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The Matrons of Regal Bay Ch. 29

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Gabriella's Tales - Part 1.
8.1k words

Part 29 of the 74 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/13/2017
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The Matrons of Regal Bay

Chapter 29

Gabriella's Tales -- Part 1

Gabriella Santiago lived in one of the Regal Bay Resort condominium complexes overlooking the golf course's south end. Hers was part of one of three buildings on Grapefruit Lane that had been styled after the famed New York City brownstones. Standing at the end of the cul-de-sac, Gabriella had taken the condo at the far western end of the five in the building, a unit that was designed more for a family of three or four than a single woman. Gabriella, however, was something of a celebrity in Regal Bay and had charmed her way into a five-year lease the day the units went on sale, more than eight years ago.

Gabriella had been born in Buenos Aries, Argentina, to a prominent industrialist father and a retired tennis professional mother. Gabriella was the fourth of six children, though the oldest of the three girls. As a middle child, she grew up with few responsibilities and more energy. Thus she turned to following in her mother's footsteps and played tennis, rising up to become Argentine National Teen Champion at fifteen. With her mother's support, and her father's money funding her, Gabriella moved to Europe to participate in junior tours.

Unfortunately, by the time Gabriella was skilled enough to make a real run at the professional tours, she was involved in a traffic accident. The car, a brand new Porsche 911 Turbo Carrera driven by her personal assistant and lover Piero Garcia, went off of a snow-slick mountain road in Switzerland and tumbled some eighty feet into a ravine. Garcia was killed and Gabriella suffered career-ending injuries to her right arm, shoulder, and hip.

During Gabriella's long recovery, her father sued, and subsequently won, a lawsuit against the Swiss National Road Services. The award was substantial, if only to prevent Juan Franco Santiago from pulling two of his factories from the country, and sending more than sixteen hundred workers onto the unemployment rolls across the nation. It wasn't that Santiago needed the money by any stretch, but he pointed out that his daughter had lost her dream career without ever realizing a moment. The personal tragedy of the incident tugged at the hearts of the courts, and Gabriella was awarded an additional stipand that granted her citizenship in the Alpine nation as well.

Piero Garcia's family got nothing, besides having the bill presented them for removal of the wreck disregarded.

Not yet twenty-five, Gabriella spent nearly three years recovering from her injuries in a Paris home owned by her father. While in Paris, she met several young European golf stars and as part of her recovery, she began to take lessons. She discovered, much to the amazement of her young companions, that she was a natural on the links. In less than four years, Gabriella Santiago had become a tour professional in Europe, with an eye on joining the Ladies Professional Golfers Association tour in the United States.

Over the next decade Gabriella played well, rising up and sliding down the world rankings, winning the occasional small tour event, though never really challenging for any of the major events. Having reached a plateau in her career as a middle-of-the-field player, Gabriella's friends and family attributed this to her insatiable desire for enjoying herself, from parties to fly-away week-ends. She had also an insatiable craving for men of all shapes, races, and sizes, and spent many hours learning how to pleasure them while pleasuring herself in the meantime.

While playing a small tour event at the Regal Bay Golf Club, Gabriella had been approached by the University Athletic Director, Dr. Leone, as well as the Golf Club President, Mrs. Gloria Van Winkle, with offers of prominent and well-paying positions. By this time, Gabriella was in her middle thirties and having a more difficult time making the cut at many tour events. Her off-course lifestyle was getting the better of her, she was told by her coach as well as her mother. Gabriella didn't really put any consideration into the offers until the end of the tour season when she had slipped down the rankings far enough to lose her tour card for the up-coming season.

Gabriella was introduced as the Regal Bay University Women's Golf Coach in December, with an additional position in the university as a sports therapist, if only for the full benefits. It didn't hurt that she had entertained a couple of prominent men of the university faculty at a dinner party she had thrown in her new condominium.

In addition, Gabriella took the offered position at the Regal Bay Golf Club as the course professional, giving personal service, both on the course and off, to individuals who felt the need to have their game tweaked. She also worked with the staff in setting up events; both local tour and national tour events, as well as other special events where she was one of a few celebrities on hand to draw in paying players.

During this time, Gabriella met several women of her generation that turned out to have similar sexual cravings. Although not a mother herself, she became an honorary member of the Regal Bay Matrons Club when it was revealed that she had been giving personal lessons to several of the young men, who also were sons of the Matrons, at the university as well as the golf club. Her sexual prowess was becoming legendary through the secretive society's world by the time she had celebrated her first anniversary in Regal Bay.

All in all, since leaving the professional tour and settling into the Regal Bay community, Gabriella had enjoyed a wonderful and entertaining life. And she truly enjoyed entertaining. Her condominium had been specifically furnished for entertaining guests.

"Come in! Come in!" Gabriella greeted her young guests at the front door to her place wearing only a sheer beach shawl. Beneath it she wore nothing, as the four young men took notice of as they filed past into the main room of her condo. "We were beginning to worry that we'd be enjoying ourselves without the benefit of male companionship." Gabriella's thick accent became a bit thicker as she drank, or grew aroused. It was hard to tell which was bringing it out at that point in the evening.

It was shortly after eleven o'clock and Gabriella's condo was dimly lit. She only had a single lamp turned on in the large ground-floor living space. Prominent in the room was a large three-sided sofa that faced a full-length wall entertainment unit. The massive television was off, leaving the stereo as the background distraction. Soft, Spanish-themed music played through hidden speakers and was piped out onto the patio beyond the bar.

The four young men constituted the week-end house band of the Olive Garden, where Gabriella and her friends had spent much of their Friday evening. Gian Carlo Minardi, the Italian-born leader of the group, had been known to Gabriella's friend Deirdre and was introduced to the group during a set break. Gian Carlo was a tall, olive-skinned man of twenty-five who had been a student of Deirdre Sullivan's as well as a member of the university's orchestra. He was a skilled musician, proficient in several stringed instruments as well as the piano. Unfortunately, with the end of his college career Gian Carlo moved on to work for his mother, who owned and managed the Olive Garden franchise in Regal Bay. The week-end music was her way of giving her son a chance to remain connected to his music.

"Gian Carlo!" Deirdre greeted as she glided down the stairs. She, too, wore only a shoulder throw, and as all four of the young men noticed immediately, nothing at all underneath. It helped that she hadn't pulled the waist closed. Her bright red pubic triangle and milky breasts flashed with each step. "I was hoping you hadn't changed your mind." Deirdre drew up to Gian Carlo and wrapped her arms around him. She was nearly his height, even barefooted, and her body pressed to his as she planted a margarita-flavored kiss to his lips. Gian Carlo's hands went around her waist, beneath the throw, to cup her buttocks and pull her slightly tighter to him.

"Save some for the rest of us!" Gabriella laughed. She then turned to face the other three young men, all looking on with disbelief in their eyes, and in one case at least, a growing bulge in his trousers. "Please, introduce me to these fine men!"

Gian Carlo reluctantly released Deirdre, who spun away and headed for the patio doors. "This is Antonio, our violin and guitar player," he introduced, the nearest of his companions who also seemed to be the oldest. Antonio was also bald, though obviously it was his choice. He seemed to be going for the "Pit Bull" look, Gabriella thought immediately, given his style of dress as well as the slight snarl he tried to pull off. Still, she thought he was cute, and gave his hand a light touch in greeting.

"Next is Miguel Dominguez," Gian Carlo said, slapping the Hispanic young man on the shoulder. Miguel looked shy, even embarrassed at being in the presence of a woman in such a state of undress. Another quality Gabriella found charming in a young man. He was darker-complected, and wore his nearly-black hair cut very short on the sides in an almost military fashion.

"Oh, what the fuck?" one of the young men gasped as he took in the sight of two other nearly naked older women approach. He threw an elbow into the ribs of his buddy while planting a hand to his mouth in mock astonishment. All three of Gian Carlo's friends had the look of wild-eyed teen-agers on their faces although they were all in their twenties.

"Miguel Dominguez?" Joan Kuykendall asked as she and Teagan O'Riley, Deirdre's cousin and sister respectively, crossed through the living area from the open patio doors. "Any relation to Dr. Dominguez?"

Miguel looked at Joan, his eyes going slightly wider as he took in the fact that she wore a towel around her body, and nothing else. "Yes, Ma'am. She is my aunt, my father's brother's wife." Joan walked up to him and took both of his hands in hers.

"Yasmina is one of my good friends at the university," she declared. "Ulysses was your uncle, then? I'm so sorry." Ulysses Dominguez, Yasmina's husband, had been killed a few years before in an accident at his work, leaving Yasmina a widow and her five children fatherless.

"Thank you, Ma'am," Miguel replied. Smoothly, he was being led away by Joan to the wet bar, her hand in his.

Meanwhile, Gian Carlo completed his introductions. "Finally, this is our talented drummer, Paul." Paul was a good looking boy, the youngest of the group. He was tanned and gave Gabriella the idea of a beach-bum/surfer boy that would be at home along the beaches of Southern California. She began to tingle in all the right places, already fantasizing about what she would do with him.

"Hello, Paul," she greeted in a sultry voice as she took his hands in hers, and pulled just a bit closer. He was taller than her, by only a few inches. His grin was lop-sided as he looked down into her brown eyes with his bright blue ones. "I'm Gabriella, your host this evening."

"Hello, Gabriella," he replied in a husky, even dreamy voice. He suddenly wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her tight to him, making her gasp. "If we're through with the introductions..." he said, just before planting his mouth to hers. His kiss was powerful and was demanding, ad reminded Gabriella of many of her favorite lovers.

When they broke away, Gabriella said, "I think we're all through with introductions, yes." It was her turn, and she grabbed the back of his ruffled, dirty-blonde head and pulled his mouth back to hers.

"Come here, Gian Carlo," Deirdre insisted as she took his hand and led him away from the couple. "I want to introduce you to my sister." Teagan had taken a seat in one corner of the big sofa and smiled as Deirdre dragged her former student over. Antonio followed along. "Gian Carlo, this is my little sister, Teagan," she presented. "You two have fun," she added as she spun around and reached out to Antonio. "Would you like a drink," she asked as she led the young stud to the bar.

"Whatever you're having would be okay," Antonio replied.

Deirdre looked back at him as she pulled a bottle of champagne from the chiller and grinned, "If all goes well, I'll be having you in short order." She popped the cork and poured two flutes full of the sparkling liquid, handing one to Antonio as she sipped.

"I really need something hard and strong, right now," Gabriella panted once Paul pulled his mouth from hers. She reached between their hips and pressed her hand firmly into Paul's crotch. He didn't flinch. "And I think you've brought me exactly what I'm in need of." Gabriella took Paul in hand and began leading him up the stairs.

"Entertain yourselves, ladies," she called with a wave, though none of her companions seemed to hear. She noticed as she danced up the stairs that each had paired off and were already racing towards the inevitable. That was fine with her. She and Paul would join in later, after she'd had a private tasting of this fine young man.

Leading Paul by the hand hurriedly up the two flights of stairs, Gabriella led him into her master bedroom suite. It expanded the full width and breadth of the upper floor, with a large dressing room and attached bathroom the only other enclosed spaces. This condo, as with the other larger units at the ends of the three similarly laid out buildings, had a large skylight in the ceiling as well as a balcony beyond wide glass doors. Gabriella's faced west, out across the parallel fairways of the thirteenth and fourteenth greens towards the Pacific. Somewhere below, the soft sand beach stretched to either direction.

"Nice view," Paul admired as he looked out. Gabriella had lamps on, and given the size of the windows anyone in the darkness beyond would easily see in. At times, it was something she had enjoyed. Tonight, however, she was wanting a bit of privacy. She picked up a small device from the end of the long dresser and selected a button to push. First, the lights dimmed, followed by the drawing of the curtains across the west-facing windows as well as the balcony door and window. Only the skylight remained open, though she had controls to close it as well.

Gabriella's big bed was covered in a huge white comforter. The headboard was made of dark wood, matching most of the furniture in the room. The two sofa chairs that sat near the west window were deeply cushioned and upholstered in bright white fabric. The carpet was thick under foot and the color of ocean front sand. Paul approved.

Gabriella took a seat at the edge of her bed facing her guest. She pulled her long black hair back and said, "I really don't think we need spend any time getting to know each other, do we? At least, not on a personal level. Shall we get to know each other physically?"

Paul shook his head. "Sounds like a plan," he replied, even as he whipped his t-shirt up and off, revealing his trim, tanned, and toned torso.

Gabriella smiled. "I like your urgency. It matches my own," she told him. Paul stepped up to her and she reached out to unfasten his khakis cargo shorts. They dropped to the floor easily, and his cock sprang up, unencumbered by underwear. Gabriella slipped from the bed to her knees and lifted the nine-inch tube of tanned flesh in her hand. She didn't say another word, instead letting her mouth speak in a more intimate way. She opened wide and wrapped her red lips around the golf-ball shaped knob at the end of Paul's cock.

"Uuummmm," she purred as she tasted his manhood. Her tongue swirled and she tickled the piss-slit playfully before she began to work her way down the length of his tool. Paul stood quietly, enjoying the pleasures this exotic, lustful, mature woman gave him. Her hand was light on his shaft, stroking his flesh at the base while her lips inched their way further down with every bob of her head. Her free hand stroked his outer thigh, from ass to knee. He felt the head of his dick bang against the back of her throat and looked down to see that she'd managed to take nearly three-quarters of his length. Not bad, he thought. Most can't even get that far.

With his cock fully engorged and rock solid now, Gabriella slowly pulled off, leaving a wet kiss on the tip. She looked up at his face, and saw that he was looking down upon hers, while she stroked his cock slowly from tip to base with her light touch.

"You are a wonderfully gifted young man, Paul," she smiled, and then opened her mouth wide. Paul took hold of a handful of her black hair and pulled her face to him, ramming six-inches of his cock into her mouth. Gabriella grunted, but let him take her. He pulled back, and then shoved forward again. His knob banged against her throat. The next time, she gagged as it popped down. And with the next thrust, Paul pushed his cock into her throat. Her nose banged into his pubic bone, tickled by the short trimmed hairs.

"Uuunnggffff!" she gagged and pulled back. She was held on is cock, however, and after regaining her breath, she was stuffed once again by Paul's cock. Her throat opened and took him in, this time without a gag. Her nose was again tickled by his pubic hair and her tongue curled along the bottom of his shaft. Paul held her in place for a moment, as if getting her accustomed to the feel, before slowly pushing her head back. With only an inch of dick in her mouth, Gabriella sucked in air through her nose, all the while flicking her tongue all around the cock in her mouth.

Twice more Paul rammed his cock into her throat, and each time Gabriella accepted it. She was no novice to the act, but his cock was one of the thicker she'd ever managed. Between deep thrusts, Paul held her head in place and rapidly rammed in with shallow thrusts, in effect face-fucking her. Again, Gabriella loved it, as she enjoyed nothing more than a man who knew what he wanted and how to take it from her.

Paul suddenly stepped back, ripping his cock from her throat with a plop and gasp. "Stand up," he told her, and she moved quickly to obey. She shed the beach frock as she stood, now before him completely nude, allowing Paul a moment to take in her entire form.

In Paul's mind, Gabriella was one of the most beautiful, exotic women he'd ever seen. Her dark pubic patch was a neatly trimmed triangle, pointing to the thick, dark nub of her clit the bulged at the top of her lengthy dark-lipped slit. Gabriella had a tattoo between her pubic patch and naval of intertwined butterflies and ivy that circled around her belly button. It was of a similar style to the one that adorned the small of her back, just above the swell of her buttocks. Her breasts were large, round, and capped with large areola that were only a shade darker than the rest of her caramel-colored breast flesh. Her nipples were shallow buds that would barely cast a shadow, and dimpled at the center. There were no tan lines anywhere he noticed, since Gabriella bathed exclusively in the nude, either in the sun or tanning booth.

With his eyes roaming her body, Paul took Gabriella by the hand and pulled her with him into the bed. He rolled onto his back and took a grip on his cock. "Climb on," he told her, and with a sly grin and slight laugh she did as he asked. Facing away from him and towards the large mirror that sat atop her dresser, Gabriella used her mirror image to position herself above Paul's upright cock. She felt him against her labia, and after a slow twist and wiggle of her hips which served to drag his knob along her slot, she rolled her hips until she felt him pressing at her entrance.

"Oooohhh," she sighed as she lowered herself slowly down his length, watching herself in the mirror and seeing the pleasure on her face. Her hands came up to cup her breasts as her vagina accepted the final inch of his manhood. The knob pressed high against her inner walls once her hips had settled onto him and her full weight was on his lap. "Sooo, good!" she sighed and began to rise. Paul's hands dug into her hips and he thrust upward, driving his cock back into her as she started to drop. Within seconds, Gabriella was bouncing on Paul's cock, the mattress adding its support as his hips came up to meet hers. She watched herself in the mirror, riding the cock between her parted thighs in and out, and the heavy balls of her lover bouncing playfully between his. She could ride this fine dick all night, she thought.

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