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The Milkman Cometh Ch. 02

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Enoch gets bad news but makes a new freind to ease the pain.
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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/28/2022
Created 01/11/2007
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"Get your fat furry ass off my face!"

Marley fell to the floor with casual grace and scuttled out the bedroom door with guilty haste. The cat knew perfectly well that he wasn't allowed in Enoch's bedroom but couldn't resist the warmth and comfort in there. It was raining hard outside now and Enoch lay listening to the heavy drops bombard the window for a minute or two before throwing the duvet aside; cursing his feline friend for disturbing his slumber. It was hard work to rise at four in the morning and if he didn't get at least an hour to cat-nap in the afternoon, he wouldn't be able to enjoy his evening. Enoch saw it was a little after 3.00 pm. and decided to get up, put on an old pair of sweat-pants and a t-shirt that vowed 'Guinness is good for you', and made his way downstairs, remembering to duck in time to enter the kitchen unscathed. Marley looked up and meowed plaintively for food.

"You must have hollow legs," Enoch said and yawned, "You're always hungry; where do you put it all?"

The cat raised his voice, indignant at the presumptuous assertion, becoming shrill in his demand after a fruitless search outside for either food or sex.

"Piss off Porky," Enoch said without rancour, "you're fat enough as it is - you get yours at tea time and not a moment sooner."

Marley thought little of that idea and twirled around Enoch's legs, meowing consistently in the hope of changing Enoch's mind. Enoch ignored him and made more coffee, knowing full well that the cat would probably con a crumb or two from the cheese toastie he was preparing to grill. When he'd found Marley in a back street near his old home in the city he'd been little more than skin and bone, his fur a matted tangle infested with fleas and open sores from ill treatment. Enoch had taken him to the RSPCA and given them what he could afford to pay for his treatment and then cared for him ever since. His girlfriend had raised holy hell about bringing another mouth to feed home with him but Enoch cared little for her opinion, and was pleased to show her the door rather than Marley. That had been two years ago now and both of them had grown sleek since leaving the harsh streets of Birmingham.

He took his snack into the living room and ate it carefully at the computer, holding it away from the keyboard and the inquisitive jaws of Marley who had leapt onto his lap. The computer was his only means of entertainment in the house; he refused to buy a television that held no interest for him, and he refused to pay over 100 pounds a year for something he didn't want; if a programme interested him he merely downloaded it from online sources. The radio provided news and information when he needed it, which wasn't often; the foibles of mankind held no attraction for him.

An e-mail from Vera caught his attention and he had to read it twice for the contents to sink in: Mrs. Potter had been taken to hospital after a suspected heart attack.

"Well, well," he muttered, a grim smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, "what you been up to now, Deirdre?"

The old lady at number five had often said he'd give her a heart attack and now it seemed she'd had one without his help. Enoch felt sure that Vera had no idea of his relationship with Mrs. Potter but signed into his messenger to see if she was online; she wasn't, but a request from 'Silver_Streak' to add his name caught him off-guard before he remembered the earlier online session with 'Red-Lady'. He almost denied the request then thought better of it and saw she was online, though Vera's light wasn't on, and answered her polite greeting with a cheeky smiley.

'I hope you don't mind me asking,' she typed in bright blue font.

'Asking what?' Enoch replied, pre-occupied in giving Marley a corner from his toastie.

'To pm you,' she answered.

'Oh, right, not at all - you got good references.'

'Gemma's a doll; she told me all about you!'

'Then you have the advantage - I don't know who you are.'

'Silver_Streak' went on to introduce herself as Sylvie, a French-Canadian living in Montreal with her bed-ridden husband who allowed, but turned a blind-eye to, her online voyeurism.

'How come you're still online?' Enoch asked.

'I don't sleep much at my age - time enough for that when they bury me.'

'How old are you?'

'A gentleman wouldn't ask a lady such that!'

'Who said I was a gentleman?'

'Who said I was a lady for that matter,' she quipped. 'I'm sixty-six.'

That was how old Deirdre had been when he met her and Enoch felt a lump of emotion rise in his throat at the thought of her lying in hospital. It surprised him; their relationship was purely physical and no hint of anything deeper had ever arisen between them.

'Are you still there?' Sylvie wondered.

'Yes, I was just thinking.'

'Oh! Do tell - anything nice?'

Enoch didn't think it was very circumspect of him to open up to someone he'd just met online but to whom could he unburden the sudden pain he felt? Marley settled down to purr contentedly on his lap as he began to tell Sylvie that Mrs. P. had been that age when he'd met her - and how she had the largest breasts he'd ever seen; like two over inflated basketball's stuffed down into her chest. Her husband had, with vicious irony, died the day after retiring from his job at the post office and left her vigorous sex drive untended for several years before Enoch came to The Village. Deirdre, as she insisted on being called, had relentlessly teased him from the first day he came to settle her bill, flashing her ample charms and dropping more sexual innuendo than a 'Carry On ...' film, sending him on his way with a painful erection that could only be eased in the privacy of his home. It hadn't taken him long to do more than feast his eyes on those splendid tits, and loved their sensual softness smothering his hard cock until only the tip of his mighty erection popped out like an obscene Jack-in-a-box to be trapped between her moist lips, sucking the stream of pre-cum from his nob until his spunk gushed forth to her cries of delight, coating her face and tits and cumming in her mouth.

Deirdre was the only woman of The Village to take the full pleasure of his cock between her thick flabby thighs, riding him to a satisfying climax whenever the mood took her - which was more often than Enoch imagined she was up to. It was the only time she could look down upon him, being only 5' tall, and she loved to rub her breasts in his face as she bounced on his shaft, using muscles that all women possess but few ever know of to enhance their pleasure, cumming loudly together in her big double bed where the headboard rattled out the beat of the rhythm. On a memorable occasion he had gone where no man, least of all her husband, had ever been after she rode too high in her passion and slipped off his cock only to plunge back down in her haste to have him back in the snug depths of her hairy pussy only to trap his throbbing nob between her plump buttocks. The expression on her face told him something was amiss as soon as he pushed into the tight ring, bringing a shocked gasp from her lips and a stinging rebuke from the palm of her hand across his face. Enoch apologised and they were soon back in the swing of things, humping breathlessly towards a mutual climax that he enhanced (at her insistence) with a well placed finger in that hole to make her cum so hard she almost bit his tongue off. Curiosity and desire got the better of her and, although he used plenty of Vaseline and careful attention, he was only able to lodge the head of his cock in her arse as she lay back on the bed, cursing his enormous girth and craving it deeper nonetheless; stroking him off over her pussy when Enoch couldn't hold back any longer. (The memory brought a lump to Enoch's lap and Marley leapt into his basket to avoid the uncomfortable protuberance).

There was little she wouldn't do to satisfy her sexual desire after so many stifling years of marriage to an unimaginative man, and her libido thrived in the heat of Enoch's lust; taking his spunk in every way possible: on her breasts after pouring a carton of thick cream over them and stroking his cock off between the creamy mounds; in her mouth, in-between mouthfuls of cool strawberry yoghurt; over her large fleshy buttocks when she bent over the kitchen table, and laying back on it with her body smeared in cake and ice cream, for Enoch to eat her up and fuck her pussy until his spunk filled her to the brim.

"Do you like milkshake?" She'd innocently asked him one morning, and proceeded to pour a litre of double cream up her eager pussy when he said he did. Enoch screwed her hard enough to make it splash over his balls then pumped a hot load deep in her gushing cunt; drinking the frothy mixture until she came so hard his head was crushed between her thighs.

Enoch normally preferred to receive than give oral sex but her winsome smile and baby blue eyes would melt his natural reserve and give her what she wanted; like a fast hard fuck up against the wall, five minutes before her daughter was due to pay a visit. Enoch had passed them on the road and gave her and her husband a cheery wave not a minute too soon. Deirdre always tasted clean and smelt fresh, and he grew to relish the tangy flavour of her intimate flesh; sticking his tongue as far up to make her sigh and cry out in joy at finding such an attentive lover.

The last time they'd been together, she'd seemed her old self, and had asked for some 'some extra thick cream' on her cornflakes at breakfast. Enoch duly obliged, fondling her luscious breasts and watching her mouth work up and down with familiar pleasure. Her fat little fingers couldn't encompass his full girth but stroked him nimbly nonetheless, peeling the thick foreskin back and forth over his nob and running her tongue over and over the head until he spurted copiously over the bowl, sprinkling the flakes with hot salty glob's that she contentedly ate while chatting amiably as though nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

'I hope Deirdre's ok,' Enoch concluded, 'she's been such a good friend, though I don't think it's prudent to visit her - loose tongue's wag in this place and I don't want her smeared in idle gossip.'

'I don't know whether to cry or cum,' Sylvie said, 'that's so hot and it'd be so sad if -'

'Yeah, I know what you mean but I don't want to think the worst.'

'You can always send her flowers - anonymously, or with a cryptic note that she'd understand - to let her know you're thinking of her.'

'That's a good idea, I will, thanks - and thanks for listening, it was good to get it off my chest.'

'Not at all hun, thanks for sharing - here's a little something for making an old woman very horny! Back in two shakes; I have to check on hubby.'

Enoch clicked on the file transfer and thanks to the wonders of broadband, was soon looking at a revealing pose of a portly lady wearing nothing but an open negligee.

"Fuck-a-duck!" Enoch exclaimed to himself. "Is that a cat on your lap or what?"

More likely, it was the hairiest pussy he'd laid eyes on; a dense bush of thick salt-and-pepper curls that spread between her fat thighs up to her bulging belly, almost reaching her pendulous breasts. Sylvie posed nonchalantly in a chair, her hands behind her head, as though daring the viewer to take it or leave it - this is whom I am. Her plain face was unadorned with make-up but a bright smile lit up her brown eyes, bringing a coy beauty to her rosy cheeks.

'Did I scare you away?' Sylvie asked.

'Not at all,' Enoch replied. 'It's a shame you live so far from me or I'd be there already! How's your husband?'

'Aren't you sweet - he's sleeping - want to see more?'

'Sure, I'll switch on my cam - do you have voice?'

'Yes, but don't be too loud.'

Enoch switched it on and adjusted the angle to show his erection in all its glory. He looked up and saw she was sitting in the same chair and almost in the same pose but had a large black vibrator in one hand and was gently stroking her furry slit with the other, smiling sweetly at what she saw on her own screen.

"God, you've got a beautiful cock," she said, her soft voice husky with desire.

Enoch turned up the volume slightly. "Say again, Sylvie, I couldn't quite hear you."

"I said you've got a beautiful cock, how big is it?"

"Nine inches long and three inches thick," he informed her proudly, stroking the engorged shaft slow and steady.

"I can't believe a girl hasn't tripped you up and tied you down yet!"

Enoch thought of his previous girlfriend (bitch!) and kept his voice neutral. "Maybe one will some day but till then," he waggled his erection pointedly at her, "I'll spread the joy."

"Spread a little my way, honey," Sylvie chuckled, her large breasts bouncing merrily up and down. "I could use it."

"I'd love to - show me how with that vibe."

Sylvie gave him a wicked grin and opened her mouth, licking the tip and sucking it slowly while pulling on her nipples until they resembled a pair of organ stops; fat, suckable buds that made Enoch's mouth water.

"Like this?" She said and placed the toy between her breasts, hugging them together until it disappeared between the voluminous folds of flesh.

"Oh, yeah," Enoch whispered and pulled his foreskin back over the head of his cock. "Just like that!"

"Stroke it hard for me honey; fuck my titties!"

The crude demand coming from such lips that were used to more genteel language stiffened Enoch's flesh and made him wonder what else stirred the passion of a mother with three grown children, and a grandmother of five more.

"Suck it again and make it wet," he said hoarsely. "Get it good and wet for your pussy."

"This hairy ol' thing?" She teased, parting the puffy lips to reveal a moist pink slit amidst the hot, dew-drenched bush. "It's already dripping wet - your big cock makes me so hot - and ready for you."

"Rub your clit for me, darlin'; spread your legs wide and finger it."

"I'd better warn you," Sylvie panted. "I get very messy down there - oh, God! That feels so good."

"I guessed that from the towel on your chair," Enoch wryly observed.

"There's something else you should know."

Sylvie focused her camera to give him a close-up and Enoch gasped in awe and amazement; her clitoris had swollen to the size of her thumb - and showed no sign of stopping there. The engorged organ protruded from the hirsute surroundings like a submarine's periscope, throbbing visibly in-between her finger and thumb. She jerked the hood of skin back and forth over it, wanking herself as hard as Enoch did at the incredible sight.

"Fuck me!" Enoch breathed and leaned closer for a better look."

"You took the words out of my mouth," Sylvie chuckled. "Red went crazy when she first laid eyes on it."

"You mean -"

"Oh, yeah, she's my fantasy gal and says she'd give anything to feel it in-the-flesh."

"Fuck me! I know what she means."

"You think it's big enough?"

To Enoch's astonished eyes, it looked to be at least four inches long and fully aroused, glistening with juices that flowed from her gaping cunt. He looked directly into the camera and waggled his tongue.

"I'll take that as a yes," Sylvie laughed and pushed the vibrator in a little with an audible squelch.

Enoch moaned and made a loud slobbering noise, and Sylvie groaned; "God, yes; suck me!"

A spurt of creamy white juice flowed along the plunging vibrator, and her busy fingers scooped some up to rub into her huge clit, smothering it all over and pinching it hard in her passion. It looked like someone had already dumped a hot load of spunk in her gushing cunt and despite her vehement denial, Enoch wondered all the same.

"How long is it since you had a man?" He said and squeezed his balls hard to keep them under control.

"Too long!" She gasped. "I'd never cheat on my man."

"Not even withthisin your hot little hand?" Enoch teased, slapping his shaft from hand to hand.

"Oh, God!"

"Or in your dirty mouth?" He went on, smacking it harder and louder.

"Oh, you horny bastard!"

"You'd love it deep in that juicy pussy, right now."

"Yes, oh yes!"

I bet you would, too, he thought. A standing dick may have no conscience but, from bitter experience, he knew a wet pussy had no scruple about taking what it could get.

"Turn around," he demanded. "Work that fat ass for me."

Sylvie struggled to her feet and put one knee on the chair for balance and bent over to fill his screen with her enormous buttocks, like a full moon rising, and used one hand to part them and give him a perfect view of the vibrator sliding up between them.

"You see it?" She asked.

"Oh, yeah; I see it all just fine."

"But I can't see you from here!"

"Don't worry about that; you can feel it, can't you?"

"Oh, yes."

"Deep in your pussy."


"Fucking you hard."

"Oh, God! Yes, do it hard."

"It's my favourite position, Sylvie - I can feel your fat ass and big tits in my hands, and fuck your juicy pussy all at once."

"Would you do that if you were here now?"

"Not right away -"

"Oh -"

"- I'd run my tongue over your ass, first -"

"- Yes -"

"- slide it along your crack -"

"- mmmmmmm -"

"- and push my face in there to lick all the juices out."

Sylvie gasped and began to rub her clit, picturing the scene in her mind's eye. She had long resigned herself to a joyless life of caring for her husband and the occasional visit from her children but the internet had enabled her fantasies to take on a life of their own, and the thought of this well hung stud ploughing her juicy furrow - however unlikely that may be - made her juices flow: she could feel them trickling down her thighs and dripping on the floor, arousing her demure nature to a raging torrent that demanded satisfaction. She turned her toy up a notch and listened to his whispered obscenities take her away to a world full of erotic pleasures that she could only dream of.

"Fuck me," she whispered. "Give me your cock!"

"Oh, it's right there, baby," Enoch assured her, fully aroused in the cyber-fantasy. "Right up your pussy; deep in yourcunt."

At any other time that word, the c-word, would turn Sylvie's blood cold but in the here-and-now, it served to fire up her libido and send her sliding to the floor as though it melted her flesh. She thrust her buttocks up and rested her head on the chair, working both hands between her spread thighs to bring her close to the edge of ultimate bliss.

"Stick it in mycunt," she hissed, savouring the texture of the forbidden word in her mouth.

"Every inch, baby," Enoch spat on his hand and rubbed it slowly up and down, eyes riveted on her huge bum cheeks wobbling from side to side. "Inch by fucking inch."

"Oh, my God! Nine inches, nine inches," she moaned and wondered if it would fit all the way.

"There it is sweet cheeks, right up to my balls."

"Fuck me, don't stop! Fuck me."

"Gonna fuck you till you cum - cum all over my cock - with my finger in your ass."

The hot, tight sensation in Enoch's balls wouldn't let him stop and he pumped his hips to thrust his shaft through his fist, fucking it in lieu of the steamy scene before him. If the 'Star Trek' technology of teleportation had been invented he could think of one good use he'd put it to. He smeared pre-cum over his nob-end and eased back a little, not wanting to blow his load before she reached her peak.

Sylvie loved to read erotica but cybering online brought out an earthier side that had shocked her at first. Love-making with her husband had provided an unspoken satisfaction but saying what she felt gave her a delicious thrill. Red_Lady had opened her mind to the verbal delights of aural sex and they turned the air blue between them. She wished the dirty bitch was here now, squirting cum and telling her to cum with her. Their favourite fantasy was using a double dildo to fuck each other and the thought of taking a big black cock at the same time - in her ass! - took her noisily over the edge.


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