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The Loving Husband Ch. 01

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They were nude when he met her husband.
11.4k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 11/22/2004
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The story began with Louise asking Tony to lunch.

"Sure I think you're very attractive Louise. And yes, I would love to go to lunch with you. But you married? I don't usually ask married women out! And you're the first one to ever ask me out!" I said to her.

She smiled and said, "Well that's why I asked you Tony. I knew you would never ask me. So I figured if I wanted to get to know you better then I would have to start the conversation and make the first move. So do you want to go?"

I asked her, "What about your husband? Aren't you afraid someone will tell him you were having lunch with a strange man? You know how this place is, everyone talks about everyone else."

Louise said, "Look Tony, are you interested in having lunch with me or not? There's no pressure here. If I ask you to lunch than don't worry about anything else. OK?"

I said, "Hell Lou, you are beautiful and sexy and God that outfit you have on today is driving me and every other man wild. But, I also don't want to get shot babe! What about our old man? He's not going to like you having lunch with a man that has dated a great deal of women in our building. I don't want to hurt your marriage or cause you or me any added trouble in our lives."

She laughed and said, "Trouble! For what having lunch with me? Look Tony, don't worry about my husband Tommy. I can handle him. Besides, I think he would enjoy me telling him about you. He's not the jealous type. I'll just tell him if he asks that I saw you and we both were hungry. There is no pressure and no problems! You and I just wanted company while we ate."

I looked at this very beautiful and very sexy woman standing in front of me. She was almost perfect! If she were single she would have been 100% perfect. I didn't like the idea that she was married, it worried me. But since she told me there was no problem, I wasn't as concerned as much as I was before. Louise didn't seem to care or worry about it at all. So I said, "OK! I have the rest of the afternoon off and would love to spend some of it with you. Where would you like to go?"

She said, "Oh I don't know, some place private and quiet and dark. Any ideas?"

I laughed and said, "That sounds like you want to have more than a friendly lunch."

She said, "You read my mine." Louise took my hand and said, "Let's take your van, my cars is to small."

I didn't even think about not taking my van, We walked to the van in the parking lot and saw at least 6 people who knew she was married and that we were going out somewhere together. One in particular, Sally, knew all about me. She had been with me about a year ago for awhile. Then she met her future husband and we stopped dating. It was my idea not to see her again when she told me she was now engaged.

What I didn't know was Sally went to lunch with Louise about a month ago. Louise had asked Sally to join her. Nor did I know Lou asked all about the "hunk that she had been a while back, the dark hair guy in the Finance department."

And I didn't know that Sally told her everything she needed to know. She said that it was a thrilling and very passionate few weeks. She told Louise I was very well endowed and had a sexual endurance like no one she had ever met before. She said I could go on and on and on like the Energized Bunny. Sally told Louise she was fucked royally for the three plus weeks they were together. In fact the lovemaking lasted for hours almost every night. And on the weekend they would fuck so much that on Monday morning, many times they went to work after a complete night of sex without sleeping at all. I found out about all this weeks later when Louise told me. It was the second time we were making love. No, it wasn't anything like love! We fucked like two wild animals in heat in her house in her bed!

It seems that Louise asked her all sorts of questions and at the end of their lunch she knew a great deal more about me than she did before. I knew nothing about her except seeing her beautiful body walking down the hall or saying, "good morning"

Finally Sally told her, "Lou, don't get serious with him, he'll break your heart or destroy your marriage. Once you have him you won't be able to stop seeing him. I know I still dream about him. No one has ever been able to satisfy me like he did, including my new husband. So be cool and use him like he'll use you."

Now after offering me lunch she was in my van driving to a place I knew we would have privacy. I turned to her at the red light and asked, " So tell me, what made you ask me to lunch? I mean why me?"

Louise smiled and said, "Oh I just think you are a very interesting guy and very handsome. And I enjoy eating my meals with interesting and handsome men every once in awhile. Why do you ask? Don't you think we could become friends?"

I told her that I just wondered why she picked me. But I was glad she did. I told her again how beautiful and sexy I always felt she was and that I was very happy we were going to get to know each other better since there was no problems with her husband. She smiled and told me again, "I told you I can handle him. Besides it's just a friendly lunch. Right Tony? You wouldn't try to take advantage of me would you?"

She smiled very sexy as she said it. I looked at her face and then down her body to her legs. She had her skirt hiked up about 10 inches above her knees. Her thighs were tanned, smoothed and beautiful shaped. Louise was a very lovely woman! When she moved her legs uncrossing and crossing them again, I saw her dark blue panties appear and then disappear under the skirt! My cock was getting hard as we talked.

She was small about 5'3" and weighted about 105. He breasts were I guessed maybe 32B, but full, firm and sat high. Her stomach was small and her hips and ass a dream for a man to see as she walked down the hall in front of him. Every man would watch her as she walked past him. I was betting they really went to work on the guy when she was being fucked too. I said, "Well no I won't take advantage of you Louise. But I won't turn you down either."

She said, "Turn me down for what Tony?"

I smiled now and looked right at her as I said, "You know what I'm talking about. And if you don't pull your skirt down a little, we might crash before we get to lunch!"

Louise smiled at me and slowly tugged on her skirt about an inch lower. I said, "I meant if you offered me more than lunch I wouldn't say no or turn you down."

She smiled very seductively and said, "Why Tony! What kind of girl do you think I am anyway? I only wanted to have lunch so we could get to know each other better!"

As I was about to say something I saw the restaurant and pulled in. We asked for a booth in the back where we could discuss business. After ordering drinks Louise bent forward showing me her breasts top and cleavage. With the blouse she had on, I got a very nice eye full of her solid round breasts. She saw me looking down her blouse and said, "My eyes are up her Tony!"

We both laughed as she sat back up straight. I said, "Well you offer it and I'll be happy to look at it babe! You know dam well men are drawn to you like a moth to a flame. You are a very beautiful woman and your husband is a extremely lucky man."

She said, "Yes! Yes he is Tony and I'm a lucky woman to have such a husband as Tommy. And I know what I do to men. Ever since I was 14 years old, guys have flocked around me. I never had to worry about having a date. In fact without sounding conceited, I have had a great deal of dates."

I looked at her and asked, "And how many men have you had in your bed, or doesn't a lady tell tales?"

She just smiled at me and said, "How many women have you had? You're very nice looking man and your body looks like you work out a great deal. How many women have been in your bed, or don't a gentleman tell those sorts of thing either?"

I smiled and said, "Why are you married then Lou? Why did you get married if you still feel like you want to play?"

She sighed and bent forward again. She looked me in the eye and said, "Went I did marry I was sure my husband would please and fill me completely. And for the first few years he did just that. But, now we both know he doesn't satisfy me as much as he did. The sex is good, but not great! But it's not often enough. He's also almost 12 years older than I am and there are times when we do it once or twice a month! Yes, I said a month!"

I sat there looking into her clear green eyes and said, "So is that why you wanted to get to know me better? Am I someone you want to add to your list? Or what?"

She moved her head to the side letting her shoulder length dark chestnut brown hair fall back behind her shoulder. She was a real flirt and played the game well. She knew it too. I was sure she wanted to fuck me but first she wanted to play a little to see what type of a man I was. She smiled and said, "First Tony, don't jump to conclusions babe. There's no list and since I have been married I have never cheated on my husband. But I have wanted too many times. About a 10 months ago after we had sex, we were talking a long time about our lives together and what each of us wanted going forward. He told me he loved me to death and that he would try and please me by doing whatever and however I felt I wanted and needed in my life."

I told him everything was great except I wanted more sex. It seems that we are only doing it twice a month and sometimes not even that much. I explained to him I wanted or, needed was a better term, to do it at least 3 times a week. I could have done it every night. But I didn't want to upset him any more than I had already done. I knew hearing me his wife tell him he wasn't satisfying me enough hurt and I didn't want to intentionally hurt him. But since he had asked me what if anything was missing for my life I figured I would be honest with him.

Louise explained the Tommy told her he was under a great deal of stress at work and it took a toll on him. She looked directly at Tony and said, "And then Tommy told me he would even consider adding another person to our bed from time to time if that's what it took to keep me happy and satisfied."

He said if he couldn't give me everything I needed he would let me have another man as long as it was just for sex and not love. I wondered how he would be able to tell the difference when we were in bed having sex?

I sat there listening and asked, "And now you want to add that third person. And is that person me Lou?"

Louise said, "Please Tony let me explain in my own way this is much harder than I was thinking it would be. I now know Tommy would be willing to do just about anything he had to do in order for us to stay together. I told him I was happy with our lives together but just wanted him to give me more sex. I told him it could be orally, or with a toy or intercourse. I just needed more sex. I told him once or twice a month was not nearly enough."

I watched her face as I took a sip of my drink and a bit of my lunch as she continued to talk to me.

Louise continued, " My husband said he would try. And I said, "That's all I can ask."

So at first we were doing it twice a week sometimes more. It seemed that we did it on Friday or Saturday night and then maybe on Wednesday. That went on for 2 or 3 months. Then it went down to once or twice every two weeks. Then finally about 4 months ago it was back to once a month and has stayed that way since then. I talked to him again about it and how bad I wanted and needed more than that. I told him it wasn't enough. That's when Tommy told me he couldn't do it as often as I wanted or needed it. That's when we talked about adding another person. It was Tom who suggested I take on a lover and that I should invite him to our bed and have sex with him. It was my husband who suggested it Tony, not me!"

She just stopped talking and moved out of her seat and came around to sit on the same booth bench as I was sitting on. She slid next to me and put her hand on my leg. I looked at her and felt my cock begin to rise. She was beautiful. Her body felt warm next to me like she had a fever. Maybe she did! Her hand felt like it was burning my leg as she slowly moved it up and down my thigh. She was so fucking sexy! I knew I was getting a hard-on and so did she. As she squeezed my cock, I cleared my throat and said, "So tell me more about this crazy arrangement Lou. This is unbelievable!"

She said, "So you see Tony, Tommy told me it was OK with him if I wanted to add another person and have sex with them. It wouldn't be love making it would be to satisfy my need my lust my drive as he called it. He wants me to have a man that I can go to and get my drive, as he calls it, taken care of, filled and satisfy. He told me I should ask him first if he could take me to bed and make love to me. If he tells me no, then I am free to either go to my lover or have him meet with me. My husband has given me the freedom to have sex outside our marriage. It would be only sex not love. Tommy would stay home and wait for me to return. Or, if the man came to our house he would either go out or stay in the spare bedroom unless we didn't care if he watched. Either way he wouldn't interfere with anything we decide to do."

I sat there and was starting to think, "I have read about these types of relationships but always figured it was some guy's imagination. I never believed they actually existed. I was having a very difficult time believing any guy would let this gorgeous woman out of his arms to run to some other man's arms to fuck him. I also couldn't fathom how a man couldn't make love or have sex with someone who looked like Louise did. She was stunning. Her face and body could easily grace the pages of any men's magazine. She could have been a model but her body was so much better than the average model you would see these days. They now all looked like 15-year-old kids, almost flat chested. Louise sure wasn't flat chested that was for sure,

She said, "Say something just do sit there looking at me."

I almost laughed out loud and finally said, "OK where's the camera? Where's Candied Camera? No woman as beautiful as you would have a husband who was dumb enough to be willing to let her have a lover or share her with some other guy!"

She smiled and asked, "Or maybe the word is loving enough to allow me to do it. What's wrong? What are you looking at me that way for?"

I said, "Is this a gag? Is someone putting you up to this?"

Louise smiled and said, "No! I serious Tony. Why do you think it's a gag? My husband Tommy had given me his blessing to take a lover. And after a great deal of thinking I want to ask you to be the one."

I sat there and said, "Lou! You are about the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. You're sexy, smart and god you have a body of a goddess! Not that I'm looking a gift horse in the mouth so to speak, but why me? Why did you pick me out of all the guys around who would die for a night with you, why did you pick me?"

She smiled now and put her hand directly on my cock. She ran it under and up between my legs until she cupped my balls and cock. She smiled when I jumped a little. As she squeezed my cock she said, "Well Tony since that day when my husband gave me this freedom, I have been wondering who I would ask. I don't want a guy who will fuck me one time and leave. I knew I just couldn't pick up any guy and fuck him. I had to make sure he was, oh how should I put this, ample enough for what I wanted him for. Plus I had to like him and enjoy his complaints."

I blushed a little as she stroked me and told me that!

She then said, "I had to do my "homework" so to speak. It seems you have a great reputation with a large number of women. And I think you are exactly what I need. This cock of yours that I have been holding and squeezing tells me you are certainly big enough for me. How big are you Tony?"

I told her, "About 8 inches maybe a little more." She said, "And thick?"

I said, "about 6 inches round."

"And, I hear you have great staying power?"

I said, "I have had no complaints."

She smiled and said, "So I have heard. OK! They are two reasons I'm asking you to be my lover. The other one involves your looks, attitude and your confidence. You keep your mouth shut, you never brag or tell anyone what your love life is like. I have to dig pretty deep with a coupled of ladies you have been with to get any information about you at all."

I moved my hand to her face and kissed her for the first time. She didn't stop me and smiled as I sat back and looked at her. God she would be any man's wet dream. I said, "I have wanted to do that since I sat down with you. I had to see how it would taste"

She smiled and said, "And, how was I?"

I smiled and said, "Great Lou very tender and tasty."

She kissed me back and this time our tongues merged for a few minutes. The she asked, "And what do you think of me as a lover? Do you think we can handle this without getting completely involved? Remember, it would be sex and only sex."

I said, "Well, can't you tell by what you feel in your hand what I feel right now?" My cock was raging hard and throbbing. I said, " I do know I would love to have you in my bed Louise and I don't plan to get married or bust up yours. I would love to fuck you as long as it doesn't get crazy. I have never been involved in a relationship like this one before. But I do know I would love to have sex with you any time."

She said, "Well your cock sure did grow and I felt it jumped when my tongue touched your lips. I guess you liked me."

I said, "You are one beautiful woman and any man would be honored to satisfy you."

She bent in and kissed me again this time slipping her wet warm tongue deep into my mouth. I moved my hand and cupped her ample breast. She sighed, and a small moan escaped her lips as I moved my hand under her blouse and up over her bra-less breast and hard nipple. I held the kiss for a long time exchanging tongues with her again. Louise began to stroke my very hard cock that was held against the material of my slack's pants leg. Up and down my thigh her hand lightly ran over the swelling shaft. She moaned again when she felt it harden even more and throb with my want for her. She kissed her way across my cheek and came up next to my ear. She squeezed my cock hard and held it as she said, "So do we have a deal? Will you be my lover Tony? Will you fuck me when my husband can't? I want you bad baby! I want your big dick in my pussy making me cum and orgasm!"

As I broke the embrace I looked directly at her face and as she continued to play with my hard shaft. As she rubbed it making it screamed for release and to be out of my slacks, I said, "I think we should give it a try first without any commitment on either of our parts. Hell baby what would you do if after we had sex you didn't like it, or me? I think we should meet and go slow and see if we make a good couple. I know I would love to fuck you but we may not hit it off. To be sexual lovers we have to like each other and have some things in common."

Louise smiled at me and said, "Foolish, foolish boy if your cock is as big as I think it is and if you can stay hard for long periods of time, that's all I need. From the feeling in my hand, I want know you want to fuck me too. But I know we can't do it here. How about we go back to your van or my house and see if this big tool will fit inside my small hardly used married pussy."

I said, "Let's go back to your place the first time. I don't want my husband to know about you until we both agree that we'll be sexual lovers. Then I have to introduce you to him. He has to approve it that's our agreement the person I pick."

And with that she took my hand off her breasts and moved it under her short skirt. She pressed my fingers against the front of her blue panties and I felt how wet she was already. She said, "See, I'm dripping for you and I haven't even seen your cock yet."

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