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The Legacy Ch. 03

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Rope Love story between two women closing estate.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/27/2023
Created 09/16/2023
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The legacy -- Chapter 3

A love bondage story about two women who are closing the estate of a relative when the true inheritance is discovered.

Somewhere on day four or five, I went downstairs

As I was moving about in the living room there was a tentative knock on the door.

I went over, looked through a peephole and saw it was a neighbor I had a vague sense we had met before during the flurry of the first day and I opened the door.

" may not remember. I am Mavis from next door." She said and shook my hand tentatively.

It took me five seconds, but my brain made some obscure connections. Mavis the neighbor who had come by with condolences our first day. Looking nervous somehow while she was there. Then the woman in Grace's first video. Tied face down. Spanked. A big woman. A big butt. Like in the video. Like this woman. It had been Mavis in that video. That other video too, where she was bound kneeling and eating out Grace.

"Yes, Mavis!" I said on autopilot. "I guess you better come in then."

She walked it.

She still looked nervous.

I was perfectly polite. The mindless housewife thing. I smiled a lot. Made her some tea. Served it to her with a couple cookies. The whole while seeing images of her in my head. Her tied down. Grace spanking that big butt. Grace ramming her fingers in and out of her like a piston on a steam train's wheels. Making her come.

I told her I would go and get Emma.

I went upstairs.

Mavis didn't say a word. Just watched me disappear up those stairs looking apprehensive. She had been in the video. She had been on the second floor of this house. She knew what was up there.

She must have known we would have found the bondage room at least. Perhaps she was hoping we had not found any videos. I realized that was it. She had come for the videos. Hoping to get them without our seeing them or something.

I found Emma. Told her to put on her cat suit and come downstairs. I explained about Mavis. She looked first thoughtful, then sympathetic of Mavis' feelings, then excited at what I was suggesting as a way forward. Grace had kissed Mavis. We had both seen that. Grace had clearly loved her. Emma went off into the spare bedroom. I went back down.

Mavis and I made chit chat for a several minutes like a Stepford wife when I heard her gasp, looking up the stairs behind me. Emma was slithering down the stairs. Sashaying in her suit. Her mons clearly outlined. Her nipples erect and poking obviously through the suit top.

Mavis stood up.

She looked super nervous and almost had tears in her eyes. Emma walked right up to her and shook her hand.

"Welcome, Mavis. Welcome to Grace's house. You have been here before, I think? You knew her... well." The last was stated as a fact, not a question.

Mavis looked distinctly frightened then. She wiped her hand on her jeans at the thigh. Sweaty palms. Scared, but uncertain precisely how much we knew or how to proceed exactly.

"Yes. In fact, that is why I came." Mavis said tentatively. "I wanted to talk to you before, but you had guests. I... I left some things here I thought I better get back."

Emma smiled.

"Yes. We have seen." Emma said quietly.

"What?" Mavis said, uncertain what she meant and clearly dreading the worst. Blackmail. Shame. Perhaps pecuniary demands for money she did not have. Ruin. She had a life, a family a half a block away. She was frightened.

"Give me your hand, dear." Emma said gently.

Mavis stared at her. She hesitated, but eventually she held out her hand.

Slowly, deliberately, Emma held up a pair of handcuffs. She advanced them ever so slowly, giving Mavis time to stop her. To object. Mavis stared at the cuffs. Mesmerized.

Finally, she secured one cuff to Mavis' wrist.

"Perhaps you better turn around, Mavis."

Mavis was shaking her head. Disbelief all over her face. Staring at that cuff. She looked at me first like I was a witness or bystander who would intervene. Then Emma. Her eyes wide. Stricken. Helpless somehow. A damsel.

Emma smiled gently.

"Here, let me help you." She put a hand on Mavis' shoulder and pushed on it to turn her. Mavis resisted for two seconds and then slowly let herself be turned. Gave up resisting. Giving in. Emma gently pulled both wrists back behind her back and with a click that was loud in the silence of that room, locked the wrists together.

Grace's neighbor had come home apparently.

Emma looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. We understood each other. BFF.

Emma turned Mavis back around by pressure on her shoulders to face us.

She stood there. In front of two strange women with her wrists cuffed behind her. Her eyes were desperately searching Emma's face. On the edge of tears.

I was looking on from the side and suddenly found it deeply erotic. Emma sexy in her catsuit. The urban housewife bound in front of her.

Emma quirked a smile.

"Perhaps you better come upstairs, Mavis. I think we have a lot to talk about." She possessively took Mavis upper arm and they walked up the stairs. Mavis did not resist.

Of course, I followed.

It all came out that day. Turns out Mavis had this thing for being dominated. She liked Caucasian women to do it apparently. That afternoon and into the evening we made friends with Grace's neighbor. Between tears of loss on both Emma and Mavis' parts and the sounds of spanking on Mavis big buttocks by both Emma and I, it all poured out of her that Mavis and Grace had been lovers for several years. Mavis had a family and like me a heterosexual life style, but Grace had introduced her to the odd day here and there where her secret fantasies of being dominated could come to life in a safe and loving environment. With apprehension, but without real fear of betrayal. In time she had come to deeply respect and love Grace. Like Emma and I now were, they had been great friends as well as lovers.

By the time she left, it sunk into my brain that Emma was thinking of staying. Keeping Grace's house. Keeping Mavis as a 'friend.' Helping her. Helping herself. We all three hugged when Mavis went home.

It took me a few hours to settle down after Emma hinted she might be considering it, but I realized over time it was the best solution.

We talked. Emma was going to sell her condo near me and move here. Two hours away. There was plenty in the estate to settle all Grace's debts and then to pay off this house and let her live there in perpetuity.

She did not have to lay out some kind of detailed diagram or blueprint. It was writ large on her face and in her decision. Emma could not abandon all her sister's hard work. The effort her sister had put in building Grace's fantasy house. Emma could never sell it.

She was going to pick up where Grace had left off instead.

Her only hesitation was me. We both thought that our deep relationship had grown these last few days. We were lovers now. Lovers and friends. We both knew I had a husband waiting in the wings. We both saw that the new 'us' was bigger than that though. Outside that. Between us. Entre Nous as the French say. There was no way we were going to give it up.

So, as with most human endeavors, we reached a compromise that balanced us. I 'worked' with her on the estate for three more weeks, until the calls from my husband added up to a 'come home' demand. 'Working' together only bonded us more closely. Then I went home. As soon as I returned, I explained to my husband that Emma was moving and I needed to go see her every so often as she was my BFF after all. He was very understanding, which was nice of him.

So, three weeks after that I drove up to Emma/Grace's house for a four-day weekend.

We fell into each other for the first night. Making love without ropes and chains. On Saturday the bell rang. Emma answered, it was Mavis of course. We used her shamelessly as a couple for the rest of the day. Tying her up, spanking her. Emma even used a belt on her butt which made her scream. A scream that led straight into a long screaming orgasm. Mavis was a lot of fun. She laughed a lot until we got her secured to something, then got all nervous and anxious, pleading and begging until you gave her something to eat out, then she settled in and got to it. Her tongue was as big as the rest of her. Long too.


She was a piece of work.

Three visits later, when I arrived after driving up, the skinny black woman in the video, the one with the thick bush, who I learned was named Rhonda, was sitting in the living room drinking tea. A couple minutes after I got there, the bell rang and it was the dark black girl from the same video.

Turned out her name was Loquisha, of all things. I thought I had it hard with 'June' as a name.

She seemed kind of pushy and annoying really, until Rhonda took her in hand. Right there in the living room Rhonda walked over and smacked her up the backside of her head. She shut up. Rhonda physically stripped her of her jeans and t-shirt there and made her kneel on the coffee table and handcuffed her wrists behind her back. It took me a while to figure things out, apparently this was all part of their play. Certainly, Loquisha was breathing hard at all this. She was a bit pudgier than I remembered, but still had that flawless black skin which was cuter in person than it had been even in the video.

Rhonda was no time waster. She grabbed Loquisha by the nape of her neck and marched her upstairs like she owned the place. Emma just grinned at me and jerked her head after them. I shrugged and we started up the stairs. At the landing Emma suddenly crowded me and pulled my hands behind me and handcuffed them there. I was breathing hard at that when she stripped me too. Pulling my yoga pants and panties down and off with a yank. She pulled the front of my shirt up and over my head and let it hang on the cuffs. She dug my breasts out of my bra cups and left them hanging out while she turned me, pressed me to that wall and kissed me.

I was moaning and humping my pussy onto her thigh before she stepped back. She had been wearing this voluminous caftan thing, she shucked it off her shoulders and stood there in heels, black panties and a black bra. Gorgeous. I wanted her, but she just grabbed my bra between my breasts, and using it as a leash led me the rest of the way.

Poor Loquisha was already hanging from the ceiling from one of the hooks like in the video. Her legs were wide and Rhonda was sitting on the floor with one thigh cocked between Loquisha's legs. She looked kind of like a goat kid suckling her mother as she reached up her face and working her lips as she sucked and licked Loquisha.

Emma matter-of-factly put a collar on my neck and secured it by a leash to a ring on the wall. All I could do was stand there and watch as Loquisha came. Emma was playing with my clit and pussy and I was soaking in no time. After Loquisha came, apparently it time for Rhonda to punish her and she pulled out the belt and got busy. Loquisha liked to yell and scream at the strongest hits. This went on for a few minutes. I was close to coming watching.

"She's ready, Rhonda." Emma said.

There was just enough give in the leash that secured my neck to the wall and she pushed me to turn around. I did, looking at her carefully as I did. She smiled crookedly back so I went with it. Suddenly my ass burned and I yelled out as the smacking sound reached my ears. Emma had her hand still on me and was working my pussy. I moaned and Rhonda smacked my butt again. I groaned. Emma frigged me, working me super hard and fast. Normally something I do not like, but just then it was the right thing. I was flying. Chained. Collared. Bound. Then Rhonda smacked me again. I writhed my hips, just as Emma rubbed me and I was breathing like a bellows.

I could just imagine poor Loquisha watching me, chained to the ceiling. Smack! Rhonda stroked me with her belt. It hurt. I screamed and then suddenly, Emma's fingers rubbed me that certain way we all have and I came. I let myself go and shrieked out this incredible, breathless orgasm jerking and straining at my cuffs and the collar and leash.

Emma unleashed me and then pushed me over to Rhonda who had jumped on the edge of the bed with wide open legs. She pushed my face into that big bush. I was cuffed. Helpless. What could I do? I licked her.

She was wetter than wet. My nose, cheeks and tongue were coated in seconds. I got to work. There was some rattling about behind me and I heard Emma moan. She settled onto the bed beside Rhonda. Then Loquisha was there, her hands cuffed behind her just as mine were. Emma's panties were missing. Loquisha buried her face into her pussy and began to lick her.

Just two beaten girls, bound with cuffs and forced to lick pussy. It was utterly erotic. Part of the head space where I was some kind of object of bondage and spanking. For Loquisha too, apparently. There was the turn on that there was another woman lying my side, bound and licking my lover. Believe it or not, Emma came first. I think Rhonda felt it was something of a victory to hold out longer than her, because I started lapping like a hound and she came seconds later with this high-pitched screech which she later said was a great compliment.

After the other two had gone, Emma apologized for surprising me and getting me involved without prior permission. I waved it off. I had come after all. I probed Emma on what was going on with her though. She smiled and brought me upstairs to the computer.

She showed me the file with Rhonda and Loquisha in it.

"Let me introduce Alderperson Rhonda Jones. It turns out she is the Alderman for the city ward where this house sits."

I poked out my lips.

"Interesting..." I said.

She grinned.

"May I also introduce you to Loquisha Montgomery." She pointed at the nineteen-year-old who had just been handcuffed and kneeling beside me eating out another woman an hour ago.

I wrinkled my forehead at her.

"We've already sort of met, she is Rhonda's SO I gather." I said their video playing in my head.

"Middle daughter of the Lieutenant Governor." Emma drove on.

I whistled then. The lieutenant governor's daughter liked to be tied up, belted and made to eat women out.

"Holy cow!" I said.

She giggled.

"That sister of mine was something."

She opened the file with the older white couple in it. One of the.jpg came up. It was the man, roped up and gagged while Grace was going to town with the strap-on from behind with the heavy woman on the bed whose silk sheet I now recognized. Giving it to the cuffed woman who was almost certainly his wife.

"Meet the right honorable Milton Carnes and his wife Gloria." Representative to the Congress of the United States.

"Nirvana!" I stared. "I am seeing a pattern here."

Emma smiled at me.

"You bet. That sister of mine was swimming in a pool. An influence pool. A political pool. I'll give you a hint, two more of the women in these files are state representatives. One of the other couples includes the mayor of a big suburb. I know for a fact that another couple is the head of a venture capital firm and his wife. I suspect others of them are movers and shakers in money or politics. Turns out Grace was preparing the ground for a future that was bigger than just houses. She was aiming to be a real estate mogul. Obviously, her contacts liked some of the things she liked too. It gave them something in common."

I giggled.

"And what will you do with this knowledge?"

She caressed my cheek. She grinned.

"After I move myself fully into the same place as Grace was in by meeting most of the people in these videos and playing with them if possible, I have my own plan. Once a member of this family is tying all of these up and having sex with them again, I feel a certain quid pro quo will be called for. I am going to see if I can leverage this and her estate into getting a children's center built downtown. Someplace kids can be protected and yet encouraged to grow up in safety from abusive people.

I smiled.

That was Emma all over. My Emma. It looked like the house that Grace built was really going to take off. My girlfriend was going to become a power broker to some and a savior to others. And a dominatrix to many apparently.

I hugged her. And took her to bed.

She used the strap-on on me while I clutched her with my legs and dug my heels into her ass, moaning freely.

I really like to be penetrated during sex.

She penetrated the heck out of me that night for sure. Then I handcuffed her. I spanked her and fingered her like Grace had in the video. Her face down on the silk, rotating her hips, rattling the handcuffs above her buttocks and screaming out this orgasm that went on for a long time. Afterward I rolled her over an we kissed as soulmates for twenty minutes. I was honest with myself. I loved the whole thing. Everything. Everything about the house that Grace built. Everything about the the love between us. Life in Grace's house had gotten...chewy... complex... tasty. And ever so delicious. I was looking forward of life again in that house. Especially because I loved the new woman in it, mistress of the house, with all my heart.



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xzg_ltrtcxzg_ltrtc9 months ago

I really enjoyed this series mostly because the chars were so lovely. The last chapter felt a bit rushed but still 5/5.

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