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The Keeping of Lena Ch. 01


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Renz suddenly thrust forward, very hard, and Lena squealed loudly into his palm. Before she could recover, Renz was thrusting again, swiftly and violently. His movements were animalistic and selfish, and Lena struggled to match his pace. The way he held her against the tree made it impossible to move—she could only accept whatever he wanted to do with her.

Lena winced in pain each time he entered her, and she whimpered against his palm with each hard thrust. Renz was being rough...too rough. But as nervous as it made her, she was becoming excited to a dangerous point.

The way his body moved was forceful and athletic, a series of basal, passionate impulses. This wasn't the Renz that was using years worth of sexual skill and experience to manipulate both of them into pleasure. No, this was a far more pure Renz...a primitive Renz. The low moans he was releasing sounded like growls, and Lena felt completely wanton in his grasp, for he was working her into an animalistic frenzy.

He removed his hand from her mouth, and Lena exhaled in relief. But it was short-lived, for almost instantly Renz crushed his mouth against hers, chasing her tongue with his. Renz moaned loudly into her mouth as he increased his pace, his hardness harshly pounding against her tight, sore inner walls. Lena clung to him tightly, accepting every ambush that he offered.

A whisper of a thought suggested that maybe it was wrong of her to enjoy the pain and the fear so much...but Lena quickly shook it away. Whether it was wrong or not, Lena had never felt more feminine, or more animal, and she intended to enjoy it for all it was worth.

Renz slid his hands down her body, squeezing her bare skin tightly. She could feel his fingers digging into the soft flesh of her breasts, her thighs, her bottom...he was grabbing her everywhere, leaving no surface unexplored.

Suddenly his hand was in her hair, gripping tightly, guiding her mouth to accept his kisses. She noticed that his breathing had suddenly increased, and his moans had gotten louder. His tongue probed deeply into her mouth as he shoved his cock inside of her to the hilt, and Lena realized that Renz was ensuring he was keeping her completely filled with him.

He released her mouth and slightly arched his back, moving his grip to her hips. Lena was entranced by the way his body moved so forcefully against hers as she watched his orgasm begin to overtake him. He made one final, very hard thrust that Lena felt deep within her belly, and threw his head back in ecstasy. He released a loud, deep cry that caused her pussy to tingle pleasurably, and she felt him forcefully erupt inside of her.

Renz finally released her once his breathing began to subside. Lena nearly fell over once her feet touched the ground, for it seemed as if she'd lost all control of her muscles. She felt profoundly, yet blissfully, sore, and even the slightest gesture caused her tender flesh to throb.

But before she could fall, Renz gripped her waist and pressed her up against the tree once more. His breathing was heavy and labored, and Lena noticed that his body was slightly shaking. She squinted, and could see faint beads of sweat coating his brow.

She stared up at him nervously, wondering if that brief flash of anger had faded. Her nerves were settled when his white teeth suddenly glittered in the darkness of the night. He was smiling again ...and he was glorious.

"It appears, my love...I may have ruined your gown," Renz muttered.

Lena looked down, and realized that Renz really had managed to tear it far beyond repair.

She watched him in awe as he removed his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. Formalwear really suited him well.

"Helga will be disappointed," Lena mentioned humorously as they began to walk back towards the estate. She was hoping Renz would react pleasantly, but she noticed that his brow was furrowed, as if deep in thought.

"Perhaps you and Ava can go into town and shop tomorrow. You seemed to get on quite well," Renz suggested. Lena frowned in confusion.

"I haven't any money, sir. And there isn't anything that I need to purchase," Lena replied. Renz shook his head.

"If you ever intend on becoming my wife...you'll need to learn how to purchase. Surely you know by now that my fortune is equally yours," Renz said, gesturing to her jewelry.

Lena froze as Ilise's words suddenly entered her consciousness again. She tried to tamper the memory, to focus only on enjoying her time with Renz, but that simple suggestion was insistent and uncomfortably sobering.

"What is it, Lena?" Renz asked suddenly. He was staring at her expectantly, and his expression was faintly bemused. He seemed a bit more focused now, and certainly less drunk.

"Is something bothering you?" he probed. Lena bit her lower lip, unsure of how to begin telling him about the interesting person she'd met earlier that night.

She lowered her head and decided against it. His birthday didn't seem to be the appropriate time to tell him she'd met his former wife.

"I believe I've had my fill of the devil's nectar for one night," Lena replied, trying her hardest to keep her expression playful. Renz laughed and placed his arm around her shoulder.

"Oh, my little Lena. Just wait and see how you feel in the morning."


Lena had dreams of dancing and champagne.

Or perhaps they were not dreams, but merely memories replaying from the night before.

As she felt herself beginning to awaken, leaving behind the quiet comfort of sleep, she lightly struggled to piece together some sequence of events that could explain exactly what she'd done when she and Renz had retired back into the estate after their outdoor tryst.

She knew there had been more dancing. And she knew there had been more champagne.

She also knew that she had never before laughed harder.

She remembered Renz carrying her back to bed, his bed, where he'd undressed her and himself. She remembered Renz drinking more brandy, feeding it to her not from a glass or the bottle, but instead, directly from his mouth. The alcohol was harsh and bitter, hitting her instantly, but she quickly became lost in the feeling of his naked skin surrounding hers, and the wickedly delicious sensation of the sharp alcohol against his lips and tongue.

She remembered Renz's drunken, playful laughter as he chased her on all fours like a beast on his large bed, sinking his teeth into her hip, her shoulder, nipping the flesh of her bottom. Lena recalled wiggling her naked body in front of him as she held on to the bed post, enjoying how strongly he seemed to react to her, how his cock hardened as he stared at her wantonly displayed nudity.

And she remembered the pleasantly overpowering sense of safety she felt once he finally captured her, holding her close against his naked body. His arms surrounded her completely, and she remembered curling up against him, loving the feeling of his hard, warm skin, and his masculine scent.

She remembered him saying something...or perhaps he was humming or even singing. Whatever it was, his voice had never sounded more attractive or soothing to her, and it was shortly after that she'd completely lost consciousness.

Lena loved what she could remember of the remainder of Renz's party, but the pleasant memories were momentarily forgotten when she finally opened her eyes.

The curtains of Renz's bedroom were all lowered, but the small sliver of light from the easternmost window was strong enough to cause a powerful current of pain to course through her head once her eyes made contact.

Lena whined loudly and quickly flung her arms over her face, but she moved too quickly, and was suddenly overcome with dizziness and nausea.

She knew for certain then that she would never, ever allow herself to become that drunk again.

Once the urge for sickness slightly passed, Lena shrugged on one of Renz's sleeping robes and slowly crawled off of his oversized bed, careful to keep her hands over her eyes as a makeshift shield. She tripped several times as she struggled to reach the double doors to the bedroom, and she sighed in relief once she finally turned the handle, and fell into the lounge.

Lena slowly staggered throughout the living room, bare toes curling into the luxurious fabric of the ornate rugs on the floor. She noticed a silver pitcher sitting atop one of the end tables, and she sank to her knees and crawled over to it in desperation, hoping it was filled with water.

Without thinking, Lena reached for the pitcher and drank directly from it, and her entire body became electrified with temporary relief as she hydrated herself with crisp, cool water, mixed with earthy solids that tasted almost herbal. She didn't even care about how unladylike and animalistic she was behaving—she was just desperately thirsty.

She finished the pitcher with a slight belch, and it was only when she replaced it on the silver tray that she noticed the neatly folded note on Renz's stationary, watermarked with the Wolfenbarger crest and an elegant W. Lena had to slightly squint to focus her vision on the elegant handwriting, but once she read the message, she was immediately giddy.

To the most beautiful little inebriate I have ever seen,

If last night was for the Devil's nectar,

This morning is for God's—

Drink, Lena. It will help your head.


Lena felt an odd, girlish urge to clutch the note tightly against her chest. She tried to stifle the smile that formed on her face, for it really aggravated her headache, but she simply couldn't resist.

It was the first love note that Renz had ever given her.

A gentle knock on door broke her from her feminine impulses, and Lena quickly wiped her face and refolded the note before the door slowly opened.

"Lena, dear? Have you awakened yet?" Ava whispered softly. Ava looked around for several moments before she finally noticed Lena kneeling on the floor.

"I fear I may have overindulged last night," Lena croaked sheepishly. Ava smiled warmly and walked over towards her, gently pulling her to her feet by her shoulders.

"I think you held your alcohol quite well. Mostly. Let's get you a bath," Ava said teasingly, playfully pinching her shoulder.


Lena felt more grateful than ever for Ava as the kind woman bathed and dressed her with the help of two maids. Lena felt embarrassed by how helpless she'd allowed herself to become as a result of the previous night of overindulgence, but every time she tried to apologize, Ava politely refused.

Once Lena was somewhat presentable, the two women left Renz's quarters and headed downstairs to a casual dining area, a large, elegant room full of windows overlooking the Wolfenbarger gardens.

Lena was taken aback once she entered the room, for she was overwhelmed with fondness upon gazing at Renz for the first time that day. His expression was slightly annoyed as he looked down at the little person in the room Lena had not yet met, but beyond his frown, there was a warm, protective, loving gaze that pulled on an instinct that Lena couldn't yet name.

She could tell that Renz was tired. His eyes were heavy, his hair was in disarray, and he held his head in one hand with an elbow on the table. He winced each time the little girl shrieked in happiness, but he made no motion towards scolding her.

She was a tiny, quickly moving thing—a giggling mass of golden blonde curls and pink bows. She held an exquisite porcelain doll in her hand affectionately as she explained to Renz in great detail just how important it was to her.

Lena smiled to herself as Renz gazed down at the small child, nodding in what appeared to be only slightly feigned interest.

But then, Renz looked in her direction, and Lena felt her heart begin to palpitate in excitement. He smiled his devastating smile that caused her wits to halt, and in that moment, Lena felt the urge to once more declare that she loved him.

"Dot, are you being nice to your uncle?" Ava asked. The little girl grinned widely and ran towards Ava, extending her arms in desire to be held.

Ava smiled fondly at her daughter and obliged, balancing her on her hip.

"Onkel is going to buy a sister for Mathilda," the child said excitedly, extending the doll in pride. Ava laughed and looked over at Renz.

"Only a day of meeting her and you've already learnt to spoil her! Are you being demanding, Dot dear?" Ava said playfully.

Lena noticed the child slightly cover her face in apparent shyness. Lena reached out and gently held her hand, and tried to give her a reassuring smile.

"I think it's very fitting that Onkel buys Mathilda a sister, since you're going to be a big sister soon too!" Lena said softly. The little girl smiled widely, dimples forming in her rosy cheeks, and her huge, heavily fringed pale blue eyes twinkled. She looked just like a miniature version of Ava.

"Lena dear, I'd like you to meet my daughter, Odette Alexandra," Ava said.

The child shook her head furiously.

"I'm Dot!" she exclaimed. Ava smiled fondly at her daughter and absently smoothed her hair.

"But she prefers to be called Dot. Dot, meet your new aunt, Lena," Ava said.

"It's very nice to meet you, Dot," Lena said, extending her hand. Dot reached out and wrapped her tiny hand around two of Lena's fingers. Her smile turned into joyful laughter, and Lena looked at Ava, curious about what had made her laugh so suddenly.

"You look like Mathilda, Tante Lena," Dot whispered, before giggling again. Lena looked down at the doll, and slightly laughed to herself. The doll had brown hair and blue eyes, and wore a pale blue dress in almost the same shade as Lena's for the day.

"I also agree that Tante Lena looks like a doll," Renz chimed.

Lena felt her heart race again at the sound of his voice, and she walked over to him as gracefully as she could, taking the seat to his right.

"Thank you...for whatever you gave me," Lena whispered. Renz's eyebrows rose.

"Did it help your head?" he asked. Lena nodded.

"Quite a lot," she replied.

The doors to the dining area suddenly opened, and several servants began placing trays of food on the table. There were fruits, pastries, eggs, meats, and potatoes, along with some lighter grains and dairies.

"Potatoes will help even more, I promise you," Renz instructed.

Lena's eyes widened in delight as her stomach growled in hunger. Everything looked incredibly appetizing, and Lena instantly felt ravenous. Even though she'd been overcome with sickness while getting dressed that morning, Lena still wanted to try everything in front of her.

And as Renz had said, she experienced a peculiar craving for potatoes she'd never had before.

She ate quickly and quietly, pausing once she realized that she was eating like a servant, and not like a lady. She tried to mimic Ava's elegant, small bites, which even Dot, who couldn't have been older than about three, seemed capable of performing. But Lena was simply too starving to sustain the gestures.

She envied Ava for how poised she could be, even when heavily pregnant. Her movements were effortless and feminine, and didn't appear the least bit restrictive.

She was relieved when Ava took Dot out of the dining room for a quick late-morning nap once the two had finished breakfast.

"I've arranged for a coach to take you, Ava, and Odette into town today. With a servant or two, of course," Renz said, once they were alone.

Lena frowned, surprised that he'd actually been serious about sending her away from Schloss Wolfenbarger for the day.

"You aren't coming?" she asked. Renz shook his head and sipped his coffee.

"I have several urgent business affairs that need to be taken care of," he replied briskly.

Lena frowned, suddenly feeling as if some strange distance had formed between them.

"Is everything all right?" she asked. Renz nodded...too quickly.

"Absolutely. Nothing for you to worry about, love. But it's going to keep me occupied for the rest of the day, and I don't want you to feel bored or neglected," Renz answered.

It was then that Lena noticed that it appeared Renz was trying to avoid looking at her, something he'd never done. Ever since they'd met, Renz had always kept his gaze fixed on her when they were together.

Something was definitely wrong.

Not knowing what else to do, Lena tried the only tactic that had never failed to gain his attention.

"I'm sure I can find something to occupy myself with whenever you feel the need to rest between affairs," she said kittenishly, reaching beneath the table to gently brush his upper thigh.

But to her profound disappointment, Renz shifted away from her, and stood from the table.

"Is something wrong?" Lena asked again. She noticed he was reaching into his jacket pocket for something, still not looking at her. Lena began to panic.

"Do you...not want me anymore?" she asked timidly.

It was only then that Renz looked at her, with only a slightly sympathetic smile on his face. He returned to where she sat and kneeled on the floor in front of her, gently placing his hands on her wrists.

But she had a sinking feeling he wasn't entirely present.

"I always want you Lena. I just have a few...mildly troubling business affairs to take care of. I promise you, it will be over by the time you return tonight. And if you're willing...I'll make up for it tonight by giving you far more attention than your body can handle," Renz said seductively.

Lena felt her arousal begin to stir at the suggestion, and she moistened her lips in excitement. She knew it was probably wrong somehow, but sexual excitement was definitely a nice distraction from her worry.

"What are we supposed to do all day?" Lena asked eventually.

Renz reached into his pocket and handed her a very thick stack of folded bank notes. It was too large for her to hold in one hand, and Lena struggled to keep the bills together as she clasped them with all of her fingers.

It was then that she noticed that his hand was bandaged, and slightly bruised.

"What happened to—-"

"Put this in one of your new silk pouches and take it into town with you. I want you to spend all of it today," Renz said quickly. Lena frowned in confusion.

"What could I possibly spend all of this on? And what happened to your hand?" she asked.

"Just spend the money, Lena," Renz replied sharply.

His voice wasn't exactly unkind, but Lena was suddenly overwhelmed with the feeling that she was being dismissed. And to her utmost despair, Lena's thoughts returned to Ilise's words from the night before.

And she felt cheapened by the money Renz had given her.


Lena tried to forget about Renz's odd morning behavior as she shopped with Ava and Dot. The coach had taken them about an hour's ride away from Schloss Wolfenbarger, to a small, yet wealthy town with various markets and specialty shops.

Ava seemed to be enjoying herself as she and Dot shopped for items for the baby that was soon to arrive. Lena remained a few paces behind them with two servants: Greta, Ava's maid, and Hans, their coachman. She followed them from store to store as Ava purchased silk and wool blankets, shoes, and toys for the arrival of the newest member of their little family. After a while, Lena found that their joy and excitement was infectious, and she was able to put aside the unease of Renz's distant behavior that morning.

There were many curious eyes on Ava as she shopped, and it took Lena a while to realize that they were gazing at her because she was so heavily pregnant.

But Ava bore no shame over her physical condition, for pregnancy certainly didn't detract anything from her innate sense of grace and dignity. She held her head proudly, and her constant smile made her appear all the more radiant.

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