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The Landscaper Ch. 01

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Meeting Lilian, the high society lady.
4.3k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 01/29/2024
Created 01/23/2024
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My tennis partner, Blake, asked me to come to his new-home party. Usually, I tried to skip events like this one, and sit at home in front of my TV to watch one of the sports Channels or an action movie. However, he said I should come because later on, he'd ask me to do work in and around the house. In addition, some of the guests may also be interested in using my services. So I agreed.

I shaved, wore my favorite jeans pants with a short white blouse, and drove to the location. By the time I arrived, all the tables had guests around them, although some empty chairs were still available. I sat between an older guy and a young woman of about 25.

Blake saw me coming and introduced me to my neighbors. The older guy said, "Pleased to meet you," and turned to the other side, to chat with his wife. The young girl seemed more inclined to talk to me.

Her eyes inspected me before meeting my eyes, and she smiled, "Hi, I've never seen you with Blake before. How do you know him?"

"We play tennis together 2 nights a week."

"That explains why both of you are in such great shape."

"Lady, 2 other evenings I go to LA Fitness and exercise for an hour or so. In addition, my work is physically demanding."

"What do you do?"

"I am the lead guy in one of the teams of the largest landscaping companies in DC. But enough about me. What is your story?"

"I am just a spoiled brat. I finish college next year, planning to become an interior designer."

I chuckled, "You and I could have worked together. You'll fix the indoors, and I'll do the outside." She laughed, "It's too early for me, but if you talk to me in a couple of years, we may find common grounds..."

"I was joking, of course. You are too young. What do you do in your free time? Do you like to travel? Any hobbies?"

She grinned, "As a daughter of a diplomat, I've been to many countries, mostly in Europe and Asia, but I haven't been to Australia, South America, or Africa."

"I am jealous. I am older than you, and visited only Italy, Greece, Maui, and Mexico."

"You may be older, but not by much. You'll have enough time to see many interesting places in the future."

We chatted for about half an hour, and then I asked, "Did you arrive here alone?"

"No. The guy to my left is my boyfriend, but he is busy debating much more important subjects with his buddy - Did Kelce score in the 12th or 17th minute? Was he trying to score a goal or score with Taylor? Did Taylor Swift's presence convince Mahomes to throw the ball to Kelce rather than to a guy who was free at the time?"

We both laughed, and I said, "I know what you mean. When we guys start talking about our favorite sports, there is nothing more important."

"You sound like an interesting guy, but I doubt you'll be interested in talking to me about shopping or fashion."

"Sorry, ma'am..."

Blake shushed us, thanked everybody who showed up, offered a tour of the new house to those who were interested, and pointed to the corner tables that had all sorts of foods, buffet-style. I put a mixture of small portions and returned to my table. When I sat down, the girl and her boyfriend were gone. I finished eating and left 1/2 an hour later.


I was born 38 years ago in Texas to a Mexican father and an American-born mother. As a student I was mediocre. The teacher told Mom that I had great potential, but I was much more interested in sports and 'fixing things' than important subjects like math, biology, or literature. She was right, of course. I played football and baseball, and was a decent mid-distance runner. My father was a handyman. I joined him on multiple occasions, learning how to repair plumbing, appliances, electricity, etc. I loved doing it, and confided with him I wanted to do it when I grew up. He tried to convince me to continue studying, but I resisted. After high school, I joined my uncle's landscaping business in Washington, DC. His business was much larger than Dad's, and even had branches in the nearby states. Five years later, I became one of the 5 teams leaders, and, at a time, had up to 8 employees under me. I loved my job, the salary, and the benefits. In my free time, I met my friends, exercised a lot, and kept myself in good shape.

I remembered Blake telling me during one of our tennis games that there were many girls watching us.

I smirked, "What's new today? I always see large crowds of women following our tennis games."

He smiled. "You are right. But this is what I was saying - Whenever YOU are on the court, girls ogle you. I play tennis with 2 other friends, and frequently we change our days. I've never seen large number of women checking OUR games.

I knew what he was saying. At 6'3", 190 pounds with good muscle tone and minimal fat, the members of the other sex found me attractive since my growth spurt started. Over the years, except for 5 'official' girlfriends, that lasted between 7 months to 3 years, I had casual sex with too many girls of all colors, shapes, ages, and religions.

Yes, I loved good sex, and cared less who my mate was, as long as I enjoyed the act. I had my own 3 bedroom home in a nice area of DC, and was happy, despite the fact that for almost a year I didn't have a steady girlfriend.


Two days after the celebration at Blake's home, I got a phone call, "Is this Leonardo Ayala?"

"Yes, lady. What can I do for you?"

"I heard you do landscaping work."

"I do. Where did you learn about me? My name does not appear in the phone book and my company never used me to advertise our work."

"My name is Lilian Thompson. Remember Blake's party? I was there. I needed a landscaper to do some work around the house, and he recommended you. If you have some time, I'd appreciate you stopping by and see what it's all about."

"If you give me the address, I can stop at your house tomorrow around 4:30."


The following afternoon, I finished my scheduled work at 3 pm. I went home, showered, changed clothes, and at 4:35 rang the bell of a large mansion in Georgetown. The door was opened by a pleasant looking, middle-aged lady of about 40, 5'6", 130 pounds.

She smiled at me, "Hello Leonardo, my name is Lilian. We spoke on the phone. Do you want to drink something before I show you around?"

"Coffee will be nice. I had time to shower, but not much else."

"I'll make you a coffee. Care for cookies or a chocolate cake?"

"I love chocolate. I think I'm addicted to good dark chocolate, so chocolate cake will be a good addition."

She laughed, "I like good chocolate too. I'll tell you what, each day you work here, I'll make sure you have excellent Belgian or Swiss chocolate. While we sit here, tell me what can you do for me. The maintenance of this large house was neglected for too long, and it needs major improvements, both inside and outside."

"Ma'am, my official job is landscaping. However, over the years, I've done other jobs, so if you are interested, I can take a look at other jobs too."

"Good. For the landscaping work, you can bring other workers to help you, but if you accept the jobs inside my house, you'll be the only one working there. Deal?"

"Thank you for the coffee and the cake. They were great. Let's see what is the work you want done."

Next, she led me outside. She was right. The lawn was cut, but everything else was in bad shape. When we walked around, I estimated that with the help of 3 other employees, we'd finish everything in 5-7 days. Then we returned to the house. It was built in the 1930s and the plumbing, electrical system, and basement required major overhaul. If I did everything without help, it would take me at least a week. I told her what I thought.

She smiled again, "I'd rather you increase the number of workers outside and finish the job in 3 days, even if the cost is higher. The work here does not have to be finished on a certain date. You can work here for 2 days on one project, and move to the next one when you have free time. Again, money is not an issue, as long as I am happy with what you do around here."

"First of all, I'd rather you call me Leo. It's shorter, and I am used to it. Is it OK if I call you Lilian?"

"Sure. I planned to suggest it before you left."

"Lilian, My crew is currently busy with 2 other projects. We'll start in 10 days outside. I can spare up to 6 people working simultaneously on your yard. Weather permitting, I believe we'll be able to finish in 3 days. I will begin working on the plumbing in 5 days, but 2 days later, I must go to New York for a day or two."

"Everything you said is fine. Please, write a proforma with all the details, and I'll sign it. And, please, I'd like to know 24 hours in advance before you start working inside. Leo, it was nice meeting you. According to Blake, you are a man of his word. I hope he is right..."

I laughed, shook her hand, and left.


As agreed upon, I arrived at her house Tuesday morning. The traffic was unusually light, and I arrived 15 minutes early, at 6:45 am. Lilian opened the door wearing yoga pants and a sports bra. She smiled, "Leo, you are early, and caught me in the middle of my yoga session."

"Sorry, ma'am. I arrived early. Initially, I thought I'd wait for 15 minutes, but then decided to start the work early and finish early."

"Not a problem. I'd like you to begin with the master bathroom. Hopefully, you'll finish it today, so I can use it tomorrow."

"I think 4 hours, and I'll be done. If I need to replace a part, it may take another hour but no more."

I brought my tools, shut off the main water valve, knelt under the sink, and started unscrewing the tubes. It was an old system, and I needed all my strength to open everything and lay it on the floor. I was wearing pants, and a tee shirt. By the time I disassembled all the parts, I was sweating like a pig and the back of my pants exposed the upper part of my crack. I turned around, and saw Lilian rushing back to the living room. Was she just passing by? did she watch me? I was too tired to think. I rested for 5 minutes and began cleaning the dirty, stinky parts. Every tube had black, oily clogged part in it, with the worst one being 90% blocked. No wonder the water pressure was poor. I brought a right size filter and a rubber ring, installed them, and reconnected everything together. I opened the water, and It poured at a much higher pace. Good beginning.

Next, I had to find out why the water in the large tub was not draining. Ninety percent of the time it's a combination of hair, soap, and occasionally other things that fall into this area. Again, dealing with very old pipes is not easy. The screws are not the ones we use today, and rusted. I bent down and tried. Pretty soon I was sweaty again. I removed my tee shirt, and added another tool to use as leverage. This time it opened. I was relieved. I sighed and moved back.

Lilian stood by the door with her Yoga attire and her eyes fixated on me. She noticed I was watching her and blushed, "Leo, I didn't know it's such a tough work. I looked at you, admiring your muscles. You are a very strong man."

I grinned, "I may not be the smartest around, but all my life I worked my muscles - Doing exercises at a health club, playing balls, and landscaping."

"When do you think the work here will be finished?"

"I'd say about 2 hours. Why?"

"Because I plan to go suntan on the balcony for 1-2 hours, followed by going to the jacuzzi. So if you are interested, you can join me later."

"Lilian, Relaxing in the jacuzzi after hard work is wonderful. However, I didn't bring a swimsuit."

"Don't worry, I'm sure we'll manage. Tomorrow you can bring your swimsuit, and use the jacuzzi when you need a break."

"Sounds good. Thank you."

It took me 2.5 hours to finish in the bathroom, but now everything was working perfectly. I was topless and perspiring profusely. I went to the balcony and saw Lilian. Did I say 'saw?', I meant ogled her. She wore a skimpy black bikini, that exposed an ample cleavage and a toned tummy above her low cut bottom part. Her body was much more attractive than I thought it would be for a woman in her 40s. She had large dark sunglasses and didn't move. I watched her beautiful body and then coughed mildly.

She inquired, "Leo, are you done?"

"Yes, Lilian. Your master bathroom is ready for use, although I prefer you start tomorrow because I glued 2 parts. Is the offer to use the jacuzzi still on?"

"Yes, of course."

"Do you mind if I use one of your other bathrooms to shower first? By the way, we haven't figured out what should I wear in the jacuzzi."

She smirked, "Leo, I have a new swimsuit I bought for my husband years ago. He didn't like the color and never used it. Back then, he was somewhat skinnier than you. An alternative is to use your underwear. Or... my husband was the consul in Berlin for 8 years. Over there people were naked frequently, and it wasn't an issue. It's up to you to choose one of these 3 options. I already put the swimsuit and a new towel on the dresser in the bathroom on the second floor. Go shower there. When you are done, come down. You'll find me in the jacuzzi. It's the second turn on the left.

The pouring water on my aching body was amazing. After drying, I tried the swimsuit. It was one size too small, but I managed to get in. I went to the jacuzzi room. The room was 15X15 feet, and in the middle was a jacuzzi for 4 people. Lilian was standing there, wearing her black bikini. I entered the hot water slowly. Her eyes explored my body, pausing a fraction of a second on my groin.

I commented, "Lilian, your body looks amazing for your age."

"Oh, thank you. Actually, since YOU are here I wore the bikini. Other times I do it naked. Many of my friends have been to Germany too, and often we gather in jacuzzi in the nude."

I smirked, "Lady, feel at home. If you rather be without your swimsuit, I promise not to complain..."

She laughed, "Are you sure? I am no longer 20..."

"Try me."

She gazed at me for a moment and unclasped her top. The bottom part disappeared shortly after. I stared at her fantastic tits that floated on the surface. She watched my eyes like a hawk with a strange smile.

The lady was sexy as hell and she knew it! My cock began to expand and harden. Luckily, the bubbling water hid it. She leaned her back on the ledge and closed her eyes. Her breasts moved up with her hard nipples pointing at me. My prick continued engorging. It became torture - The small swimsuit barely contained my lower body before. Now, with a full erection, it ached and demanded to be free.

I sighed and blurted, "Lilian, I think I have a problem."

She opened her eyes, "What is it?"

"I hate to bother you, but the swimsuit is relatively small. As a guy who hasn't been to Germany, your amazing body woke my penis, and... it hurts."

She chortled, "Young man, thank you for the compliment. As I said, I do not have another swimsuit. Just take it off."

"Are you sure? I am not a rapist, but a sexy lady with a naked man she hardly knows may, on occasion, be a recipe for a bad outcome..."

"Leo, I am not concerned. I am not a virgin, so I have nothing to lose. You are very attractive too. I am not trying to seduce you, but if you have the urge to play with me. I don't think I'll resist for too long. And it's not just because you are much stronger..."

I didn't believe it. The lady gave me permission to touch her body! I removed the swimsuit, and felt much better.

"Lilian, if I take the opportunity to caress your breath-taking body, will it change the work I'll be doing for you?"

"Not really. The job is yours to complete as we agreed. Everything else is a bonus."

I moved slowly in her direction. She smiled and stared at my pectorals. I stood inches from her. She raised her face and looked at me. I kissed her lips gently. They opened, allowing my tongue to penetrate her hot mouth. She tasted sweet. Her right hand moved to my chest and massaged gently my muscles. her breasts crushed against my lower chest and her nipples poked me.

I disengaged and whispered, "Lilian, it is so erotic to see you naked, feel your gorgeous tits, and kiss your soft lips. But I see another problem coming..."

She grinned, "Sir, may I help with the problem? And did you mean 'coming' or 'cumming?"

"It may be late to ask, but what about your husband?"

"I wouldn't worry about him. We opened our marriage about 10 years ago, and each one can do whatever they want, as long as it's safe. In any case, these days, he is on a European mission, and will be back in 2 weeks."

I lifted her onto the side wall and spread her legs. The narrow landing strip ended with 2 puffy, reddish labia.

I glanced at her eyes, "Lilian, your cunt looks amazing, like the rest of you. I am hungry, and today you didn't offer me anything to eat. I'll have to munch on your pussy."

Her eyes focused on my face. She remained silent.

I bent and licked her folds, tasting the jacuzzi water mixed with her own juices. Her legs moved apart wider. My tongue began trailing in a circular mode, avoiding her clit. Then it started moving up and down along her snatch, almost touching her love nub. She groaned and extended her pelvis toward my face. Next, my tongue penetrated her pussy, and began dancing the Rumba. Lilian placed her hands on my head and pushed me into her. Her breathing intensified and I felt her muscles start to flex. It was time to let her have her climax. I stuck 2 fingers deep in her vagina, rubbed her G spot and my tongue moved to tap lightly on her clitty. Seconds later, her body extended, and her mouth whimpered. Her body shivered, and if my left hand didn't catch her in time, she would fall backward. I continued my ministrations for another 10 minutes, prolonging her climax. I slowed down, and gently placed her on the wooden floor.

She opened her eyes, and smiled, "Leo, this was a good one. But you didn't cum yet. May I return the favor?"

"Actually, if you don't mind, I'd rather have sex with you, and have a raincheck for the oral thing..."

Lilian laughed, "Even better - Double the pleasure for me! Is your intention to do it here or in bed?"

"Let's dry up and go to your bed. I want to play with your body in a comfortable place."

"Sir, I trust you. Let's go."

She went out first, and my eyes followed her round ass cheeks. She knew I'd do it, and swayed her way to the bedroom. I followed her, led by my 7.5" rock-hard cock.

She lay on the bed and stared at my penis, "Leo, you have a beautiful specimen. If you know how to use it, it will be a perfect day."

I smirked, "We'll see about that soon, won't we?"

I landed between her thighs, and leaned my head to kiss her tempting nipples, which I neglected until now.

She quivered and whispered, "Be gentle, they are very sensitive."

My lips milked her right nipple, as my hand lightly caressed the left one. She moaned. I aimed my pecker at her entrance and advanced 1/2 an inch inside her. Her moans increased and her hands grabbed me, trying to pull my dick deeper.

I muttered, "Lilian dear, you climaxed once. Now it's my turn, so be patient."

She mumbled, "I don't want to be patient. Please, enter inside..."

I pushed it another inch into her tight pussy, and stopped again, while my hand kneaded her tit slightly rougher.

"Leo, please, I am too horny for games, please, shove it in. Now!"

I whispered in her ear, "Lilian, this was not part of our contract. If you want something extra, I wish to hear the details of what you want me to do."

"You bastard! I want you to insert your cock inside my cunt and fuck me hard. PLEASE!"

"OK, girl. It's time for a rollercoaster!"

I shoved my pole all the way in one big stroke and waited there for a moment. She gasped, her pussy trying hard to adjust to the new large hard object. Then I started pounding her vagina at an accelerating pace. Within 2 minutes her torso shook violently, and she began crying. I intensified my pounding into her, and my palm tweaked her nipple harder. Her cries turned into screams, alternating with incoherent mumbling, "Oh, fuuck! God... I caaan't stoop! Yeeesss!!!"


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