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The Lonely Lady Ch. 02

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The daughter returns scheming to reclaim her boyfriend.
7.1k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 05/25/2018
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A few folks were asking for a sequel following the further adventures of Elaine and Ryan so here you go! I hope everyone enjoys it.


I watched the darkening sky heralding a coming storm as I fought to get my key in the lock of my house. The wind was blowing hard enough to toss my hair into my eyes making my entrance into my home that much trickier. The door suddenly opened of its own accord causing me a moment of panic as the door handle with my key still sticking in the lock moved away from me. I felt my heart race in my chest, and my mind struggled to identify the intruder who had pulled my door open from the inside.

"Elaine! I'm glad you're home the weather was turning nasty outside."

I immediately felt foolish. It was just my boyfriend. I suppose I can be forgiven, Ryan and I had only been living together for a little over a month and I still wasn't used to his being there all the time. The wind gusted again almost blowing the grocery bag I was carrying from my hands, and Ryan reached out to take it from me as I darted inside pushing the door shut behind me. The inside of the house was warm and much quieter now that I had left the weather on the other side.

Ryan was walking toward the kitchen, and he sat the bag he had taken from me on the counter. He scanned the contents pulling items from inside as he smiled over at me.

"Good, you found the right ingredients. I will be able to whip up a truly awesome meal with this stuff," he observed before he looked at me all windblown.

"You know...I think I like this look on you. Have you ever thought of growing bangs?"

My hair was certainly longer than it had been when he and I met. I was growing it out in an attempt to look a little more youthful, perhaps growing bangs would help with that, but likely nothing was going to make me look young enough to be dating a man twenty-two years my junior.

"I've never considered it, but if you like it, well..." I left the thought unfinished.

"Just a thought, you would look beautiful no matter how you wear your hair."

"I hope you say that when it starts falling out," I replied with a hint of that same old paranoia I dealt with every day. The idea that the man I was in love with was young enough to be my son could be very disconcerting. Ryan smiled and stepped away from the counter coming over to slip his arms around my waist. A moment later I felt the soft but firm press of his lips to mine. I quickly slid my slender arms around his neck, and the kiss deepened into a more sensual one as I opened my mouth to accept his tongue. His strong arms pulled me tighter as our arousal grew. It wouldn't be the first time we didn't get dinner started on time because we were too busy making love.

My back met the wall behind me as Ryan slipped his head down to nibble on my neck and I sighed as the gentle waves of pleasure from his kisses started to work through my body. I never could resist him at times like this or fight against my desires. Once he and I took a hiking trip in a park outside of town to get some fresh air. We were enjoying the warmth of the day and the beauty of the woods when he pulled me off the trail and started kissing me with hot, deep French kisses. He whispered in my ear about how he couldn't help himself I looked so gorgeous in my hiking shorts, and he wanted me right there on that hill. I was scared and thrilled at the same time. In all my life I had never had sex in public, and it seemed so wild and dangerous. Ryan took me to the ground and even though I tried to resist at first out of a sense of decency he eventually got those shorts he loved so much off my body. I remember fighting not to cry out afraid that someone might hear us, but it was so hard when Ryan was making love to me. He was so strong, and his penis was so thick and filled me so well it was damn hard to keep my voice quiet. In the end, I couldn't contain it entirely, and I had called out his name rather loudly as we came together with my legs wrapped around his tight ass.

"Ryan...Sweetie...What about dinner?"

"I think I want to start by having you as an appetizer."

His lips found my mouth again, and I kissed him with a hunger that almost frightened me in its intensity. I couldn't get over how attracted I was to Ryan even after all this time. I would have let him have his way with me right there on that cold tile floor, but the phone rang shrilly in the background pulling us both back to reality.

"I should probably get it."

"Are you sure Elaine? I think we should let it ring."

I laughed but regretfully pushed him away. The truth was I was expecting an important phone call, and I didn't want to miss it. There was a bit of static on the line from the lightning that was flashing across the sky as I pressed the receiver to my ear. It turned out not to be the call I had been waiting for after all. If anything the voice on the other end of the line was an even bigger surprise. For the first time in months, I heard my daughter, Kelly, speaking to me.

"Mom? Are you there?"

I realized I had frozen at hearing her voice. We had not parted on the best of terms when she moved out. Kelly had left in anger over my relationship with her ex-boyfriend the very same man who had been about to bang my brains out on the kitchen floor.

"Kelly! Yes, I'm here honey I just lost your voice for a second we have a storm here, and it's all thunder and lightning outside."

"I see, well, I won't keep you long. I just wanted to ask if its o.k. If I crash at home for the night this Saturday? I'm going to be passing through town on my way to Shannon's wedding, and I didn't want to have to pay for a hotel."

Shannon had been Kelly's roommate her freshman year, and the girls were still close. She was set to marry her longtime boyfriend, Chad, in their hometown.

I hesitated for a second. Kelly didn't know that Ryan and I were living together now and I certainly wouldn't be able to hide him in the closet all weekend. It seemed to me though that we were all adults here and it shouldn't be that big of a deal, right?

"Sure, Kelly, Ryan and I would love to have you stay the night with us."

Now it was Kelly's turn to sit in silence. The connection crackled again with the discharge of some distant flash of electricity.

"He's living there? Ryan's living in our house?" she finally replied with no small hint of anger in her voice.

"He is living in MY house," I said trying to make it clear just whose home this was and that I didn't need anyone's permission to let someone live here.

There was silence again but when Kelly's voice returned it at least sounded more in control.

" So I guess I will see you Saturday then, thanks, Mom."

"All right Kelly and..." I started to ask about how she was doing, but she had already broken the connection.

The phone settled back into the cradle with a small click.

"So I gather Kelly is returning to her nest," said Ryan calmly.

"Yes, just for one night she is passing through on her way to a wedding."

"Was she excited to hear I was staying her now?"

"I think you can imagine how that news went over, Ryan."

He walked over to the kitchen cabinet and pulled out a frying pan washing some dust out of it into the sink.

"If it would make things easier I could spend the night with a friend, leave you two alone to work things out," he offered.

It was a sweet gesture, but I wasn't going to let my daughter dictate to me how I run my household.

"No, it will be fine. She is going to have to learn to get her head around the idea that we are together and that isn't going to change."

Ryan put the skillet on the stove lighting the burner underneath it. His strong hands reached for a cutting board on a shelf above his head.

"I suppose it would be even more complicated if she were to discover that we were talking about making this a more permanent arrangement."

My heart skipped a beat in my chest. This had been a conversation we had started, and I had backed away from several times. My letting Ryan come to live with me had been partly a concession on my part to mollify him while I continued to contemplate the more significant question that he refused to let go.

"I told you before I need time to think about it. I would think you would want to consider the implications very carefully."

"You make it sound like I'm taking out a home loan, not that I'm asking the woman I love to marry me."

There it was, the question I had been ducking for some time now. Ryan had brought it up first two months earlier, and I had been vacillating ever since. It wasn't that I didn't want to be with him. I loved him so much that it hurt. That didn't make answering him any simpler.

"Why couldn't I just be ten years younger," I thought, "O.K. maybe fifteen."

"Ryan, you know that it's not because I don't love you. There are just so many things that you would be giving up to be with me. I'm forty-three, and I know you want children. It would be very difficult for me to give that to you. Don't even get me started on how you might feel about me when I start going gray and wrinkly, and you're still a young stud!"

"I certainly hope you don't think I'm that shallow," said Ryan with a raised brow.

"No...I know you're not...but what about children?"

"There is always adoption if it comes to that, but I'm not dwelling on it. I want to spend my life with you Elaine, and I think you feel the same."

As Ryan's arms surrounded me in a comforting hug, I placed my head on his muscular chest. He was right that there were always children in need of a good home, but if we did marry I wanted to try at least to give Ryan a child of his own.


The call I had been trying to intercept had been from my doctor. I doubted that Ryan would have answered my home phone anyway he was still getting used to living with me and usually deferred to me to answer the landline I had always had in the house. Still, it was better not to take the chance that he would pick it up. He was gone when the call finally did come in with my test results.

I had gone in for a well woman examine with a particular emphasis on seeing whether I could still have children. The doctor had told me that the fact that I still had regular periods was a good sign. They had checked me over pretty thoroughly, and though they would make no guarantees, it looked like it was still possible for me to get pregnant without any special intervention.

"You understand that getting pregnant is one thing, but at your age, the bigger concern will be increased potential for congenital disabilities and possible miscarriages," cautioned my doctor.

I told her I understood the risks. I was still agonizing over what this meant to my decision about marrying Ryan when I pulled into my driveway to find an unfamiliar car parked in front of my house. The doors of the compact sedan opened as I exited my vehicle and I found myself face to face with my estranged daughter and a tall, broad-shouldered young man I had never seen before with her.

"Hello, Mom"

"Kelly, I didn't think you were arriving until tomorrow. Whose your friend?"

"Sorry about that we decided to head out early to avoid the traffic. This is Dan he is a friend from school, and we drove out together."

"Hello," said Dan.

He didn't seem inclined to elaborate on his introduction and instead lumbered back to the car to retrieve a couple of travel bags from the trunk. I stepped closer to Kelly.

"This Dan is he a friend or something more?"

"Well, we are sort of seeing each other, so I guess he is more boyfriend than just a friend. It's a new thing."

"What happened to Matt?" I asked referring to the guy she had dumped Ryan for the previous year.

"Ancient history Mom. He was nice enough I guess, but more concerned with his guitar than me."

I noticed Kelly had changed her hair cutting it almost as short as mine had been. It was kind of funny to see how we had exchanged looks. Now I was the one with the long hair. Dan was quite a monster at least six-foot-five with close-cropped blond hair and a permanent scowl on his face. I led the two of them inside and offered to make a pitcher of lemonade as they lounged on my couch. Dan kept one meaty arm around my daughter as he held his lemonade in the other hand.

"So, Dan, what are you studying?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Physical Education mostly but I spend a lot of time on the field putting the hurt on people if you catch my drift."

"Dan plays football for the school team," explained Kelly.

"Yeah and this little girl is my number one fan, right babe?"

Kelly grimaced at being referred to as "babe," it beat me what she was doing with this brainless jock he wasn't her type at all. It occurred to me that Kelly might have changed even more than I had imagined in the time we had been apart. I was saved from further explanations from Dan by Ryan's timely arrival back from the library where he had been researching an article he was writing as a freelancer for a local magazine. He looked around the room his expression clearly showing his surprise at Kelly's arrival, and at the massive fellow she had brought with her to the house.

"Kelly," he acknowledged her with a nod of his head. My daughter stood up from the couch, and I tried to read her look. I knew her well enough to see a flash of interest pass across her face. It was clear to me in the way that only a Mother would catch that she still had feelings for Ryan.

"Ryan, it's been awhile, hasn't it. How have you been?"

"Great! I've been doing some freelance work while I flesh out my novel. Elaine is helping me with the research, and it's coming along really well."

"That's nice to hear."

Dan cleared his throat making a sound like two cement blocks grinding together.

"Oh...umm...This is Dan my...umm...boyfriend," said Kelly struggling to get out the words. It was even more painfully obvious how Ryan's presence was throwing her off.

If things were awkward in the room, they became even more so when Ryan sat his book bag down and came over to the love seat where I was sitting and leaned down to kiss me. I could see Kelly's eyes narrowing with irritation at Ryan's show of affection for me.

"Since we are all together maybe we should go get some dinner," suggested Ryan.

"Shit, I'm starving," offered Dan from the couch.

Kelly nodded still looking at Ryan and me with an expression that seemed to me to almost be jealousy. Ryan offered to drive everyone together and picked a local steak place I imagined out of deference to Dan who looked like he could have eaten an entire cow single-handed. The food was excellent, but the dinner conversation was strained at best with Kelly barely speaking and Dan shoveling food into his mouth with such single-mindedness that he seemed to have little focus left to spare for anything else.

When we arrived back home, Ryan offered to open a bottle of wine to which Dan grimaced and asked for a beer. I retrieve one for him from the fridge only to find Kelly standing right behind me when I closed the door.

"How long has Ryan been here with you?"

"Just a little over a month its a fairly new thing," I replied as I hunted for a bottle opener.

"It seems like things are getting more serious between you two."

"Yes, well, the truth is Ryan wanted us to get married but I wasn't ready yet so I offered to let him live here while I think on things."

"Married? At least you didn't leap into that decision. I'm assuming that you can see how absurd that would be."

"I don't think it's absurd at all," I said trying to keep my temper in check,"I do think there are a lot of things to consider so its a decision I don't take lightly."

"Come on Mom this has been a nice diversion for you, and I can see how it would stoke your ego to have a young boy toy running around the house but you can't think this has any possibility of lasting in the long run."

"Ryan and I have been together for over a year, and I don't think either one of us has had any reason to complain. In the end, this is our relationship, and it's only Ryan and me whose opinion matters."

Kelly rolled her eyes at me and took the beer from my hand.

"I thought you were too young to suffer from mental breakdown Mom, but I'm starting to wonder."

I felt my anger start to rise, but Kelly pivoted and retreated from the kitchen before I could think of a suitable reply to her latest insult. I sighed and took several breathes before returning to the living room. The rest of the evening seemed to drag by, and I was grateful when Ryan suggested that it was getting late and that Kelly and Dan must be tired after their drive. A hot shower seemed to be in order as far as I was concerned, and I excused myself to get ready for bed. By the time I had showered and slipped into my nightshirt Ryan was already waiting for me in the bed.

"That was an interesting evening," he commented as he lifted the sheets to allow me in with him.

"I don't get her relationship with this Dan character at all he is a boorish oaf and not at all like the guys she has dated in the past."

"Maybe he has some redeeming qualities we have yet to see."

"I can't imagine what those would be other than the obvious physical attributes."

"So you think he has physical attributes?" commented Ryan with a smile.

"He is not in your league sweetie I promise you that!"

I leaned up to give Ryan a gentle kiss, but as our lips met, we were interrupted by a groan from the other side of the wall. We both stopped and stared at each other in surprise as the groaning got louder and was followed by a voice.

"Ohhh...Yes, Dan, right there baby! God, that feels so good."

"You have got to be kidding me!" I whispered harshly.

Ryan started to chuckle as the sounds from next door grew louder still.

"Ah! Dan, you're so big, baby! I love to feel that fat cock!"

"This is ridiculous! What is she playing at doing this in my home!"

I started to get out of bed and put a stop to Kelly's rude behavior, but Ryan grabbed my arm.

"Can't you see what she is doing? She is trying to make me jealous, and get your goat at the same time. If you go over there, you'll just be showing her that it's working."

"So what do you suggest we do cover our ears with pillows and ride out the storm?"

"Elaine, I thought we could give them a run for their money."

"You can't be serious! I'm barely comfortable being vocal with you I can't put on a show for my daughter!"

"I don't know Elaine you seem to have a great deal of trouble keeping quiet when I do certain things. Things like this for instance."

Ryan moved so fast I didn't have time to register a protest as he slipped under the covers and I felt his head slide between my legs. He pushed my thighs apart, his fingers moving my panties to the side.

"No! Ryan wait we can't...oh God!" I gasped.

There was no doubt that Ryan knew my weak spots, and my lack of experience with oral sex was a big one. I had gone decades without it while being married to my previous spouse and I had utterly forgotten how damn good it felt to have my pussy licked all over. Ryan knew I was incapable of keeping my voice down when he Frenched my clitoris with sweet kisses. I knotted the sheets in my hands as I fought to keep quiet, but there was no hope for me. The soft flesh of my pink pussy ran slick with my juice, and I involuntarily arched my back off the bed with the feel of Ryan's tongue probing in and out of my red-haired love hole.

"Ohhh...OHHH! RYAN! Jesus...Oh shit...SHIT! RIGHT THERE OH FUCK...LICK ME THERE! God, Ryan your so good at this, baby!"

From the other side of the wall, the noises grew in opposition to my cries.

"YES! DAN! FUCK ME! Ahhh, Dan, your cock is so big and hard! Never been fucked like this, baby!"


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