the mood to get up and change the sheets.

Oh well, spooning sounded good, and I had pretty much decided Oxana needed a raise anyway.

With the lights out, we snuggled up, spooning each other as sleep claimed us.

Waking up is my new favorite activity.

The wet warmth on my cock, the tightness of lips sliding up and down the shaft, the sensation of a tongue swirling against my glans, teasing me, urging me, to cum, to fill her mouth with a well deserved breakfast.

I let out satisfied moans of pleasure, and slowly opened my eyes, looking down at my mom, her face bobbing up and down my morning wood.

When she noticed I had woken up, she took her mouth off me for a moment.

"I'm sorry I woke you up so early honey, but I have to go soon, and I wanted you to have a proper start to the day." she explained, as she then resumed her morning blow with renewed vigor.

As I felt myself about ready to cum, I could not help myself, and took her face between my hands, hips thrusting into her mouth.

Sensing my need, she let me take over control, as I fucked her mouth faster and faster, until I came like a geyser, blasting my cum into her throat, filling her mouth, even as she struggled to swallow around my intruding member.

When finally my orgasm subsided, she made sure to lick up all of the cum that had escaped her lips and splattered on my thighs and belly. Every last drop was licked clean, while she moaned with pleasure.

"Now THAT's the breakfast of champions, if you ask me!" she purred.

"Even though I hate to eat and run, I really need to get going!"

"Alright mom, drive safely!" I watched her very nice butt swaying seductively, as she rushed out, leaving me to have breakfast by myself.

After breakfast, Oxana brought me a package that had been delivered that morning, by an assistant of the law firm that used to handle dad's business.

Opening it, I saw it contained a small box, and an old fashioned black leather journal, that had been sealed shut by no less than three wax seals, keeping anyone from peaking inside, without breaking the seals.

A letter from the lawyer said that my dad had left instructions that upon his demise, his ring, the box and his journal was to be delivered to me, that I was to read the journal before wearing the ring or opening the box.

Well, I already knew some of that, but I guess it was best to make sure.

Even if some of the toothpaste had already left the tube, and proved rather resistant to being pushed back inside.

Giving it another half hearted try, I once again found that the ring was not coming off. Fortunately it did not feel tight or constrictive, it just couldn't come off again. It was exactly the right size to remain where it was.

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